Chapter 222 [221] Frog Training
Judging from the situation in the top lane, PK has decided that Qi Zhou is a rookie, otherwise he would not be chased and beaten by him.

"Just be steady, don't lose to the worst one." Maple said worriedly.

"Don't worry, there will be no next time. The other side can't catch me again. I'm serious." PK also said that he will enter the serious mode.

Qi Zhou's prince went back to the city to supply supplies. He chose cloth armor shoes to go out. The opponents were both ADs. With cloth armor shoes, it was unlikely to catch him to death.

Back on the top lane, Qi Zhou and Jess continued to face each other.

It's not the same as when the first level was first launched, Qi Zhou didn't have to be so wretched, he just stepped forward to make up the knife.

Jess naturally couldn't bear to see the prince making up the knife, and saw Jess come forward to equalize the A output.

Qi Zhou resolutely made two consecutive EQs, and the two sides began to fight hand-to-hand.

In terms of outbreaks, Jess is worthy of a prince.

But soon, PK found a problem, his output didn't hurt the prince very much!

After a wave of fighting and pulling away, he actually found out that he was still at a loss!
The prince relied on Dolan's shield to restore blood, which was actually the more profitable side.

"Cloth armor shoes? What the hell are these?" When PK saw the cloth armor shoes in the prince's equipment bar, he collapsed.

"I'll go, really naked cloth shoes, the ultimate bastard." Baybay also noticed the prince's equipment.

"If I start the game with two kills, the opponent doesn't need to laning. He is good, and he just comes with the equipment." Maple said that this is completely ruining the advantage.

PK said, "It's hard for me to single-handedly fight now. I'll be very dangerous after he reaches level six. I guess they will come to the road to make trouble."

Baybay: "It's okay, I'm level [-] and I'm back on the road. I have a big move in the middle, and I can support you."

Soon the game time came to 5 minutes, and now the solo laners and junglers of both sides have already reached level [-], and they are fighting for level [-].

Qi Zhou took a look at the form of the middle and bottom lanes. On the bottom lane, Uzi and Meikou had an obvious advantage, pressing the two opponents under the defensive tower.

However, it is very difficult to kill. The opponent's support is Bron, and AD can be guaranteed at critical moments.

As for the middle lane, after Ruiz was caught once, Xiye's pressure has been reduced a lot, and he is developing peacefully with Ruiz, and there is no particularly easy way to catch.

At this time, the factory manager suddenly said: "Neptune controls the line a little bit, I'm going to go on the road and do something."

What the factory manager thought was that Jess didn't make a big move, and Jess would die after the prince.

Qi Zhou didn't respond right away, but after thinking for a while, he said, "No need, you guys go to the bottom lane, the benefits are a bit bigger, and most of the junglers on the opposite side will come to the top lane to squat back. We have so many upper and wild linkages in front of us, they may Habitual thinking that we have to continue to hit the road."

The factory manager immediately understood after hearing this: "You are a psychologist, and you have completely guessed what the other side is thinking."

Uzi said directly: "Ming Kai, can you stop flattering and come down the road quickly, I'm pushing the line."

The smile on Changzi's face froze when he heard that: "I won't come if I'm beeping."

Uzi is also an honest man, he didn't say anything, nothing mattered in the head.

"I'm coming too, I'll be level six soon." Xi Ye also stepped in, trying to get two assists.

Soon, the game time came to 6 minutes, and the teammates were ready to engage in the opposite lane, and Qi Zhou was pushing the lane on the top lane.

Although he knew that he might be GNAKed, he still chose to push the line.

This is done to attract the attention of the opposing jungler.

Of course, this pawn line was not pushed directly into the defense tower, but was biased toward the Frog Team.

In this position, it seems that Qi Zhou can directly EQ Erlian's big move first, and at the same time, Qi Zhou also has a chance to escape.

As for the Frog team, the blind monk got the second red BUFF and went straight to the triangle grass on the road.

"The middle lane is gone." The maple in the middle lane gave a signal, indicating that Galio was gone.

"Come here, we are going to fight three times." Baybay called Ryze to join him.

When the number of people is equal, the situation is often in favor of the anti-squatting side.

Ryze began to move up the road.

Just when the Frog team thought that Qi Zhou's prince might make a move at any time, bad news came from the next road:
"The opposite Nakano is coming down the road!"

"What?" Baybay was dumbfounded, but from the small map, it was indeed possible to see the Chinese team's midfielder appearing in the bottom lane.

"They are going on the road to seduce!" Baybay realized that he had been fooled, and at the same time, he found that the prince had started to retreat.

