Chapter 227 [226] Humble

Faker nodded: "I don't know why he dared to choose Yasuo. If this is his true level, then we can break through from the middle."

Komma continued: "Their top laners and mid laners have relatively average laning abilities. What is really difficult to deal with is the bottom lane. We can formulate our tactics in advance and break through from the middle and upper lanes. As long as the bottom lane can develop peacefully."

The Mouse King replied: "Well, their bot lane matchup is really good, but as long as the hero is suitable, our bot lane development is still no problem, and then we will see your performance."

Although Shu Wang is considered a senior in this South Korean team in terms of seniority, but from the perspective of strength and honor, he is not ranked at all, it still depends on Faker's face.

The game was still going on, after Xiye got two kills, he was like a fish in water in the middle lane, and Maple didn't dare to come up to consume him easily.

When the time came to 10 minutes, the CD of Qi Zhou's next big move had already improved, so he commanded:

"Changzi, you can go to the bottom lane to do things, I have TP."

Factory manager: "OK, let me see if there is a chance."

The factory manager began to lean towards the bottom lane. On the bottom lane, Uzi's Wayne has been putting pressure on the two opponents. On the opposite side, Verus can only use his skills to make up the knife.

Seeing that the factory manager was coming down the road to do something, Uzi began to push the line, ready to cooperate with the factory manager.

Soon, the pawn line was pushed into the defense tower, and the director's wine barrel chose to go around from the opposite wild area. He was cautious about his big move, so he was not afraid of encountering the opponent in the wild area.

Walking around the wild area can avoid the view of the triangle grass in the bottom lane. After the pawn line enters the tower, the factory manager circles out from behind the opposite defensive tower, ready to cooperate with the bottom lane.

"The opposite side wants to jump over the tower!" Betty hurriedly asked his teammates for help, at this time Shen had already given the big move to the factory manager's wine barrel.

On the other hand, Aoun gave TP to the bottom tower, ready to come to support a wave.

The factory manager knew that he had to hurry up, so he chose to directly hand over the big move of E flash!Before the opposite Braum can react, blow Braum and Varus out.

Uzi's Vayne followed up with an E skill, nailed Verus to the wall and started outputting.

Xiao Ming's Bull Head kept up with Erlian, Shen's big move was followed by a taunt, and Bron and Verus on the opposite side were charged to the point where they couldn't move at all.

The director's wine barrel took the opportunity to get out of the attack range of the defense tower, and Verus was instantly killed on the opposite side!

At the moment Verus was instantly killed, Aoun chose to cancel TP.

"Continue! You can kill!" Seeing that Aoun's TP was cancelled, Qi Zhou turned his head immediately.

Bron, who was under the opposite tower, didn't realize the danger for the first time. When he realized it, it was too late to retreat, and his retreat was blocked by Shen.

"Hey, why did you cancel your TP? Did you make a mistake?" SwordArT was dumbfounded, isn't this cheating?

"I think Verus is dead, and TP is useless, so I canceled it." PK explained.

SwordArT wanted to say something other than shaking his head.

The Chinese team entered the tower again and killed Bron under the defense tower.

"Isn't it funny that the top road on the other side is canceling the TP, which directly made Bronxiu numb." Uzi laughed.

Qi Zhou: "Actually, it's understandable. His idea is that TP is useless. It's better to make up damage on the top lane. But he didn't make an agreement with his teammates in advance. This is the problem."

The factory manager: "Jane is proud, it's comfortable now, so many people help you climb the tower."

Uzi: "When you didn't come to the tower, I also had the advantage."

Qi Zhou did not participate in the quarrel between the two, and chose to go back to the city for supplies and then went straight to the road.

Twelve minutes into the game, Uzi and Xiao Ming got a tower in the bottom lane, and took Xiaolong along the way.

The Chinese team began to change lanes, Yasuo switched to the bottom lane, and the duo came to the middle lane.

In this way, the Frog Team can only change the line accordingly.

However, after switching to the middle lane, the Frog Team still couldn't beat the bottom lane, so the defense tower in the middle lane was very dangerous.

"Can't the defensive towers in the middle lane defend? Are you going to make them useless like this?" Maple saw that the health of the first tower in the middle lane was consumed, and he couldn't sit still. As a mid laner, he knew the importance of the first tower in the middle lane.

"I can't beat... this Vayne has four heads..." Betty said timidly. Although he is indeed the weaker side in the lane, if it wasn't for being targeted by the jungler and top laner, it wouldn't be so difficult for Vayne to take such a fight. Multiple heads.

"Report, report! Guard the first tower in the middle." Maple began to call his teammates to report to the middle.

