Chapter 209 [208] Isn't this cool
Seeing that everyone in RNG did not dare to step forward to clear the soldiers, Verus of toothpaste took the opportunity to step forward and tap the tower.

The main reason why he is so courageous is because he has a flash to operate.

The pressure came to the RNG people, and they naturally couldn't watch the Highland Tower be clicked.

"Look for an opportunity to start a group!" Uzi directed.

Hearing this, Kasa moved, and now he is the only one who can start the team battle.

I saw Kasa's blind monk walking forward, approaching Verus.

The blind monk sent Tian Yinbo to attack, but was caught by Qi Zhou's troll!

After being hit by the blind monk's Tianyinbo, Qi Zhou deliberately retreated and walked behind Verus.

In this way, maybe Casa will do it directly!

"Go behind you!" Toothpaste was startled by Qi Zhou, and he quickly retreated.

The result was the same as what Qi Zhou thought, Kasa really did it!
I saw the blind monk echoing and flying over, then touched his eyes and came behind Verus, and finally caught up with the big move.

Of course, these are all operations in Kasa's imagination. In fact, after he flew over, the troll backhanded a pillar and interrupted the blind monk's Tianyinbo!
Verus kept up with the big move, the blind monk was charged until he couldn't move, and then the Q skill of the ice bird.

Seeing this, the baby explained: "The blind monk wanted to start a group, but the control was full. This is a deliberate seduction! The FXP set fire blind monk took the head, and Jin Gong's Ike entered the arena!"

Miller explained enthusiastically: "Ike took advantage of RNG's inattention, and the W skill has been released in advance. Everyone in RNG found something wrong and wanted to retreat, but was stopped by the ice bird's ice wall! The feeling is gone!"

The remaining four players of RNG were fixed by Ike W, and the ice bird kept up with the big move. An ice wall blocked RNG's retreat, and the AOE was full!
Toothpaste's Verus entered the harvesting rhythm. After scoring an assist, he was passively triggered. The arrows in his hand continued to shoot, causing explosive damage. The RNG team battle was defeated!

"One wave! One wave!" After Qi Zhou won the team battle, he directed his teammates to end the game with a wave.

So everyone in FPX took the pawn line from the middle, first flattening the high ground, then the front tooth tower, and finally the crystal.

And the cheers of FPX fans at the scene gradually reached a climax as everyone in FPX advances!

At the moment when the base crystal exploded, the bullet screen in the official live broadcast room was swiped:
"Awesome! Awesome!"

"We have to let Sea come."

"Sea King is invincible! Sea King is invincible!"

"Little Phoenix, charge!"

"Who else!"

On the competition stage, Qi Zhou took off his earphones, and cheers came from all directions. I have to say that this feeling is very refreshing.

When you stand on the stage, thousands of people below are cheering for you, and you suddenly feel like the focus of the world.

On the other side, the five members of RNG looked depressed. They thought they could easily win 3:1, and then went to celebrate, but now it seems that there is still suspense!

In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "Now the two sides are tied 2:2, and the final fifth game is about to be played. When we all thought that RNG would easily win FPX, our Neptune came out and saved the world!"

Miller: "After a short break, we will bring you four or five contests between the two sides..."

Everyone in FPX returned to the lounge.

Brother Feng greeted him: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone has worked hard, find a place to sit, stay in shape, stay focused, and there is one last game!"

Brother Feng also looked a little nervous at this time, after all, the champion is right in front of him!

After reaching the fifth game, he was even more nervous than the fourth game.

At this moment, Toothpaste said suddenly: "Just now you got hit by Tianyinbo and walked behind me. It scared me to death. I thought I would be kicked back by the blind monk."

After hearing this, Qi Zhou smiled and said: "I just deliberately seduce the other party. The other party must want to drive you away, so if you seduce me, the success rate will be very high. My pillar can interrupt the echo strike."

Everyone said that they each found a seat and sat down. After everyone sat down, Brother Feng said:
"The BP in the last game may have to change slightly. Now that they know our troll ice bird combination, they will definitely make a fuss about this."

Brother Feng said and looked at Qi Zhou, the meaning was already obvious, that is to let Qi Zhou make the decision.

"Well, I've considered this issue, but don't worry too much, I still have other lineups to come up with." Qi Zhou said slowly.

Everyone in FPX came together one after another, wanting to know what Qi Zhou was thinking.

Qi Zhou looked at Toothpaste and asked, "Toothpaste, can you play Zoe? Are you proficient?"

