Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 207 [206] Team battle dividers, the advantage is mine

Hearing this, Zhonglu Toothpaste only felt a chill on his back. If he didn't catch him up and down, then he was the one who caught him.

The game time came to 8 minutes, and Verus of toothpaste was developing normally in the middle.

As before, he has been looking for opportunities to consume the blood of the chalice.

When there is a big move, it is released directly. Verus' big move can stack the passive layers of W skills. After being triggered by other skills, it can deal high damage, which is also a means of consumption.

Anyway, Xiaotian's Olaf is not good at gank, and he won't be able to team fight for the time being, so it's useless to keep his big move.

After Xiaohu's rock sparrow pushed the pawn line, it disappeared from the line again.

"The opposite middle lane is gone, be careful." Toothpaste said and walked towards the wild area. If the opposite side continued to go down the road and climb the tower, then he could get there quickly.

What Toothpaste didn't expect was that just as he was approaching the river, the rock sparrow's big move suddenly flew over from the opposite side of the river!
Rock Sparrow's ultimate move cut off Verus's route back to the middle. At the same time, Uzi's Jhin activated his ultimate move, and then Kasa's blind monk touched his eyes from the Xiaolong Pit.

"Fucked!" Toothpaste realized that he had been fooled, and the target of this wave of RNG was him!Xiaohu deliberately went to the bottom lane, making him think that he was going to the bottom lane to gank, but he was actually waiting for him to leave the protection of the defense tower!

In this situation, Flash would die, so Toothpaste chose to keep Flash, and in the end the head was taken by Xiaohu's Rock Sparrow.

"There's a group of old cunts on the opposite side, but the rock sparrow has no big moves." Toothpaste muttered.

"It's okay, it's just a head, it doesn't affect the overall situation, play the jungle, help defend the first tower in the middle lane." Qi Zhou is not in a hurry, and the situation is still under his control.

On RNG's side, taking advantage of Toothpaste's death in battle, everyone in RNG took down the first dragon together, and the rock sparrow lost its ultimate move, and the two sides entered the development rhythm again.

The game time came to 1 minutes. On RNG's side, Nosuke fought against the top lane together.

However, Jin Gong has already prepared in advance, and his Ike is more flexible. RNG just played Ike's ultimate move, but failed to complete the kill.

In this way, the two sides developed to 4 minutes, and the second dragon was refreshed.

I saw Miller explaining: "The rhythm of this game is a bit slow. Although RNG has been looking for opportunities, they can only take one head each time, which is very dry."

Wa Wa continued: "I think the biggest problem is the bottom lane. Logically speaking, the bottom lane combination of RNG is to push the lane and then take the defensive tower. After all, the opponent is a short-handed troll."

"But because of the previous wave of lane kills, RNG didn't dare to push the lane in the bottom lane, and didn't dare to suppress it too much. If the rhythm of pushing towers in the bottom lane can't get up, RNG's rhythm can't be opened."

Miller: "The influence of line killing is indeed great. Now RNG seems to want to use Xiaolong to force the team. It depends on how FPX chooses."

RNG still has a line right for the bottom lane. After using the line right for the bottom lane to arrange the vision in advance, Kasa's blind monk began to fight Xiaolong.

"The other side seems to be fighting Xiaolong. Shall we go there to pick up the group?" It was Xiaotian who was talking, and he actually already had the idea of ​​taking over the group. After all, he had taken two heads in front of him, and his equipment was much ahead.

"No hurry, it's just Fenglong, let them go directly." Qi Zhou directed.

So FPX chose to continue to develop and ignored the little dragon at all. …

"A group of old tortoises on the opposite side don't take the group at all, what's the matter?" Uzi became anxious again when he saw FPX's reaction, he knew very well that Jhin, a hero, can't beat the flesh in the late stage.

On the FPX side, Olaf and the trolls are all tanks, and even Ike is out of flesh. In the later stage, Jhin can't fight with these three heroes in team battles.

"I don't know. The bottom lane can't cross the tower. With the combination of these two heroes, it's not easy to kill anyone first." Casa also shook his head. If it wasn't for FPX's bottom lane to come up with such a wonderful lineup, they would have Breakthrough from the bottom lane.

After winning Xiaolong, everyone in RNG can only choose to return to the line to continue their development.

The game time came to 10 minutes, and the two sides still failed to win each other's towers.

FXP was not in a hurry and did not take the initiative to push, while RNG wanted to push but had no chance.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, everyone has lost their patience, and they all brushed up on the barrage:

"Should we still fight or not? Let's see the last knife, shall we?"

"How did it become a game of making up the knife?"

"Fight, fight quickly!"

"Am I here to see this?"

