Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 230 [229] Gouzi, I will wrong you for a while!

Chapter 230 [229] Gouzi, I will wrong you for a while!
Qi Zhou had already returned to the city for supplies, and then went straight to the road to continue his development.

He lost two waves on the road, these are all in his calculations, and he still made a profit overall.

After returning to the top lane, Qi Zhou chose to continue to develop peacefully. Although he had the lead with equipment, he did not intend to single out against Gnar.

For a hero like Kenan, all he needs to do is fight well in team battles.

If you have a chance, hand over the flash to kill the opponent with a single click.

A Kennan who really knows how to play will never hand in this flash, and the effect of keeping it in the team will be much greater.

At this moment, the factory manager's nightmare came near the middle road

"Gnar didn't flash on the other side, so I flew directly." The factory manager said.


So the director's nightmare directly activated his big move, flying across a map to Gnar's face.

Kai Nan of Qi Zhou took the opportunity to step forward and hurt him.

Like the previous wave, Gnar's E skill can't pull out the range of Nightmare's E skill, so he still has to be feared in the end. Kenan stepped forward to play passive, stunned Kiin, and finally took the head with the help of the factory manager .

Qi Zhou's record came directly to 3-0.

In fact, he is also a little strange, facing such a stable player as Kiin, he can get such a big advantage in the early stage.

As for the Bangzi team, seeing Kenan's three heads on the road, they realized that the situation was imminent.

They all know Kiin's ability. In terms of laning suppression, he may not be the strongest in the LCK top laner.

But it is definitely the first in terms of stable performance. Now it has been killed twice. The possibility they can think of is that the opponent's top laner is very fierce!
Of course, Kiin's feelings are different from others, you don't feel how fierce Qi Zhou is in the lane.

Rather, it feels very strange that he has faced so many top laners, but he has never laned like this.

On the other side, Little Peanut's prince leaned towards the bottom lane, and now the factory manager is on the top lane, and he plans to attack the bottom lane.

"Let's wait for us to level six, otherwise we won't be able to strike first." It was the Shu King who spoke, he was really a little weak now, worried that if he didn't deal with it well, he might not be able to beat three or two.

"Okay, then develop yourself first." Seeing this, Peanut had no choice but to give up this wave of ganks. In fact, he was a little anxious. The rhythm of the Chinese team was obviously better this time.

The game time came to 8 minutes, and the CD of Peanut's second ult turned well.

So he came to the bottom lane again. Judging from the time, the bottom lane duo should have reached level six soon.

Originally, according to the plan, this match should be a mid-up breakthrough, regardless of the bottom lane.

But the immediate situation made Peanut have to change his plan.

There is no way to catch it on the top road, Kenan is too fat, if he is forced to catch it, he may be replaced.

Lulu in the middle lane has nothing to catch. Lulu itself is a support mid laner, so a few more catches will not have a big impact.

So, now, Little Peanut really can only come down the road to head-to-head.

The bottom lane has been pressed and beaten, and the difference in making up the knife is almost [-] knives.

"How many levels are you short of?" Little Peanut asked as he walked, and he found that Han Bing was already level six.

"I'm still short of three melee soldiers." The Mouse King gave feedback to Peanut.

"I'm still two waves away." GorillA's experience is a bit short, and sometimes he's not online as a support.

"Okay, you guys are ready to go first." At this time, the pawn line was in the middle, and Little Peanut walked along the pawn line into the bushes on the line.

There is a flash of ice, so Peanut can't go first directly, and Verus must hit first with his big move.

I don't know the location of Nightmare now, and there is indeed a possibility of being squatted back.

But as long as Verus' ultimate move can hit, he can basically sit down and kill in seconds.

"I'm coming too." At this moment, Faker's voice came. At this time, he had already walked to the triangle grass in the blue square bottom lane. From here, he could directly use his ult to fly to the bottom lane.

Seeing faker coming, Little Peanut's confidence is even greater, and now he is only one move away.

Shu Wang also made a supplementary attack. He was observing Uzi's position and was ready to throw a big move at any time.

The flying speed of Verus' ultimate move is not particularly fast, so it must be taken by surprise.

At this moment, Kiin who was on the road gave a signal: "Kenan is gone."

Seeing this signal, Little Peanut didn't pay attention. He thought that Kenan must have returned to the city for supplies.

