Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 211 [210] Operations are common, the brain is not always straight

Chapter 211 [210] There are often operations, but the brain may not always be online

On the road side, Jin Gong's captain is looking for Sion to fight, the main purpose is to prevent Sion from TP head-on.

Now that Thain has been beaten to a pulp, even if he wants to support the front, he can't do it.

On the front side, everyone in RNG is still hesitating. Now that the team start skills are gone, there is no way to keep people.

They had no choice but to try to fight Xiaolong, and they were going to withdraw directly after taking Xiaolong away.

"Press forward." Naturally, Qi Zhou would not give RNG this opportunity to press forward with his teammates.

RNG's biggest problem right now is that Luo doesn't have level six!Without Luo's opening group, and Thain is not in the front, RNG is actually very passive.

Seeing the FPX crowd approaching, RNG is already ready to take over the team. They don't have the ability to keep people now, but if FPX wants to take the initiative to fight the team, the team battle can still be taken.

At this moment, Zoe from Toothpaste stood up again!

Zooey had touched the inside of Xiaolong Pit, and then a hypnotic bubble shot out, passing through the wall of Xiaolong Pit, and hitting Xiaohu's Ryze!

Xiao Ming hurriedly helped to block it, while Qi Zhou's bomber repeated the same tricks, and when Zoe La Feixing passed, he threw out all his skills.

So Luo, who helped to block the skill, suffered a disaster and was knocked out of half of his blood.

"Withdraw! We can't fight this wave, or there will be problems." Xiao Ming commanded, and now Nosuke's condition is not good, no one can go up to take the first damage, so he can only choose to retreat.

Although Uzi was not reconciled, he had no choice but to retreat as FPX had already forced him up.

So FPX successfully took over Pan Xiaolong, and after taking down the bloody Xialong, everyone in FPX went back online to continue their development.

"Nice, this wave of cooperation is in place, and we will fight like this in the future." Qi Zhou praised.

Xiaotian said: "I'm still worried that your Q skill is hard to hit. It turns out that there is a routine. No wonder you have to take a Zoe in the middle."

Qi Zhou: "Otherwise, you think I'm planning to rely on luck?"

The two sides have entered into a period of peaceful development. When the game time reaches eight and a half minutes, the two sides have reached the sixth level one after another in the bot lane, and the rhythm is different again.

Now the RNG duo has six levels, which is not good news for Qi Zhou, and the opponent will definitely find a way to come down and make trouble.

The hero Luo has a strong ability to start a team, and only one Tahm can't completely prevent it.

In this way, it is necessary to have a good vision, and at the same time prevent trolls from raiding from various angles that cannot be prevented by vision.

If the troll succeeds in going around the back and pushes the pawn line forward to the tower, Tam will definitely not be able to keep him.

Just when Qi Zhouxin was thinking about how to prevent being jumped over the tower, Kasa's troll appeared!
The troll came to the triangular grass, entered the grass and removed the real eyes first.

Qi Zhou went up to the partition wall to put a fake eye, and the Kasa troll started scanning, and the fake eye was also arranged.

"I'm coming." Seeing the troll appearing in the bottom lane, Xiaotian Qinggangying began to walk down the bottom lane.

"No need now, he will definitely not do it now." Qi Zhou commanded, since Kasa's position was exposed, he would not be so stubborn.

However, if you don't do it now, it is possible to do it in the past half a minute, or 1 minute, or 2 minutes.

"Go back and fix your eyes, I can guard alone." Qi Zhou commanded.

"Okay." So Liu Qingsong chose to return for supplies.

Soon, the line of soldiers was pushed in, and at this time there was only Qi Zhou under the defensive tower.

Kai'Sa and Luo moved very aggressively. Seeing that Tahm didn't seem to be under the defensive tower, the two were ready to jump over the tower.

At this moment, Qi Zhou's bomberman threw out his big move, followed by a Q skill, which happened to clear the pawn line.

Uzi, who moved more aggressively, was also beaten by the defense tower.

Since there was no pawn line, Uzi and Xiao Ming could only retreat.

"Again, this is so annoying." Uzi's mentality fluctuated. If he had a chance to touch the Bomberman, he would definitely kill the Bomberman by himself, but he didn't have this chance.

After the next wave of minions came, Uzi quickly pushed the line, but this time, Liu Qingsong's Tam had already returned.

In this way, RNG lost the opportunity to cross the tower.

After Liu Qingsong returned to the line, he put a real eye on the triangle grass.

As a result, less than 20 seconds after the real eye was put down, Kasa's troll reappeared!Put this real eye out again!

"Did they buy a house in the bottom lane?" Liu Qingsong muttered.

