Chapter 223 [222]
After the prince's ultimate move disappeared, Verus desperately walked out of the defense tower. When he walked out of the attack range of the defense tower, he had only the last trace of blood left. Qi Zhou shot his Q skill backhand and took him away.

On the other side, after the ice and residual blood, the blind monk sent a sky sound wave, and then matched with Ryze's damage to take the head.

The blind monk with residual blood was knocked into the air by Luo Shan's W. Qi Zhou followed up with a Q skill and took another head.

This is not over yet, and now there is only one Ryze with residual blood and Bron with full blood left on the Frog Team.

Bron stepped forward to cover Ruiz's retreat, and Qi Zhou and Meikou began to chase.

There is no way, Maple can only choose to flash and run away, before the prince's skills have improved.

So the two sides played two for two.

It seems that everyone is making no loss, but this is unacceptable to the Frog Team. They choose to jump the tower in order to stop losses. You have nothing to gain, and you have handed in all your skills.

"Why does this prince still have a big move? I thought he had already released it in the top lane." Maple expressed his incomprehension.

PK came up with a sentence: "When they jumped the tower, I actually felt a little strange. The prince didn't use his big move. Could it be that he kept it on purpose? He knew you were going to go down the road?"

Maple denied this statement without thinking: "How is it possible, you think too much, if he has this level, he is still a rookie?"

For the Chinese team, Qi Zhou's prince returned to the city for a wave of supplies and returned to the top lane to continue his development.

Now he has five heads in hand, he has developed quite well, and he has passed the early stage in a stable manner, and the rest is to play in the team.

The game time came to 13 minutes and Uzi and Meikou took down the opponent's bottom tower.

Uzi: "Change the lane, I'll go to the middle lane."

Sister Kou: "Xiye, let's go to the bottom lane, let's find a chance to take the first tower in the middle lane."

Factory Manager: "Assist in arranging the field of vision in the middle, and the jungler on the opposite side may want to attack you."

The factory manager is already approaching the middle lane, as if he wants to attack the middle lane.

At this moment, Qi Zhou commanded: "Changzi, come on the road, squat Jess."

Seeing this, the factory manager changed direction, walked up the road and asked at the same time: "Do you want to jump directly over the tower?"

"No need, I'll push the lane and go to the middle to see if he can follow."

So the factory manager chose to ambush to the red side and hit the triangle grass on the road. Jess on the opposite side was very wretched, which made it much easier for Qi Zhou to push the line.

After pushing the line of troops into the defense tower, Qi Zhou also walked towards the triangle grass. After looking inside the triangle grass, Qi Zhou led the factory manager to the opposite red BUFF grass.

"I guess he will come from here." Qi Zhou explained.

Soon, the pawn line of the first tower on the road was dealt with, and Jess disappeared from sight.

A few seconds later, Jess did not appear in the triangle grass, which made Qi Zhou more convinced of his judgment.

Soon, Jess appeared!

Jess walked past the grass where Qi Zhou and the factory manager were, and went straight to the middle.

Suddenly, Jess stopped and stood in front of Qi Zhou and the factory manager. He seemed to want to see if Qi Zhou's prince really went to the middle.

So taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou made a move!

I saw Qi Zhou's prince hit Jess with one EQ and two combos, and the director's wine barrel followed, and the two of them had a set of small skills, and they didn't even need to amplify their moves to kill Jess in seconds!
"Middle Road, let's go to Yuyue Pagoda on the middle road." Qi Zhou continued to direct.

It was also the factory manager who followed Qi Zhou to the middle road.

At this time, on the side of the middle road, the pawn line was pushed into the defense tower by Uzi and his sister.

Below the tower are the blind monk, Varus and Braum.

The three of them seemed to be frightened by Jess' death in battle, and kept retreating the defensive towers without daring to defend them.

Uzi and Meikou easily got the first tower in the opposite middle road, and then led the pawn line to the second tower in the middle road.

Qi Zhou glanced at the bottom lane, the mid laner on the opposite side was still dragged into the bottom lane, and the top laner Jess had just been revived, so he should still be in the bottom lane.

So, the moment the middle lane entered the second tower, Qi Zhou EQ crossed the wall for the second time, and then directly framed Verus and Bron with a big move!
After Qi Zhou made his move, Galio waited for a long time to catch up with the big move, Uzi's ice also shot out the big move, and the team battle was on the verge of breaking out.

For the Frog team, Ryze and Jess gave TP to the middle to support at the same time.

But it was already slow, the TP of the two hadn't landed yet, and Verus and Bron had already died!
In this way, the two of them had to consider canceling TP, otherwise TP going down would be a free gift.

