Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 212 [211] Conquering the South and the North

Chapter 212 [211] Conquering the South and the North

Seeing this scene, Wawa explained: "Xiaohu's Ryze has already been seconded, but RNG has no plans to retreat. Are they planning to fight four against five?"

Miller: "It seems quite possible. Although RNG has only four people, they all have all the skills. And judging from the attributes of the heroes, if Luo can start a team battle and the two sides fight hand-to-hand, it's really hard to say. Who can win."

On the field, on the FPX side, after killing Xiaohu, everyone in FPX already believed that Xiaolong belonged to them.

As a result, they were going to fight Xiaolong, but found that the remaining four members of RNG not only did not leave, but were eager to try and seemed to want to join the group!

"What do you mean? They still want to fight with so few people?" Xiaotian said he didn't understand.

"Don't worry, we may not be able to fight hard, pull, toothpaste, you find a chance to consume it." Qi Zhou directed.

Toothpaste: "Okay, don't get fired."

Zoe from toothpaste began to look for opportunities to consume, however, RNG had a long memory this time.

They know that they can't procrastinate, and once they are in a stalemate, it will give FPX a chance to consume.

Therefore, everyone in RNG chose to fight Xiaolong first and force the people from FPX over.

Toothpaste tried to control with hypnotic bubbles, this time the skill was empty, which is normal for Zoe, but it hurts a bit for FPX.

Seeing that Xiaolong's blood volume is getting less and less, Xiaotian's green steel shadow approaches Xiaolong, as if preparing to fight for punishment.

However, it was impossible for RNG to give him such an opportunity. Xiao Ming's Luo suddenly surrendered his ult and flashed forward, using his ult to seduce Qinggang Ying.

Thain activated his big move to knock Qinggang Ying into the air, and then charged up his Q skill. This Qinggang Ying was so charged that he couldn't move.

However, FPX also has a backup player. Tam stepped up and swallowed Qinggang Ying in one gulp to prevent Qinggang Ying from being set on fire, then flashed back and took Qinggang Ying out of the dangerous position.

And Qi Zhou's bomber used a W skill to interrupt Luo's W!
Originally, He Luo planned to control Tam as well, but Bomberman's W made Luo unable to continue to control him.

On RNG's side, Uzi's Kai'Sa has already rushed up to output. Although Tam is more fleshy, he can't handle Kai'Sa's continuous output.

Just when Tamm was bleeding, Qi Zhou threw out his E skill and ultimate move, directly blocking the road!
At the same time, the captain's big move also came down, separating RNG's front row from the back row!

In this way, if Uzi wants to continue to output Tahm forward, he must take damage from Bomberman and Captain's ultimate move.

This is unacceptable for an ADC, and Uzi chose to turn around.

As soon as he moves, Tam has a chance to pull away.

At the same time, Xiaolong's hatred was pulled away, and he returned to Xiaolong's pit to recover his blood!
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained, "What should we do now? Xiaolong has recovered his blood. Doesn't that mean fighting for nothing? Luo's ult is used, and Sean's ult is gone. RNG seems to have lost the means to start a team."

Miller: "Now FPX is looking for an opportunity. Zoe from Toothpaste sent a hypnotic bubble. This time, the bubble hit Thain. Taking advantage of this opportunity, FPX chose to fight back, and Zoe cooperated with Bomberman's output,"

"Sion has been being output just now, and now he can only retreat in a flash. Why do I feel that RNG's team battle can't be answered."

After FPX disabled Thain, Qi Zhou led his teammates to press forward and used his skills to open the way.

On RNG's side, there is no front row to support them, so they can only choose to wait.

In this way, the situation began to favor FPX.

Zoe of the toothpaste continued to look for opportunities to consume it. Zoe's development was quite good, and no one on RNG dared to take his damage.

Although the positioning of everyone in RNG is quite good, once they make a mistake, they may be killed.

"Let's withdraw, we are out of shape." It was Xiao Ming who spoke, and he had already realized that continuing to fight would be very detrimental to his side.

Although Uzi is upset, there is really nothing he can do now. His teammate's team-starting skills have been let go, and if he continues to pick up the team, he will only be kited.

So everyone in RNG chose to retreat, and FPX took advantage of the opportunity to take over Xiaolong.

The second dragon was also taken by FPX.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Don't tell me, FPX's pulling is really in place. After rounds of pulling, RNG still can't find the angle to start a group, and take down Xiaolong without bloodshed."

Miller: "However, it is also acceptable to RNG, because their lineup is more competitive in the late stage. As long as the dragons don't keep playing fire dragons, it's fine, and it's okay to let FPX take a few dragons."

As soon as Miller finished speaking, an incredible scene happened!

The third dragon is really a fire dragon!

