Chapter 213 [212] The End of Xia Jue

On RNG's side, they are now caught in a dilemma. They have no skills to continue to fight, but they can't just let Dalong go.

The troll was still looking for an opportunity to enter to grab the big dragon, when suddenly, a hypnotic bubble flew over and hit the troll!

The captain connected a two-barrel barrel in the dragon pit, and the bomber kept up with Q and E skills, and cooperated with Zoe's flying star. The troll itself was not full of blood, and the three of them teamed up to give it a second!
"Why am I gone?" Kasa was dumbfounded. He felt that he was quite fleshy and should be able to carry it, but he was still dead.

"Don't rush, let's fight the big dragon first. If they want to come, they will pick up the group." Qi Zhou was very calm. Although it was five-on-three, because of his unstable skills, Uzi still had room to maneuver.

So the best way is to play steadily!
Seeing that the big dragon is going to disappear, and there is no jungler on his side to go in to fight, Uzi is anxious.

"You guys think of a way!" Uzi urged.

But what can teammates do?The three of them were spinning around in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the dragon being killed came out!
Now Uzi gave up and retreated with his teammates.

FPX did not chase here, and returned to the city to supply supplies.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Is it so stable? Is this the command of FPX? They didn't choose to pursue them when they had an absolute advantage in numbers! Instead, they took the dragon and left!"

Miller: "Actually, they do have a chance to earn more in this wave. It's the same for the group to go back and take Baron after killing RNG, but they choose the most stable style of play. This kind of choice is not something any team can make."

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, the barrage is already a different scene:

"Sea! Sea! Sea!"


"Little Phoenix, charge!"

"Where's Huang Zaren? Why don't you blow it?"

"Huangza can't beat him and started pretending to be dead? Huangza will never go against the wind."

In the beginning, the barrage was dominated by RNG fans, and FPX fans only dared to speak in a low voice. Then after FPX gained the advantage in this game, the two sides split [-]-[-].

Up to now, RNG is at a huge disadvantage, losing the dragon, and RNG fans have stopped talking.

On the screen, after everyone in FPX returned to the city for supplies, they chose to push all three lines of soldiers over first.

Then start to report to the group in the middle, gather and advance.

Now RNG does not have the first and second towers in the middle, they can only defend on high ground.

The five FPX people drove straight in with the line of soldiers, and went straight to the high ground in the middle of RNG.

"Look for opportunities to fight and consume, use the big dragon BUFF to slowly grind the blood volume of the defensive tower." Qi Zhou commanded.

For the Poke lineup, the most comfortable thing is at this time, put five people on the opposite side under the defense tower, and then throw skills without thinking.

At this time, even with the skill of a hero like Bomberman, the hit rate will not be too low.

Qi Zhou poured firepower on the opposite high ground, and could hit a skill from time to time. Except for Thain, it was quite uncomfortable for others to suffer from his skill damage, especially Uzi.

Uzi's Kai'Sa is the most vulnerable. When Bomberman uses his Q skill, he will lose half of his health.

He also needs to guard against Zoe with toothpaste, so he can only stand at the back, so he can't clear the line of soldiers!

"Ryze is the only one on the opposite side who dares to clear the pawn line, find a chance to kill Ryze!" Qi Zhou commanded.

Now Xiaohu's Ruiz position is relatively high, this is a good opportunity.

So the toothpaste began to look for Xiaohu's opportunity, adjusted its position, and sent out hypnotic bubbles, but the child moved away to avoid it.

No way, wait for the next shot, it was still dodged, and the line of soldiers was also cleared.

"This kid moves well." Toothpaste muttered.

"No hurry, let's wait for the next wave of troops to change." Qi Zhou was not in a hurry.

On the commentary stage, the baby explained: "This is really frightening. Once Zoe's flying star hits, as long as Thain doesn't get it, I feel very dangerous. Now everyone in RNG has to tighten their nerves and keep moving." .”

Miller: "For RNG, if they can drag the big dragon BUFF over, maybe they still have to fight, so take your time."

As a result, just after Miller finished speaking, the next wave of soldiers entered the tower.

Xiaohu continued to push the thread, and Zoe from the toothpaste made a move!The hypnotic bubbles flew over the wall, Xiaohu moved, and the result was predicted!
Hypnotic Bubble Hit!Luo gave Xiaohu a shield, but he didn't dare to help block it. After all, he was second-passed in the last wave, and it was because he was second-passed that FPX dared to fight Dalong.

Bomberman's big move has been thrown out, and Zoe Flying Star will take the big move.

Not only that, Jin Gong's captain kept up with a three-barreled barrel!