It is definitely too late to support the bottom lane now, so there is only one way to stop the loss!

"Don't let the prince run away!" Baybay's blind monk approached the prince on the road from the river.

After approaching, the blind monk touched Tian Yinbo and kicked the prince back.

Jess was already waiting behind, and rushed forward to follow the output.

Qi Zhou didn't rush, and after landing, he made a big move to frame Jess, and then retreated with EQ.

The blind monk had already hung Tianyinbo on the prince in advance. After the prince opened the distance, the blind monk used the echo strike to keep up, and then chased the output all the way.

However, just the output of a blind monk cannot kill the prince at all.

The role of cloth armor shoes is perfectly reflected.

"Fuck, he's made of cloth armor shoes, I can't beat him to death." Seeing the prince run away, Baybay's mentality exploded a bit.

On the other side, the Frog team has both died in the bottom lane.

"That's right, you guys don't seem to know the whereabouts of the other side at all. What kind of rhythm are you leading?" Maple's Ryze started to walk in the middle. If he hadn't come to support him, he would have pushed forward in the middle, allowing Xi Ye Thanks to a wave of troops.

"It doesn't make sense. They have always been linked with Ueno, why did it suddenly change?" Baybay said he couldn't figure it out.

Maple laughed angrily: "Are you a pig? The opponent can change tactics? You can only use one tactic to death, right?"

Baybay was so scolded that he dared not speak.

The game is still going on, and after the bot side grabs, the Chinese team already has a three-way advantage.

In the hotel, the Korean team, in the room of coach Komma, all the Korean team are gathering together,
komma sat at the front, behind him was faker, and then the rest of the Korean team.

There is a screen in front of everyone, and what is shown on the screen is the ongoing game.

"Their awareness of being a top laner... seems to be stronger than before." It was Faker who spoke. He had played against Qi Zhou before, and he had a deep impression.

However, the top laner kiin didn't take it seriously: "To be honest, I can't see any bright spots in his operation. If he is conscious, it feels like a mistake."

"This wave of teammates is going down the road and jumping over the tower. As a top laner, he is hiding under the defensive tower, but he gave him a chance. If it wasn't for the opponent's lack of damage, he would have been gone."

Everyone in the South Korean team nodded after listening, and seemed to agree with this statement.

"Then if he calculates that the opponent's damage is not enough, he chooses to go up and sell a wave. It is also to attract the opponent's middle field to the top lane and make it easier for his teammates to jump the tower." Faker said quickly.

"This is impossible." Shu Wang exclaimed subconsciously.

Not only the Mouse King, but others also said it was a bit difficult to accept:

"If he is so powerful, why did he behave like that before?"

"He didn't win a single head in the group stage."

"To be honest, when I was watching the Chinese team in the group stage, I didn't even know they had a top laner. It's so beautiful."

Faker saw the reaction of the crowd, did he continue to talk, but continued to watch the game.

At this time, the game time has come to 9 minutes. On the bottom side, Uzi's ice has risen to level six. At the moment of rising to level six, he directly threw a big move to control Verus on the opposite side.

A few seconds before this, Uzi and Meikou had already gone up and fought with the opponent, tricking Braum's shield out.

In fact, it is for this wave of rushing to grab the sixth level!

Verus was controlled by Ice's big move, and Bron couldn't help, and Luo, the younger sister, kept up with the follow-up control.

Verus was killed, and the head came to Uzi.

"Nice, it's so big." Meikou praised.

"Line killed the brothers." Uzi began to show off, of course, mainly for the factory manager.

"Come on, I've helped you in this way, you still can't kill that much food." The factory manager expressed disdain.

"Ming Kai, are you in a hurry, worried that the MVP will be taken away by me?" Uzi continued to mock.

The factory manager ignored him directly, and then looked up the road.

The one who is most likely to compete with Uzi for the MVP in this match is naturally Qi Zhou's prince.

Now the CD of Galio's ultimate move in the middle lane has also been improved, and he can go to the top lane to do things.

So the factory manager commanded: "Push the line in the middle, we are going to go on the road."

Qi Zhou reminded: "The flash on the road should have turned around."

Factory manager: "Then let's jump over the tower directly."

Qi Zhou: "I'll see if I can push the line of troops in."

On the top lane, the pawn line is in the middle, and now Jess's style of play is not as bold as it was at the beginning.

Qi Zhou tried to step forward to push the pawn line, but found that Jess really didn't rush up to stop him, it seemed that he was scared of being beaten.

This is also understandable, how high you jump at the beginning, how miserable you fall, after being played with continuously, you may have begun to doubt your life.

