Chapter 225 [224] Please speak hard

After the bottom pawn line entered the tower, the factory manager cast an eye on the opposite pawn line, and Qi Zhou TPed directly to the eye position.

Seeing this TP, Frog Team ADCBetty immediately asked for help: "The opponent wants to jump the tower!"

So Gnar of PK can only give TP to the bottom lane. In fact, he saw it at the first time, but he was not willing to give it, because the pawn line was pushed in. He originally wanted to control the pawn line back, cooperate Play wild GANK.

But he didn't expect Qi Zhou to go directly to TP, and now he can only give up the pawn line and follow TP.

After the TP landed, the two members of the Frog team tried to retreat, but were stopped by the factory manager. The factory manager was very tough at this time, mainly because Qi Zhou was there.

Being blocked from retreating, the two members of the Frog team could only hide under the defensive tower, waiting for the support of their teammates.

In a blink of an eye, the top laners of both sides landed one after another, and at this time there were three people under the defense tower!
Xiao Ming's Luo chose to go first, and once he sent a W into the field to control Verus, Verus directly surrendered the flash, while Niutau surrendered the W skill, and the skills exchange between the two was repeated!
Seeing that Niutou lost his W skill, Qi Zhou's Galio's E skill came into play, and he activated the W Duran shield, so he fully charged the Duran shield, and taunted the three people under the opposite tower at the same time!
Qi Zhou followed up with a Q skill, and then a passive level A, AOE is already full!
Olaf, the factory manager, took the opportunity to enter the arena. Although he was knocked into the air by Niutou's Q skill, it was not a big problem.

Verus, who didn't flash, was instantly killed in the face of the concentrated fire of the four people, and then Gnar, whose anger had already piled up, and it was about to grow bigger. ,
But after he got bigger, everyone in the Chinese team got rid of him.

Xiao Ming carried the tower until he ran out of health, and now Qi Zhou's Galio is carrying it. There is only a bull's head under the tower, and the bull's head can't do many things.

Everyone in the Chinese team waited for the CD of the first-class skills, and then continued to climb the tower, and finally the bull head was killed.

"Nice! The opposite bottom lane exploded." Uzi expressed his comfort.

Xiao Ming: "Let's hand in the three flashes on the opposite side. You can continue to come later."

Factory manager: "I don't know what the Gnar TP on the opposite side is doing, it doesn't work at all."

Uzi: "Maybe I saw Aquaman TP, and I don't think it's good if I don't TP."

Qi Zhou had already returned to the city where he was, and walked directly on the road to continue his development.

For the Frog team, after this wave of games, the mentality of the whole team exploded a bit.

"You Gnar don't seem to be able to do anything? The control and output of the opponent's top laner are full." Baybay began to question the top lane.

"My hero is like this. I don't have level [-], I don't have anger, and I can only play AAA in a team. It is definitely not as useful as Galio." PK said he didn't understand. This is a problem with the hero's attributes. Can he be blamed?

Baybay stopped talking after hearing this. He found that what PK said seemed to make sense, but this time the loss always needs to be blamed by one person. Strong, throw the pot out.

At this time maple said: "Don't give it away, can you, so that you can't shrink and grow? You just have to raise the opposite side to be comfortable, right?"

As soon as Maple said this, everyone else shut up.

The two sides entered a short period of development,
When the game time came to 6 minutes, Qi Zhou's ult had turned to CD.

Now that he has the foundation for preparation, and Galio himself pushes the line very quickly, Qi Zhou can quickly push the line to support his teammates.

The laning in the middle lane is still quite intense. After Xiye's Daomei came to level [-], her solo kill ability went up to a new level. Maple felt the pressure, and her lane pushing was not as diligent as before.

"I'm coming to the middle lane, Changzi, come here together, let's go around the back." Seeing that the middle lane can enter the tower, Qi Zhou wanted to attack the middle lane.

The factory manager also started to move to the road I gave you, preparing to match up with Qi Zhou.

From the perspective of God, it can be seen that Maple is actually surrounded, and he is walking towards him all the way up and down.

However, when Olaf, the factory manager, just walked into the wild area, he met Xin Zhao on the opposite side!

This Xin Zhao was playing F6, the two met face to face, Xin Zhao's immediate reaction was to retreat.

On the contrary, the factory manager chose to rush forward to trouble Xin Zhao.

"Olaf! Olaf!" Baybay frantically clicked the signal to make the middle lane pay attention.

Seeing Olaf's position, maple suddenly felt that the opportunity had come!

