Uzi's hands trembled slightly!

It's not that his tenosynovitis has recurred...

But he had never felt so powerless.

In the few seconds just now, he was unable to perform any operations, and was directly forced to death by the combination of Phoenix and Wei En's punches.

At the moment when Bingniao and Wei En were selected.

Uzi had already thought that the FPX duo wanted to use the ice bird W to put Wei En's E skill on the wall against himself.

After seeing Wei En, who was gifted with strong attacks, and Bingniao, who was electrocuted, he became more convinced of this idea.

Therefore, start with Vayne and Icebird rising to level 2.

Uzi has always been careful, even completely abandoning his favorite pressure line.

However, Qi Zhou still found the right opportunity.

Icebird's Wall has a cast range of 1000 yards.

Although Uzi has a very slippery range.

However, since League of Legends is a 3D masterpiece, the entire game model actually has certain deviations.

Like many skills, the cast range is a circle, but the indicator is actually an oval.

So Uzi couldn't keep a distance of more than a thousand yards from the ice bird all the time.

This also leads to Ice Bird, which has a chance to unleash a wall of ice behind Kai'Sa.

"In the past six months, we have seen more often Liu Qingsong and Aquaman walking down together."

"But I didn't expect that Lin Weixiang and Neptune could have such a tacit cooperation!"

The narrators were amazed.

"From full blood to being killed, Kai'Sa didn't hit a single basic attack!"

"First of all, the angle at which the ice bird placed the wall was very tricky. The ice wall came out from under Kai'Sa's feet, which caused Kai'Sa's animation model to be jacked up and briefly lost control."

"Following that, Vayne's E skill crossbow nailed Kai'Sa to the ice wall and stunned her."

"Lin Weixiang played a high burst of AQA, and Aquaman was not idle, and immediately threw [Ice Shine], and at the moment when Kai'Sa had just lifted the stun, he detonated the Q skill and stunned her again."

"Skill E deals double damage!"

"The cooperation between the two is so smooth, obviously they have been practiced before!"

Uzi took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his mentality.

The moment Qi Zhou came on stage, he knew that today was another time to learn from the Western Paradise.

It is inevitable to experience ninety-nine and 81 difficulties.

And I have only experienced one ordeal, how can I give up so easily?
One death is not terrible!
You must know that after these waves of soldiers came down, I was still ahead by 6 knives.

Going back to the lane, CS is not far behind.

So, this little setback, my God doesn't take it seriously!

However, what Uzi didn't expect was that.

Qi Zhou's ice bird is like an assassin hiding in the grass.

Kai'Sa appears online.

The ice bird began to poke its head out of the grass again and again.

Sometimes forward, sometimes backward.

Put a lot of pressure on Uzi!

However, relying on his mentality that he has grown a lot, Uzi insisted on withstood this pressure.

However, he still underestimated Qi Zhou's proficiency in Bingniao.

When Uzi was repairing the cannon, another ice wall popped up under Kai'Sa's feet.

If it appears from behind Kai'Sa, Uzi can dodge it with a flash.

However, the ice wall released by Qi Zhou still sprang out from directly below Kai'Sa.

Brief out of control!
Uzi suddenly felt a heat flow on his forehead.

Typing the keyboard and mouse desperately.

However, the game character is still out of control, and he cannot manipulate its behavior.

What happened next is pretty straightforward.

As in the previous wave, Kai'Sa was emptied of her health when she was unable to fight back.


"Come on! Come on!"

Uzi's voice echoed in the team channel.

Kaisha and Xiaohu responded again and again, saying that they will immediately go down the road after they are promoted to sixth.

Uzi slowed down, "Kill the opponent once, give me the head, I can C!"

Game time is 7 minutes and 15 seconds.

After Kai'Sa and Xiaohu reached level six, they headed down the road without much hesitation.

They just happened to find the opportunity.

Kill Wei En first.

This is also because Lin Weixiang did not run away immediately, but chose to keep up with Qi Zhou.

——I couldn’t find a chance to put the ice wall just now, but because of the teammates’ support this time, Uzi’s positioning finally had a loophole. Kai’Sa chased Wayne and the ice bird, and the distance was less than 1000 yards.

Qi Zhou passed the prediction, and the wall summoned by the ice barrier pushed Kai'Sa up again.

Seeing this, Lin Weixiang directly gave up on running away, shot out a giant crossbow with his reflexive E skill, and fixed the weapon on the wall.