On the field, on RNG's side, seeing that the next dragon is Fire Dragon, Uzi said: "We will prepare for the next dragon in advance, we must start a team battle!"

The two sides entered a short period of peaceful development, and Qi Zhou returned to the middle lane to push the line to develop.

Now he doesn't plan to push RNG's first mid-lane tower, and for RNG, as long as this bomber exists, it is impossible for them to take FPX's mid-lane one tower.

The two sides played wild Xiaotian and Casa, and began to look for opportunities on the wing.

However, neither of them had enough confidence, so they didn't make easy moves, and the rhythm slowed down.

The game time soon came to 7 minutes, and the third dragon will be refreshed soon!

The two sides have come to compete for the field of view in advance, and RNG still relies on the advantage of the terrain to occupy the field of view of Xiaolongkeng.

"I'll push the pawn line in the middle, you guys first find the angle to consume." Qi Zhou commanded.

In the current situation, we can only take one step at a time and wait for the opposite side to show a flaw.

This time, Xiaohu also learned to be smart. After clearing the middle lane, he chose to come with his teammates.

Xiaolong refreshed, everyone in RNG chose to activate Xiaolong, pulled Xiaolong out, and leaned in the direction of the bottom lane.

On the FPX side, Zoe from toothpaste is looking for opportunities to consume.

Qi Zhou was observing the pawn line in the middle. At this time, RNG's middle road was unguarded!
The next wave of soldiers is coming soon, if you can delay a little bit, and then turn directly to the middle, maybe you can gain more!

On the other side, the RNG people who were fighting Xiaolong were harassed by the toothpaste seat, and they actually wanted to find a chance to force the group, so the speed of fighting Xiaolong was not fast.

"Wait a minute, they seem to be pushing the middle lane!" Suddenly, Xiao Ming saw that FPX, Bomberman, Qing Gangying and Captain had already pushed the lane in the middle lane!This is obviously going to the first tower in the middle road.

"Quick! Go back to defend after the fight!" Uzi was anxious when he saw this.

So everyone in RNG chose to focus on Xiaolong, and Xiaolong died soon.

However, on the way everyone in RNG wanted to go back to defend, Zoe from Toothpaste was very disgusting.

Zoe used the wall to hit Uzi's Kai'Sa with a hypnotic bubble.

No way, teammates can only choose to cover Uzi, and it will be too late for them to return to defense

The first tower in the middle road was taken down by everyone in FPX, and Qi Zhou led the troops to move forward.

"Stay in their position!" Qi Zhou commanded.

On the RNG side, the five players have to maintain the formation and move forward together, so the speed is relatively slow.

Seeing that the first tower in the middle road was gone, they chose to go directly to the second tower.

However, I just walked to the entrance of the wild area on the side of the second tower in the middle road.

Another hypnotic bubble flew over, blocking the entrance.

Then there is Bomberman's E skill, and the captain is by his side ready to connect barrels at any time!
This entrance is very narrow, there is not much room for movement, and everyone in RNG is in trouble.

While everyone in RNG was hesitating, Qi Zhou was leading his teammates to push the second tower.

The blood volume of these two towers dropped very quickly, and they were about to be taken down.

"Let's start the team, go!" Uzi was in a hurry, urging his teammates to go forward.

So Thain chose to activate his big move, eat up the skills on the ground, and rushed towards the FPX crowd.

Xiaohu's Ryze started his big move, and wanted to use his big move to send his teammates over to pick up the group.

However, Xiaotian on the side was already prepared. The moment Ryze opened his ult, Xiaotian's Qinggang Shadow E skill entered the field, kicked Ryze, and directly interrupted the ult!

When everyone in RNG was going to focus on Qinggangying, Qinggangying chose to give the big move to Kai'Sa in Uzi, dodging various control skills, and then flashed away!

Naturally, Uzi wouldn't let Qing Gangying just leave, he chose to use his big move to fly up.

Now that Qing Gangying has no skills in his hands, it is not a threat to Uzi.

At the same time, Xiao Ming's Luo also followed to protect Uzi.

On the FPX side, the front four have already taken down RNG's second tower in the middle. Tam blocked Jean Dixon's big move, and then covered his teammates to retreat.

Rang Di found out that his teammates were chasing Qinggang Yingluo, he had no choice but to let everyone in FPX go.

In the end, Xiaotian's Qinggangying was killed, but FPX won the first and second towers in the middle, which was not a loss at all.

On RNG's side, seeing that everyone in FPX had withdrawn, they also realized that they had been fooled.

"These people on the other side are so disgusting. If you can't pick up a team battle, you will run away?" Uzi began to scold.

Xiao Ming: "Their command thinking is too flexible, and they never know what he wants to do."

Xiaohu: "Fortunately, Xiaolong got it, so it's not a loss, okay?"

