Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 210 [209] I'm going to fuck you!woof woof~

Chapter 210 [209] I'm going to fuck you!woof woof~
For Qi Zhou, the current situation is already very profitable. If the opponent successfully exchanges the wild area, the opponent's jungler can come to the lane at any time in the early stage, which is very difficult to guard against.

And the jungler of your own side needs two pieces of the upper half of the field. In the first few minutes, there is no way to come to the bottom lane, and the bottom lane will become a state of isolation and helplessness.

After helping Xiaotian open the field, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong returned to the bottom lane and started facing off.

On RNG's side, Uzi and Xiao Ming also returned to the line.

"Find an opportunity to open them up and fight casually." Uzi's desire to attack is very strong. In his opinion, is it just a bomber, or is it suppressed casually?
So after going online, Xiao Ming and Uzi pressed forward at the same time, wanting to find a chance to fight a wave.

"It's enough to develop, let's play defense." On FPX's side, Qi Zhou has a completely different way of thinking, and he doesn't plan to fight against RNG in the next lane.

The three melee soldiers were left with blood, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong took the three melee soldiers together, and then retreated, not giving Uzi a chance to consume them.

Xiao Ming's Luo also didn't find an angle to start the group, but was licked by Liu Qingsong's Tam.

"So cowardly? You still want to make up the knife?" Seeing this, Uzi chose to get stuck in front of the pawn line, as if he would not give up the knife.

Another long-range soldier was left with blood, Uzi thought that if the bomber came forward to make up the knife, he would have a chance to fight a set.

What he didn't expect was that the Bomberman stepped forward, and instead of using A to make up the knife, he threw an E skill and used the skill to make up the knife.

Immediately retreat after making up the knife, and do not give RNG any chance to get off the road.

In this way, Uzi has no choice but to wait for the next wave of opportunities.

The second wave of troops came to the line, and Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong followed the line.

Uzi didn't seem to be convinced yet. He came up to AQ to fight consumption, but there were minions next to him, and the damage of Kai'Sa's Q skill was shared.

It's not over yet, Tamm backhanded his tongue to slow down Kai'Sa, Bomberman threw an E skill, Kai'Sa stepped on several of them, and had to retreat one after another.

And Xiao Ming's Luo flew out from the grass, and shot the Bomberman and Tamm at the same time with a W skill, but Kai'Sa had been repelled and couldn't take damage, so Xiao Ming could only retreat.

The two sides started to compete for the second level, Liu Qingsong stepped forward to help, and Qi Zhou used Ping A to clear the line.

On RNG's side, Uzi's skills have been used, and he can only rely on A.

So both sides rose to two levels at the same time.

After being promoted to two levels, Uzi stepped forward to attack again, and Xiao Ming cooperated quite well.

"Retreat!" Qi Zhou's thought was still the same, if he didn't confront him head-on, he would be a wretched development.

The hero Bomberman has nothing to fight against. This is not a matter of personal operation. The hero itself does not have that kind of ability.

So Liu Qingsong retreated with Qi Zhou, leaving Uzi's sight directly.

"I don't believe they don't make up the knife!" Uzi started to control the line. He thought that if Qi Zhou didn't make up the knife all the time, it would be acceptable, anyway, he made money.

Seeing that there are still blood left by the soldiers, Uzi is ready to fight.

Suddenly, a bomb flew out from the blind area of ​​vision. The bomb bounced twice on the ground, and finally hit the bloody soldier and exploded!

"Is this okay too?" Uzi was dumbfounded, he didn't even see the location of the bomber!

At the commentary table, Wawa explained: "We can feel that RNG is eager to fight in the bottom lane, but FPX is not in a hurry at all, and even started to see only the way of making up attacks with bombs and no one. Who can resist this?"

Miller: "Bomberman used to be called a cancerous tumor because of his simple and brainless style of play. He couldn't suppress him at all. Moreover, Aquaman brought TP in this game. If he used up all the mana, he would still It may be a bit of a torment for Uzi to be able to rely on TP to supply a wave."

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"I feel like Uzi is in a hurry."

"It's a disgusting game, I'm in a hurry."

"Quickly delete this hero, disgusting person."

"It's so disgusting, I'm already throwing up."

Many players have begun to think of the experience of being disgusted by the Bomberman. You always feel that you can kill him casually in the lane, but you just can’t touch it, and you can’t find the angle. The most uncomfortable feeling is that you can’t use your strength.

However, as the pawn line was controlled by Uzi and started to push towards RNG, Qi Zhou's routine didn't seem to work anymore.

I saw Liu Qingsong asking: "The line of troops is going to be pushed to the opposite side, it won't work like this."

