Chapter 218 [217] Don't be Ah Q
After enjoying the sweetness through the single belt, faker chose to continue the single belt.

The Pakistani team obviously lacked relevant experience and fell into a passive situation in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the factory manager sighed: "There is no way, the gap in strength is too great. I guess no one in their competition area can play single belt. This situation has never been encountered before."

Uzi: "There are not many divisions that can play single belt, just us and LCK, other divisions don't know what single belt is at all, and Bangzi came up with this kind of tactic, it can only be said that they are also forced to nowhere. "

The development of the League of Legends has reached this stage, and there are still teams who don't know the four-point belt, which is obviously impossible.

The single tape that Uzi and the factory manager mentioned did not refer to this tactic.

Rather, it refers to being able to choose the right time for a single belt, perform a series of operations such as delaying and dismantling towers, and be able to rush back to participate in team battles when the team needs it.

In the group of four, one led the line from the sidewalk.

This is the team will!
And the meaning of the single belt is to try to get the economy that should be obtained!
Expand your advantage or narrow the gap with your opponent.

On the screen, faker came to the bottom lane again after supplying Zed, and this time he chose to bring the pawn line to the high ground.

Faker started to walk in the middle, and at the same time signaled to his teammates that he wanted to jump the tower.

In order to clear the line of soldiers in the middle lane, Bate's speed was a beat slower than Faker's. Before he reached the middle lane, his teammates had already been jumped over the tower.

After the Bangzi team succeeded in overtaking the tower, they chose to take down the first tower in the middle.

Through this way of pulling back and forth, the Bangzi team began to expand their advantage.

At 27 minutes into the game, the Bangzi team had won all the outer towers.

Fortunately, the lineup of the Batie team is still very fierce, so Bangzi didn't directly jump over the tower.

It is dangerous to forcefully go to the high ground. SKT began to use Dalong to make a fuss, trying to force the Pakistani team out to fight.

Now the wild area is the eye position of the Bangzi team. As long as the Butt team dares to go out, the Bangzi team has an absolute chance of winning.

However, the Batie team did not choose to watch Dalong and let him go by default. They seem to know their situation very well.

Seeing this scene, the factory manager praised: "Don't tell me, this Batie team plays games with their brains. They know what their advantages are."

Uzi: "But how are the sticks going to defend when they win the big dragon? They can't defend at all."

Factory manager: "If you can't prevent it, you have to guard against it, or will you surrender?"

Soon, Dalong was taken by the stick team, and they began to advance in the middle.

With the blessing of Dalong BUFF, the Bangzi team has returned with confidence

After the pawn line entered the tower, the Bangzi team chose to break up the regiment decisively, and five people rushed directly to the tower!
It seemed that the Bangzi team was in full swing, and the Frog team began to cheer and cheer for them.

It's as if the sticks are already in the game.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that no one expected.

This wave of jumping over the tower, the Bangzi team played a [-]-[-] split!

Nine people were killed on both sides!Only the support of the Batie team survived.

"Hahaha... I haven't even played before. The big dragon is not for nothing." Uzi smiled. In his opinion, the performance of the Bangzi team in this game can only be described as outrageous.

Xiao Ming then said: "They were really messed up this time, and they didn't perform at all, but that's right, they looked down on people from the beginning of BP, and they deserved to fight like this."

Abu: "So, don't be proud, and when you go up, try your best is the greatest respect for your opponent."

However, Abramovich's words made everyone in the Frog team listen, and now they are upset:
"Sour, so sour, if you can't beat it, just talk nonsense."

"No matter how much you pretend to be aggressive, the Bangzi team will still win in the end, and they will still win the championship in the end."

The factory manager immediately snapped back: "I don't understand, you are not from the LCK, you are from the LMS division, what does the Bangzi team's championship have to do with you? See how filial you all are."

Uzi laughed after hearing this: "Ming Kai, I didn't expect you to be quite humorous."

The factory director's words made the Frog team go berserk, and Maple scolded her mother directly, which was ugly.

The other teams around looked over one after another. Although they couldn't understand, they could already guess what he was talking about from the hysterical expression on Maple's face.

Everyone in the Chinese team didn't respond, and they started to scold their mothers, and there was nothing to respond to.

Soon, everyone in the Frog team also realized that their behavior was very similar to a clown, so they quickly apologized to other teams around them.

