Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 206 [205] I'll hit you with a pillar!

On the field, RNG, Uzi also noticed the problem.

"This troll's blood returns too's really annoying." Uzi muttered.

"Passively, the troll's passive heals blood, but it's not a big problem. We consume it together, and he can't stand it." The auxiliary troll appeared in the LCK game not long ago, so Shi Senming also specially talked about it Research.

The next wave of soldiers came, and the two sides were already at level three in the bottom lane. Qi Zhou used up the blood bottle and commanded at the same time; "Ready to find a chance to fight a wave."

"Brother Zhou, I thought you would always be wretched. Since it's going to be late, it would be better if you don't take the initiative too much." Liu Qingsong replied.

"I'm also doing this to procrastinate. Sometimes in order to be able to procrastinate, you have to teach the opponent a little lesson to make him realize that there are risks in mindless oppression, otherwise he will oppress you all the time, unscrupulously." Qi Zhou said own ideas.

"Then I understand."

Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong followed the pawn line, and the pawn line came to the middle position.

"Do you still dare to come out?" Seeing Qi Zhou's troll voluntarily walk out of the protection of the defense tower, Uzi crossed the line of troops directly to level A's consumption without saying a word.

Xiao Ming gave RQ to slow down the troll, so that Uzi could quickly touch the troll.

"I'm on it!" Liu Qingsong took advantage of this opportunity to throw an ice wall behind Jhin, and then threw out the Q skill.

Bingniao's WQ combo is a very classic combo. A hero without displacement will have a headache when facing this move. This Q is almost a must.

However, Uzi has already prepared ahead of time!
I saw that Karma accelerated Jhin, and using this acceleration, Jhin easily crossed the ice wall and avoided Ice Bird's Q skill.

"You want to trick me? You're too young." Uzi said proudly.

In this way, Qi Zhou was equivalent to letting Uzi spend a round in vain.

Seeing this situation, the baby explained: "Why do I feel that the situation is not good? The routine of Ice Bird's support seems to be completely resolved. If Karma speeds up, Ice Bird's Q skill has no possibility of hitting at all."

Miller: "If Bingniao can control Jhin, then the troll still has a chance to go forward and output, but now RNG has a way to crack the bottom lane. This troll is like a super soldier, who has been kited a little bit. No."

On the field of play, it seemed that this wave suffered a big loss, but Qi Zhou didn't panic at all.

"Why didn't you make a move just now? Did you defend against the jungler?" Liu Qingsong asked suddenly.

"No, I just looked at their shooting habits, and now I have basically figured it out. I will fight to the end in the next wave, you understand." Qi Zhou explained.

"Then I understand."

So the two were wretched first, waiting for the next wave of troops to come.

When the next wave of minions came, Uzi's Jhin just pushed the wave over, so that the wave was blocked in front of the defensive tower.

This must be uncomfortable for Uzi. This position is easy to be gank. At the same time, the troll will be very comfortable if the pawn line does not enter the tower.

Uzi chose to step forward and forcefully push the line, wanting to push the line of soldiers directly into the defense tower.

At this moment, Qi Zhou's troll came up again.

Seeing the direction of the troll, Uzi's first reaction was to step forward to level A consumption. Now the troll has more than half health and no supplies on him. If he is consumed again, he will go home, otherwise he will be killed by the line. …

At the same time as the troll stepped forward, Liu Qingsong's ice bird also looked from the side, as if trying to put pressure on it.

However, Uzi is not panic at all, he already has a way to deal with the ice bird's WQ combo, as long as he doesn't get the ice bird's Q skill, the effect of the ice bird is almost negligible.

One shot tied A, two rounds tied A, Jhin A hit the troll twice, and Liu Qingsong's ice bird started!

I saw the ice bird set up an ice wall behind Jhin, and at the same time threw out the Q skill, which was almost the same as the previous combo.

RNG's way to deal with the bottom lane is also inconvenient. Karma gives the acceleration, and Jhin runs directly to avoid the Q skill of the ice bird.

Suddenly, an incredible scene happened!

A pillar suddenly stood up behind Jhin, and the pillar pushed Jhin back and hit Ice Bird's Q skill!
So Jhin was stunned by Icebird's Q, and the troll took the opportunity to activate W to accelerate up.

"I'll give you a shield, you withdraw first!" Xiao Ming stepped forward to give Uzi a shield, and then gave W to the troll, trying to control the troll.

After Uzi's control effect on his body disappeared, he chose to fight while withdrawing. At this time, the troll's blood volume was low, and he had a chance to complete the line kill!

