"It's here, it's finally here!"

"He should have played long ago!"

"The savior is here! Little Phoenix, charge!"

"As soon as ea makes a move, you will know if there is one!"

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage is refreshing rapidly.

Qi Zhou's appearance ignited the hopes of all FPX fans. Seeing that RNG took the lead to win the match point, many FPX fans were afraid to watch it anymore and were about to turn off the live broadcast.

On the competition stage, Qi Zhou followed his teammates to the right side, sat on a chair, put on his earphones, and entered the BP of the fourth game!

In this game, FPX is on the blue side and RNG is on the red side.

In the selection process, it is very important for the blue team to snatch it first. However, Qi Zhou does not want to reveal his tactical intentions in advance:
"Let's get Verus on the first floor. This version is still popular. First, give the opposite party an illusion that we want Verus to go down the road."

Brother Feng nodded after hearing this, and replied, "Take Verus!"

So Jin Gong locked Verus on the first floor.

Now that Qi Zhou is on the court, Qi Zhou is the main player in the BP. As the coach, Brother Feng has become a helper instead.

BP came to RNG, RNG locked Karma first on the first floor, and then took out the blind monk on the second floor.

These two heroes are versatile and can be matched with almost any lineup. It is obvious that RNG does not want to reveal their BP intentions in advance!

BP came to FPX again, and Qi Zhou began to think, this time he wants to play a surprise in the bottom lane, then he needs to continue to hide heroes, and can't let RNG see that this Verus is not going to the bottom lane .

In this version of Verus, the appearance rate of the ADC position has reached the second place. Even if the opponent prepares more for BP, it is impossible to tell at a glance that Verus is not going down. The immediate reaction must be that Verus is the ADC position.

"Xiao Tian, ​​what do you want to play as a jungler?" Qi Zhou asked.

"Olaf, barrel, troll, whatever." Xiaotian gave several options, all of which he feels better at the moment.

"Troll, lock the troll first!" Qi Zhou made a choice.

So FPX locked the troll on the second floor, and then took out Ike on the third floor!
Seeing this BP, Wawa wondered: "Did Ike play in the mid lane? Or top lane? It seems that no one plays the top lane in this version. The troll should be the jungler. FPX chose to leave the support at the end. See We still have to fight around the bottom lane.”

Miller agreed: "After all, EA has come up and helped him grab the popular version of Verus on the first floor. There is no reason not to play around the bottom lane."

On the field, RNG, seeing the FPX lineup, Uzi suggested: "Verus on the opposite side has no movement, we directly ban Tam, then choose Jhin to cooperate with GANK, and choose a support hero in the middle, we can put They went down the road and caught it!"

Xiaohu nodded after hearing this: "Give me a rock sparrow. The combination of your bot lane consumes a lot of power, and you can also push the line. At level [-], you can directly jump over the tower, and the opposite bot lane will collapse."

So RNG locked on the rock sparrow on the third floor, and entered the second round of BAN, RNG directly pressed Tamm!

Then, in the second round of selection, RNG chose to lock Jhin on the fourth floor!

"They've been fooled!" Seeing that Tam was banned, Qi Zhou smiled, indicating that RNG was really fooled.

Obviously, because Verus went down the road, RNG gave Tamm who could protect Verus to BAN, and then took out the rock sparrow with strong roaming ability! …

Now that RNG's lineup has basically been set, it's time to make a move here!

The teammates are all waiting for Qi Zhou to make a decision. In terms of BP, everyone's thinking really can't keep up with Qi Zhou, so they can only choose first and wait for Qi Zhou to explain slowly.

The only thing that is certain is that Qi Zhou has almost never suffered a loss in terms of BP. He is the one who tricks others, and almost no one can trick him, so he trusts everyone and will not ask more questions.

I saw that Qi Zhou first locked Olaf in one hand on the fourth floor, and then said: "Take the ice bird on the fifth floor."

Without hesitation, Liu Qingsong showed the ice bird on the fifth floor and locked it, and the five heroes on FPX were confirmed.

However, no one can understand their lineup!

Including FPX himself!

"Olaf and the troll...which one is mine?" Xiaotian suddenly asked, he is good at both of these heroes, and after being selected at the same time, he doesn't know which one to play.

"You take Olaf, the troll is mine, Verus is in the middle, toothpaste has been practiced before." Qi Zhou explained.

"I've practiced. I was afraid that you would let me play ice bird. It's fine if it's Verus." Toothpaste responded.

When everyone in FPX was frantically discussing split lines, RNG was already in chaos.

"What do they mean by this lineup? Ike's mid laner? No, Icebird's mid laner, Olaf and the troll... who's the jungler?" Kasa tried to analyze, but found that he couldn't understand it at all.

