Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 220 [219] He doesn't seem to be as strong as the rumors, maybe it's a breakthrough

Chapter 220 [219] He doesn't seem to be as strong as the rumors, maybe it's a breakthrough
The voice was a bit familiar, Qi Zhou looked back and found that it was everyone from the Taipei team.

Seeing that Qi Zhou noticed him, not only did everyone in the Taipei team not lower their voices, but their voices became louder, and at the same time they pointed here;

"I heard that guy is called Neptune, isn't he very powerful?"

"That's in LPL, what's the use of being good in LPL?"

"That's true, my grandma can also play at this level."

"This kind of bastard makes me sick."

Obviously, these people were talking about Qi Zhou.

Qi Zhou was basically a transparent person in these two games, occasionally covering the bottom line at critical moments to prevent his teammates from overturning.

However, people who watch the game may not be able to understand it, they care more about the data.

If you look at the data, Qi Zhou's data is indeed outrageous.

However, after hearing what the Frog team said, everyone in the Chinese team laughed.

The factory manager smiled and said, "Sea King, someone called you a bastard, haha..."

Xiye: "It can only be said that the more ignorant you are, the more confident you become. Sea King, how about showing them off in the next game?"

Qi Zhou waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, they can think whatever they want."

After hearing this, Abu praised: "This kind of mentality is good. I suggest that you learn Neptune's mentality. In terms of technology and awareness, you may not be able to learn it. You can consider learning mentality."

These words were naturally heard by the members of the Frog team, and they were a little confused for a while, unable to understand the situation.

However, although I don't know why everyone in the Chinese team admires Qi Zhou so much, Qi Zhou's performance is real. Could it be that this kind of competition can hide his strength!
No way!Even the South Korean team can't deliberately conceal their strength, at most it's just that the BP and style of play are not so rigorous
"A bunch of idiots."

"Amuse yourself."

"I can really cheer myself up."

If you don't understand the situation, just start scolding.

However, everyone in the Chinese team ignored them. The factory manager came back soon, and everyone left the competition venue with their personal belongings.

Back at the hotel, everyone in the Chinese team had a meal together, and then began to replay today's game.

Today's game was relatively easy. Abramovich focused on replaying several of Uzi's mistakes. Of course, praise is also indispensable. Uzi is the most aggressive, so he has the most credit and the most mistakes.

It only took more than an hour for the replay, and everyone returned to their rooms.

Qi Zhou is replaying the South Korean team's game in the room, and he will encounter it sooner or later, so be prepared as much as possible.

Nothing happened overnight, the next day's game was similar to the first day, the Chinese team maintained a winning streak and got a 4-0 record, and now the competition between the Vietnam team and the Frog Team is very fierce.

But Qi Zhou's statistics are still ugly, he even started to play the ultimate bastard heroes like big tree and stone man.

Choosing this kind of hero, and having no sense of existence at all, will inevitably be ridiculed by the Frog Team.

However, they also found that something was wrong. Although Qi Zhou had almost no advantage in the lane, he had never collapsed. No matter how the opponent's jungler targeted him, he would not be caught to death!

It may be good luck to have two games in one game, but it is a bit strange if it is like this for four consecutive games.

However, the Frog Team doesn't want to admit that Qi Zhou is very good, so it can only be attributed to luck.

In another group, the South Korean team also maintained a winning streak, and each game was won easily. They did not dare to underestimate the enemy like they did on the first day, and were afraid of being scolded by the coach.

On the third day of the group stage, the competition became fierce. In the end, the Frog team double-killed the Vietnam team and won the promotion place in Group A.

As for the B football, in addition to the stable promotion of the South Korean team, the Saudi team also got the promotion quota.

Although there is still one day left for the group stage, the promotion situation has been confirmed

The fourth day of the group stage is the entertainment game, because it does not affect the promotion, so all teams started to work hard.

Yasuo's mid laner, Huo Nan's mid laner, and robot support are all selected, and they play from beginning to end, regardless of whether the game is won or lost, as long as they enjoy themselves.

After the quota for promotion is determined, the semi-final matches will come out. The Chinese team will play against the frog team, and the South Korean team will play against the Saudi team!
The Korean team and the Saudi team were hesitant to play first. The Chinese team had a day off, so after the group stage, Abramovich chose to take the Chinese team to a restaurant outside for dinner, and found a restaurant opened by a Chinese, which can be regarded as an improvement. It's food.

