Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 216 [215] Foreplay, beating monkeys

The day passed like this, and nothing happened overnight.

The next morning, Qi Zhou woke up and took a simple wash, and then had breakfast with his teammates.

After breakfast, start playing training games.

This morning, Abramovich contacted different groups of Pakistan Railway teams to play training games.

It is said to be a training game, but in fact it is the Chinese representative team training them.

The level gap between the two sides is still very large.

So the Pakistani team cherishes this opportunity very much. For them, playing a game with the Chinese team may learn more than they can learn from playing in a season.

The whole morning was spent playing training games. When it was noon, everyone in the Chinese team had a little something to eat, and then took the bus to the game site.

The exhibition games of the Asian Games officially started this afternoon with a simple opening ceremony.

When they came to the competition venue, the Chinese team went straight to the lounge.

The lounge here is different from the dedicated e-sports venues. The lounge is very large, and at the same time, all the teammates are here!
Different teams stand in different places, only a few meters apart. If you want to chat, other national teams nearby can hear it.

After entering the lounge, Qi Zhou quickly noticed several familiar faces, the first being the South Korean team standing in the middle of the lounge.

They seemed to be afraid that others would not notice, so they deliberately chose the most conspicuous position.

When the other teams passed by them, they would greet them warmly.

At this time, Abu suddenly said: "There will be an opening ceremony later, you all need to tidy up your appearance and pay attention to your image."

Qi Zhou adjusted his collar and shoulders. The material of the team uniform is not bad, and it is comfortable to wear without any wrinkles.

"In the first game we played against Team Annan, right? Who should we go down?" Meikou asked suddenly.

Abramovich: "Go to the first game first, this version of your hero pool is more suitable."

Meikou nodded, and then said to Xiao Ming: "Shi Senming, I will go to the first game first."

Xiao Ming: "Behave well, I'll cheer you on below!"

The relationship between the two seems to be quite good, in sharp contrast to the relationship between the factory director and Uzi.

Abu said again: "Which one of you will walk ahead? The one who walks ahead must hold the national flag."

Hearing this, everyone was eager to try it. It was a great honor, but they were also a little embarrassed.

In the end, Uzi was the first to stand up and introduced himself: "Let me come, I have already printed the national flag on my face, and it is just right to hold one in my hand."

After Uzi said this, Qi Zhou noticed that Uzi really had a national flag printed on his face, right in the middle of his left cheek.

It's just because Uzi's face is a bit big, so some details are easy to be overlooked.

"Come on, your image is not very good, it's better not to stand in front." The factory manager objected.

While objecting, the factory manager also looked at Uzi with disgust.

The meaning of the factory director is also very obvious. Uzi is a bit fat and unhealthy, which is not in line with the spirit of the Asian Games.

"Ming Kai, you're almost done. It's none of your business. If I don't come, why don't you come? Look at your wretched appearance, it's your image that's really bad!" Uzi started to fight back, the worst thing he could see was someone face to face Said he was fat. …

The quarrel between the two attracted the attention of other people around, and Abu quickly said: "It's alright, alright, stop arguing, it's not embarrassing."

The factory manager and Uzi also realized that the influence was not good, so they closed their mouths.

At this time, Meikou suggested: "Why don't you let Brother Zhou come? Brother Zhou is excellent in all aspects. He is handsome, tall and tall. He is also very Kai Rui in the competition, and he is also the FMVP of the summer competition."

Xiao Ming agreed: "I also think Brother Zhou is pretty good.",

Abu glanced at Xiye again, seeing that Xiye didn't mean that, he said, "In that case, Lao Zhou, go ahead and get the national flag."

Qi Zhou actually wanted to refuse at first, but he thought that after he refused, the factory manager and Uzi would definitely continue to quarrel.

Qi Zhou simply agreed, and now he is the only one who can suppress these two treasures.

Soon, there were about a hundred people in the lounge, and the participating teams were basically all present.

There is a corridor outside the foyer that leads to the back of the stage.

At this time, everyone could hear movement coming from the direction of the stage, and the host seemed to have already stepped onto the stage.

The audience also seemed to be getting restless.

Although Qi Zhou couldn't understand what the host said, but he could guess a general idea, it should be introducing the race schedule or something.

Soon staff came in, got all the teams ready, and then came to the corridor to gather for the stage.

On China's side, the five starters and coach Abramovich walked out together towards the door.

Walking out of the lounge and walking along the corridor, the movement on the stage became more and more clear.