However, the field of view of the Frog team's bottom lane has been completely controlled by the Chinese team. After discovering Zoe's movements, the factory manager reminded: "Be careful in the middle lane, Zoe is coming from the opposite side."

Xi Ye: "Let's also come to the middle lane to play a team. It's not interesting to lead the line."

Qi Zhou: "I have a big move, and I can support you at any time."

Factory manager: "Well, if the top laner on the other side doesn't have TP, we'll play five against four."

So everyone in the Chinese team began to gather in the middle, ready to advance the opposite middle tower.

Soon, except for the top laners of both sides, all eight people in the audience came to the middle lane.

The factory director's wine barrel touched the upper half wild area all the way, and turned on the scan to confirm that he was not found.

He knew that most of the opponent's field of vision was placed in the lower half of the jungle. At this point in time, Baron hadn't brushed, so the upper half of the field generally didn't have much vision.

The middle line of soldiers was pushed in, and the factory manager commanded: "The position I see, I will make a big move first!"

Xiye: "I'm ready! Neptune remembers to give me a big move and protect me."

As Xiye was talking, Qi Zhou's big move had already been given to him.

"They want to jump over the tower?" Seeing Yasuo's big move, everyone in the Frog team suddenly became a little confused about the situation. They could only retreat one after another to see what the Chinese team was going to do.

As a result, as soon as they retreated, the wine barrel fell from the blind spot of the partition wall with the ultimate move!

Yasuo caught up with the big move immediately, and Uzi's Wayne also started the big move to enter the field and output.

Xiao Min's bull head stepped forward to keep up with Erlian.

Among the four people under the opposite defensive tower, only Zoe was not hit by the big move, and the blood volume of the other three people bottomed out instantly!
Qi Zhou's Shen big move landed, and he taunted three people at the same time with one E skill!
After defeating all the opponents, it was Uzi's Wei En's turn to harvest. Xiaoming's Bull Head started his big move and entered the second tower to carry the tower first, while Uzi pursued all the way.

The Frog Team was defeated one by one, and Verus didn't even have a chance to release his big move.

In the end, only Xiao Ming was controlled by Zoe, and then the defense tower was killed. The Chinese team played a one-for-three exchange.

"Push the tower, push the tower!" The factory manager commanded.

PK's Aoun saw that there was a problem in the middle lane, so he chose to walk to the middle lane, as if he wanted to protect the first tower in the middle lane.

But he had just walked halfway, and found that it seemed too late, so he turned back and walked up the road.

All of this was seen by Maple, and Maple's mentality immediately exploded: "Are you shopping here? You can push the top lane to push the tower, it's better than shopping here."

PK didn't dare to speak anymore, so he could only silently go back to the top lane to make up for the damage development.

After the Chinese team took down the first tower in the middle, they continued to rush forward with the pawn line and took down the second tower in the middle.

When the game time came to 15 minutes, the Chinese team gathered in the middle again, this time they were ready to go to the high ground!
"I'll go first later, Yasuo will use the big move, and then Aquaman will give Yasuo the big move." The factory manager directed.

"Okay, I'm fine." Qi Zhou replied.

Soon, the central line of troops was brought to the front of the defensive tower, and everyone from the Frog team came to the central defense.

For them now, the outcome of the game is no longer critical, or there is no suspense about the outcome. All they have to do is try to delay the time as much as possible. If they are pushed flat within ten minutes, the scene will be too ugly.

After the line of soldiers entered the high ground, the factory manager's wine barrel was ambushing on the side, and he put a real eye under his feet, so that the opponent could not see his specific position.

However, the Frog Team had already suffered a loss after all. Realizing that the wine barrel was under the high ground, they chose to stand diagonally.

In this way, you can avoid being hit by multiple people at the same time by the big move of the wine barrel, and being caught in one pot.

"Damn, the other side is too wretched, don't give it a chance." The factory manager found that he couldn't find an angle to start.

While the attention of the other side was on the factory director's wine barrel, Xiao Ming's bull head had an idea.

I saw the bull's head quietly touching the side of the high ground, approaching the members of the frog and frog team above the high ground.

In order to avoid the factory manager, they are now standing very close to Xiao Ming's bull head!This gave Xiao Ming a chance to strike first.

"I'm on it!" Xiao Ming's voice flashed across the wall as soon as he finished speaking, and then sent Verus and Braum flying in two combos!

Yasuo keeps up with the big move and the team battle is on the verge of breaking out!
Taking advantage of Verus and Bron's being knocked into the air, the director's wine barrel handed over an E skill to go to the high ground, and then threw his big move behind Verus and Bron.

Verus and Braum flew out of the defense tower, and Qi Zhou's Shen followed up with an E skill to taunt.