"I knew that after I was forced to play, I would do some fancy things. What should I do now? What should I play on the road?" It was Rang Di who spoke, and the Kangte position on the fifth floor came directly to him. .

"Let the emperor take the sword demon, the opponent is full of short hands and short legs, the sword demon is invincible." Uzi suggested, with a very serious tone.

"Okay... huh? Sword Demon? I don't know how to do it." Rangdi exclaimed.

"I'm just kidding, you don't know you can't? Hurry up and choose one of the big tree Aoun." Uzi's expression changed, and he shook his head helplessly, so that Emperor had no other heroes to choose from except for messing around with tanks. .

So RNG locked a big tree on the fifth floor.

In this way, the ten heroes of both sides have been confirmed. However, even if the heroes are confirmed, everyone, including the commentators and the audience, dare not relax.

Everyone's attention is on FPX, they really want to know, how will FPX divide the line?The lineup of what will become of these five heroes.

In the eyes of everyone, Verus came to the middle, the troll came to Qi Zhou's hands, Ike ran to the first floor to take the order, and then Olaf played the field and Bingniao assisted.

Even if there is no exchange of heroes, everyone still dare not draw conclusions casually. They are worried that FPX is playing a routine, and maybe they will change the lineup again at the last moment.

Until the countdown enters the last 20 seconds, from now on, neither side can exchange heroes, and the lineup will be determined accordingly:
Blue side FPX: top laner Ike, jungler Olaf, mid laner Verus, ADC troll, support ice bird.

Red side RNG: top laner Dashu, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Rock Sparrow, ADC Jhin, support Karma.

Seeing this lineup, the commentator is numb. According to the usual practice, after the lineups of the two sides come out, they must be analyzed. Your commentator can't keep saying that it doesn't matter if there is no game.

As veteran commentators, Wawa and Miller have studied the lineup. They basically know the heroes with strong versions, and they all know the regular combinations and routines of the version. …

However, when I met Qi Zhou, I'm sorry, the previous experience seems to be useless, and it has nothing to do with the version, and I don't understand it at all.

They also understand that both trolls and icebirds are able to unleash terrain.

Is it based on the terrain?
Is this a bug?
The Miller doll dare not speak nonsense.

Of course, you can't just keep your mouth shut and say nothing if you can't figure it out.

As an explanation, it still needs to be analyzed.

After all, it is a salaried officer.

I saw Wawa analyzed: "The rhythm of RNG's lineup in this game is relatively fast. The bottom lane is a line-grabbing combination. The auxiliary Karma has a relatively strong consumption capacity. It also has the ability to retain people when paired with Jhin. It can cooperate with the rock sparrow in the middle lane. Support roaming."

Miller agreed: "Yes, the jungler is a blind monk. This hero has a relatively strong rhythm ability in the early and mid-term, and can cooperate with the rock sparrow's ability to push the line. In the early and mid-term, he can swim both in the middle and the wild."

The two analyzed for a while, then stopped abruptly, not mentioning FPX's lineup at all.

As a result, in the official live broadcast room, the viewers who were watching the live broadcast didn't buy it anymore, and brushed up on the barrage one after another:
"Go on, why don't you analyze FPX's lineup?"

"And then? I ask you, what then?"

"It's so uncomfortable! It's like being dragged out of the toilet halfway through the shit."

"You two should analyze FPX's lineup. How can I understand it without analyzing it?"

"You are embarrassing people. If they could understand, they would have said it long ago."

"Aquaman's intention is not obvious... the troll ice bird stuck Uzi in place, and then exploded the hammer!"


Everyone was arguing, and the game officially started.

On the field, on the FPX side, as soon as he entered the game screen, Qi Zhou began to arrange the basic style of play for this game:

"Toothpaste, you just need to play the lane well in the middle lane, consume the blood of the chaffinch, and try to drag him in the middle lane as much as possible."

"They came up with this lineup this time to play a fast-paced game in the early and mid-term. The middle and wild swims and jumps towers, pushes towers quickly, and then ends the game as soon as possible. Therefore, we only need to hold back, and their lineup will not be enough damage in the middle and late stages. .”

"Xiaotian, you don't need to gank, the main thing is to back squat and control resources."

Qi Zhou gave a general idea, and the specific words have to be combined with the situation at the time. After all, he is not a prophet. There will be various emergencies on the field at any time, and it is impossible to make perfect predictions.

"Then how do we play in the bottom lane? I feel that it will be very uncomfortable in the early and mid-term." Liu Qingsong asked suddenly.

Qi Zhou's move was a temporary idea, and he hadn't contacted Liu Qingsong about the bottom lane combination of the Icebird troll.

So Liu Qingsong was a little worried.

The troll has short hands, which must be uncomfortable. Bingniao's hands are longer, but he is only a support, and he can't make up the knife. The troll still needs to make up the knife, and it will definitely be consumed.

