Uzi was a little overwhelmed by the factory manager's stimulation. He continued to put pressure on the opponent in the bottom lane, trying to find a chance to complete the line kill.

Finally, the game time was 9 minutes. After being promoted to the sixth level, Uzi had a big move, which finally allowed him to seize the opportunity.

With a big move to control the policewoman on the opposite side, Morgana, the younger sister, followed up with a Q skill.

The policewoman was accused of being unable to move on the spot, and was finally taken down by Uzi.

At the same time, on the middle side, Xiye's Ike also found a chance to complete a solo kill.

The Chinese team began to bloom in an all-round way, and the economic gap widened.

On the top lane, the jungler GAM appeared again.

This time, he came from Yueta!

Now he can't help other roads, so he just stares at Qi Zhou's top road.

However, Qi Zhou had already made preparations, and asked the factory manager to go on the road in advance and squatted down.

After the line of soldiers entered the tower, the blind monk came out from the bushes next to him, trying to cooperate with Nuoshou to cross the tower.

As a result, as soon as the two started fighting, Olaf, the factory manager, came out from behind the defense tower and helped Qi Zhou fight back.

In the end, the Ueno of the Annan team was sent away together, and Qi Zhou won the double kill!

After Ueno was double-killed, Annan's team collapsed across the board.

The game time was 10 minutes, and the Annan team took down the first tower.

After taking down the first tower, Uzi saw that his teammates were still on the line, so he pushed the second tower from the bottom lane with the pawn line.

The game lasted 15 minutes. With the help of the factory manager, Xiye got the first tower in the middle of the Annan team.

The Chinese team began to change lanes, switching the duo to the middle lane, and then the mid laner Ike went to the bottom lane.

The factory manager went to cover Ike with the line, saw that the opposite side was going down the road, and Auntie was alone, and the two completed the cooperation to kill Auntie by jumping over the tower.

The middle and bottom have basically penetrated the opponent, and they are about to go to the high ground. Qi Zhou is still on the road and developing peacefully with the opponent's top laner.

When the director's camera switches back and forth between the top road and the middle and bottom roads, it is obvious that this is a completely different style of painting!

People who don't know will probably think that these are two games.

Qi Zhou is not in a hurry, since he can lie down and win, there is no need to waste energy.

When the game time came to 10 minutes, only the high ground remained in the middle and bottom lanes of the Annan team, and other defensive towers were demolished. At the same time, the wild area resources were also firmly controlled by the Chinese team.

On the top road side, the first tower on the top road is still there, almost full of blood!

However, the opponent's top laner seemed to be worried that he would be jumped over the tower, or maybe he wanted to go back to help, Qi Zhou found that the opponent's Nuo Shou was no longer on the road.

So he first signaled his teammates to be careful, and then began to demolish the first tower on the road.

"It's almost done, let's use the big dragon to lure them out to pick up the group, otherwise they will definitely be reluctant to come out." The factory manager suddenly commanded.

So everyone in the Chinese team started to act, and Nosuke was in charge of controlling the field of vision and charging the field of vision near Dalong.

Others are responsible for handling the line of soldiers.

On the Annan team's side, the disadvantage was too great, and they didn't follow the high ground at all.

So the Chinese team easily won the big dragon. After the big dragon was in hand, everyone went back to the city to replenish, and then gathered in the middle.

"I'll start the team later." Qi Zhou said suddenly.

"Okay, it depends on your performance." The factory manager replied.

Soon, the line of troops was pushed to the high ground of Annan's team, and the five members of Annan's team were trembling on the high ground. …

The mid laner Clockwork also wanted to use his skills to go forward to clear the pawn line, but the moment his Q skill was released, Qi Zhou Aoun directly activated his ultimate move!
The team battle was about to break out. Seeing Aoun's big move, the five members of Annan's team retreated together.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uzi's ice shot a big move, and his goal was originally the clockwork in the middle of the opposite side.

As a result, when the big move was about to hit, the clockwork handed over the flash.

Now it's all right, clockwork itself is safe, but the policewoman suffered a disaster.

Taking advantage of the policewoman being arrested, Xiye's Ike entered the arena and took the head.

Annan's team began to lose in the team battle. In the end, after the Chinese team won the team battle, they chose a wave to end the game!
The game was over, in the early 10 minutes, a fairly smooth game.

In the auditorium at the scene, the audience began to cheer and wave the national flag in their hands.

Amidst a burst of cheers, the starting five of the Chinese team came to Annan's team.