After the Xiaolong group ended, the two sides entered the development rhythm again.

However, now RNG does not have the first and second towers in the middle, and the vision of the wild area is under great pressure.

Although it is said that five people report to the group, RNG's advantages are still obvious.

But the C position needs to develop and lead the line. It is impossible for five people to gather together to make the vision all the time. This leads to the vision near the river, which is basically controlled by FPX.

The game time soon came to 23 minutes, the fourth dragon was about to be refreshed, and at the same time, the big dragon had already been refreshed.

I saw Qi Zhou commanding: "Look for an opportunity to ambush, they will definitely come over to do vision, toothpaste, let's cooperate."

Toothpaste immediately understood what Qi Zhou was thinking.

Now FPX has the advantage of vision, which is too comfortable for Zoe, especially when fighting in the wild.

Sure enough, after FPX was in the field of vision for an hour, RNG's Nosuke went to Dalong Pit to rely on Luo, wanting to come over to do vision and prevent FPX from stealing Dalong.

Then the place near the river was pitch black, Xiao Ming and Kasa were very careful.

As a result, as soon as he approached the Dalongkeng, a hypnotic bubble flew over from the partition wall and hit Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming wasn't very scared, he chose to hand over his W skill towards the rear.

Kasa didn't intend to help, this distance has exceeded the distance of Luo Zuoyi's ultimate move to pull the flying star, so logically it will not be touched.

At this moment, Bomber's ultimate move appeared above Luo's head!

Immediately afterwards, Zoe appeared Lo!Pull the flying star big move to fly over, and then flash!

Zoe used the flash to extend the distance of the flying star to deal explosive damage!
Bomberman's big move and Zoe Flying Star hit Luo almost at the same time, and Luo was instantly caught!
Seeing this, the baby exclaimed in surprise: "Is it a second? Is this the second? A Luo who is full of blood has been seconded! Now FPX is gathering at the Dalong Pit, and it seems that they are going to take Dalong by force."

Miller: "This big dragon is not easy to take. Although RNG has few players, but if you want to carry the big dragon and fight RNG, I don't think FPX has any advantages."

From the point of view of the commentary, the choice of everyone in FPX is problematic.

However, in Qi Zhou's view, although Luo is a support, he is very important!

Whether a hero is important or not depends not on what position he takes, but on his role in the lineup.

RNG lineup, if there is no Luo, it will be difficult for them to really start a team battle. Just one Sion is not enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that Luo is more important than Xiaohu's Ruiz!
"After they come over, it's still the same, pull, don't hit hard." Qi Zhou directed.

At this time, the five members of FPX have gathered together to fight the dragon.

Because there is no ADC, the speed of fighting Baron is not fast, so it is impossible to directly RUSH this way.

On RNG's side, the remaining four people have already rushed here in a group.

"They're here." Liu Qingsong quickly discovered the movements of the RNG crowd.

Zoe of Toothpaste approached the wall of the Great Dragon Pit, and then looked for a chance to consume it.

Taking advantage of the rush of everyone in RNG, Zoe directly pulled the flying star, and then flew over with a big move.

However, the moment Emperor saw Zoe, he chose to use his body to help his teammates block skills.

Zoe's flying star hit Thain, and the effect was quite mediocre.

Under the cover of Thain, everyone in RNG approached the big dragon pit, put down a real eye, and found that the big dragon still had half of the blood volume, so RNG was even less anxious, and the vision was done first.

Toothpaste continued to look for opportunities, and Qi Zhou also took advantage of RNG's vision, using skills to consume from the blind area of ​​vision, and the effect was not bad.

In this way, RNG is in a hurry and needs to start a team battle immediately.

Uzi urged: "Leave the group! They have no place to run in this position!"

So Rangdi's Thain chose to use his big move directly and rushed towards the FPX crowd.

On the FPX side, Liu Qingsong's Tamm has already prepared in advance, using his body to block Thain's big move.

Everyone in RNG took the opportunity to step forward and focus on Tamm, wanting to kill Tamm first.

As a result, before Uzi hit A twice, Xiaotian's Qinggang Ying came out!
Qing Gangying approached Kai'Sa, and made a big move, shaking away all the other RNG people around.

However, Qinggangying alone is not enough to kill Kai'Sa, Xiaotian also understands this truth, he is actually here to limit the output.

In the few seconds when he restricted Kai'Sa, his teammates had already distanced themselves from danger.

So Qinggang Ying flashed to open the distance, and at the same time the captain's big move came down, Uzi who wanted to follow the output had to retreat one after another, and RNG's plan to start a group failed again.

"Wait for the skill, use it!" Qi Zhou commanded, now RNG has used the team start skill, and the follow-up is the FPX round!
(End of this chapter)

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