Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 214 [213] Prelude to the Asian Games

Chapter 214 [213] Prelude to the Asian Games

This question is a bit tricky, because generally speaking, in the process of BO5, especially in the final scene, there will be no substitutions. If you reach the final and you haven't figured out which player is better, then there is a big problem up.

Therefore, when the team is behind by such a large score, it is generally the substitution that takes the blame.

Of course, this time FPX is not for this reason.

"My thought at the time was that if I came up, the game would be stable." Qi Zhou responded.

Yu Shuang took advantage of the situation and asked, "Why do you feel stable?"

"Because I watched three games off the court and basically understood the opponent's style of play, so after I come up, I can adopt targeted strategies." Qi Zhou continued to reply.

As soon as this remark came out, the barrage in the official live broadcast room was boiling:
"High EQ answer!"

"Sea King's emotional intelligence is too high."

"Is it possible that Neptune is telling the truth."

"If it is Neptune, it is indeed possible, he has a brain to play games."

In fact, what Qi Zhou said was not all about the scene. Through the observation below, he did see some problems and thought of some ways to deal with them.

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "The Asian Games in Jakarta will be held soon. There will be an exhibition match of the League of Legends event in this Asian Games. You will participate as the top laner to represent the LPL. Do you think the possibility of the LPL winning this time is high? You guys? You should have started training."

Qi Zhou: "I have practiced in private. Judging from my current feeling, the hope of winning the championship is quite high. I hope the fans will have confidence in us."

The fans at the scene started to get restless. The champion of the Asian Games does not seem to be very high in terms of gold content. After all, each team member is from a different team and was formed temporarily.

However, from the point of view of honor, the Asian Games champion is even higher than the S game champion!
After all, there is one S game champion every year, and the Asian Games champion will be the first one!Whether there will be a follow-up is hard to say.

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "The third question, now that FPX has won the championship, they will participate in this year's S game as the first seed, and face strong teams from various divisions on the world stage. For this, you have nothing to do. target?"

Qi Zhou didn't hesitate at all, and gave the answer directly: "Of course it is to win the championship. If the competition is not for the championship, what is the difference with Xianyu?"

The audience was amused, and Yu Shuang also covered her mouth and laughed.

However, although it was said in a joking manner, everyone could feel that Qi Zhou was serious.

Yu Shuang: "The fourth question, before the finals, FPX has confirmed that it can enter the S competition, so have you already studied the teams in other divisions? Which division team impressed you the most?"

Qi Zhou really studied this question, so he said truthfully: "This year, the strengths of all competition regions are relatively similar. The LCK teams are still quite competitive. At the same time, the teams in the European and American competition regions should not be underestimated."

Qi Zhou changed the subject as he spoke: "However, I think the other two teams in the LPL are the most threatening, especially IG. I will focus on them."

When Qi Zhou said this, the IG fans at the scene became restless.

For them, being valued so much by Qi Zhou is also a recognition of their strength!
Yu Shuang: "Last question, do you have anything to say to fans, coaches, and teammates?"

Qi Zhou: "First of all, I would like to thank the fans for their support all the time. You are the motivation for me to play games. I hope you can continue to support us in the future."

"Then, I would like to thank the coaches and teammates for their trust. I sometimes make some tricky requests that ordinary people may not understand, but the coaches and teammates still choose to support me. This is very important to me."

Brother Feng and everyone at FXP laughed. What Qi Zhou said was the truth. Whether it was in terms of tactics or BP, Qi Zhou would indeed put forward some opinions that they did not understand, but generally they would not say it. What, but choose to fit
Even Qi Zhou sometimes does not play games for a month, which leads to relatively large ups and downs in the team's state. Not all teams can tolerate these things.

After Qi Zhou answered the left and right questions, Yu Shuang started to interview the next one.

After ten minutes, Yu Shuang interviewed the entire FPX team.

After the interview, everyone in FPX returned to the lounge one after another.

The moment the door was closed, everyone in FPX, who had been suppressing the "beast desire" in their hearts, no longer pretended.

"Oh! We are the champions!"


"Take off! Take off!"

"Get up! Brothers get up!"

Everyone in FPX was weeping and howling, if this scene was photographed with a mobile phone and posted online.

It is estimated that the number of fans of everyone in FPX will be cut in half.