As the top laner, Qi Zhou was naturally at the forefront. However, when Qi Zhou came to Annan's top laner and shook hands with him.

The top laner of the Annan team seemed unconvinced and muttered a few words.

Although he couldn't understand, but from the expression on this man's face, Qi Zhou could basically guess what he was talking about.

It is nothing more than the mission Qi Zhou is to lie down and win the monster, and he won this game without doing anything.

Qi Zhou ignored him, and after simply shaking hands with everyone in the Annan team, he took his things and prepared to go back to the waiting room.

At this moment, the official personnel came over and said that Uzi, the MVP of this game, should be interviewed.

"So I'm the MVP." Uzi immediately sighed, and then looked at the factory manager with some complacency.

"Look how beautiful you are." The factory manager gave Uzi a white look, and followed Qi Zhou towards the lounge.

Now Uzi is happy: "Ming Kai, are you in a hurry? You must be in a hurry."

The factory manager didn't look back, and went straight back to the lounge with Qi Zhou.

As soon as he entered the door, Abramovich greeted him: "You have worked hard, everyone has worked hard. Everyone has played well in this game. I hope you will continue to maintain it."

At this time, Abu found that there seemed to be someone missing, so he asked, "Why didn't Jane proudly come back together?"

Qi Zhou responded, "He's gone for an interview."

"Oh, so that's the case." Abu nodded.

As a result, the factory director directly said: "Lao Zhou! Be more serious next time. I know that this game of yours is an edited game. Don't let that Jane be proud to win the MVP, or his tail will be up to the sky."

Qi Zhou smiled awkwardly after hearing this, how easy is it to lie down and win?There is no need to engage in those that are not.

Seeing the director's unwillingness to reconcile, Qi Zhou said, "Be serious too, just grab the MVP."

The factory manager was taken aback after hearing this, Qi Zhou's words made him unable to reply.

If you deny Qi Zhou's statement, it is to admit that you are not as good as Uzi, and that will definitely not work.

"It seems that there is no other way, I have to show some real skills, otherwise Jane is proud to think that she is awesome." The factory manager muttered.

Qi Zhou smiled after hearing this. The factory manager usually looks quite mature, but when he meets Uzi, he can't control his emotions at all. The grievance between the two is too deep.

A few minutes later, Uzi came back from the interview, his face glowing red, and he walked with wind. …

Abramovich told Uzi to sit down, and then said: "Everyone, let's take a break for a while. There is one more game today, but it is the sixth game. There are four games in between. It is estimated that we will have to wait for several hours."

"Look at the games of other teams first, maybe there will be something to gain." Abu said and pointed to the big screen on the wall not far away, which was showing the second game.

So everyone looked at the screen one after another. Another group match was about to start, the South Korean team played against the Pakistani team.

The Batie team is naturally not the opponent of the South Korean team. No one doubts this.

Even Qi Zhou thinks so, but through the match against the Batie team, Qi Zhou taught them a lot of things, maybe they can resist a little.

Soon, the game started. The Korean team seemed to be looking down on others, and the BP began to work hard.

First, he even banned the Dark Night Family, and then started to choose messy heroes. Faker directly took out Zed in the middle!

The moment the hero was chosen, Qi Zhou could hear the cheers from the audience.

This is not over yet, the jungler took out Leopard Girl, and the ADC was Wayne.

This lineup needs to be controlled or not, and the hands are still short. If the strength is equal, they will definitely be blown away by the opponent.

But it's a pity that the strength of the South Korean team is very obvious in this game. Basically, with this lineup, it is impossible for them to lose the game.

The camera showed the players on both sides. The South Korean team was very relaxed, talking and laughing.

On the Batie team, the five players are very tense, and their lineup is much more normal.

Seeing this scene, Uzi said: "Bangzi is a bit disgusting. Isn't they insulting people by choosing this lineup?"

Xiao Ming: "It's normal, they often do this, and fans also like to help them clean it up. It's entertainment, and it's actually humiliation."

Abramovich: "It doesn't matter. E-sports is like this. You can't win the game. It doesn't matter what you say. As long as you can win the game, no matter what you do, there will be a lot of people to help you."

Qi Zhou said: "I think this is very good, whether it's humiliation, friendly communication, or the effect of the show, as long as we guarantee to win the game, then we can do it too."

When Qi Zhou said this, everyone nodded. If you don’t want to be humiliated, then just keep winning. As long as you keep winning, there is no point for others to humiliate you.

Everyone was talking, and the game started.

As soon as this level came up, faker started to perform in the middle.

