Chapter 219 [218] Hun Zi
Under the leadership of Abramovich, everyone in the Chinese team stepped onto the stage, and the audience gave enough cheers and applause.

Immediately afterwards, the Kazakhstan team also appeared on the stage. There was no one in the starting lineup of this team, and Qi Zhou hardly knew anyone.

After the two parties appeared on the stage, Qi Zhou came to his position, then changed into his own peripherals, and started debugging.

After the debugging is completed, enter the BP link.

As soon as this game started, the Kazakhstan team began to target the jungler and bot lane of the Chinese team. BAN dropped Olaf, Han Bing and Lucian.

Even a top laner has no ban. To put it bluntly, he looks down on Qi Zhou, at least because he thinks the factory manager and Uzi are more threatening.

Seeing that the ADC was banned to two, Uzi said: "Mingkai, you are not very good. The opponent only banned one jungler. It seems that they still feel that the threat of the bottom lane is greater."

After hearing this, the factory manager was not convinced: "Can BAN people see so many problems? Besides, whoever said that which position is banned by the most is the strong one. There is also a possibility that others think that your hero pool is very shallow. If you lose these two heroes, you won’t be able to play the game, and this game is obviously the latter.”

The BP is still going on, and Qi Zhou chose to use Thain to resist the pressure on the road this time.

The opponent's top laner took out Kenan, as if he wanted to play long-handed and short-handed, and suppress Qi Zhou online.

The factory manager got the prince to play wild, while Uzi went down the road as a small cannon.

After the BP is over, enter the game screen.

In this game of the Chinese team's blue side, the factory director's prince chose to drive up the red car.

At this time, Uzi said: "Ming Kai, you are not kind, shouldn't your prince be arrested at two levels?"

The factory manager directly said: "I will only grab the road in two levels when you are opposite.",

"Pfft..." The others didn't hold back, and laughed out loud. The factory manager went to the bottom lane to catch Uzi at the second level, which is considered a classic scene.

"You're avenging your own personal revenge." Uzi wasn't angry at all, he was just teasing the factory manager.

Factory Manager: "Do you know how to play wild? When I went to the bottom lane to catch you at two levels, I was on the blue side. The blue side can go around the triangle grass to catch the bottom lane. In this game, I was on the red side. How do you grab the road at two levels?"

On the road side, Qi Zhou's Thain is resisting the pressure. His mode of laning is very simple, clearing the line is over.

Use the pawn line to put pressure on Kenan on the opposite side. Kenan doesn't have any AOE to push the pawn line, so Kenan is not Thain's opponent in pushing the pawn line.

This Kenan was very aggressive at the beginning, as long as Qi Zhou came up to push the line, this Kenan would use level A and skills to consume.

But soon, Kenan found a problem. The line of soldiers was pushed over and he had to control the line of soldiers.

So Kenan turned to make up swords instead, and Qi Zhou continued to use this tactic, pushing the line quickly as soon as the pawn line came, so that Kenan would be exhausted and would not have much energy to spend on fighting.

The top lane has become a rhythm of peaceful development. Although the top laner of the Harakestan team does not want to develop peacefully, there is no way.

At this moment, the bottom road side completed the online!

"Nice!" Xiao Ming praised.

Uzi: "Although Meikou is quite strong, I still have a tacit understanding with you."

Xiao Ming: "The main reason is that you and Meikou haven't practiced for a few days, so the tacit understanding must be a bit short."

On the other side, seeing that the lower lane was so troublesome, the factory manager came to the middle lane to help, and helped Xiye get the head.

"Thank you, Changzi," Xiye said.

At this moment, on the side of the road, Qi Zhou's Thain began to retreat!

"The opposing jungler is on the road." He felt that Kenan's position was not right. Although he hadn't seen the opposing jungler's position, he still chose to give his teammates information first.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the jungler on the opposite side really appeared.

However, because Qi Zhou retreated in time, the opponent chose to give up and did not continue to chase.

"Sea King, be careful yourself, I can't cooperate with you before level six." The factory manager greeted.

"It's okay, as far as I can make up the knife." Qi Zhou is not in a hurry, the situation is very good now.

When the game time came to 6 minutes, the factory manager came to the middle lane again, taking advantage of the fact that the opposing mid laner did not show up, he completed another GANK.

Almost at the same time, the bottom lane also started, and Uzi completed a double kill!

Now Uzi and the factory manager seem to be on the fence, and the two seem to be comparing who gets more kills and who is faster.

And the position of the top laner on the opposite side of the top road is not normal.

Realizing that there might be danger, Qi Zhou chose to retreat quickly.