In the commentary, Doll began to analyze: "Casa is determined to engage in the bot lane. In fact, his own development has been delayed a lot, but he still chooses to come to the bot lane to help."

Miller: "The Bomberman doesn't have a big move now, Tamm's real eyes are used up, and the bottom lane is in a state of no vision at all. The troll doesn't seem to plan to leave yet, although the Bomberman has cleared the minion line, But when the next wave of soldiers comes, I guess RNG will directly jump over the tower."

Baby: "Although Neptune is already very powerful, he can't stand such a target."

From the point of view of the commentary, this time FPX will definitely have problems in the next lane, after all, Casa has already paid a big price.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"Did Casa not have the top half of the map? He can only see the bottom road?"

"Don't be embarrassed, Casa bought a house in Xialu, going to Xialu and going home mean the same thing."

"I think RNG is really anxious. If they don't kill this bomber, I guess they won't be able to sleep at night."

"To deal with disgusting heroes, you must be more disgusting than him!"

Everyone has seen the strength of Kasa's protection in the bottom lane, so it is no surprise to see Kasa's behavior.

Now everyone is concerned about whether Qi Zhou can resolve it!
On the field, FPX side.

"I'll go down the road, wait for me a while." Xiaotian hurried down the road again.

"Don't come, you hero needs to develop, there's no need to waste time with trolls, you go against the jungle, we change lanes! Go up, you come down, we go up and push towers!" Qi Zhou directed.

As soon as Xiaotian heard it, he immediately realized: "Yes, you can change the line, why didn't I think of it!"

Qi Zhou said: "Before the next little dragon spawns, we need to take down the top tower and switch to the middle lane, so that we can pick up the little dragon group. Gao Tianliang, will you come to the top lane to help later?"

Xiaotian: "Okay, I will find a chance to kill Thain later."

Qi Zhou: "It's not important, as long as you can push the tower."

While speaking, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong had already returned under the defense tower.

And Jin Gong was unambiguous, returning to the same place, ready to go down the road.

His ult can turn into a good CD immediately, and he can rely on his ult to recruit a wave of soldiers.

At first, when the commentator saw Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong returning, they thought they were going to put down Lu Yita.

However, when the baby and Miller saw that the two were going up the road after returning home, and the captain was going down the road, they immediately understood:

"FPX changed lanes in the top and bottom lanes, and it happened to be stuck at the time when the bottom lane was about to be overtaken by the tower. Now that the bottom lane lane enters the tower, and RNG sees that there is no one under the tower, they probably think that FPX just gave up the bottom lane tower."

Miller: "The captain shouldn't be able to defend the bottom tower by himself, but his ult will improve, so it's not a big problem, and Qing Gangying is against the jungle in the first half of the jungle, and the jungle has already been blown!"

On the road side, Rangdi noticed that the captain was missing, and began to send signals to his teammates. At the same time, he himself pushed the line of troops to the front of the FPX defense tower.

As a result, as soon as the soldiers entered the tower, Jean saw Bomberman and Tam coming up!
"They changed the line!" Rang Di quickly reminded his teammates.

As a result, he had just finished speaking when he suddenly found Qing Gangying walking from behind.

Rangdi used his ult without saying a word and wanted to run away, Xiaotian directly threw his ultimatum Hex ultimatum, Thain's ultimatum hit the edge of Qinggangying's ult, don't stop him!
Bomberman and Tam stepped forward to follow up the output, Thain chose to resist, and then surrendered the flash and retreated after Qinggangying's ultimate move disappeared.

As soon as he handed over the flash, Tam flashed his tongue and Thain was arrested again. The bomber and Qinggang Ying followed up the damage, and the head finally fell into the bomber's hands.

On the bottom lane, the RNG duo and Kasa realized that they had been tricked, so they had to push the tower first.

At this moment, Jin Gong's captain gave his ult to the next tower, and used his ult to clear the line of troops.

There is no way, the three of RNG's bottom laners can only retreat.

On the road side, the three FPX and Shimono led the line of soldiers and pushed the tower forward.

"Do they still have such tricks?" Rang Di muttered
Casa: "Their command is really something. It feels like every step I make is seen through."

Uzi: "It just doesn't work, it just creates some useless and disgusting people."

Regarding Uzi's statement, Casa could only reserve his own opinion. Although he didn't agree with it, he didn't dare to refute it directly.

There are not many people who are good at playing this game. Generally speaking, the younger the player, the greater the advantage in this area. If you want to play well, you can always find it among young players, but too many brains Rare, hard to come by.

After the captain's big move is over, everyone in RNG can only wait for the next wave of troops.

Although Kai'Sa pushed the tower faster than Bomberman, but with such interference, the time for both sides to take down the tower was about the same.

In this way, everything is under Qi Zhou's control!