Now Daomei is still pushing the line, there is no time to support, he can go to cooperate with Xin Zhao to kill Olaf first.

"Hit him!" Maple said and activated his big move, which landed behind Olaf, forming a double-team with Xin Zhao.

Seeing that his teammates supported him, Xin Zhao chose to turn around and fight back.

At this moment, the PK on the top road gave a signal that was quite behind in time: "The top road is gone, you guys better not fight."

"He's 100% going to get you off the road!"

However, when he said this, Maple's Ryze had already landed!

Maple thought to himself that Galio's ult was not a full map, and it would take some time to get into the distance where he could zoom in from the top road.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, just kill Olaf first.

However, as soon as he started to output Olaf, Galio gave Olaf his ultimate move.

"So fast?" Maple was dumbfounded. In this situation, he could only run away, and Daomei also chased him from behind.

It was also Ryze who was close to the wall of the red BUFF. After Ryze's ultimate move landed, Ryze chose to flash over the wall and come to the pit of the red BUFF.

"Ryze! Ryze!" Qi Zhou chose to flash across the wall, and then rushed over with his E skill, knocking Ryze into the air, and then taunted him with his W skill.

Olaf, the factory manager, came around with his big move, and set fire together with Qi Zhou to take down Ryze's head. Xin Zhao didn't dare to come to help because Daomei was behind.

"Why do you just stare at me? Are you targeting me?" After Maple was killed, his mentality collapsed. He originally thought that he would be safe after flashing, but Galio directly flashed over to look for him.

He was only here to help out in the wild, but now he's fine, the jungler is fine, he's dead to help out.

When the game time came to 10 minutes, the Chinese team had already controlled the scene, and the Frog team also tried to gank the bottom lane, but it was unsuccessful.

On the road side, Qi Zhou left after pushing the line, without giving a chance at all, and the rhythm of the Frog team couldn't get up at all.

Qi Zhou's ult has been turned into CD, TPCD has also been turned into a good one, and he has an idea again.

However, according to his observation, the jungler on the opposite side is frequently seen by the bot lane, and seems to have been hovering near the bot lane.

It's a bit difficult to go directly to the bottom lane, so Qi Zhou changed his mind: "Changzi, let's capture the middle lane first."

Qi Zhou repeated his old tricks, coming down from the top lane, ready to cooperate with the gank in the middle lane.

Now that Ryze has not flashed more wretchedly than before, Xiye can easily push the line of soldiers into the defense tower.

The factory manager was in the upper half of the field this time. He and Qi Zhou met at the top of the middle road, and then walked to the opposite field together, preparing to circle around.

As for the Frog Team, PK reminded his teammates: "The road is gone, be careful."

Hearing this, Baybay leaned towards the bottom lane. He was worried that the bottom lane would be overrun. On the middle side, maple was also going to support the bottom lane. He had a big move, and the speed of support was not too slow.

However, after the middle lane entered the tower, maple was dumbfounded!
He saw Galio and Olaf coming out from behind his tower!

The front is Daomei, he has nowhere to go!
Qi Zhou's Galio chose to go first, rushed forward with his E skill, and the opponent's top laner gave TP to the middle lane to support.

But it was still too late, Ryze was controlled by Galio first, and then got the E skill of Daomei, the three of them concentrated fire and killed him immediately!
Gnar's TP landed, but he couldn't do anything. He could only watch Ueno leave in the Chinese team.

This is not over yet, Qi Zhou continued to command: "Go down the road and jump over the tower, I have TP."

So the factory manager started to go down the road, and he chose to make a circle from the opposite wild area.

As a result, they encountered Xin Zhao in the lower half of the wild area of ​​the red side. The two had a face-to-face meeting, but neither of them made a move.

"It's okay, give me a spot, I can fight." Qi Zhou directed.

So the factory manager walked to the opposite side, and put a ward on the partition wall, and Qi Zhou's Galio directly gave TP to this ward.

On the front side, Uzi and Xiao Ming also brought the soldiers over.

"What are they going to do?"

"It must be jumping the tower."

"Shall we go or stay?"

"I do not know either."

The two of the Frog team were confused in the bottom lane. They planned to retreat to the second tower, but Galio and Olaf had already come.

Fortunately, at this time, Xin Zhao reacted and chose to come forward to help, resulting in a partial three-on-two.

The bull's head flashed up and the WQ second company wanted to knock Galio and Olaf into the air. Olaf activated his big move, immune to control and then output Xin Zhao first.