Especially Liu Qingsong, who pays great attention to the high-cold character design on weekdays, but now he also looks like a lunatic.

As for fun people like Xiaotian and Jin Gong, they danced with joy.

Toothpaste is a little calmer, and chooses to sit with Qi Zhou and watch the monkey show.

At this time, Brother Feng suggested: "Everyone clean up, I will treat you tonight, let's have a dinner together."

So everyone in FPX packed up their things, put their bags on their backs, and under the leadership of Brother Feng, they left the competition venue and went to a high-end hotel near the training base for dinner.

Usually the club does not allow players to drink alcohol, but now that they have won the championship after all, there is still one month left in the S competition, so Brother Feng will make an exception once.

As the FMVP, Qi Zhou naturally couldn't escape the bad luck, everyone found him drinking, after one round, after two rounds, his consciousness was already blurred.

When it came to the third round, Qi Zhou fell asleep directly, so that he had no memory of what happened afterwards.

When Qi Zhou woke up again, he was already lying in his room, and he didn't know how he got back.

Looking at the time, it was already noon, Qi Zhou ordered a takeaway, then got up and took a simple wash.

Now the club is on vacation, half a month of vacation, half a month before the start of the S game.

However, Qi Zhou is going to participate in the Asian Games, so he has to keep training.

After a simple wash, the takeaway also came, Qi Zhou ate a takeaway and then began to practice the rest of the Asian Games LPL team.

Qi Zhou took out his mobile phone and sent Uzi a message: "Training this afternoon?"

After several minutes, Uzi replied: "Don't ask me, I don't know, I don't want to hear anything about the game."

Qi Zhou smiled when he saw this, it seemed that Uzi hadn't come out from the shadow of yesterday's defeat.

Since Uzi kept mentioning it, I had no choice but to ask someone else, and Qi Zhou sent another message to the factory manager: "Factory, do you practice this afternoon?"

Soon, the factory manager gave a response: "So diligent? Didn't you just win the championship? Don't you want to take a break?"

Qi Zhou: "I don't have time to rest. The day after tomorrow will pass, so I have to practice hard in these two days."

When the quota is determined, everyone is still preparing for the playoffs, so there is very little time left for the LPL representative team to train.

But this time the game is very critical, Qi Zhou doesn't want any accidents to happen.

The factory manager agreed: "Okay, I'll ask other people if they have time."

Qi Zhou then reminded: "Wuz is not in a good mood right now, you'd better ask Xiao Ming first, let Xiao Ming ask Uzi."

The relationship between the factory manager and Uzi itself is not very good, so if the factory manager asks himself, Qi Zhou is worried that he will not be able to fight this afternoon.

The factory manager replied: "You have to take care of him too. If it were me, I would fight him or not!"

So after about ten minutes, the factory manager contacted Qi Zhou again: "I have made an appointment with everyone, and I will be on the number in an hour."

So Qi Zhou quickly finished his takeaway, and then went straight to the training room.

Sitting in his seat, Qi Zhou turned on the phone and got on the number. Seeing that no one else came, he first checked the situation in other competition areas.

On the Bangzi side, the first five players participating in the Asian Games this time are top laner kinn, jungler Peanut, mid laner faker, ADC Rat King, and support GorillA.

Bangzi sent this lineup, which is good news for Qi Zhou. First, the top laner, Kinn, is actually not very capable. He is a very stable player.

kinn and the shy are two extremes. No matter what the situation is, kinn's record will not be very ugly, and his performance has always been stable.

However, even if the shy has a very large advantage, he may be super ghost. Anyway, you don't know when he will send one.

For Qi Zhou, players like kinn are easier to deal with. After you figure out his style of play, you can basically predict his actions.

The jungler Little Peanut is now considered the strongest jungler in the LCK, with a relatively tough style, which is different from the traditional LCK jungler who plays and operates.

Peanut is actually more restrained than the factory manager. This is not a matter of level, but a matter of restraint in style. In the jungle position, the LPL team is at a disadvantage.

As for the mid laner, Faker is no longer the strongest mid laner in the LCK in terms of operation. However, he has rich experience and is suitable for this kind of international competition. At the same time, the hero pool is relatively deep, so he can adapt to various versions.