Qi Zhou glanced at the position of the next wave of soldiers on the small map, and then said: "Don't worry, wait for the next wave of soldiers to come, and push them together. There are so many soldiers, they dare not fight."

After hearing this, Liu Qingsong immediately realized that Qi Zhou had obviously considered this issue a long time ago!

The next wave of soldiers came soon, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong went forward.

With the line of soldiers blocking it, it was not easy for Uzi to come up and consume it, so he had to retreat one after another.

In this way, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong have the opportunity to get close to the line of soldiers.

After approaching the line of soldiers, Qi Zhou's bomber threw all his QE skills at the line of soldiers.

"Go!" Seeing the bomber throwing away his skills, Uzi felt that the opportunity had come!
Xiao Ming's Luo has been preparing for a long time, taking this opportunity, he shot the bomber with a W skill.

Uzi's Kai'Sa stepped forward and wanted to deal damage. He had just released his A-to-Q skill, but Tahm ate the Bomberman in one gulp, causing Kai'Sa's damage to fail at all!
Tam turned his tongue and slowed down to Kai'Sa, then took the opportunity to retreat with Bomberman.

At this time, the line of soldiers was consumed by Bomberman's skills, and Uzi could not continue to attack, otherwise he would be beaten by minions. He had no choice but to retreat.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou's bomber comes out of Tam's stomach to push the pawn line, and forcefully pushes the pawn line into the next tower of RNG.

In this way, Uzi's plan to control the line was ruined.

Seeing this scene, the baby explained: "Don't tell me, Neptune's strategy is really something. It doesn't need to fight with the opponent at all. It's just playing with the brain. Uzi can't use his strength, so he can only fight the bomb in the bottom lane. Human development."

Miller: "If it can develop peacefully, it will be no loss to Bomberman, and the situation in the bottom lane is acceptable."

On the other side, Zoe from toothpaste in the middle lane is facing Ryze from Xiaohu. From the first level, toothpaste is putting pressure on Xiaohu. There are very few heroes in the early stage of Zoe who can not be suppressed in the lane, and Ryze is obviously not a capable player. Against Zoe.

However, Xiaohu still has a lot of experience. Although he has been suppressed all the time, he is not too far behind in making up, but has been pushed to the line.

"Can you come to the middle to catch a wave, the opposite line is very forward." Xiaohu began to call the jungler.

Kasa originally wanted to go to the bottom lane, but Bomberman and Tamm in the bottom lane were too wretched. Seeing the situation in the middle lane, Kasa chose to go to the middle lane.

"I'm here, looking for a chance to fight." Casa commanded.

Seeing this, Xiaohu stepped forward to cheat toothpaste's E skill. If Zoe released the hypnotic bubble first, it would be easier to GANK.

However, seeing Xiaohu's movement, Toothpaste already felt that it was in danger.

Toothpaste may not be the strongest in laning suppression, but awareness is quite good.

Moreover, after the BP was selected, Qi Zhou said that as long as the laning can develop in the early stage, it is fine before the laning starts.

It's good to be able to play an advantage during the laning phase, it doesn't matter if you can't, as long as you can develop, don't give the opponent a chance.

So Zoe of the toothpaste started to retreat, not giving a chance at all.

"This guy is a bit vulgar, I can't catch it." Seeing Zoe retreating, Kasa knew that he had no chance, so he chose to go to the wild area and continue to grow wild.

Xiaohu: "That's good too. If I give him a little pressure, he won't dare to suppress me."

Although this wave of Kasa did not have the success of GANK, it is not bad for Xiaohu, at least the pressure on him is not so great.

As for FPX, Xiaotian's Qinggangying has been developing all the time, so he has no intention of catching people. You can try to catch this hero at level [-], and then you have to wait for level [-].

But both the middle and the top are pressing the line, and the bottom lane support is a Tamm who can't cooperate, so it has been developed.

The game time came to five and a half minutes, and both solo laners and junglers had been promoted to level six one after another.

"We have to prepare to take Xiaolong in advance, and arrange the vision first." Qi Zhou directed.

So Toothpaste chose to push the line back to the city, and found out a real eye. On the next side of the road, Liu Qingsong also returned to the city to replenish, leaving Qi Zhou alone online, and after the replenishment, Liu Qingsong brought out two true eyes.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX Zhongfu returned together, and they both wore real eyes. I don't think it's a coincidence. Are they planning to do something?"

Miller: "I found that Bomberman has an advantage in the bottom lane. He can play alone in the lane. Kai'Sa and Luo do not have level [-]. There is no threat to Bomberman. He can stand behind the defensive tower and use his skills to make up damage. There's really nothing you can do about him."

On RNG's side, after the pawn line entered the tower, Xiao Ming saw that the support Tamm was not there, so Xiao Ming sent a signal to his teammates to ask them to be careful, although the hero Tamm's roaming ability is very weak, especially before level [-].