The damage of the three people did not arrive at the same time, but Xiaohu didn't flash, he didn't have a chance to move, and he lay down on the ground in the next second!

"It's a second! Ritz is a second!" Toothpaste was overjoyed.

"No rush, let's point the tower, and no one of them can clear the line now." The teammates actually wanted to rush, but Qi Zhou was very calm.

Indeed, now that his own side has a large number of people and is leading the economy, he can fight for the high ground, but the operation is not Qi Zhou's forte, and there is a possibility of being shown off, so he chooses the most stable and brainless way to win.

On RNG's side, after Xiaohu was instantly killed, the whole team was in chaos. They wanted to defend the high ground, but no one could go up to clear the line.

"Let's withdraw, let's guard the tooth tower." Xiao Ming commanded.

Although Uzi was reluctant, he couldn't rush up alone, so he could only walk with his teammates.

So the high ground in the middle of RNG was easily taken by FPX. After taking the high ground, Qi Zhou led his teammates to continue to advance.

"Look for a chance to end it in one wave." Qi Zhou glanced at Ryze's resurrection time, there were more than 20 seconds left, and it was too late.

Seeing the line of soldiers entering the tower and the front tooth tower being targeted, everyone in RNG was anxious.

"Wait for me, wait for me, I'll be resurrected right away!" Xiaohu was very worried that his teammates would go straight up. If he hadn't fought before, he, the one who got caught first, would definitely be blamed.

"I can't wait anymore, let's start a team!" Uzi couldn't wait anymore, and if he continued to wait, the front teeth tower would be gone, and it would only be more difficult to fight.

So Rangdi's Thain started his big move and ran towards everyone in FPX. His primary target was Qi Zhou's bomber.

However, Tamm was right next to Bomberman, blocking Sion's ult with his body.

At the same time, Xiao Ming's Luo came in from another angle, also looking for the bomber.

However, Qi Zhou had already made preparations in advance, throwing a W at his feet, detonating the W when Luo approached, blowing himself backwards, and distanced himself from Luo.

Bomber turned around and made a big move. Now the two sides have started a melee. RNG people have no room to move and hide their skills. Bomber made an explosive AOE with his big move!

Uzi's Kai'Sa was about to come forward to follow the output, Xiaotian's Qinggang Shadow approached again!
The meeting of Qinggangying is a big move, to control Kai'Sa and limit Kai'Sa's output.

Xiaotian didn't even think about killing Kai'Sa, it's unrealistic for him to kill Kai'Sa alone, he just came to harass, now that Ryze is gone, if Kai'Sa can't keep up with the output, RNG's team battle won't win Angle.

"This Qinggang Shadow is so disgusting." Uzi was so disgusted, every time he played a team, he would be bound by Qinggangying's big move, which made his own big move useless, and he couldn't directly cut the back row.

Kai'Sa output Qinggangying, Qinggangying's bloody hand set out to rely on the shield to take a wave of damage. When the blood volume was low, Qinggangying directly used the E skill hook to pull away, and did not take the head for Uzi Chance.

By the time Uzi got rid of Qinggang Shadow, the rest of the RNG were dead and crippled, and the team battle had turned into a one-sided massacre.

Everyone in RNG began to retreat, Thain and Luo were both bloody, and the troll was dead.

"Don't chase, demolish the tower!" On FXP's side, Qi Zhou's goal is very clear.

One incisor tower fell, and then the second one. At this time, Xiaohu's Ruiz had been resurrected, and he rushed out with his teammates in a hurry to stop it.

The whole audience was restless, especially the fans of FPX, many people had already stood up and cheered.

In the eyes of everyone in FPX, there is only the base crystal, flashing, displacement, all handed over, just for a few more clicks.

In the end, RNG still had no time to stop it, and could only watch the base crystal being clicked off.

Doll passionately explained: "With the explosion of the RNG base crystal, let us congratulate FXP! They completed the reversal and finally won the victory!"

Miller: "It's really exciting. Who would have thought that after Neptune was replaced, he would lead the team to two cities in a row and help FPX complete redemption on the cliff! Congratulations to FPX! They won the 2018 LPL Summer Championship!"

Wawa: "At the same time, we also want to congratulate Aquaman for winning the FMVP of the 2018 Summer Split!"

On the field, everyone in FPX who won the game took off their headphones one after another, got up and hugged each other.

"Win! Win! We are the champions!"

"Awesome! Awesome!"


Everyone in FPX cheered, and Qi Zhou was surrounded by four other people.

Brother Feng should also come up from the lounge, and greeted: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, thank you for your hard work."

The ribbons fell from the heads of everyone in FPX, and the spotlights also focused on everyone in FPX. At this time, the world is focused on this!