On the opposite side, Aoun activated his big move, and when his big move hit him, Verus had already been caught in seconds!

Everyone in the Chinese team began to rush to the high ground, and Uzi's Wei En started his big move, using the movement speed bonus when chasing people, to quickly catch up with the frog team.

The team battle turned into a one-sided massacre, and the killed maple shut himself off, staring at the screen in a daze.

In the end, the Chinese team played a one-for-five on the opponent's high ground and won the team battle!

Factory Manager: "Wave after wave!"

Xi Ye: "This Yasuo has something to eat, I won't play it in the future."

Qi Zhou: "Aren't you going to play now? When you face faker, just choose Yasuo and teach him how to be a man!"

Xiye: "Come on, if you choose Yasuo in front of faker, your head will be blown off."

Uzi: "Xi Ye, I remember that you used to do all kinds of solo kills against fakers, why can't you do it now?"

Xiye: "I'm getting old, I can't operate anymore."

Factory manager: "I haven't said I'm old yet, are you old?"

Everyone in the Chinese team chatted and pushed the tower, and the game ended in a wave!

After the game, Qi Zhou took off his earphones, and everyone in the audience cheered:

"Team China! Team China! Team China!"

The Chinese team lined up and came to the frog team to shake hands.

As the top laner, Qi Zhou took the lead and came to PK first.

This PK frowned, his face was so ugly, Qi Zhou could already guess that this person probably received a lot of scolding.

After shaking hands with PK, it was Baybay's turn. Qi Zhou didn't have much impression of him. He seemed to be sleepwalking in normal games and was completely suppressed by the factory manager.

Then came the mid laner Maple, who had the most exciting expression on his face. When he came up to shake hands, he found that Maple was staring at him, as if he was going to eat him alive.

This kind of mentality is not good for people, no matter how strong the operation is, there is definitely no ability to change fate against the sky.

Not to mention that his operation is just like that, without any characteristics except his temper.

When Qi Zhou and Maple touched their palms, it was considered a handshake. Just as he was about to move on, Maple suddenly said: "Even if you can win us by chance, what's the use? Are you still going to be hanged in the final? Don't you think so?" I think I can beat the Korean team."

Qi Zhou smiled and ignored him.

As if feeling that he was being ignored, Maple became excited: "Are you afraid? Are you afraid?"

At this time, the factory director who was following behind Qi Zhou said, "Young man, admit defeat and don't do anything, or we will be called referees."

Hearing the word "referee", Maple was obviously ignorant. If he was caught by the referee, he might be fined and suspended. It would be too embarrassing if such a thing happened at the Asian Games.

There is no way, maple can only hold back the anger in his heart.

After Qi Zhou shook hands with everyone in the Frog Team, he chose to come directly to his side to pack his things.

At this moment, a staff member came over and reminded Qi Zhou and Uzi to go for an interview.

The two followed the staff member towards the interview booth. Before leaving, Uzi did not forget to show off in front of the factory manager.

The factory manager gave him a blank stare.

At the interview booth, Qi Zhou and Uzi met Yu Shuang.

I saw Yu Shuang greeted: "Come on, come on, I didn't expect you to win the game so easily. It seems that the entire BO5 took just over an hour."

Uzi responded: "I have already shown mercy, otherwise it will be faster."

"Really? Are you sure about the final?" Yu Shuang asked.

Uzi: "Of course there is, not to mention other things, they are definitely not our opponents in the bottom lane."

Yu Shuang nodded after hearing this, and then looked at Qi Zhou, wanting to know Qi Zhou's opinion.

Qi Zhou said: "It can only be said that they all have a chance. The hard power is about the same. It depends on who can perform better on the spot at the time."

"Well, when the time comes, we will cheer you on from the stage!" Yu Shuang said as she motioned for the two to stand beside her.

The interview began: "Congratulations to the Chinese team for winning the game relatively easily. We have invited top laners sea and ADCUZI of the Chinese team to accept our interview."

Qi Zhou and Uzi each took a microphone, and Qi Zhou said, "Hi everyone, I'm sea."

Uzi: "Hi, everyone, I'm UZI."

Yu Shuang stretched out the microphone and began to ask questions: "The first question, the speed of this BO5 is very fast. It only took more than an hour. I can feel that the Chinese team is in a very good state. After advancing to the finals, you will Against the South Korean team, can you tell us your thoughts on this South Korean team?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhou replied, "I don't think this Korean team has any weaknesses."

As soon as Qi Zhou said this, both Uzi and Yu Shuang looked over with very delicate eyes.

Brother, there's no need to praise others like this.

If you want to play face-slapping scenes, you don't need to be so sweet!

(End of this chapter)

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