The next day, the semi-finals began, with South Korea playing against Saudi Arabia.

The Chinese team did not go to the competition venue, but stayed in the hotel and gathered in Abramovich's room to watch the game

Abu prepared some snacks, and everyone watched the game while eating snacks, it felt like watching a movie.

The main reason is that the gap between the two teams is too large, and the Saudi team is unlikely to play something like the South Korean team.

The course of the game was similar to everyone's expectations. The Saudi team could resist a little in the first game, and the South Korean team was more conservative.

In the second game, it was a one-sided massacre, and the South Korean team hardly received decent resistance.

In the third game, the South Korean team started to play tricks and had a big fight with the Saudi team. More than 40 heads were shot in one game, and the process was very bloody.

The audience seemed to like it very much, and they kept cheering for the Korean team, and the show was full of effect.

After watching the game, Abramovich said: "Now that the game is over, you can express your thoughts."

Everyone's faces are not good-looking. From this BO5, it can be seen that the South Korean team is far from trying their best. In this case, they can still beat their opponents, which is enough to prove their strength.

After some thought, Uzi spoke first: "I think the current South Korean team, the bottom lane may be a breakthrough. I have played against them in the bottom lane, and they have basically never lost."

Xiao Ming said affirmatively: "The opponent's bot lane really can't beat us. Of course, it also depends on what hero we take."

A Bu nodded: "Well, Ming Kai, what do you say?"

The factory manager responded: "They are relatively stable in the top lane. They should be the most stable of the six. It is more difficult to get him. In the middle lane, the current faker is not the previous faker. He is also pursuing stability in the lane now."

"So if it is aimed at the middle lane, the effect may not be very good, so the only way to do it is to engage in the bottom lane."

Although usually the factory manager and Uzi would quarrel, but at this critical time, they would not mess around because of a bad relationship.

Abu also seemed to think that what Uzi and the factory manager said made sense, so he said: "Then our focus is on how to break through their bottom lane. From the perspective of the lineup, we can favor support."

"The lineup of the bottom lane mainly focuses on the strength of the lane. First, we must have an advantage in the lane, and then cooperate with the support of teammates to penetrate them in the bottom lane, tear the opening from the bottom lane, and then spread to other lanes."

Everyone in the Chinese team nodded. Qi Zhou had no opinion on this tactic, and it was basically feasible.

The only problem is that if the same tactic is used continuously in BO5, the effect will definitely get worse and worse, so a backup tactic is needed.

At this moment, Xi Ye suddenly said: "I am not a faker in the lane now, as long as the hero is strong, I can even suppress him."

Abu stared at Xiye for a few times, wanting to make sure if Xiye was really sure.

However, Xiye did not avoid Abu's eyes, which proved that he really had confidence in himself.

Abu nodded: "Okay, I will consider this situation, and it can be used as a backup tactic at that time."

Everyone in the Chinese team discussed for a while, and then began to discuss the problem of the frog team.

After all, you have to pass the Frog team before you can meet Koreans.

Although in terms of hard power, the Chinese team has a great advantage, but it should not be taken lightly.

Whether it is MSI or S game, or the Asian Games exhibition game.

However, there will be a phenomenon in all international competitions. It is not that a team that performs well at the beginning will definitely have the last laugh.

It often happens that the team performs well in the group stage, but gets beaten in the knockout stage.

The most fundamental reason is that there is no learning as the schedule progresses.

International competitions are played against teams from other regions, and different regions often have different understandings of the same version.

Maybe you can be all-powerful in your own competition area, but you can’t do it in international competitions. It may be that your entire competition area has problems understanding the version.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep learning to avoid overturning in international competitions.

The discussion lasted until late at night, and everyone had a meal together in the middle of the meal. In the restaurant, they also met the team members of Frog and Frog, but this time they did not directly come up to taunt, but were a little nervous. Not sure to win the Chinese team.

Nothing happened overnight, the next day, everyone in the Chinese team got into the car to the competition venue, and then went straight to the lounge.

Entering the lounge, everyone put down their personal belongings and sat around Abu.

