Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 226 [225] Try switching to the middle lane

Verus flashed away, but Kai'Sa's Q skill was shot, and the Q skill followed to deal Kai'Sa's passive damage. Verus was instantly caught!
The ADC was instantly killed, and the team battle of the Frog team began to fail. Xiye Daomei entered the field with R flashing head-on, and the opponent's attention was on Kai'Sa. After Daomei entered the field, they realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

In the end, the Chinese team completed a wave of zero-for-five perfect team battles on the opponent's high ground!
"Nice! Neptune, how about my big move? Isn't it very good." Uzi began to claim credit.

Qi Zhou; "Very powerful."

Uzi: "Damn, you are too cold, can you be friends?"

Factory manager: "Come on, the MVP of this game can't be yours, it doesn't matter how you perform."

Uzi: "Say it like you can get it."

Amidst the quarrel, the Chinese team ended the game in a wave.

In this way, the score came to 2:0, as long as it is a professional player, it is clear how difficult it is to let the second chase the third.

So for the Frog team, the five people were like deflated balls, slumped on their chairs and didn't want to move.

Maple's computer screen stays on the settlement panel, and it can be seen that Galio is already superb, and there are more than a dozen assists.

In contrast, the top player in his family has no heads, five deaths and three assists. This gap can only be described as outrageous.

As for PK as the top laner, he no longer dares to look at the data, the gap is too big, he has no face to face his teammates.

The most important thing is, why did Qi Zhou, whom they regarded as a breakthrough before, suddenly become so fierce?

If it wasn't on the playing field, he would definitely think it was a substitution.

On the other side, everyone in the Chinese team has returned to the waiting room. Coach Abu greeted him and said: "Everyone has worked hard, and there is one last game. Keep your form and try to win 3:0."

Uzi: "To be honest, I didn't even think about it. They are at this level. Why do they dare to be so arrogant?"

Xiao Ming: "Maybe it's because I haven't watched LPL games, the more ignorant I am, the more confident I am."

Uzi: "How about we choose a fancy lineup for the next game? Show off?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Abu one after another. They also wanted to play, but it depended on the coach's face.

A Bu said: "If you really want to play, you can't do it, but you must ensure that you can win. If you lose because of this kind of thing, the loss outweighs the gain."

Seeing that Abu agreed, Uzi was overjoyed: "No problem, with our superiority in strength, I don't know how to lose."

Factory manager: "Don't be so embarrassing, it will be ugly when the car overturns."

Uzi: "As long as you don't give it away, I don't know how to lose."

Abramovich: "Okay, okay, you guys should discuss the lineup, don't go up and choose an inexplicable lineup."

The factory manager rushed to talk: "Olaf the barrel, other heroes don't want to play."

Uzi said: "You don't know how to play, right? These two heroes don't need to be operated, so you can only play this kind of hero? Mingkai?"

The factory manager gave Uzi a blank look. In fact, the factory manager's operation has indeed degraded now. All he gets are heroes that don't need to be operated, and he plays games with his brain.

At this time, Xiye said: "If the jungler is a wine barrel, I can play Yasuo in the middle lane, and Sword Demon can also do it."

"Yasuo? Brother, are you sure? This hero is too manipulative." Uzi expressed doubts about Xiye's manipulation.

"It will depend on the situation at that time. If the lineup is suitable, I will choose it. If the lineup is not suitable, forget it." Xiye explained.

After a brief discussion, everyone looked at Qi Zhou one after another. It is not yet decided to go on the road.

Qi Zhou then said: "I can do it, and I will win."

Uzi concluded: "The lineup is almost determined. As Abramovich said, you can play but don't overturn it. If you can't beat it, you will be wretched and don't give away your head."

The short rest time passed quickly, and the third game was about to start. Abramovich led the Chinese team to appear again.

When they came to the field, the audience began to cheer for the Chinese team, but no one cheered for the Frog team, which appeared from the side.

Qi Zhou glanced at the auditorium and found that there were many empty seats. These empty seats were not available at the beginning of the game. It seemed that he had just left. Needless to say, he must be supporting the Frog team. Seeing himself The supporting team was abused and ran away on the spot.

Qi Zhou turned his head and glanced at the members of the Frog Team, only to find that they were dodging, not daring to look Qi Zhou in the eye, which was the sign of being beaten to the ground.

Qi Zhou muttered that these people's psychological quality is too bad, so their mentality collapsed?It's not meaningful at all to call it so happy.

Qi Zhou came to his seat, put on his earphones and got ready.

The second round of BP began, and the Tibetan Chinese team came to the red side, while the frog team was on the blue side.