In the current version, Xi Ye doesn't need fakers, and the mid laner in this version is not that important, as long as the gap is not too big, it doesn't matter, so the mid lane can basically be considered a [-]-[-] split.

Off the road, Shu Wang and GorillA were given the nickname Xuan Ming Er Lao. Qi Zhou evaluated these two people as amateurs in foreign wars and experts in civil wars.

In the LCK, these two are absolutely dominant. KZ's victory in the LCK summer split has a lot to do with the two of them.

However, their performance in the international arena has always been quite average, especially when facing a very aggressive opponent like UZI, sometimes they will not be able to stabilize and lead to collapse in other lanes.

The most fundamental reason is that the competitiveness of the LCK bot lane is a bit weak. The two elders of Xuanming have been used to the laning mode without too much pressure. Once they encounter a game with a lot of pressure, they will not be able to play the game.

Generally speaking, the advantages of the LPL representative team are quite obvious, and the focus now is to run in and improve the tacit understanding.

Not long after, everyone else came online, and the opponent was the player from the second team, the passer-by king.

Qi Zhou received the invitation from the factory manager, and then entered the customized room.

Others also entered the room one after another, and then started connecting to the microphone.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" The director's voice came from Qi Zhou's earphones.

Qi Zhou: "I can hear you."

Sister button: "Got it."

Xiao Ming: "I'm here to watch the battle."

Sister Kou: "Let's play one game per person, and you come to the next game."

Xiao Ming: "Okay, but should I ask Abu first?"

Abu: "You decide for yourself."

Sister button: "That's no problem, by the way, where is Uzi? I didn't hear his voice."

Uzi: "Hey, hurry up and start, dilly-dally."

Sister button: "Uzi is not in a good mood? What's going on?"

Xiao Ming: "Guess?"

Factory manager: "It's still guesswork? Didn't you just finish the finals yesterday? Didn't you watch it?"

Sister Kou: "Oh, so that's how it is."

Everyone was chatting while doing BP.

Hero selection is more casual, and now the main thing is to improve the level of tacit understanding.

After the lineup is selected, the game begins.

Qi Zhou took Aoun to resist the pressure. He is mainly responsible for commanding and finding rhythm, so this kind of team-starting hero is very suitable.

However, within a few minutes of Xu Niansai, the Asian Games team began to slaughter.

The gap in line strength between the two sides is quite obvious. The third-level solo kill in the middle lane, the third-level line kill in the bottom lane, and the jungle is also a variety of anti-jungle.

The factory manager was originally not the kind of jungler who likes to fight against the jungle and is very aggressive.

But because the online advantage is too great, it is not against the white.

Qi Zhou's top lane is basically peaceful development, the opponent can't suppress him, and he can't suppress the opponent.

Lane operation is Qi Zhou's weakness, so when the hero does not have an overwhelming advantage, it is difficult to play a huge advantage in line.

When the time came to 10 minutes, Uzi had already led his sister to face the line in front of the second tower on the opposite bottom road.

At this time, Xiye said: "Is it so hard to get off the road? I feel like there is no chance to show."

Uzi is also not humble at all: "It feels almost like hitting a human machine."

Then Uzi took a look at the road, and found that Qi Zhou had no head and no advantage in making up the knife, so he said:
"Sea King, you need to work harder, Xiye has solo killed three times in the middle lane."

Qi Zhou didn't say anything, but the factory director said: "Aren't you a bully? Opposite is the ordinary king of the national costume. It's not normal for you to beat him through."

Qi Zhou didn't speak because he knew that Uzi hadn't come out of the shadow of failure, and now he really wanted to express himself.

If he is stimulated at this time, then in the Asian Games, there may be some problems in the bottom lane.

Uzi was obviously dissatisfied after hearing the words of the factory manager: "The jungler on the other side is pretty average, why didn't you blow him up?"

Factory Manager: "Can the jungle be the same as the laning? If you can't fight in the wild, you can run. If you can't beat the laning, where can you run?"

Uzi sneered: "Insufficient strength means insufficient strength, don't make excuses."

The factory manager and Uzi got into a fight: "If you think you can do it, I'll let you play in the jungle and I'll see if you can penetrate the opponent."

Uzi was right: "Then you play the bot lane, let me see if you can take a tower in 10 minutes?"

No one else interrupted. The factory director and Uzi would definitely quarrel whenever they met, and everyone was used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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