Verus followed up with Galio, who used a big move to control Qi Zhou, and then stepped forward to output Olaf, preparing to deal with Olaf first.

After Qi Zhou was controlled, he chose to activate the W skill first, and when the control disappeared, it flashed on Verus' face 1
Verus was charged, and Uzi's Kai'Sa directly entered the field and output!

And Xiao Ming's Luo has already activated his big move, flashing his E skill and using Galio as a pedal to enter the arena!

The scene changed instantly, and it became four on three!

Verus was instantly killed!Niutou activated his big move and wanted to run, but he was still a little far away from the defense tower, so he couldn't run away!

In the end, as long as Olaf, the factory director, was killed, the Chinese team won three heads!

Uzi joked, "Since when did you become so aggressive? I used to think you didn't dare to cross the tower like this."

Factory Manager: "Don't act like you know me very well."

Uzi: "Isn't it? You ask others, you used to be cowardly and rely on your teammates to start a team."

The factory manager was not happy after hearing this: "Can you play the game seriously? Don't do these things."

The others didn't speak, but they actually had the same idea. If it were the factory manager of EDG, he wouldn't dare to take the risk of jumping the tower like this.

The reason why he dares to do this now is because Qi Zhou is directing. In EDG, the factory manager himself only knows how to fight. If he doesn't want to fight his teammates, he can't fight, but now it's different.

On the other side, in the lounge of the Korean team, after watching this wave, faker lay down on the chair and said:

"It's over, this game is over."

Komma said: "Their pace is very fast, we have to be careful, it seems that the commander of the Chinese team is their top laner, right?"

After hearing this, Little Peanut murmured, "Top lane command? So weird? Isn't it usually jungler and support?"

komma: "It should be the top laner. I replayed their games before. Looking at the first-person perspective, it was the top laner who was giving the signal. At the same time, judging from their expressions, it was the top laner who was always talking."

Komma looked at Kiin while talking, and asked, "Kiin, what do you think, do you think the top order is only reliable?"

Kiin frowned after hearing this, he had never encountered this problem before.

After thinking for a while, Kiin said: "From my experience, top laners are not suitable for commanding. One is that top laners need to be highly concentrated, so it is difficult to obtain information about other lanes."

"Without enough information, you can't command the way."

Hearing this, Little Peanut said disdainfully: "I feel that he may be talking too much, so he created the illusion that he is in command. The position of the top laner really can't command."

However, Peanut spoke too quickly, and Kiin changed the subject: "However, after watching these few games, I found that this person has a characteristic. When he is in the lane, he tries to avoid confrontation with the opponent."

"It can be seen that he is relatively peaceful every time he is in line with the opponent, so if he fights in this way, he may really be able to command, and he spends the opponent's energy on observing other lanes. "

Little Peanut was at a loss for words after hearing this, he didn't expect to be slapped in the face by himself, originally he just wanted to take this opportunity to bury Qi Zhou, but his teammates didn't give him this opportunity.

After hearing Kiin's words, Komma asked: "Then do you have any good countermeasures? Make him unable to command. Now I feel that if this person keeps commanding, it will be very bad for us."

kiin: "I can try to put pressure on him online and make him uncomfortable in the lane, so that he can't spend his energy on the lane. This should work. I feel that his lane strength is relatively average. "

"As long as the hero is suitable and not disturbed by the jungler, it should be fine."

Komma nodded slightly after hearing this, and then looked at Peanut: "When the time comes, you should cooperate and put pressure on the road as much as possible to make him uncomfortable."

Little Peanut became excited when he heard this: "No problem, but if I beat him to cry, I won't be punished."

"Hahaha..." Everyone in the South Korean team laughed.

On the other side, the match between the Chinese team and the Frog Team is coming to an end

At 25 minutes into the game, the Chinese team won the Dragon BUFF and brought the line of soldiers to the middle high ground of the Frog team.

The five people on the opposite side were trembling on the high ground, Qi Zhou commanded: "Go directly, I will follow with my big move."

Xiao Ming: "No problem."

Xiao Ming started to look for opportunities to enter the arena, but what he didn't expect was that someone moved faster than him!

I saw Uzi's Kai'Sa shot a W skill from the side and hit Verus, and then entered the field without saying a word!
Qi Zhou followed up with the big move immediately, which cut off the opponent's retreat.

After Uzikasha flew up, he chose to move while outputting. When Verus released his big move, he chose the E skill to speed up and dodge, and then tied the A to the Q skill.

(End of this chapter)

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