On the FPX side, the troll was briefly controlled by Karma, and then used the acceleration of W to catch up with Jhin. The flat A was followed by the Q skill to slow down Jhin. Liu Qingsong's ice bird also followed up from the side to output, although the output was not It's very tall, but Jhin himself is also a little crispy skin, and his blood volume drops quickly when the two of them focus on fire.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Finally, the bottom lane is a match. Now Jhin is entangled by the troll, but Jhin has an advantage in blood volume, so he doesn't panic at all. He retreats while outputting, and feels that the troll will be killed by A! "

Miller: "Hey, why do I feel that Jhin A doesn't hurt very much, the troll has such a small amount of health, but he just can't die!"

The commentators suddenly realized that something was wrong. They thought the troll would be killed directly, but the troll seemed to be much fleshier than they had imagined.

Not only did they feel strange, but Uzi, who was operating on the field, was also a little confused.

Seeing that his HP was about to bottom out, Uzi surrendered Blink, Qi Zhou's troll didn't say anything, and also handed over Blink, one shot tied A and then Q took Jin's head!

The sound effect of the first blood spread throughout Summoner's Canyon, no one thought that this blood would be taken down by the trolls!

"No, why can't you kill me? My damage calculation is fine." On RNG's side, Uzi was stunned looking at the black and white screen, and the troll had only the last bit of health left.

But according to Uzi's calculations, the troll should die before him.

"The troll's Q skill will steal your attack power. He will increase the attack power and you will decrease it, so there will be problems with your calculations." Liu Qingsong explained.

"Damn, there is still such a saying? If I knew it, I would have flashed earlier." Uzi was very annoyed after hearing this. Now that the flash is gone, and the first blood is sent out, the suppression of the bottom lane will be greatly reduced. ''

As for FPX, seeing that the bottom lane has already got some, the morale of the team has been boosted!

"Nice, you played well. Go down the road. You actually killed the opposing laner." It was Xiaotian who told the truth.

At the beginning of the game, he was quite worried about the bottom lane. This time he was playing Olaf. GAN seems to have limited ability, and at least level [-] can help him, but unexpectedly, he killed the opponent before he could help the bottom lane. .

"They shouldn't dare to suppress it like this, let's develop first." Qi Zhou directed. …

Qi Zhou pushed a wave of troops, returned to supply, and then returned to the line to continue to resist pressure.

In this way, the offensive pressure came to RNG's side. They chose this lineup for speed push, but the bottom lane had problems first, and the rhythm was broken.

"When the middle lane is at level six, we have to come to the bottom lane to do a wave of things. They didn't show up." Xiao Ming reminded.

"Okay, I still have a wave of soldiers at level [-], you can spend them first." It was Xiaohu who spoke. He chose the rock sparrow for support, and now the opportunity has come.

However, Uzi felt a headache when he heard the word "consumption".

Judging from the situation in the last wave, the combination of FPX's bottom lane is really capable of killing with a line. If you go forward and fight easily, something will happen.

The game time came to 6 minutes, and the single lanes were upgraded to level [-] one after another.

"The opposing mid laner is level [-], and the support will be faster, so be careful." Toothpaste began to remind his teammates to be careful of mid lane support.

"Give some pressure in the middle, don't let him wander around." Xiaotian was talking, and now he is under more pressure. The hero Verus does not have the ability to roam, but the opponent's mid laner has it. For the jungler It will be very difficult, and you will feel constrained in everything you do.

"I'll try." Toothpaste took advantage of Xiaohu's push, and chose to consume it with the Q skill, and at the same time wanted to step forward to equalize the A consumption.

However, Rock Sparrow's Q skill is much farther than Verus's A.

Before Verus could reach the rock sparrow, the rock sparrow hit Verus's face with a backhand Q skill.

At the same time, the line of soldiers was pushed over.

There is no way, Toothpaste chooses to play yin, and directly throws a big move to stun the chaffinch, and then waits until the chaffinch has three layers of W passives, and an E skill triggers passive damage.

The rock sparrow's blood volume reached half, and Xiaohu didn't expect that Verus would directly amplify his move
"This guy doesn't want me to swim away, it's been consuming me." Xiaohu muttered.

"Crag Sparrow, come here, let's go down the road together." At this time, Kasa had already gone down the road, planning to bring Xiaohu with him.

Xiaohu originally wanted to return for a wave of supplies, but since his teammates were about to attack, he had no choice but to go down the road.

"The opposite middle lane has disappeared." On FPX's side, Toothpaste continued to send signals to his teammates. He now has to clear the line of soldiers under the tower and cannot leave.

"Be careful on the top lane, I'll go to the bottom lane and squat down." Xiaotian has already started to go down the lane. Jin Gong is playing Ike, who has a big move at level six, and the chance of being gank is relatively small, relatively speaking , the next road is more likely to be caught.