Qi Zhou heard the screams and cheers from the audience, and he also became excited, and the fight was finally about to start!

At the end of the corridor, which is directly behind the stage, the Chinese team stopped and lined up, ready to go on stage.

Just then, a group of people came to EDG.

From the appearance, Qi Zhou can be sure that he is from the wild card competition area, but after a closer look, he finds that it is the Annan team!

The Annan team and the Chinese team are in the same group, and the first game is between the Chinese team and the Annan team. It can only be said that the road to enemies is narrow.

Qi Zhou didn't know anyone from the Annan team. Generally, teams in this kind of wild card division have frequent personnel changes.

If you can’t achieve results, you will have no income, and without income, you will naturally have no motivation, so many people retire after playing for one or two years, and go to support their families.

While Qi Zhou was thinking, the other teams also came over, a total of eight teams, lined up in eight rows and preparing to play.

After a while, the staff in front signaled that everyone can play in order.

So the Indonesian team was the first to be invited up, they are the hosts after all.

The Indonesian team was followed by the South Korean team, who followed behind, still holding the national flag.

The Korean team is followed by the Chinese team. Qi Zhou took a national flag from Abramovich and walked towards the stage.

The others followed behind him. At the moment of leaving the factory, Qi Zhou heard someone shouting from the audience: "Team China! Team China!"

"Brother Zhou! Brother Zhou!"

"Director! Director!"

"Uzi! Uzi!"

Qi Zhou glanced casually and found that there were quite a few people holding national flags in the auditorium. …

In addition to the national flag, they also have support cards in their hands, with various IGs on them.

Among them, his ID is the most.

Qi Zhou followed the route of the previous rehearsal, walked to the side of the stage, and then stopped in the right place.

The starting five of the Chinese team and the coach Abu are in place. Everyone holds their heads up high, for fear of being caught by the camera with a bad mental outlook.

Immediately afterwards, the Annan team also appeared on the stage, and there were people on the scene to help them cheer, but they were far behind the Chinese team.

After the Annan team came on the stage, they stood next to the Chinese team, all of them were full of energy.

A few minutes later, the eight participating teams had completed their debut ceremony.

The promotional video began to play on the big screen at the scene.

In this promotional board, Qi Zhou also has a lot of shots, which should be the most in the Chinese team.

Of course, if you want to say that everyone has the most shots, it is naturally faker.

After the promotional video ended, the host began to read the lines, and the audience below were very cooperative and cheered.

Soon, the opening ceremony will be over.

Except for the Kofi Annan team and the Chinese team, which are about to compete, the other teams left the field ahead of schedule and were preparing to return to the waiting room.

After the other teams went down, the Chinese team and Annan team came to the middle of the stage.

The two teams lined up and shook hands with each other.

After shaking hands, they turned around and walked towards their respective computers.

Qi Zhou found the first computer, sat down on the chair, and started debugging the equipment.

Putting on the headphones, all the sound on the scene disappeared, and only the voices of teammates and coaches could be heard.

After both sides are ready, the first BP will begin!

This time the Chinese team is on the red side, and Annan's team is on the blue side.

After all, the opponent is the Annan team, so the Chinese team is relatively conventional in the BP, without releasing big moves, and there is no special routine.

Soon, the lineups of both sides were determined:
Red side Chinese team: top laner Aoun, jungler Olaf, mid laner Ike, ADC Han Bing, support Morgana.

Blue Fang Annan team: Top laner Nuo, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Clockwork, ADC female policewoman, support Karma.

After the lineups of the two sides were confirmed, Abramovich urged: "Everyone play well, your hard power advantage is very obvious, as long as you play well, you will definitely win."

After finishing speaking, Abu stepped forward to shake hands with the coach of the opponent, and then left.

In this game, Qi Zhou took out the hero Ao En, and what he pursued was a stable performance.

He plays the game with his mind, and this kind of hero who can actively start a team with rhythm is very suitable for him.

Moreover, the hero Aoun has a high laning strength, and can play most of the top laners in the laning.

Qi Zhou didn't expect Annan's top laner to come up with a promise hand this time. He thought to himself that if the opponent didn't look down on him, he would be a promise hand.

Entering the game screen, the fans of both sides cheered for the two teams respectively.

Qi Zhou chose Dolan Dun to go out, and went straight to the Shanglu River to stand guard.