Seeing the opponent's jungler appearing, he chose to activate the big move, use the big move to be immune to damage control, and then rushed all the way to the defense tower.

"The opposite side seems to be buying a house on the road, and only came to catch you on the road." The factory manager joked.

"It doesn't matter, they probably won't be able to catch me." Qi Zhou is very confident in his consciousness, and ordinary junglers really can't catch him.

Factory manager: "Then I won't be on the road for now, please pay attention."

When the game time came to 10 minutes, the bottom lane duo on the opposite side seemed to be unable to hold on, and suddenly switched lanes with the top lane.

Although Qi Zhou didn't expect what the other party would do, he didn't panic and developed under the tower.

Seeing this, Uzi suddenly said: "Ming Kai, can you do it? I beat the other side to change lanes. It seems that the MVP of this game is mine again."

Factory manager: "Why are you so sure? The competition has just begun."

Although the factory manager said what he said, he was actually a little flustered in his heart. Uzi and Xiao Ming played together. With their tacit understanding and laning ability, they naturally couldn't handle the normal bot lane.

It was also the factory manager who also started to speed up the pace, and he stared at the opposite middle lane to catch.

Twelve minutes into the game, Uzi got a tower on the opposite bottom lane in the bottom lane.

The factory manager caught the opposing mid laner to death.

Uzi and Xiao Ming switched lanes to the middle lane and continued to advance the opponent's first tower in the middle lane.

The number of pushed towers is also a very important indicator in the selection of MVP, so Uzi is now very keen on pushing lines.

At this moment, Qi Zhou found that something was wrong with the opponent's top laner, so he left immediately after pushing the line, and it seemed that he might be wandering for support.

So he reminded:

"Be careful, the road on the other side is gone."

However, Uzi didn't care about it in the middle, and chose to continue pressing in front of a tower in the opposite middle.

Qi Zhou realized that Uzi might have been careless. On the opposite side was Kenan, and now there was a suit with flashes to cooperate with the big move.

If you let him find a perfect cutting angle, Uzi must be in danger.

There was no other way, Qi Zhou had no choice but to lean towards the middle road as well.

But now the problem came, Qi Zhou didn't have the vision of facing the top laner.

So I don't know if the opponent's top laner really went to the middle lane. If he really went to the middle lane, when will he arrive?
Although Qi Zhou can use his ult to rush over, but if he sees Kenan's ult enter the field and then uses his ult, it will definitely be too late.

So Qi Zhou looked at the duo under the first tower in the middle of the opposite road, and he could make predictions based on the actions of these two people!

Just as Qi Zhou thought, the opposing duo made a move!
The two who had been huddled under the defensive tower suddenly started to move, obviously wanting to cooperate with the top laner GANK.

So Qi Zhou started his big move and went straight to the middle!
Sure enough, Kenan appeared, approaching from the side and preparing to enter the field with a big move.

The duo approached from the front, and Uzi had nowhere to go because he was standing very close together!
At the critical moment, Qi Zhou's Thain rushed over from the side!

At the moment when Kenan's big move flashed into the field, Qi Zhou's Thain directly hit Kenan and knocked him into the air!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uzi and Xiao Ming distanced themselves and fought back.

"What a big move, Brother Zhou!!" Uzi praised, if it weren't for this big move, Uzi would have sent the first head, and the MVP would not be so accurate.

Under the cover of Qi Zhou, Uzi succeeded in counterattacking. Instead, he took down the opponent's top laner and repelled the duo.

Qi Zhou chose to go up to prepare to continue his development.

The factory director suddenly said: "You are not very good, you still have to let Neptune wipe your ass, otherwise you will die. Even if you can get the MVP, your teammates fed you."

Uzi: "Mingkai, are you still ashamed to say that? As the top laner, Poseidon knows that someone Yao came to the middle lane to make troubles, so he came to the middle lane to cover in advance, and you, as a jungler, don't know?"

After hearing this, the factory manager chuckled, did not speak, and showed a meaningful smile.

Now Uzi suddenly reacted: "I know, you did it on purpose! You didn't come to the middle because you wanted to kill me!"

The factory manager was noncommittal, while the others shook their heads helplessly. These two people are so capable of working.

After 15 minutes of the game, the Chinese team won the first tower in the middle of the Kazakhstan team.

In this way, the factory manager is more comfortable. The opponent does not have a tower in the middle, so he can control the field of view of the opposite wild area, and the opponent's wild area is his back garden.

The factory manager started to play solo kills in the jungle. Originally he was relatively stable, but for the sake of MVP, he chose a violent outfit in this game, which is quite fierce in terms of seconds.