I saw faker walking all the way to the opponent's defense tower.

Batie's mid laner was Syndra, and when he saw faker stepping forward, he began to consume his skills.

The moment he released his Q skill, faker also threw a shuriken.

As a result, Ba Tie's mid laner was recruited by himself, and his Q skill was directly empty.

"Oh!" The audience started to cheer like they were going crazy.

The camera showed a close-up of Bartie's mid-laner, and Bart's mid-laner smiled awkwardly, as if he felt a little ashamed.

At this time, Qi Zhou suddenly heard someone say: "This team will be flattened in 10 minutes at most."

Qi Zhou looked over and found that they were the members of the Chinese Frog Team.

In addition to the members of the Chinese Frog Team, Qi Zhou could also hear what a few teammates said. …

"Two 10 minutes? It shouldn't be. SKT's lineup obviously wants to play, 25 minutes."

"I think 25 minutes works."

"What you're saying is that the Pakistani team played a training match with the Chinese team before, and they can be regarded as half apprentices. At least... they can last for 26 minutes, hahaha."

The members of the Chinese Frog Team suddenly looked at Qi Zhou as they spoke. Seeing Qi Zhou staring at him, Maple gave Qi Zhou a middle finger.

"A group of clowns." Qi Zhou shook his head slightly, and stopped talking to them, but chose to continue watching the game

However, the development of this game has exceeded everyone's expectations. On the line, the Pakistani team is indeed not an opponent.

Both the top and bottom lanes were suppressed to make up the knife, and the middle lane was even single-killed at level six.

However, the situation is different after starting to hold a group!
The Pakistani team has a good team, and the Korean team's lineup is very weak, so the two sides went back and forth!

In 10 minutes, not only was the Pakistani team not pushed flat, but it stabilized the situation.

At this time, when the camera is shown to the players of both sides, the situation has been reversed
The Batie team seems to be confident and full of energy.

And SKT is a little irritable here, they seem to think that it shouldn't be so difficult to play.

They chose a lineup that abused food, but they didn't abuse the opposite side, so they lost face.

"What is the South Korean team doing? Are they deliberately releasing water? Why is it so hard to beat a trash team?"

"It must be water. You can see that their lineup is also the kind of lineup that is just for fun."

"Yes, if the Korean team gets serious, it will be over in 15 minutes."

A few members of the Chinese Frog team became anxious and helped the South Korean team find various reasons.

However, the other teams around didn't seem to think so. Originally, they were not interested in watching the game, but now, they are all very serious, and even started to cheer for the Pakistani team!

When this kind of strong team fights against a weak team, most people tend to tend to cheer for the weak team.

Qi Zhou couldn't help smiling when he saw how anxious these people were.

The game is still going on. The South Korean team, which was very sloppy at first, started to take it seriously, carefully arranging the vision, taking the line seriously, and playing the team seriously, but it still didn't work. Now the Pakistani team's lineup has more and more advantages in team play.

If they continue to fight like this, they may really win.

At this time, Uzi exclaimed: "I read it right, is this Batie team going to win?"

Factory manager: "It's too early to say, but they have something to do with it."

Abramovich: "Aquaman, do you think the Pakistani team can win?"

Qi Zhou thought for a few seconds after hearing this, and then said: "It's unlikely, although the Bate team has an obvious advantage in team battles, but SKT can avoid team fights, or create opportunities for more fights and fewer."

"In terms of operation, the South Korean team is better. If they calm down and start operations, the situation will be different."

After Qi Zhou finished speaking, the game really changed.

The South Korean team no longer pursues brainless grouping, and faker's Jie began to play single belt.

He has a lot of heads and is well-developed. On the Pakistani team, no one can fight against faker. Anyone who goes there may be solo killed.

In this way, the Pakistani team can only defend under the defensive tower in the middle.

After faker brings the pawn line into the defensive tower, he can go directly to the front or backhand in the wild.

At this time, the shortcomings of Butt's team lineup were also reflected.

Their lineup is only suitable for front-on team fights, the kind where five people must be present.

However, they are not very good at encounters in the wild area. They don't dare to enter the wild area, and the vision of the wild area is controlled by the South Korean team.

After Pakistan Railway's mid laner cleared the bottom lane, he was going to the middle lane to support, but was ambushed by faker's robbery, and was directly killed by solo!
After faker completed the solo kill, he went directly to the bottom lane to push the tower. At this time, there was no one in the Batie team who could come over, and he could only watch the second tower of the bottom lane being taken down.

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