What he didn't expect was that when he walked to the top lane, he suddenly found that the opponent's top laner, jungler, mid laner and support came together!

These four people appeared from the grass on the red side road, and then came straight to Qi Zhou. …

When Karma fired an RQ, Qi Zhou was slowed down. Qi Zhou had no choice but to flash across the wall and run away.

"The other side is invading, and I'm gone." Qi Zhou chose to report the situation to his teammates.

"They are going to forcibly exchange wild areas. Be careful on the road. If you don't flash, the other side will definitely come to arrest you." The factory manager reminded.

"Well, I know." Qi Zhou was waiting in line under the defensive tower.

The opponent's forced exchange of wild areas is a bit strange. After the exchange of wild areas, the Annan team's jungler can only look for opportunities in the middle and top lanes for the first few minutes.

And this time Xiye played Ike in the middle lane, and Ike was a hard hero to catch.

If it's not for the middle lane, then it can only be aimed at the top lane!
Soon, the first wave of pawns came to the line, and Qi Zhou stepped forward and began to make up his swords.

The opponent's promising player has also returned to the top lane, and his first-level position is very aggressive, as if he is ready to fight at any time.

Qi Zhou didn't give him this chance, and chose to use the Q skill to make up the knife remotely.

Soon, both sides reached the second level on the road, and Qi Zhou found that there was a problem with the position of the Nuo on the opposite side. Although he had always been aggressive, it was more obvious now.

"The opposite jungler should be on the road." Qi Zhou reminded.

Then he chose to stand back a little, just as he thought, Nuoshou's position returned to normal, not as aggressive as before.

The good times didn't last long, after Qi Zhou was promoted to the third level, he found that there was something wrong with the promise in front of him, and he walked up to face him again, as if he wanted to fight against Qi Zhou.

And Nuoshou stood towards the grass intentionally or unintentionally, obviously because the jungler was in the grass.

Qi Zhou naturally wouldn't be fooled, and of course, he didn't retreat directly to a safe boundary.

Instead, I chose to stand in a more ambiguous position. This position is dangerous, it is indeed a little bit, but it is not.

Unless Nuo Shou flashes and strikes first, Nuo Shou can't touch it at all.

But if the flash is the first mover, at most it's just an exchange of flash.

Qi Zhou did this to make the opponent hesitate and waste the opponent's jungler's time.

It can be seen from the perspective of God that the blind monk is returning to the city in the grass next to him, but he himself interrupted twice.

He interrupted twice because he saw Qi Zhou's Ao En walking forward and thought he had a chance.

But as soon as he interrupted, Ornn retreated.

After going back and forth several times, Ueno of Annan's team suddenly felt that they had been tricked!

So Nuoshou resolutely handed over Flash, and pulled Qi Zhou back with a ruthless iron hand.

The blind monk came out of the grass, and the W golden bell cover was given to Nuo.

Qi Zhou's Ao En used his E skill to pull away. The blind monk's killing intent was determined, and he seemed to be on the top, and he also handed over his flash.

Qi Zhou flashed away and returned to the defense tower, the other two had no choice but to give up.

"The field on the opposite side has not flashed." Qi Zhou reminded.

The factory manager responded after hearing this: "Understood, you develop first, and I will go up to find opportunities after the sixth level."

Qi Zhou didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't want the factory manager to come on the road, but the factory manager is the jungler. It's best not to command the jungler casually, because it's easy to mess up the rhythm of the jungler.

As an online player, you only need to tell the jungler the situation, and let the jungler make the final decision.

"Get off the road, the blood on the other side is low, Ming Kai, are you coming?" Uzi's voice suddenly sounded.

It took only 3 minutes for the two-person three-way, and Uzi and Meikou had already disabled the other two.

"Come back when you have a chance. What are you in a hurry for?" The factory manager didn't go directly to the bottom lane, but went to clear the jungle first, planning to wait for the next wave of opportunities.

Something that Uzi didn't expect happened. The two opponents seemed to realize that this blood volume was dangerous, so after pushing a wave of soldiers, they went back to the city directly!

"Ming Kai, you are a jungler, you can't seize this kind of opportunity?" Uzi complained.

The factory manager mocked: "I'm not Kasa, Kasa only has the bottom half of the map, he can only go down the road, and I'm complete, I will go where I want to go according to the situation, if you don't like it, you can do it yourself Let's kill it."

Everyone was amused by the two of them. Although everyone knew that there would be bickering, they didn't expect it to happen just after the game started.

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