On the bottom lane, the RNG duo has already started to push the line, ready to cooperate with the tower jump.

In terms of pushing lanes, FPX's bot lane is not an opponent at all, and there is no way to stop it, and looking at the opposite side, it is obvious that the jungler is there, so Qi Zhou has no intention of taking the initiative to make a move.

Soon, the line of soldiers entered the tower, and Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong resisted the pressure under the tower.

At this moment, Rock Sparrow's ultimate move suddenly appeared behind the two of them, directly cutting off the escape route!

Immediately afterwards, Kasa's blind monk also appeared!

The blind monk came out from behind the defense tower, obviously laying an ambush in advance.

"Hold on, I'll be there soon." Xiaotian's Olaf is near the second tower, and it will take a while to arrive.

"It depends on who is on the opposite side of the tower, let's try to change one." Qi Zhou directed. …

Kasa's blind monk approached, and after getting close to Qi Zhou's troll, he directly raised his hand!
The blind monk swung the tail of the raptor and kicked the troll towards the ice bird, wanting a string of gourds.

However, Liu Qingsong had been prepared for a long time, so he easily avoided it by moving.

At the same time, Bingniao backhanded the W skill, directly blocking Jhin and Karma who were about to come up and output.

Then another Q skill was thrown towards Jhin.

Uzi originally wanted to come around from the side of the ice wall, but when he saw Ice Bird's Q flying over, he had to move again.

On the other side, after the troll was kicked away, it took damage from a set of skills from the blind monk, and its blood volume dropped by half.

Xiaohu's rock sparrow followed the W rock protrusion, and then E connected to the Q skill to maximize the damage.

The blood volume of the troll has bottomed out!

However, now that the blind monk and rock sparrow have finished a set of damage, they have to wait for their skills.

The blind monk has been carrying the tower, and he can't hold it anymore, and needs to get out of the range of the defensive tower.

At this moment, the troll backhanded a pillar and directly stuck the blind monk back!
The blind monk quickly handed over his flash. If the flash was slower, he would be killed by the defense tower.

Uzi and Xiao Ming are still troubled by the ice wall, unable to follow the output immediately, so Kasa had no choice but to say:

"Level, let's wait for skills first."

However, just as everyone in RNG was waiting for the next set of skills to jump the tower, Olaf appeared!

Xiaotian's Olaf used his big move and charged from the direction of the second tower.

After approaching, he directly opened his big move, first took off the blind monk's head with an axe, and then ran after the rock sparrow.

Uzi and Xiao Ming rushed over, and Uzi chose to tie A and then Q skills, and took the head of the troll first.

But in this way, the person who resists the tower becomes him!
Xiaotian reacted quite quickly. He knew that Uzi hadn't flashed, so he immediately changed his target, threw an ax over, slowed down to Uzi, and then took the opportunity to get close to it, outputting a hit!
"Withdraw! We can't fight this wave!" Realizing that something was wrong, Kasa chose to retreat.

So everyone in RNG started to retreat, and if other people could withdraw, Uzi was not so lucky. In the end, Uzi's head was taken by Olaf, and the two sides played one for two!

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "It's a loss for RNG to jump the tower. They were a little too anxious and didn't get rid of the troll in the first place."

Miller: "Actually, FPX handled the bottom lane well. If it wasn't for the ice bird to restrain Xiaogou and Xiaoming, the troll would die immediately, and it would be useless for Olaf to come again. This combination is actually quite disgusting. , it will be very troublesome for you to jump over the tower and kill them."

Wawa: "The main reason is that RNG has never encountered this kind of bottom lane combination, so they probably didn't think so much when they jumped the tower, and they were shown off in the end."

On the field, on RNG's side, Uzi became even more anxious after this wave.

"Isn't it that the bot lane on the opposite side is deliberately disgusting? It's so hard to kill." Uzi muttered.

"I think this bottom lane is a bit difficult to do. It's better to play the middle lane. Verus is easy to kill." Xiaohu suggested.

"Alright, wait for my next big move, I'll go to the middle lane to make a wave." Kasa replied

As for FPX, the morale of FPX has been fully raised now.

"I'm invincible now, you guys stabilize first, each of them can limit me in the mid-term." It was Xiaotian who spoke, and he now has two heads in his hands, fat as hell.

Qi Zhou said: "Now the opponent is under a lot of pressure and will definitely be in a hurry. Be careful in all lines. Kasa needs to find a rhythm, and I'm about to level six. The big move can suck blood, and the ice bird is also passive, so They probably won't come down the road."

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