"Don't cancel, go on and do it!" Maple's heart was ruthless, if he gave up this wave, the loss would be too great, and TP might be able to come back.

For the Chinese team, Qi Zhou had already carried the tower until he ran out of health, so he got out of the defensive tower and replaced it with someone else to carry the tower.

At the moment when Jess and Ryze's TP hit the ground, Galio slammed into it with an E skill, and someone carried the tower and others started to follow the output.

Jess and Ryze pulled away in a flash, and the two seemed to be about to operate!

However, Luo, who was dubbed by the younger sister, kept all his skills, and Luo's big move came into the arena to charm the two of them.

The rest of the Chinese team kept up with the output. In the end, Jess and Ruiz didn't replace anyone, and they gave it for nothing!

On the contrary, the clever blind monk ran ahead of time and became the only one who survived.

Now the atmosphere of the Frog team was a bit awkward, and maple himself gave away a head, which made it difficult for him to swear.

"Let's develop first, we can't join them like this anymore." It was PK who was talking, and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the Chinese team in this match.

"Development? How to develop? Do you think they give you a chance to develop?" Maple scolded angrily.

"Didn't you say at the beginning that you Jess was going to blow up the opponent? What's going on now? You can't even beat a bastard?"

PK didn't dare to speak anymore, so he could only bear the maple firepower silently.

It was much easier for the Chinese team. After winning the team battle in the middle lane, the Chinese team first took down the second tower in the middle lane, and then the high ground tower in the middle lane.

The crystal in the middle was not in a hurry to remove it, and the five of them returned to the city to replenish it.

After going out, he beat Xiaolong first, and Qi Zhou's prince continued to lead the way.

Now that the first and second towers in the middle lane are gone, the first tower on the top road is naturally afraid to defend. There is no difference between defending at this position and giving away kills.

After taking down the first tower on the road, Qi Zhou led the pawn line to the second tower.

And Xiye's Galio is leading the line in the middle, so that his ultimate move can support the top and bottom lanes at any time.

Uzi and his sister are stuck in the bottom lane and continue to consume the HP of the second bottom tower on the opposite side.

After Qi Zhou's ult CD improved, he chose to hand over the factory manager: "Changzi, come on the road, you can jump over the tower."

Qi Zhou mainly produces meat equipment, and the output is not high, so he needs someone to assist him when he climbs the tower.

The factory director's wine barrel came to the road, and Qi Zhou led the line of soldiers into the defense tower.

Jess didn't show up on the opposite side, so Qi Zhou didn't say a word, and EQ [-] connected his big move to cover Jess.

Just then, the blind monk appeared!The blind monk seemed to be squatting behind him.

However, these are all within Qi Zhou's calculations. He doesn't know if the blind monk is really on the road yet, but he has already considered the worst-case scenario.

The blind monk touched Jess with a W, and then prepared to set fire with Jess on the prince who was carrying the tower.

At this moment, the director's wine barrel shot!The wine barrel chose the big move first, blasting Jess and the blind monk out of the prince's big move.

Immediately afterwards, the wine barrel caught up with a flat A with an E skill that received W damage, and Jess was killed on the spot!
The blind monk who survived by chance stepped forward to find Qi Zhou's prince, kicked Qi Zhou to the back of the defensive tower with a slam of the dragon's tail, and then followed Tian Yinbo and Echo Shock.

"Is it so fleshy?" After the blind monk finished fighting, the prince's bloody hand was triggered, and the value of the shield made the blind monk desperate. It was impossible to beat him to death.

"Don't worry, wait for the skills." Qi Zhou walked out of the attacking range of the defense tower in a leisurely manner.

Wait until the next round of E skill turns to a good CD before approaching the blind monk under the defense tower.

The factory manager approached the blind monk from the front of the defense tower, forming a double-team with the prince.

The director's wine barrel goes first, and he controls the wine barrel with an E skill. The prince keeps up with the EQ second company, and the blind monk is also killed by the two.

After killing the blind monk, Qi Zhou and the factory manager pushed up to the second pagoda.

"Aren't you making a mistake? Keep sending it?" Maple's mentality exploded, and his teammates kept dying, and he couldn't stop at all.

Every time a person is killed, it means that the defense tower has to be pushed down.

At the 8th minute of the game, the Frog team had only three highlands left, and there was no defensive tower in the middle highland.

"Dragon vision, I'll go to the bottom lane to lead the line, and then give a circle around the vision." Qi Zhou continued to direct.

So the other four members of the Chinese team gathered near the Dalongkeng, first lined up the opposite view, and then lit up the upper half of the field.