Toothpaste smiled and said to himself: "My least the top three in the LPL. In fact, I should be the strongest, but some fans are not convinced, and I don't want to compete with them."

There is a story in the toothpaste. This version of Zoe has a high appearance rate, No.2 in the mid laner, so fans of various teams are arguing on the Internet, who is the strongest Zoe in the LPL.

Fans of different teams naturally tend to favor the teams they support. Toothpaste usually likes to watch them quarrel, so I know some people's thoughts.

"Okay then, let's play the Poke lineup for the next game," Qi Zhou said.

"Poke lineup? Do you want EZ in the bottom lane?" Brother Feng naturally thought of EZ. Among the regular ADCs, EZ has the strongest poke ability.

"EZ is not very good, I have other ideas." Qi Zhou denied Brother Feng's guess. In fact, EZ is a hero that needs to be manipulated.

It's not that EZ just needs to put Q in the distance. If you want to hit the full output, you must step forward to level A, but this is very dangerous.

Therefore, if you want to play EZ well, you need to know when you can go to A and when you can't. This is actually difficult for Qi Zhou.

In contrast, the most suitable hero for him is the kind of hero that is simple and brainless and does not require too many operations.

On the other side, in the RNG lounge, everyone in RNG was also discussing tactics.

"Damn it, this Sea King came up and dragged us to the fifth game." Uzi was in a bad mood. He was leading by a big score, but now he was tied, which greatly affected his mentality.

"What should we do now? His trick of the troll ice bird is too disgusting, it's impossible to fight in a group." Xiaohu muttered.

Uzi: "BAN, there is no other way."

Xiaohu nodded, and Kasa interjected: "I'll focus on the bottom lane in the next game. Choose a lineup that is easy to cooperate with. No, we need a support lineup. They are the commanders of the bottom lane. We only need to destroy the bottom lane. Now, their rhythm will definitely be messed up!"

Casa's idea is very simple. Professional players are human beings, and human beings have fluctuations in their mentality. Once they are targeted and killed several times, their mentality will definitely be affected.

The mentality is affected, whether it is operation or command, there will be problems.

"Well, after this person came on the field, I feel that the whole FPX team is different. His command ability is a bit strong, and we really want to mess with him." Uzi agreed with Casa's idea.

Xiaohu volunteered: "I'll play Ryze, I can roam and support, but Toothpaste's laning is quite fierce, and I may need some help from the jungler."

"No problem, what about going on the road? What are you playing on the road? It's best to be linked." Kasa looked at the road and let the emperor.

"Me? I'll play... Aoun, I'll help you start a team."

"Okay, then it's settled like this. We will take Kai'Sa and Luo in the bottom lane. This combination is not strong in the lane. You must come to the bottom lane to help." Uzi responded.

The short break passed quickly, and ten players from the two teams appeared on the field again.

At the commentary booth, the baby explained: "Okay, welcome back, you can hear the music for the decisive battle on the scene, and the fifth match between the two sides will begin soon!"

Miller: "In this match, FPX still chooses to let sea play the bottom lane. The personnel of both sides have not changed. Whether sea can complete the feat of saving FPX or not, let us wait and see!"

Wawa: "Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's enter the BP of the fifth game!"

Entering the BP link, in this game FPX is on the blue side, and RNG is on the red side.

Just as Qi Zhou thought, RNG put the ice bird on the ban, and the routine of the troll ice bird can no longer be used.

Entering the selection stage, Qi Zhou said, "Choose Zoe for the first floor."

So Jin Gong locked Zoe in the first hand on the first floor, and BP came to RNG.

RNG took Aoun and Luo down.

BP continued, and Qi Zhou continued: "You can take the jungler Qing Gangying, and then the captain of the top laner."

Both Qinggangying and the captain, Qi Zhou, know that his teammates can play, and it is also a popular version, so don't think too much, just take it.

It was RNG's turn to make a choice, and RNG chose to lock on Ryze and Troll, leaving the Kangte position to ADC!

Seeing the lineup of RNG, Qi Zhou directly locked on the Bomberman on the fourth floor, and said at the same time:

"Assist with a Tahm, and our lineup will be formed."

So Liu Qingsong locked Tam on the fifth floor.

Seeing the hero Bomberman, Wawa analyzed: "What does Bomberman mean? Isn't there Zoe in the middle lane? And no one plays Bomberman as a mid laner in this version, right?"

Miller guessed: "Is there a possibility, I mean possibility, that the bomber actually went down the road? It feels like he has nowhere to go except the down road!"