Everyone was very dissatisfied with the performance of the two teams. What they wanted to see was a game that played from beginning to end.

In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "The rhythm of this game is a bit like the LCK. RNG has been looking for opportunities before, but it seems that they have not gained anything in the past few minutes. Although RNG is leading in kills, the economy is completely flat. "

Miller continued: "The main reason is that FPX has never given a chance, and the defense is perfect. They may want to delay until the late stage, but now RNG already has a fire dragon in their hands, and the third dragon is about to be refreshed, which is also a fire dragon. , if RNG is superimposed, it will be very detrimental to FPX."

On the field, on RNG's side, seeing that Xiaolong was about to refresh, Casa began to mobilize his teammates:
"I guess this dragon will pick up the group on the opposite side. We have to set up our vision in advance, and I will find an opportunity to start a group at that time."

Xiao Ming: "I'll protect AD from behind."

Uzi: "It's enough to keep me playing. Their lineup is full of rushing heroes, and the team will definitely look for me."

Rang Di: "I will accuse whoever breaks in, and you output."

Everyone in RNG has already figured out how to take over the group.

However, on FPX's side, Qi Zhou has a different idea.

I saw Qi Zhou commanding: "Jungle, come directly to the next road to jump over the tower. Let's jump over the tower first, and then take the dragon. I have no pressure to fight against the tower now."

Hearing this, Xiaotian walked down the road.

He was still thinking about how to deal with this dragon. If it is released, it would not be good for RNG to get it, but if it is not released, it is difficult to fight it head-on.

But now Qi Zhou offered another way of thinking.

While Xiaotian was going down the road, Qi Zhou started to take the initiative online.

A new wave of soldiers came, Qi Zhou chose to push the line quickly, Uzi's Jhin also wanted to push the line, Qi Zhou backhanded the pillar to slow down, and pretended to go up.

Sure enough, Xiao Ming accelerated Uzi and retreated with Uzi, probably because he was worried that he would be GANKed by the jungler.

So Qi Zhou instantly took control of the line and pushed the line of soldiers into the defense tower.

Under the defensive tower, Uzi stepped forward to make up the knife, suddenly, he felt something was wrong, the troll and the ice bird walked towards his face! …

"Didn't they want to jump over the tower?" Uzi muttered, he felt that his chance had come!

Although this troll is very fleshy, but the output is not enough, and the ice bird is a support, the equipment is not enough, the output of these two people wants to kill a Verus who is protected by Karma, it is too difficult.

As a result, just as Uzi was about to step forward to output, suddenly, Olaf walked out from the side!

Olaf has started sprinting, and after approaching, he will use the ultimate move Ragnarok, immune to all control skills!
Qi Zhou's troll gave the ultimate move to Verus, responsible for resisting the tower, and Bingniao and Olaf stepped forward to output.

Uzi's Verus still wants to struggle, using Karma's acceleration operation.

An ice wall stood up, and then a pillar, which directly blocked Uzi's walking space!
No way, Uzi can only hand over the flash, but it's useless. After Jhin's flash is handed in, Olaf can feel relieved and throw an ax over to slow down.

Ice Bird stunned Verus with the last Q skill, and cooperated with Olaf to complete the kill!

Although it took a lot of effort, the troll in charge of carrying the tower still had more than half of his health, so FPX chose to continue to jump the tower, and finally killed Karma under the defensive tower.

Qi Zhou: "Nice! Let's get Xiaolong!"

Xiaotian said: "Your rhythm changes so fast that I almost didn't get used to it. I thought you guys would keep growing up in the bottom lane."

Qi Zhou explained: "The other party can't react to this sudden change of style. In fact, our intention to push the line is already obvious. Under normal circumstances, when they see us pushing the line like this, they should think that they may be jumped over the tower. .”

"But we have always been passive before, and you have never been in the bottom lane, giving them the illusion that they are safe."

"Awesome! You are a psychologist!" Xiaotian praised.

At this time, on RNG's side, due to the death of the bottom lane duo, Casa had no choice but to give up this set of dragons.

Uzi hasn't recovered yet: "Why did the other side suddenly come down the road and jump over the tower? Are these two old tortoises so shady?"

Xiao Ming chose to take the blame: "My problem, I didn't expect them to be so unrestrained all of a sudden, I thought it was just to resist pressure."

After this wave was over, the two sides began to develop again, and the current situation is quite good for Qi Zhou.

The game time has come to 25 minutes, and the fourth dragon is about to be refreshed.

Everyone in RNG was much more cautious this time, and the jungler first came to the bottom lane to set up vision.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "This little dragon, I feel that RNG is bound to win. They have no economic advantages, and their only advantage is neutral resources, so they must be taken down."