Qi Zhou took the bottom line to the high ground on the opposite side. Although there was no vision in the lower half of the wild area, but Dalong was about to refresh, the opponent would definitely not come to the bottom lane to catch him, otherwise Dalong would be in vain.

The pressure came to the frog team, the dragon was about to refresh, the dragon pit was completely dark, and only the prince could be seen on the three lines. These already explained the problem.

"Let's go over and see, they don't play Baron fast enough." Maple chose to take his teammates there.

In his opinion, if he can snatch the big dragon, this might be overturned.

So the Frog team left one Jess to defend on the high ground in the bottom lane, while the others walked in the direction of the Dragon Pit.

When the game time came to 10 minutes, the dragon refreshed, and the four players in front of the Chinese team chose to start the fight directly.

The speed of hitting the dragon is really not fast, and there is no percentage damage.

However, playing the big dragon is only one of the options, and you can also take over the group.

Qi Zhou was observing the movements of the four people facing him through his field of vision.

These four people were more careful, clearing their field of vision while walking towards the Dragon Pit, but they didn't have time to clean up the entire first half of the wild area, so there were quite a few wards that could be TPed.

Qi Zhou is not in a hurry. It is not time yet. If TP is discovered now, the Frog team can retreat directly.

When the dragon's blood volume was still less than half, everyone from the Frog team came to the top of the dragon pit and put down a real eye.

After seeing the blood volume of the big dragon, everyone in the frog team split up. The blind monk was waiting on the top to grab the big dragon.

When the blood volume of the dragon reached more than 3000, Qi Zhou realized that the time was right!

With a big dragon of this blood volume, the Frog Team is definitely not willing to give up directly.

Qi Zhou's TP gave the opposite red BUFF grass, from which he can go around perfectly!

For the Frog team, when they saw the prince's TP position, all five of them panicked.

"Prince! Prince! I see that there is no prince here!"

"I'm TP too, I'm TP too."

"What should I do? Withdraw directly?"

"You can fight, you can fight!"

There was only chaos in the frog team. After Qi Zhou's prince TP landed, he chose to circle around and come to the position behind everyone in the frog team.

The four players in front of the Chinese team will not fight Baron directly. Although Baron doesn't have much health and can be finished in one wave, doing so will give the opponent a chance to grab Baron, which is unnecessary.

Qi Zhou's prince and his teammates formed a double-team situation. For the Frog team, Verus used his ult to control the prince, and the others caught up with the damage.

The blind monk touched his eyes and wanted to kick the prince away. At this moment, Qi Zhou released his big move!

When the prince amplified his move, he was immune to control, which caused the blind monk's big move to not have the effect of repelling.

The prince's EQ Erlian, who landed his big move on Qizhou, knocked everyone in the Frog team into the air.

Galio's big move followed, and the formation of the Frog Team was completely disrupted, and the five people scattered like birds and beasts.

The Chinese team followed up and defeated them one by one. In the end, only one blind monk survived, and the other four were killed.

"Boom after wave!" After winning the team battle, everyone in the Chinese team did not choose to turn back to fight Baron, but prepared to end the game with a wave.

For the Frog team, Maple is already in a hurry: "Hold on, hold on, clear the pawn line, clear the pawn line."

"We will be resurrected soon, you must guard." Baybay's hands were shaking, what would he use as a blind monk to clear the line?But if you go a little further, you have no chance of being killed in seconds.

But Baybay can't do nothing, it will definitely be scolded.

So he walked around sideways, trying to attract the attention of everyone in the Chinese team and buy some time.

However, the Chinese team ignored him at all, and went straight to the front tooth tower after winning the highland crystal in the middle.

Seeing that the front tooth tower was about to be taken down, the blind monk really couldn't sit still.

I saw the blind monk hit the soldier with a sky sound wave, and then echoed and flew over, and the sky thunder cleared the line of soldiers.

Of course, this was just an operation in his fantasy. In fact, when his Echo Shot was still flying in the air, the prince's second EQ shot directly interrupted him!
The barrel keeps up with the E skill, Luo keeps up with the W, and Galio's taunt.

Before everyone in EDG finished using their control skills, the blind monk was already dead.

At this time, members of the Frog team were resurrected one after another, and they wanted to come out to stop them.

The Chinese people chose to ignore it directly, five people demolished the tower together, two front tooth towers fell to the ground, and then the base crystal.

In the end, no one in the Frog team could stop the success and was taken away by a wave!


"It feels so simple. In my impression, although the Frog team is not very strong, they can always do something. I didn't expect this game to be so simple."

"Is this all their strength? I haven't even gotten serious yet."

"You also have a serious mode, don't you?"

Everyone in the Chinese team started chatting, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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