Wawa: "If that's the case, the middle and bottom are all AP...and it's the kind of AP that can't hit tanks, so the output is not enough."

Miller: "The jungler is Qing Gangying, and the top laner is the captain. With these two heroes, the physical output must be enough. Don't mention it, this lineup looks weird. In fact, there is a saying. It is very good in all aspects. balanced!"

In the official live broadcast room, seeing the lineup of FPX, everyone posted on the barrage:
"FPX started working again?"

"Why can't you understand this lineup?"

"Aquaman's lineup is like this, no one can understand it."

"It won't overturn, this lineup doesn't feel right."

On the field, Uzi also couldn't understand RNG's side. He originally wanted to play Kai'Sa, but now he doesn't know whether to choose or not.

Time is running out, hero choice time is running out, and Uzi has to make a choice!

"Ka'Sa, just Kai'Sa, you guys drive in the back row, and I'll fly right in, but you must come to the bottom lane to help when you're laning," Uzi directed.

Xiao Ming locked Kai'Sa on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both sides were fully displayed:
Blue side FPX: top laner captain, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Zoe, ADC Bomberman, support Tamm.

Red side RNG: top laner Sion, jungle troll, mid laner Ryze, ADC Kai'Sa, support Luo.

After the lineup is completely determined, Wawa continued to analyze: "RNG is an offensive lineup that actively starts a team. I feel that they have learned the lesson from the previous game. The last game was lack of team-starting attributes, and they were kited by FPX."

Miller: "As for FPX, their lineup is a bit like Poke. Zoe in the middle lane and Bomberman in the bottom lane are all Poke heroes. If they can play from a distance, their advantage is quite obvious, but once they are defeated In close combat, this double C is difficult to play."

Wawa: "The lineups of both sides are a bit of a spear and a shield. RNG is the active offensive side, while FXP is the defensive counterattack. It depends on whether RNG can start the team battle, or FXP uses the advantage of long hands to kite RNG."

The two were talking and entered the game screen.

Qi Zhou chose Dolan Jie to go out, and then, together with Liu Qingsong, came to the lower road to stand guard.

The first-level regiment of this lineup is quite weak, and it is necessary to avoid being invaded.

Seeing that the first wave of buffs was about to be refreshed, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong walked back. Until now, RNG still hadn't invaded, but Qi Zhou was still worried.

The first level of invasion can be stuck in the time when the opponent is playing BUFF, and you can hit a surprise.

The best way to do it is to keep a ward in the triangular grass, but this is uncomfortable for laning. Every ward in the early laning is very important, whether it is used to put the grass on the line or put it in the river to prevent gank.

So Qi Zhou thought of a way. He chose the first-level E skill Hex to blast the minefield, and then threw an E skill on the triangle grass, leaving a minefield, and then went to help the jungler open the field.

Don't underestimate this skill, it lasts for ten seconds!

In the entire League of Legends, there are very few active skills that can last for ten seconds, and even fewer if they are not big moves.

In the commentary seat, through God's perspective, Wawa and Miller saw that the four players of RNG except the top laner had already invaded together!

The four of them walked into the triangle grass from the lower road and the river, ready to go to the red BUFF.

"Papapa..." At this moment, there was a crisp sound and everyone in RNG began to lose blood!Then, a comet hits!

"What? I stepped on something!" Kasa said hastily.

Xiaohu recognized it at a glance: "This is Bomberman's E skill, we have been discovered!"

"Damn, what should I do then?" Kasa was dumbfounded, and if he went back now, he would delay the rhythm of clearing the jungle.

"I can't go, they must be prepared." Uzi retreated.

Seeing that Uzi has said so, there is no way, everyone in RNG had to retreat.

Seeing this scene, the baby exclaimed: "Is this also possible? Bomberman's E skill persuaded RNG's first-level invasion, so Kasa's jungle farming rhythm will be affected."

Miller: "It's too lucrative, saving money for a ward position. In this game, I feel that RNG wants to forcefully switch the wild area and target the bottom lane, but it seems that it can't do it now."

On the field, on RNG's side, after Qi Zhou's comet was triggered, he knew someone was coming.

"The opponent probably won't come over, and their jungler will slow down a bit," Qi Zhou reminded.

"It's comfortable, but it's a pity that I'm playing Qinggang Shadow, otherwise I would definitely go against the jungle." Xiaotian muttered, Qinggangying is a bit hurt to clear the jungle, and it is relatively slow, generally it is impossible to go against the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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