But just in case, the signal is still given.

Uzi is ready to move, wanting to take Xiao Ming across the tower.

However, the position of the Bomberman could not be seen, and he saw a Bomberman flying over from the blind spot, taking in two bloody melee soldiers, and the remaining two minions were directly discarded.

"Do you dare to fight me head-on? It's disgusting." Uzi was in a hurry. This kind of laning mode made his laning ability nowhere to be used.

"Don't worry, if you grow up, you will be more useful than him, and you won't lose money if you develop peacefully." Xiao Ming comforted him.

Hearing this, Uzi calmed down a little.

Soon, Liu Qingsong's Tam came back.

At the same time, Xiaotian has cleared RNG's field of vision near Xiaolong Pit.

"Let's go over and pretend to fight the little dragons, and then force them to come over. Let's find opportunities to fight and consume them." Qi Zhou directed.

Xiaotian went directly to fight Xiaolong. This is a water dragon, and it will be more comfortable to line up after taking it down.

On RNG's side, Kasa saw that Xiaolong's vision was blocked, and he already felt that Xiaolong was in danger.

He chose to command: "Go down and take a look at Xiaolong. The opponent may be fighting. I'll come right over."

Xiao Ming's Luo then walked into Xiaolong Pit, only to find that Qing Gang Ying was really fighting, and at the beginning of the fight, Kasa still had time!
Uzi took the initiative to push the thread and began to walk towards Xiaolong. On the middle road, the thread was in the hands of Toothpaste. After toothpaste pushed the thread, he also walked towards Xiaolongkeng.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Does FPX want to use Xiaolong to force the group? Or is it that Xiaolong was discovered stealing?"

Miller: "I think the latter is more likely. After all, judging from the lineup, FPX seems to be unable to fight a frontal team battle. It should be said that it must be defeated. Bomber's output is unstable, and so is Zoe."

From the point of view of the commentary, FPX's behavior is very confusing. They chose to actively find RNG to form a team at a time when they should not be in a team.

On RNG's side, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong walked from their wilderness all the way to the middle lane, and met with Nakano first.

And Xiaotian, who was fighting Xiaolong, had already pulled Xiaolong to the middle, and the four of them joined together first.

"I have a big move, you need to send a signal." It was Jin Gong who spoke.

Qi Zhou commanded: "Don't worry, pull, push the line on the road, and put pressure on the opponent's road."

In the direction of the bottom lane, the three of RNG's downfield will also join forces. Xiaohu in the middle lane has just cleared the pawn line. If he wants to spare, it will definitely be delayed, so he chooses to use his big move from the wild area and use his big move to fight with his teammates. And will.

In this way, the confrontation around Xiaolong became a 4V4 confrontation.

Everyone in RNG was very active, Uzi had long wanted to fight, and Kasa and Xiao Ming walked in front, wanting to start a team battle.

As they approached, they walked, preparing to avoid the skills of the bomber.

However, Qi Zhou didn't intend to release his skills at all.

The opponents are all professional players, and they are all first-line professional players. Needless to say, how to move, no matter how accurate your skills are, as a bomber, it is difficult to guarantee the hit rate.

Because it is not the operation that has the greatest impact on the bomber's skill hit rate, but the flying speed of the skill!

Bomberman's Q flight speed is very slow, no matter how you operate, you can't change this, so the problem of low hit rate in the face of top players cannot be changed.

Unless, someone helps you control the opponent first!
"It's up to you, toothpaste." Qi Zhou said suddenly.

The toothpaste was already prepared on the side. The moment the front row approached, a hypnotic bubble shot out. The hypnotic bubble passed through the wall for a longer distance, and then hit the troll walking in front.

The troll chose to retreat in a hurry and was arrested before taking a few steps. Qi Zhou didn't rush to use his skills. When Zoe pulled out the flying star and used his big move to smash it over, Qi Zhou's Q and E skills took action.

Zoe's flying star at an extreme distance, combined with Bomberman's skills, caused the troll to lose half of its health in an instant. If Luo hadn't provided the shield, the troll would have lost more blood.

"Start a group! Don't give the opponent a chance to consume!" Uzi commanded.

So Casa didn't say anything, handed over and flashed forward, a pillar stuck FPX people.

Now it is time for skill CDs in the middle and bottom of FPX, and Kasa is not afraid of not having much blood.

On the FPX side, Qing Gangying surrendered his E skill and retreated, while the Bomberman was eaten by Tam, and he ran away with him, helping the Bomberman avoid Luo's W.

Liu Qingsong's position has always been at the back, just waiting for this moment.

On RNG's side, the first wave of team-starting skills left no one behind!

(End of this chapter)

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