Miller: "But will FPX play it? I think at this time, FPX can actually consider accepting the group, at least try it."

On the field, on the FPX side, Xiaotian asked: "The opponent is going to fight Xiaolong, can we take it or not? I guess the opponent wants us to take the team."

Liu Qingsong: "I feel like I can pick it up. My equipment is not bad. You can beat crispy skin."

Jin Gong: "I can use TP to support me on the road. If I want to fight, give me a ward, and then send me a signal."

Toothpaste: "I also think it can be played, my output is not low now."...

Although everyone in FPX thinks they can fight, they are still waiting for Qi Zhou to speak, and finally let him make the decision.

Qi Zhou glanced at his equipment column. Although he was still a little short of the peak of the lineup, it was basically formed.

"You can pick it up, assemble, pick up the group." Qi Zhou made a choice.

So everyone in FPX also started to form a group.

On the FPX side, the bottom lane duo walked from the jungle to the middle lane, and reunited with the middle jungler.

And Jin Gong continued to push the line on the road.

Soon, the four people except the top order were assembled, and the four walked in front of Xiaolongkeng in a group.

On RNG's side, the front four were already fighting Xiaolong. Uzi activated Xiaolong, then pulled Xiaolong out of the Xiaolong Pit, and walked down the road.

This can avoid being blocked in Xiaolongkeng and being beaten. If you are outside, you will have a lot more room to move.

Xiaolong's blood volume soon exceeded half, and the junglers of both sides approached Xiaolong together, as if fighting to punish him.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou reminded: "The jungler on the other side must fight hard to punish and interfere with him!"

So Liu Qingsong's ice bird blocked the blind monk with an ice wall, and the top laners of both sides handed over their TP at the same time to prepare for the group.

The blind monk chose to touch his eyes and cross the line of soldiers, and then approached Xiaolong's E skill Tianlei Slash to deal damage, and then Tianyinbo gave it to Xiaolong.

In the end, echoing the punishment, he wanted to take down the little dragon directly!
A punishment fell, and Xiaolong fell to the ground in response!

Upon seeing this, the baby explained, "Who does Xiaolong belong to? It's FPX! This Xiaolong was snatched!"

Miller: "Furthermore, FPX didn't intend to snatch Xiaolong and leave. As soon as Ice Bird threw his Q skill, the blind monk handed over his flash. He is now in a state without W skill, which is very dangerous!"

Baby; "And the teammate is blocked by the ice bird's wall, so I can't give him support in the first place!"

At this moment, the troll blocked the position of the blind monk with a pillar.

"Focus on the blind monk first!" Qi Zhou commanded.

Liu Qingsong's Ice Bird stepped forward and used a large move to prevent other RNG people from coming over. If they wanted to come over to help, they would suffer damage and slow down from the Ice Bird's big move.

Verus, Ike, and Olaf stepped forward to output, and Olaf activated the big move Ragnarok, which caused the blind monk's big move to fly away, and he could only be chased and hacked, and finally fell to the ground!

"Keep people, wait for skills first, don't worry, fight one wave at a time." Qi Zhou commanded his teammates to pursue, but the pursuit should not be too much, you need to wait for the CD of skills first.

"Withdraw, I can't fight anymore." On RNG's side, because they were the first to reduce their staff, RNG chose to retreat, wanting to minimize losses as much as possible.

However, Qi Zhou's troll had activated the W skill to accelerate, rushing up like a mad dog.

However, he didn't go directly to the body to output, but waited until the E skill CD was ready, and then used a sharp pillar. This pillar was aimed at Uzi's Jhin, and he directly carried Jhin back!
Jhin hastily handed over the flash.

Seeing that Jhin handed over the flash, Liu Qingsong's ice bird flashed forward, and an ice wall stood up to block the RNG people.

Karma, Rock Sparrow, and Big Tree surrendered their flashes and ran away, but Uzi hadn't flashed anymore. He planned to go around from the side, but the next Q skill of Ice Bird flew over and stunned him directly.

"Jin! Jhin!" Under Qi Zhou's command, everyone in FPX gathered fire and killed Uzi's Jhin.

Seeing this scene, the baby explained: "I suddenly understood the logic of the FPX lineup. Trolls and ice birds, one pillar and one ice wall, can perfectly divide the battlefield, resulting in more local fights than less!"

"Although it seems that the number of people on both sides is the same, but the other people on RNG's side were affected by the ice wall, and they didn't actually join the battlefield at the first time."

Miller affirmed: "It is indeed the case. This combination is still very capable of retaining players. Once it enters the pursuit stage, it will be difficult for the opponent to escape. RNG feels difficult in this game."

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