The game was still going on, and the Bangzi team realized that they couldn't make a strong attack, so they let faker continue to lead the line.

First, he dragged until the second big dragon was refreshed, and then continued to fight the big dragon.

The Batie team was pulled by Faker's single belt, and it was too late to go to the dragon, and the Bangzi team won the second dragon.

However, it has come to 35 minutes at this time, which greatly exceeded the predictions of everyone in the Frog team.

Although they were slapped in the face, everyone in the Frog Team was very happy to see the Bangzi team win the big dragon, as if they were going to win the game themselves.

After winning the big dragon, the Bangzi team chose to continue the single belt this time, and it was the 131 three-way team that led the line together.

This can maximize the benefits of Baron BUFF.

Moreover, the lineup of the Batie team requires five people to form a group. If they are scattered, they will be defeated one by one.

So they have nothing to do in the face of the stick team.

As a result, the high grounds on the upper and lower roads were retreated, and they faced the pressure of two super soldiers.

The Bangzi team waited until the super soldiers from the upper and lower lanes came over, and then five people gathered in the middle lane.

Taking advantage of the Batie team's defense of the incisor tower, the Bangzi team took advantage of the opportunity to win the high ground in the middle.

"It's over, it's over, the three-way highlands are gone, so take the lead." Xiye had already seen the end.

Others thought much the same.

Sure enough, the Batie team still failed to defend in the end and lost the game in 38 minutes.

Abramovich commented: "38 minutes, this is already very successful for them."

Qi Zhou nodded: "Well, didn't someone predict just now that it won't be able to last for 10 minutes? It will be 10 minutes soon."

This is obviously to talk about the Frog Team, and the Frog Team started chattering one by one:
"You just say whether the Bangzi team won or not in the end."

"Winning in 10 minutes is also winning, and winning in 10 minutes is still winning. What's the difference?"

"If you can't beat it, just make excuses, right? As long as I lose slowly, then I won't lose? What kind of spiritual victory method."

Qi Zhou ignored them, these people have no shame, arguing with them is just a waste of time.

After the game, everyone in the Pakistani team returned to the waiting room. Contrary to what everyone thought, everyone in the Pakistani team looked very happy, and no loss could be seen from their expressions.

Those who didn't know thought they had won the game.

After returning to the waiting room, the Bart team went straight to the Chinese team, chattering about something.

The translator on the side said: "They said that they are very grateful to the Chinese team for helping them train, otherwise they would not have such a performance today."

The Batie team is still expressing their thanks, and the Bangzi team has entered the door!

Although they won the game, everyone in the Bangzi team had a bad look on their faces. They thought they were the one who lost the game.

After everyone in the Bangzi team came in, they immediately noticed the Chinese team and the Butt team.

Qi Zhou could feel that the hostility in their eyes had increased a bit.

However, he is already an enemy anyway, so a little more hostility means that if there are too many lice, they will not bite.

"West..." As soon as everyone in the Bangzi team walked up to coach Kkoma, Kkoma began to scold their mothers.

Although Qi Zhou couldn't understand what he said specifically, he could feel that he was very angry and burning with anger.

Qi Zhou knows that Kkoma has a big temper. When he wins the game, he smiles with you and is as kind as a father.

But if you lose the game, I'm sorry, I will scold you until you cry.

Seeing everyone in the Bangzi team scolding like this, everyone in the Frog Team on the side looked very ugly, and those who didn't know thought they were being scolded.

Immediately afterwards, the third game began, and the Kazakhs team played against the Frog Team.

In terms of strength, the Kazakhs team is a little weaker than the Pakistani team.

However, the frog team seems to be influenced by the stick team, and this game has been very serious since the BP.

After entering the game, I played very seriously, for fear of any accidents that would lead to losing the game.

Seeing this scene, the factory manager smiled and said: "You see, they usually pretend to be very aggressive, but they all become grandchildren when they are on the field."

Xi Ye: "It's probably because they are afraid of overturning the car. If the car overturns, the fans in their competition area must not kill them?"

In the end, the Frog Team won the game, and the process went relatively smoothly.

When they got back to the break room, though, they weren't too excited.

Then came the fourth game, Indonesia vs. Saudi Arabia.

When the Saudi team played, it gave people a different feeling, full of money.

Indonesia, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of the Saudi team Feng Ge, highlighting a simplicity.