"Wait for the third level. You know Uzi's laning style. He likes to suppress. Seeing our combination, he will definitely not be soft. In this way, he will give us a chance, you understand. "Qi Zhou explained.

Thinking of Uzi being fucked by Qi Zhou's ice bird more than a month ago, Liu Qingsong is also a little eager to try.

"Well, I understand."

In this round, Qi Zhou chose Dolan Dun to go out and went straight to the second half of the field to stand guard to prevent RNG's first-level invasion. …

The first wave of wild monsters is about to clear the jungle, and RNG seems to have no intention of invading, so Qi Zhou chooses to help Xiaotian open the jungle, and then goes to the bottom lane to match up normally.

The director was quite sensible, and directly showed the camera to the bottom lane, wanting to see what the troll and the ice bird had to say about the bottom lane.

After Qi Zhou went online, the melee soldiers had already lost blood, so he chose to go forward to make up the knife, point the Q skill at the first level, and AQA accepted three small soldiers.

Just like what he thought, RNG started to consume as soon as the bot lane went online. First, Xiao Ming's Karma took advantage of Qi Zhou's gap to make up the knife and threw an RQ.

Then there was Uzi's Jhin, who fired a Q-skilled dance grenade, took in three minions, and then chased Qi Zhou and hit it twice.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Although the troll's Doran shield can restore blood, if it is consumed like this, it still can't stand it. I don't see how the opponent will fight with this combination."

"Don't you just play deceleration and terrain? This lacks hard control!"

Miller continued: "And with Karma here, how can the troll touch Jhin? The troll does have pillars that can block the position and have a slowing effect, but Karma can completely resolve it with the acceleration of the E skill."

Seeing that Du Qizhou was beaten in the lane, the commentator began to be less optimistic about this bot lane combination.

Most importantly, what Qi Zhou is facing is RNG's bot lane!Both Uzi and Xiao Ming are already known for being fierce in the lane, and it is basically impossible to stand in front of them by relying on their wretched development.

Either beat them in lane, or get killed!

On the playing field, FPX went down the lane. After replenishing the melee soldiers, Qi Zhou withdrew and leaned on Dolan's shield to recover a little HP.

The second wave of soldiers is coming, and it is the critical moment to grab the second.

However, Qi Zhou has no plans to grab the second place, and has no such ability at all.

However, you can't stop grabbing just because you can't grab it. If you retreat directly, RNG will definitely control the line in the bottom lane, and it will be uncomfortable at that time!
"Help me push the line, let's pretend to grab the second level." Qi Zhou directed.

Liu Qingsong came out of the grass and used his Q skill to help push the line, which seemed to be the case.

Seeing this, Uzi and Xiao Ming naturally wouldn't allow Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong to succeed. Karma threw skills, leveled A to make up for damage, and helped Uzi push the line.

Uzi also directly used the Q skill to quickly clear the pawn line, and RNG's line clearing speed was obviously much faster.

Bingniao once again appeared in the bottom lane, which put him under a lot of pressure.

A month ago, he was beaten by Qi Zhou with this hero.

Thinking about it now, there is still a trace of fear.

Seeing that the two of RNG's down lanes had been fooled, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong stopped at the same time.

On the RNG side, Uzi and Xiao Ming have already pressed up, directly crossing the line of troops to suppress.

As long as Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong fight back, they will be able to advance to the second level of the A soldier, and there is no suspense between the two levels and the first level.

"Retreat first, they can't control this line of soldiers." Qi Zhou chose to take Liu Qingsong to retreat, and this wave of his goal has been achieved.

But this scene was a bit ugly. At this time, Uzi and Xiao Ming were already dangling in front of the first tower of FPX's next lane, while Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong were trembling under the defense tower.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room started to quarrel again:
"So, who can tell you what's the use of trolls and icebirds going down the road?"

"I remember that RNG played first in the bottom lane, and the second player Kante played like this?"

"It seems that your Neptune is also C***."

"Didn't someone say just now that the savior is coming? Where is it?"

"I was crushed into a dog at the first level, and this pair of lines is still hairy?"

Everyone is arguing, RNG really can't control the pawn line, the pawn line has entered the tower!

Qi Zhou stepped forward to make up the knife, while Uzi and Xiao Ming continued to look for opportunities to consume the troll's blood.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that the troll's recovery speed seemed to be a little faster than they expected!
Although Uzi and Xiao Ming have been looking for opportunities to suppress the troll's blood volume, the effect looked pretty good at the time, but the troll will come back soon!

The baby said quietly: "It's the troll's passivity! As long as an enemy unit dies nearby, the troll will recover blood! Then the troll's ability to resist pressure seems to be much stronger than we imagined!"

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