The same way to die.

Third time!
Uzi couldn't take it anymore.

However, what broke his mentality even more was that Qi Zhou, who was passively beaten by three players and was waiting to die, actually posted a public screen.

"[Everyone] FPX, Sea (Egg Nivia):  …"

Three full stops.

No, that's not the point!
Uzi's gaze was fixed on the word "Egg Nivia".


When Phoenix is ​​played passively, the hero name will change from Anivia to Enivia.

How ironic!
Uzi's mentality completely exploded.

His operation is also becoming more and more deformed.

After 21 minutes of game time, Kai'Sa's record has changed to 0/9/1.
Afterwards, FPX defeated Dalong, flattened RNG's high ground in a wave, and won the first game.

In this game, Uzi's state has been greatly affected.

During the intermission, coaches and teammates gave him psychological counseling.

However, it doesn't seem to be working.

At the beginning of the second game, Uzi was still a little absent-minded.

RNG quickly collapsed.

The Phoenix team defeated RNG with a 2:0 advantage and got another point!

Time flies.

In addition to losing to Snake in the second week of the regular season of the summer split, FPX has won 14 consecutive victories.

Beginning on August 8, the summer split has entered its final week.

The list of exhibition games for the Asian Games in Jakarta was also officially announced, and the official schedule was accelerated.

In the last week of this summer split, FPX will have 3 games.

The players are also training intensively, wanting to continue to maintain their fiery state and continue the team's winning streak.

"LGD and VG, it can only be said that there is no pressure."

"Our focus is still on researching Snake."

FPX coach Feng Ge holds a small notebook in his hand, his legs are crossed, and his pointed leather shoes are half the height of the sky.

Guanshan is difficult to cross, but those who lost their way are sad.

After the S7 World Championship, he was almost fooled by the RNG management and signed a non-compete contract.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, because of a bowl of beef noodles, I ran to the toilet and had diarrhea. When I looked at the contract again, I found out that it was tricky, and I didn't sign it hastily.

But because of this, I returned to my hometown in Baodao and spent half a year idle.

It was not until 2 months ago that he was fished by FPX Haidilao and acted as a wooden man with the position of "coach".

"Snake's strength is indeed very strong."

"When I competed with them at the beginning of the summer split, the four guarantees and one poodle really surprised me."

"At that time, we were still focusing on researching the bot lane system, and they suddenly came up with wild core routines, which really meant punching the old master to death."

Qi Zhou smiled, FPX has only lost that BO3 so far.

"My research on Snake has been very in-depth."

"Tonight and tomorrow, explain the key points to them, and it shouldn't be a problem to win it successfully."

"Actually, what I'm most worried about is playing against VG."

Qi Zhou paused.

VG and FPX can be said to be two extremes.

FPX continued to win consecutively throughout the summer split, while the VG team moved in the opposite direction.

But as the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The most indispensable thing on the field is upset.

In case VG is planning a summer split and it brings a big wave to FPX, it will not be worth the loss.

You know, FPX, which has won 14 consecutive victories, has almost become synonymous with invincibility.

Now LPL doesn't care which team it is, as long as it wins against FPX, it will be reported by the e-sports media.

That treatment is almost the same as that of Unlimited Dansha Faker in the arena three years ago.

"VG has never had a good system and hero combination in this summer split."

"I feel that their previous games have been playing poorly, as if they were hiding something."

"There is always a feeling of being a water ghost."

Hearing this, Brother Feng thought for a while, then nodded.

VG may not have adapted to the rhythm of the version at the beginning of the summer split, leading to a losing streak.

But as the game continues, they should also develop something.

But so far, VG still maintains the style of play in the spring split.

This is really strange!
So Qi Zhou held back his big move against VG and wanted to upset FPX's speculation, Brother Feng already agreed in his heart.

"That will be hard work for you."

"Are you planning to play in the near future?"

Since the last time he played against RNG, Qi Zhou has been free for 4 weeks and has not played for a whole month.

"FPX has made it to the playoffs."

"It's better to let them play more, after all, the team can't just use me as the core."

"Otherwise, what's the difference with RNG next door."

Hearing Qi Zhou mouth RNG, Brother Feng also laughed.

He worked hard for a whole year in RNG, and finally finalized the RNG tactical system. However, after the end of S7, the management wanted to learn Korean operation.

Brother Feng certainly disagrees.

This also caused the two to part ways.