"Choose the line, let's go to the middle lane, the captain will come to the top lane, and the mid laner will go to the bottom lane." Qi Zhou commanded.

So the five people in FPX started to move, and Xiaotian's Qing Gangying naturally wanted to follow Qi Zhou, and came to the second half of the field to clear the field.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX has started to change the line again, this time it will be more complicated... According to their way of dividing lines, I think it is mainly to protect Xiaolong."

Miller: "Xiaolong is about to refresh, and the two sides are starting to compete for the vision of Xiaolong. However, RNG still has an advantage in terrain. It depends on how FPX handles it."

The game time comes to 10 minutes, and the second dragon is about to refresh.

Qi Zhou is grabbing the pawn line in the middle, and the first big piece has not yet come out, so the speed of pushing the line is not very fast.

Fortunately, Uzi's Kai'Sa is not fast in pushing the line, so the pawn line will not be pushed over.

After dealing with the central pawn line, Qi Zhou took Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian to Xiaolongkeng.

And Toothpaste finished pushing the pawn line before going down to the second tower, and also came to gather for the dragon team battle.

"Look for opportunities in the middle to consume. Let's not rush to fight. I will push the pawn line in the middle. You look for opportunities." Qi Zhou commanded.

Now it's time to test the hit rate of toothpaste's skills. Qi Zhou chooses to push the line of soldiers by himself, so that he can change his strategy at any time according to the situation.

On the RNG side, Xiao Ming also began to command:
"Ryze withdraws troops in the middle lane, they may use dragons to fish, and then suddenly turn to the middle lane."

Xiaohu's Ruiz stayed in the middle, while the others walked towards Xiaolong Pit, ready to rush directly at the moment Xiaolong refreshed.

However, if you want to enter Xiaolongkeng, you have to go through the tube of toothpaste.

Toothpaste estimates the position of everyone in RNG, and then throws a hypnotic bubble into the river from the partition wall.

However, this time RNG was prepared, Xiao Ming's Luo took the initiative to eat the bubbles, and then used the displacement to pull away, so that Zoe would not be able to catch the flying star.

But Toothpaste is also an old Zoe, even if there is no vision, the position of the hypnotic bubble can be seen.

From the trajectory of the hypnotic bubble after it was hit, it can be judged that it must have hit Luo, and Luo used the E skill to borrow his teammates to move.

In this way, you can guess the approximate location of this "teammate"!

So Zoe pulls the flying star, predicts the position of this "teammate" and smashes it over.

In the end, Zoe really hit it, but it hit the troll. The meat from the troll, plus the damage bonus without hypnotic bubbles, the damage of this flying star is relatively average, only knocking out a third of it. HP.

On the middle side, the next wave of pawns came, and Qi Zhou chose to use his skills to quickly push the line.

After the pawn line entered the tower, Qi Zhou saw Xiaohu's Ruiz pushing the line in front of the defensive tower.

"Little Tiger Ruiz! He's on his own. Zoe leaned over, and Qing Gangying drove him directly! Kill him first!" Qi Zhou commanded.

At this time, Xiaotian's Qinggang Ying had already touched the river, and after hearing Qi Zhou's words, he directly flashed his E skill, hook lock and pull the wall, and kicked Ruiz in front of the defense tower unconscious!
Zoe took the opportunity to follow a hypnotic bubble through the wall and hit it precisely.

Xiaohu kept pressing Blink, and his Blink was handed over, but it was useless, and he was still stunned by Zoe's bubble.

Bomberman's Q skill shot, the longest hit, Zoe Flying Star took the big move, Qing Gangying's second stage Q skill ended, Ryze fell to the ground in response!

"Damn, I was ambushed!" Xiaohu was dumbfounded. He actually planned to use his big move to fly over and reunite with his teammates, but he didn't expect that FPX would force him away while he was still under the defense tower!
At this time, Xiaolong just refreshed, which was very embarrassing for RNG.

"How to fight now?" Rang Di was ready on the road, he didn't know if he should give TP.

Casa said helplessly: "Let it go, we are short of a mid laner."

Uzi had a different idea: "You can't let it go, but you can let this fire dragon go too?"

Xiao Ming persuaded: "We lack a mid laner, and we may not be able to fight if we really fight."

Uzi: "It's okay, Qing Gang Ying has used his big move, no one can restrict me, I can operate it!"

Seeing that Uzi was so confident, everyone in RNG thought they could give it a try. After all, FPX only had Qing Gang Ying's big move to keep people. Now Qing Gang Ying has no big move. If they find that they can't beat them in the end, RNG can retreat.

So everyone in RNG didn't go far, and chose to look at the situation first. It would be best if they could hold off until Xiaohu came over.

(End of this chapter)

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