I saw Abramovich saying: "Now is the knockout stage, everyone cheer up. BO5 and BO1 are two games, so don't take it lightly. Let's be cautious in the first game and test the opponent."

Everyone in the Chinese team nodded, and Uzi said: "They have something to eat in the bottom lane. As long as they don't get targeted by the opponent's middle field, I can fight in the bottom lane."

Factory manager: "Their jungler is pretty average. If Kasa comes, it may be a little bit stressful."

Xiye: "They are in the middle lane, except that their mouth is smellier than mine. I can't think of anything better than me."

Uzi said: "His skin is thicker than yours, haha."

The others laughed too.

Abu looked at Qi Zhou and asked, "What did Haiwang say, do you feel pressure?"

Qi Zhou shook his head: "There is no pressure, I am ready to lie down and win."

At this time, Abu seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, Neptune, you seem to have never got a head until now?"

Qi Zhou thought for a while and then replied: "It seems so, I can't remember."

Abu laughed and said, "Are you planning to create a championship record without taking any heads?"

"No, I didn't pay attention to what you didn't say, I just played normally." Qi Zhou explained.

However, other people naturally didn't believe Qi Zhou's explanation. In their view, Qi Zhou was just in Versailles.

Qi Zhou's strength displayed in the LPL, everyone present has experienced it and naturally knows what it is.

On the other side, in the lounge of the Frog Team, the players are also discussing tactics.

Coach Zhanma said: "Although they are very strong, I feel that they have a chance. Relatively speaking, the Korean team is much more difficult to play. In fact, we are a relatively good pick."

Mid laner Maple said disdainfully: "As for their top lane bastard, I think as long as we can take advantage from the top lane and then snowball from the top lane, we can definitely win!"

Hearing this, the jungler Baybay looked a little ugly, as if he had some thoughts.

The war horse saw the abnormality and asked: "Baybay, if you have an idea, just say it."

Baybay whispered: "Actually, when we first played against them, I tried to target them on the top lane, but their top lane..."

"Let's just put it this way, didn't you realize that after the group stage, this person was never caught and killed? The only time he was killed in battle was when he led a team to rush to a high ground."

Hearing this, everyone in the Frog team was taken aback. In fact, they had felt strange for a long time, but they couldn't tell why.

Now that Baybay has said this, the feeling intensifies.

Maple suddenly said: "Impossible, he is just wretched enough, if wretchedness can win the game, then this game will be too easy."

With Maple's move, the two bottom laners expressed their support: "If I support it, it will snowball from the top lane."

"I also support it. He is a rookie. He is lucky in front. As long as we formulate good tactics, we can definitely defeat him."

In fact, the two supported maple's view, mainly because they didn't want to face Uzi in the bottom lane.

If your teammates want to fight around the top lane, just follow their bot lane to develop insignificantly, hide under the defensive tower, and don't do too much laning operation.

Seeing that his teammates are quite confident, the horse said: "Okay, since this is the case, it's the first time for you to try on the road."

The time for the game is almost up. The Chinese team and the Chinese Taibai team set off together and came to the competition stage.

The audience began to cheer for the Chinese team, and the momentum was huge.

Qi Zhou came to his place, changed the equipment and adjusted it.

After making preparations, enter the first BP link.

In this game, the Chinese team is on the blue side, and the Frog Team is on the red side.

At the beginning of the ban, like other teams before, the Frog team did not have a ban on any of the top laners. Instead, they chose to target Uzi, giving the ice to the ban first, then Lucian and finally Xiaopao.

Up came three BANADCs, this time Uzi did not mock the factory manager, after all, this is a very serious semi-final.

However, it is true that the factory manager is feeling uncomfortable, and it is also true that Uzi is secretly feeling happy.

At this time, the factory manager suddenly thought that the opponent didn't even have a BAN for the top laner, and suddenly he felt balanced, which proved that the opponent didn't understand the game at all.

Entering the selection stage, the Chinese team locked in Galio on the first floor, while the Frog team got Ryze and blind monk.

BP came to the Chinese team again, and the Chinese team took down the wine barrel and the prince on the second and third floors.

Immediately afterwards, the Frog team locked Bron and Verus on the third and fourth floors.

In the end, the national team got Han Bing and Luo on the fourth and fifth floors.

(End of this chapter)

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