Facts have proved that the effect of S8 Korean operation has been greatly reduced.

After Xia Chuang came to FPX.

Brother Feng didn't do anything, but occasionally shared his coaching experience with Qi Zhou, and then communicated with the players.

As a result, everyone in the outside world now believes that FPX's excellent performance in the summer split has a huge relationship with him.

After all, throughout the summer competition, Qi Zhou's appearance on stage was pitifully infrequent.

Everyone naturally put the credit for BP and tactical training on his head.


Lie down and earn fame in FPX.

It's just that Qi Zhou has worked hard, and he has to study the version, study the team, and need to save the game from time to time to ensure the FPX winning streak.


As Qi Zhou expected.

FPX won LGD without any trouble, and VG really wanted to be a water ghost and break FPX's winning streak.

However, they didn't expect...

In the match against VG, Qi Zhou directly started on the road, and the dog's head pierced through everything in a single line.

Even though Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong suffered a lot because VG's Prince Zhao Xin went down the road, they were at a disadvantage.

But the dog head on the road is an invincible existence!

FPX cleverly used the 800 points, and the battle with VG came to an end at the moment when Qi Zhougoutou's [-]-level Q skill smashed the red square crystal.

So far, FPX has won 16 consecutive victories in the summer split.

With the first score in the standings, they successfully entered the summer playoffs!
The draw ceremony officially started after the match between WE and OMG.

The opponent in the FPX quarter-finals is the RW team.

In the absence of Qi Zhou, FPX defeated the Xia team 3:1 and successfully entered the finals.

And their opponent was quickly determined, that is, IG who defeated the Snakes.

After three days of rest.

The two teams started the battle for tickets to the summer finals.

Surprisingly, Qi Zhou still did not play.

In this case, the audience is naturally not optimistic about FPX, thinking that they cannot beat IG.

The fact that it turned out surprised everyone.

When FPX lost to IG in the first game, they still did not let Qi Zhou play, but adjusted their strategy instead.

"IG is still strong in the upper, middle and wild three lanes. Everyone says that IG is a trident team, but in fact, this version of the bottom lane has become a burden for IG!"

"Next, you all go down the lane around IG and hit me hard... Next time, Lin Weixiang goes directly to the middle lane. You can choose Verus, Lucian, and Xiao Huangmao. Toothpaste, you go to the bottom lane! Teach Jack hot Wu how to play mid-lane mage."

The sudden change of opponents made IG a little at a loss.

The version of ADC is really not playable, so Jack Dance has been using heroes such as Morgana and Crow recently.

But FPX switched the toothpaste to the bottom lane, which really made Jack Spicy very uncomfortable.

And a solo mage who specializes in mid laners?

Really brain flooded.

Even though Jack Lawu is very careful online, Toothpaste will still find an opportunity to cooperate with Liu Qingsong to kill Jack Lawu online.

In the end IG lost the game.

The next day, another team that advanced to the final was also born.

Not beyond everyone's expectations, it is RNG.

RNG once again won the dog-pig battle.

EDG, which had finally gotten rid of the eight-character curse, was left in the semi-finals of the summer split.

September 9, Jinling Youth Olympic Sports Park Gymnasium.

LPL Summer Finals officially begins!

Let one chase two!

The emperors at the scene cheered happily.

RNG successfully won the match point!
"Not yet on Sea? Is FPX planning to directly grab the runner-up?"

"Congratulations in advance to RNG for winning their first championship trophy!"

"I guess FPX didn't want to participate in the World Championship as the No. [-] seed, and deliberately put pressure on RNG. Anyway, the first place in the Spring Split and the guaranteed second place in the Summer Split will allow FPX to go directly to the group stage without having to play in the play-in round."

"Is it possible that Sea didn't play just to prevent RNG from losing so ugly?"


The 15-minute intermission time passed quickly.

The players of the two teams stepped onto the stage of the competition again.

The lights were bright, and the lighting engineer deliberately shone a white light on the head of a tall middle scorer.

"FPX is finally willing to play player Sea (the protagonist)!" Wow wah yelled, "RNG has already held the match point, and it's too late to let Sea play in the fourth game, isn't it?"

Miller on the side also nodded, and continued: "But the player Sea has too many miracles, and he has lost only a handful of games on the stage. I believe FPX will definitely be able to survive the desperation!"

The FPX fans at the scene, seeing Qi Zhou appearing on the field, all cheered and applauded.

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