But there will be a problem. When playing a team, you will lose a front row on your side.

Qi Zhou can see all the actions of his teammates. After all, Abu told him to cover the bottom line.

The game time was 8 minutes, Uzi and Xiao Ming won the second tower of the opponent's middle road
Uzi commanded suddenly: "It's still early, why don't we try Kamikochi,"

If you can't make it, you will come back to fight the dragon later.

So everyone in the Chinese team started to walk to the middle, and after gathering in the middle, advance with the line of troops.

The line of soldiers soon came to the high ground in the middle of the opponent, and all the Chinese formed a formation.

Uzi began to urge: "Ming Kai, you start a team and jump directly over the tower. Now that you have such a big advantage, you can win if you drive."

Naturally, the factory manager wouldn't be fooled, and he would give it for nothing if he took the initiative to start a group with an output prince.

The factory manager was also embarrassed to ask Qi Zhou to form a group, which was a bit embarrassing now.

Uzi continued to urge: "Ming Kai, what are you doing? Don't you play a prince and start a group?"

When Qi Zhou saw this, the factory director was a little anxious, so he had to find the right angle and start his big move!
Qi Zhou's entry attracted the attention of all five opponents, and the opponent began to focus their fire.

In this way, the factory manager and Xiao Ming saw the opportunity, and they followed Qi Zhou into the arena, because Qi Zhou had already attracted a considerable amount of damage and control, the factory manager was like a fish in water, flashed EW to kill a C in a second combo, and then made a big move Cover and kill another one!
When the factory manager entered the arena, it was a double kill, but Uzi only got one kill.

"Ming Kai, you are too good at grabbing." Uzi said dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry, my damage is too high, I hit it hard, I will die if I touch it, I can't control it." The factory manager chose to actively stimulate Uzi.

Soon, the Chinese team won the team battle, and then prepared to end the game with a wave.

In this wave of team battles, Qi Zhou's Thain was killed. He was the first to enter the field, preventing the opponent from focusing fire and also carrying the output of the defensive tower.

In the end, the Chinese team almost flattened the opponent's base before 10 minutes and won the game.

The camera is shown on the Kazakhstan team, and the five people all have helpless expressions on their faces. They can feel the gap in strength, which is an insurmountable gap. No matter how much you want to win, no matter how serious you are, If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

After the game, the Chinese team lined up to shake hands with the Kazakhstan team.

Qi Zhou didn't get a single head this time, and even died once.

Even the support Xiao Ming has two heads, Qi Zhou's stats are out of tune with his teammates.

When I came to the Kazakhstan team, I suddenly found a problem.

When the members of the Kazakhstan team shake hands with other people, they are very respectful, nodding and bowing, especially when shaking hands with the factory manager and Uzi, it is called a kind, holding both hands and bowing at ninety degrees.

But when it came to him, it was relatively cold.

The factory director also seemed to have noticed this problem, and he said, "Lao Zhou, I feel that they may have misunderstood you, why don't you take a Kerry-pointed hero in the next game and let them see it?"

Qi Zhou shook his head: "It's not necessary, as long as I can win the game, whether my statistics are good or not, and whether I can attract others' attention are all trivial matters."

The factory manager gave a thumbs up after hearing this: "Awesome! I don't think ordinary professional players can reach your level."

Uzi leaned over at this moment and said, "Ming Kai, stop flattering, go back quickly, and pay attention to how I accept the interview after you go back."

The factory manager turned his head and gave Uzi a blank look. At this moment, a staff member came up and asked, "Is the factory manager here?"

Everyone looked back, and the other party was a female staff member with a badge on her chest, and she seemed to be a Chinese, young, maybe a college student.

"It's me." The factory manager replied

"Please come with me for an interview." The female staff member said.

The factory manager was amused after hearing this, and then looked at Uzi: "I'm sorry, I'm the one accepting the interview."

"Is there a mistake?" Uzi was not convinced, he looked up, and the results of the MVP selection came out, and the MVP of this round was the factory director!
"That's okay? He must have missed it in the last wave, damn it!" Uzi said angrily, thinking that he should have flashed to grab the head at that time.

Everyone in the Chinese team returned to the rest meeting, and Abu came up to say hello: "Let's take a rest, today's game is over, and when Ming Kai comes back, we will go back together."

So everyone in the Chinese team packed up their things, then found a chair and sat down, waiting for the factory manager to finish the interview.

At this moment, everyone in the Chinese team heard a familiar voice:
"I've never seen anything like this in my life."

(End of this chapter)

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