After some celebration, Brother Feng reminded: "You guys go over and shake hands first, there will be an award ceremony and interview later."

Everyone calmed down a little after hearing this, and then Qi Zhou was in front, and the others were behind. Five people lined up and walked towards the RNG people.

When he came to RNG, Qi Zhou found that everyone in RNG was in a depressed mood. They all had slumped faces, mechanically packing things in their hands, dull eyes, and slow movements.

Qi Zhou was the first to come to top laner Rangdi. Relatively speaking, Rangdi's face was the best to see. After all, Rangdi was a blue-collar top laner, and to put it bluntly, he was a bastard.

For Hunzi, winning the game has nothing to do with him, and he won't have any mood swings if he loses. Playing a game is like clocking in to work.

Seeing Qi Zhou approaching, Rangdi extended his hand politely and bowed.

After shaking hands with Emperor Rang, Qi Zhou walked behind Kasa.

When Kasa heard the movement, he turned around slowly, lowered his head, and didn't even dare to look at Qi Zhou.

Qi Zhou noticed that there seemed to be tears on Kasa's face!

He knew that Casa's psychological quality was not very good, and he was prone to mood swings when facing headwinds and losing games. Now it seemed that he was more fragile than he imagined.

After shaking hands with Kasa, Qi Zhou walked behind Xiaohu.

Xiaohu shook hands with Qi Zhou with a dull face, and then continued to organize his things.

In the end, it was the duo. Qi Zhou walked up to Uzi. Uzi had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Qi Zhou approaching, he took the initiative to take a step forward.

As soon as the two held hands together, Qi Zhou heard Uzi say: "I really want to fight you with a regular ADC hero, can you stop playing those inexplicable things and be a real man with me? war?"

Qi Zhou could tell that Uzi was in a hurry, really in a hurry, he was very unconvinced, probably because he felt that he had lost to crooked ways.

"This... depends on the situation. I choose the team according to the situation. There is no fixed routine." Qi Zhou said slowly.

What he said is also true, Qi Zhou chooses any hero he thinks can win, and this is his only criterion for judging.

"Then when can you choose a normal ADC?" Uzi asked.

"Wuz, what are you waiting to say? Can you not waste our time." Xiaotian who was following behind Qi Zhou said suddenly.

Uzi glared at Xiaotian, then let go of Qi Zhou's hand.

Qi Zhou walked up to Xiao Ming, shook hands with Xiao Ming, and walked towards the middle of the stage.

At this point in the middle of the stage, the staff had already prepared the trophy.

Everyone in FPX walked quickly to the front of the trophy, including Brother Feng.

"Everyone join hands, let's raise the trophy." Brother Feng suggested.

So everyone in FPX stretched out their hands and put them on the trophy.

"Come on, one! Two! Three!" Brother Feng ordered, and everyone worked together to lift up the trophy.

"Oh! FPX! FPX! FPX!" The FPX fans at the scene began to go crazy. Everyone cheered and screamed, witnessing the moment of glory together.

After holding it for more than ten seconds, everyone in FPX put down the trophy together.

Brother Feng continued: "Come one by one, hold the trophy, and take a group photo."

A large number of reporters and media below are taking pictures, and everyone in FPX needs to hold up the trophy in front of the camera.

After hearing Brother Feng's words, everyone in FPX looked at me and I looked at you, and then pushed Qi Zhou one after another and said:
"You come first."

Qi Zhou was not humble either, he picked up the trophy with both hands and raised it above his head.

"Sea! Sea! Sea!" The fans at the scene began to cheer Qi Zhou's ID.

After Qi Zhou finished lifting, everyone in FPX came up one by one to complete the trophy lifting ceremony.

After everyone had raised it, a beautiful figure came up from the edge of the stage and said at the same time:

"Congratulations to FPX, for winning the 2018 League of Legends Professional League Summer Championship!"

The camera shot of the director went on and on, and Yu Shuang's figure appeared on the big screen.

And everyone in FPX lined up again, standing in the center of the stage.

Yu Shuang walked up to the FXP crowd amidst the cheers of the audience, and then said: "It's really not easy. When FPX fell behind by a big score, they went straight to two sets to complete the comeback and win the summer championship!"

"Now, what we want to interview is the savior of FPX, FMVP, sea!"

After Yu Shuang finished speaking, he handed over a microphone, and Qi Zhou took it and said, "I'm FPXADC, sea."

The audience cheered again, to the point where Yu Shuang couldn't speak, and could only stand still.

After the cheers of the crowd subsided, she said, "The first question is, what did you think when FPX fell behind by a large margin?"

(End of this chapter)

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