Qi Zhou was also quite curious. He had never watched the games in these two divisions, so he didn't know what kind of strength these people had.

The final result was about the same as what Qi Zhou had guessed, which was the level of the King of Kings game in the national server.

In terms of the quality of the game, I'm afraid even LSPL can't match it.

This group match is based on a points system. After the round robin matches in the group, the two teams with the highest points will be able to advance.

Judging from the current situation, the Indonesian team should be out of play, and Saudi Arabia can fight for it again.

In today's fifth game, Annan played against the Frog Team.

This game is very critical for the Frog Team.

Because the Chinese team can definitely advance, no one will doubt this.

The Kazakhstan team is too weak to advance.

So, the last spot is the competition between the Frog Team and the Annan Team
The game was about to start, and the two teams left the lounge together.

"It feels like the strength of these two teams is similar, who can win?" Uzi said suddenly.

Meikou: "I think they all have a chance, it depends on who plays better."

Qi Zhou said: "Annan's overall strength is not as good. They belong to the kind of team that is more ingenious. If they play smoothly, it is possible to win against a team that is stronger than them."

"But if it doesn't go well, anyone can lose."

Abramovich: "I agree with Neptune's statement. Annan's team has a very distinctive style of play. In the early stage, they fight without thinking. If they win, they will go smoothly. But if they haven't played before, they lose very quickly."

Everyone is talking, the game has already started.

Just as Qi Zhou thought, the Annan team came up with a very aggressive lineup.

Just highlight a ferocious, what jungle mantis, mid laner Syndra.

In contrast, the frog team's lineup is much more stable, and their lineup style is a bit similar to that of the Bangzi team, it should be said that it is a bit similar to the LCK team.

Annan's team's offense was very fierce in the early stage, and they also once played an advantage.

But Frog and Frog stood out for being wretched, shrinking back and not fighting.

"Are they so stable? I thought they were so aggressive when they were usually so aggressive," Uzi joked.

Factory manager: "It's all a fake, the more food you eat, the more you like it."

Uzi: "That's true."

The eyes of the factory manager and Uzi met, and they both froze for a moment, then turned their heads away.

It wasn't until this time that the two realized that they had been fighting side by side since they were ridiculed by the Frog Team, giving people a feeling that they had a good relationship.

The two really wanted other people not to misunderstand, but they couldn't say it.

The game was still going on, and after entering the mid-term, Annan's team began to get confused.

The current advantage is not as big as they imagined. If they continue to take risks and attack, they may overturn.

But without offense, their lineup is not competitive in the late stage.

In the end, the Annan team got a little anxious and took the risk of jumping over the tower. As a result, the Frog team was given a chance to fight back successfully, and the Annan team basically returned their early advantages.

However, in order to seek stability, the Frog team did not rush to attack, but continued to drag on and play development.

The two teams dragged on for 35 minutes before the Frogs tried to attack.

Moreover, the offensive rhythm is very stable, and no chance is given.

"Do you want to fight or not? I'm going to fall asleep." Uzi yawned as he said.

Xiao Ming: "It's too boring, it's really too boring."

Abramovich: "It feels like even the current LCK can't find such a boring game."

Qi Zhou: "They know their strength well, so they dare not be radical."

In the end, the game didn't end until 10 minutes in. Baron took all three and pushed Annan's team all three ways, and the Frog team won the game.

This game is currently the longest game in the Asian Games.

Soon, everyone in the Frog team returned to the lounge with exhaustion on their faces.

However, after seeing the Chinese team, they still had to force a smile:

"It's too simple, it's like hitting a human machine."

"Isn't it just a man-machine? Some people are still going back and forth with Annan's team?"

"Maybe there is, such as the first game today."

After hearing this, Uzi retorted: "Your game is long enough for us to play two games. How dare you say us?"

Uzi's voice was very loud, and the two teams were separated by a distance of ten meters, so they must be able to hear it.

However, everyone in the Frog team pretended not to hear and continued to celebrate.

Now everyone in the Chinese team will not be able to fix it.

Qi Zhou said with a smile: "They are addicted to their own world, so don't bother them, let's get ready to play."

Abu then said: "The next game we will play against Kazakhstan, the strength of this team is relatively average, you should play well, don't underestimate the enemy, it should be easy to win."

"There are no special arrangements in terms of tactics and BP, just watch."

(End of this chapter)

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