So Qi Zhou speeded up his pace and used his Q skill and Ping A to quickly push the pawn line forward.

The director's wine barrel came to the road, and he chose to go from the wild area.

Galio in the middle road Xiye has a big move and can come to support him at any time, so the factory manager is not afraid of encountering opponents in the wild.

The top line was pushed into the defense tower, and the factory manager took his place.

This Jess was still making up the knife under the defensive tower, but suddenly found that the wine barrel was around the back!

The prince approached from the front.

"They want to jump over the tower!" PK chose to call for help from his teammates.

However, it was too late for Nakano to support the road.

In fact, after Maple's Ryze pushed the line in the middle, he began to lean down.

After all, if there is no flash in the bottom lane, it is possible that the tower will continue to be jumped.

But unexpectedly, this wave suffered disaster on the road.

Then you can only use your tricks and grab the road!

On the side of the road, Qi Zhou's prince chose to approach Jess on foot, but the factory director's wine barrel blocked the escape route.

Galio put his ultimate move on the barrel, and Jess trembled under the tower.

Galio's big move landed, and the barrel chose to hit it with the E skill first, and then followed up with the Q and big move.

Jess was sent flying by the big move, Galio caught Jess in mid-air, the prince followed the EQ second company, Jess was flying around in the air like a ball, and was killed in seconds.

PK knew that he was bound to die, so he didn't hand in the flash.

At present, it seems to be the correct choice, and if you have to eat a control skill, you will be charged to death.

"Retreat, they're here." On the bottom side, Meikou was leading Uzi back.

"Didn't they want to jump over the tower?" Uzi found that the bottom lane on the opposite side was already pushing the lane, and at the same time, Nakano appeared in Xiaolong Pit.

"Why don't we go to the second tower and stay there." Meikou suggested.

Hearing this, Uzi was silent. If he really retreated, it would mean losing troops, which was unacceptable for Uzi.

"It's okay, I have TP, I can fight under the tower." At this moment, Qi Zhou's voice sounded.

"Okay, then watch me operate from the tower!" Uzi's self-confidence rose immediately.

Meikou and Uzi chose to wait under the tower.

Soon, the line of soldiers entered the tower, just as Uzi thought, the opposite side really wanted to jump over the tower!
On the front, Verus and Braum approached, and Ryze's big move appeared behind them to block the road!

However, at the moment Ryze used his ult to block the road, a TP fell on the blue square bottom tower.

"They're on their way to support."

"I haven't TP yet, so I can't make it through."

For the Frog team, after seeing this TP, their opinions within the team were divided.

"It's okay, you can fight." Maple thought it was okay to fight. After all, Han Bing and Luo had already used their ults in the previous wave, and the prince probably didn't use their ults.

On my side, not only are there big moves, but there is also one more number.

Ryze's big move landed, and Ryze and the blind monk appeared at the same time.

And Meikou has already set the time in advance. At the moment the two landed, a W skill came forward, knocking them into the air at the same time, delaying time so that TP can land.

Braum made a big move, and Uzi's ice used the treatment to speed up, avoiding Braum's big move.

This is a bit embarrassing, Verus dare not do it, he needs others to carry the tower first.

Braum tried to throw a Q skill, but was dodged by the ice.

Verus still couldn't do it, he was waiting for Nakano's move.

After Ryze and the blind monk landed, when the blind monk touched his eyes and was about to kick the ice out, Uzi reacted quickly and retreated immediately.

So the blind monk's kick actually sent Han Bing away.

Immediately afterwards, the prince's TP landed, and Qi Zhou chose to use his ult to cover the blind monk. In this way, Verus and Bron were isolated below the ult, the blind monk was inside the ult, and Ryze was on top of the ult!

The four opponents were divided into three parts by Qi Zhou's ultimate move!
"Why does the prince still have a big move!" Maple was dumbfounded, this was different from what he had calculated.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow, Ryze continued to output ice, but was picked up by the prince EQ for two consecutive times.

Luo, the younger sister, also handed over the E skill to help the ice block the skill.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Verus could only control the prince, Han Bing, and Luo in flash.

But after he flashed his R, he just came from the bottom of the prince's big move to the inside of the prince's big move, and he was still in a restricted state, unable to give the output to the ice.

Exporting Qi Zhou's prince, he found that he couldn't move.

The blind monk who was responsible for carrying it couldn't carry it anymore, and flashed out of the range of defense.

As soon as he flashed, it was embarrassing that he was still outputting Verus. The defense tower began to hit him, and the Frog team fell into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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