In the BAN link, the Chinese team chose to directly have three empty BANs, which has no other meaning, but it feels unnecessary.

There was a commotion in the audience, the three empty bans were completely provocative, and empty bans were sometimes used as a tactic during BP.

However, usually there is only one empty BAN, but now there are three empty BANs, which cannot be explained clearly by tactics.

As for the Frog team, they chose to ban Kai'Sa, Galio and Daomei.

There are three roads, upper, middle and lower, and each road bans a hero.

Entering the hero selection stage, the Chinese team began to choose according to the previously discussed ones. The jungler took out the barrel, the mid laner Yasuo, and the bottom lane even took out Vayne.

As the BP progressed, the faces of the members of the Frog team became more and more ugly. They could see that the Chinese team didn't care about Kante at all when they chose heroes, and took whatever they liked to play.

Soon, the lineups of the two sides were determined.

The red side of the Chinese team: top laner Shen, jungler Keg, mid laner Yasuo, ADC Wayne, support Bullhead.

Blue Frog Team: top laner Aoun, jungler Ike, mid laner Zoe, ADC Verus, support Bron.

After the lineup is determined, enter the game screen.

Qi Zhou chose Dolan Dun to go out. This time the top laner on the opposite side obviously didn't have the momentum before, and he didn't play Jess, and Gnar didn't choose either. He directly took out Ornn, intending to be a bastard.

In this way, Qi Zhou's laning pressure will be much less. This game mainly depends on the inspection of his teammates, and he will be responsible for playing and supporting.

Qi Zhou came to stand guard on the upper road, and there was no intention of invading on the other side.

The first wave of soldiers came out, and Qi Zhou returned to the line and started to fight.

Just like what he thought, Ornn on the opposite side was very wretched, so he just made up the knife, and had no intention of fighting at all.

As for the middle lane, after Yasuo was taken out of teeth cleaning, maple naturally wouldn't allow him to develop comfortably.

It is almost impossible for Yasuo to fight against Zoe in the first two levels. Maple chooses to directly cross the line of soldiers to fight and consume.

There was no other way, Xiye had no choice but to avoid his sharp edge. Fortunately, he used Doran's Shield, and he could recover immediately after a little HP was consumed.

On the bottom lane, although Uzi got Wei En, who was weak in the lane, the Frog team didn't dare to step forward to suppress him in the bottom lane, and the two sides developed normally.

This is very comfortable for Uzi, and the peaceful development of this hero is an advantage.

"I feel like you can't handle it in the middle lane." The factory manager noticed the laning situation in the middle lane. Xiye still couldn't do anything after he reached two levels. If he got close to Zoe, he would definitely be controlled by Zoe's E skill.

"The guy on the other side is a bit manipulative, and it's really hard for Yasuo to beat Zoe in the early stage." Xiye complained to the factory manager.

"I knew it would be like this when I saw you chose Yasuo. Let's first look at the position of the opposing jungler. We can't do two-on-two. Wait for the opposing jungler to appear in other lanes." The factory manager didn't come directly to the middle. I don't know the location of Ike on the opposite side.

Soon, both sides reached the third level in the middle lane. With the wind wall, Xiye's situation became a little easier.

However, Maple is still putting pressure on the side of the pawn line, as long as Xiye is close to the pawn line, there is danger.

"You like to play Yasuo, don't you? I want to play Yasuo." Maple muttered while laning, he was really angry in this match.

At this moment, Xiye's Yasuo took advantage of Zoe's position in the front and used his E skill to get close to Zoe, and then tied A to Q. Zoe didn't rush to throw E skill, he wanted to wait for Yasuo to give the wind wall to him. handed in.

But Xiye is also very stable. As long as Zoe's E skill is good, he will not hand it in. Now the comparison is reaction time.

Just then, Ike appeared! Baybay's Ike came from the side. Obviously, when he was in the grass, he should have released his W skill. Xiye didn't know where the opponent and W were, so he could only choose to run in the direction of the road.

Ike handed over the E skill to get closer, the second E skill to get close, and then the Q skill to shoot.

There is no way, Xiye can only choose to hand over the wind wall to block Ike's Q skill, otherwise if he is slowed down, Zoe will definitely catch up.

Seeing that Yasuo let go of Fengqing, Maple chose to wait for the wind wall to disappear, and then suddenly flashed forward, and Xiye also flashed.

What he didn't expect was that Zooey didn't directly teach the E skill, but picked up his flash, flashed it on Xiye's face again, and handed over E personally.

When Xiye wanted to move, it was too late, and was hit by Zoe's hypnotic bubble.

Zoe pulls a super long-distance flying star, and Ike waits for the next set of skills to cooperate with Zoe to complete the kill!

"Damn, this guy is a bit handsome." After being killed, Xiye sighed.

Factory manager: "Can the middle road still hold up?"

Xiye: "It's a bit difficult."

Factory manager: "Then wait for me to level six, or I won't be able to help you."

At the same time, on the bottom lane, after reaching the third level, Uzi and Xiao Ming even started to suppress the opponent in turn.

In the bottom lane of the frog and frog team, these two men didn't dare to fight, and lost in momentum, so they could only hide under the defensive tower to resist the pressure.

When the game time came to 5 minutes, Qi Zhou pushed a wave of troops on the road and chose to return to the city to replenish.

At the same time, he was looking at the situation in the middle lane. Now Xiye has been suppressed a lot of last hits, and the pressure on the lane is very high.

"Changzi, let's go to the middle road to make a wave together." Qi Zhou directed.

"Okay, I'll come right away." The factory manager said and started to walk towards the middle road.

"There is a view here, be careful." Xiye pinged the river above the middle road.

Qi Zhou chose to approach from the bottom of the middle road, and first gathered with the director's wine barrel at the entrance of the river.

Seeing that the two of them were already in place, Xiye chose to step forward to seduce them.

Zoe on the opposite side was obviously in a state of berserk, Xiye went up to seduce him and shot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou and the factory manager approached from below. Seeing someone coming to gank, Zoe chose to retreat directly.

At the same time, Aoun of PK gave TP to the middle lane, wanting to come to support.

The director's wine barrel chooses to go first, and the E skill moves forward to catch up with the Q skill and rolls the barrel to slow down to Zoe.

Qi Zhou took the opportunity to close the distance, and then E flashed to control Zoe, and Yasuo kept up with the damage.

As soon as Aoun's TP on the opposite side fell, Zoe had already killed him, and Aoun had no choice but to run away.

Qi Zhou took this opportunity to TP to the top lane to eat the pawn line.

"It's not a mistake, the road on the opposite side is here, and no one gave me a signal?" Maple began to get excited.

PK didn't dare to say anything at all, Qi Zhou went directly to the middle road from the spring, it was too sudden, PK didn't react at all.

But those who should take the blame still have to take the blame.

"Okay, it's much more comfortable now." On the Chinese team side, after getting this head, Xiye felt that he could play again.

The factory manager said: "Wait until the sixth level, I can continue to come to the middle lane to do things."

Xiye: "Okay, I'll be six soon."

The game time came to 6 minutes, and the solo laners and junglers of both sides had been promoted to level [-] one after another.

The factory manager came to Zhonglu as scheduled, ready to continue working on things.

Maple, Zoe, is somewhat restrained compared to before, but her style of play is still very aggressive.

As long as Xiye has a shield on him, he must step up and use Ping A to destroy it.

This created an opportunity for the factory manager, who saw the factory manager's wine barrel go around from the side, planning to cooperate with Yasuo to complete the kill.

Yasuo has a blower in his hand, and the wine barrel is the E skill to take the ultimate move.

But Zoe was prepared, and directly surrendered her big move to avoid it!
Meanwhile, Ike bursts out from the side in what appears to be a two-for-two.

Zoe used his big move to avoid the big move of the wine barrel, but he still wanted to come back. Aiming at this opportunity, the hair blow in Yasuo's book shot, knocking Zoe into the air and then followed up with the big move.

The moment Yasuo took the big move, Shen's big move had already been given to Yasuo.

Although Yasuo and the barrel are controlled by Ike's W, the Chinese team has one more person.

Shen's big move landed, and an E skill was used to taunt Zoe, Yasuo followed up to deal damage, and Ike on the opposite side saw that the situation was wrong, so he chose the big move to run away, and Zoe was killed again.

"Nice, what kind of imperial treatment is this, cool!" Xi Ye became more and more happy as he fought.

Maple is the opposite. After this wave, his mentality completely exploded.

"Why is there such a big gap in the top lane? I have a huge advantage in the middle lane." Maple directly sprayed.

PK was numb, he thought he was just an Aoun, how could he support Shenbi.

And the middle lane itself is too aggressive, so it will be given a chance.

At this moment, bad news came from the bottom lane. Uzi and Xiao Ming completed the counter-kill and took the head of Verus.

"There is no flash on the opposite lane." Xiao Ming reminded.

In this way, the Chinese team has an advantage across the board.

In the hotel, in the room of the Korean team.

Seeing this, Komma suddenly said: "I feel like they have a breakthrough in the middle lane. His operation is quite ordinary."

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