Suddenly, the Shu King saw an opportunity and directly threw out his big move!

The timing of this big move is very clever, it happens to be when Ice makes up the knife.

It was too late when Han Bing wanted to move, and Verus' big move was a precise hit!

Almost at the same time, Faker's Ryze activated his ultimate move, which landed just behind the side of the ice, breaking the ice all the way.

And Little Peanut's prince is using the EQ second link big move, but as soon as he made an EQ move, it was dark!

"Open the curtain!" The nightmare of the factory manager opened his big move and flew over from under the defense tower!
But it was just a nightmare, and everyone in the Bangzi team was not worried. Faker's Ryze ult fell to the ground, and was controlled by the ice ult before it even started outputting.

At the same time, the prince who wanted to output ice was blocked by Bron, and Bron put a passive on him, and Ice used the level A to quickly trigger it.

The factory manager's nightmare is to fly to Verus and use the E skill.

This Verus is clearly already in danger, so he still needs to charge up his Q skill, and shoot towards Uzi with a Q skill to help his teammates make up for the damage.

In his opinion, it would be a big profit if he could exchange one with Uzi.

Just when everyone in the Bangzi team felt that everything was still under control, a tiny figure suddenly appeared!

Qi Zhou's Kenan has joined the battlefield!

Because the vision was blocked by the nightmare, everyone in the Bangzi team could only see what was around them, so when they saw Kenan, they had already entered the range of Kenan's big move!
Kenan drove the E skill to accelerate, and then handed over the push stick.

Faker realized that he couldn't run away, so he chose to flash onto Uzi, trying to forcefully kill Uzi first.

Uzi also handed over his flash, twisting left and right, trying to hide his skills.

Meikou followed Hanbing, wanting to help block the skills.

But the steps of the two are inconsistent, or even completely opposite.

So Braum couldn't block it, causing Ice to be killed by Ryze.

"Brother, what kind of operation are you doing?" Uzi was stunned.

"My mine, I didn't cooperate well." Meikou chose to take the blame.

The team battle continued, Little Peanut's prince retreated in a flash, but it was too late, Kenan's big move controlled him, and then followed AQA to take the head directly!

As for the back row of the Bangzi team, Verus had already been cut to death by Nightmare, and Luo was the only one who escaped.

Everyone in the Chinese team turned around and killed Faker's Ruiz, and the two sides played one for three!

"Damn it, why was I the one who died." Uzi said that his mentality was a little broken. He had indeed made an appointment with his teammates to seduce him, thinking that he would not die if there was a flash, but he didn't expect Faker to be so stubborn.

"This is called selling dog tactics." Meikou said with a smile.

"Yes, this title is very appropriate." Uzi seems to be very satisfied with this statement, and being able to attract the other party's attention is also a recognition of strength.

"Neptune, how did you come here early when you knew there was going to be a problem in the next lane?" The factory manager asked suddenly.

"Little Peanut has no place to catch, they can only catch the bottom lane, and since faker disappeared in the middle lane, it must be the bottom lane." Qi Zhou explained, he was heading back to the city and heading up the road.

Although he lost two more waves of troops, it was still acceptable to him, and he got two kills.

"Your consciousness, no one else," the factory director praised.

As for the Bangzi team, after this wave was over, Little Peanut knew something was wrong.

"Why did Kenan appear in the bottom lane on the opposite side, I don't understand." Little Peanut was puzzled.

"Did you get seen when you came?" Faker asked.

"Impossible. Besides, even if I'm seen, will their top laner rush to ensure that we can fight in the bottom lane? If he came to roam, but we didn't fight, wouldn't it be a huge loss for him in the top lane?" Little Peanut began to reason. stand up.

"Theoretically, that's the case, but just now Han Bing... felt like he was trying to seduce us on purpose, so wouldn't the chances of a fight be very high?" Shu Wang analyzed.

Hearing this, Little Peanut didn't know what to do. This kind of analysis is more reasonable, but if it is true, then he was being played, and he couldn't accept it.

Peanut glanced at Gnar, who was on the road, and found that Gnar had TP. It should be that after Nightmare opened his big move, TP could not be used. Thinking about it this way, the Chinese team is too well prepared, and it seems that all aspects have been thought of.

At [-] minutes into the game, the Chinese team took down the bottom tower of the Bangzi team. After the previous wave was over, the Bangzi team could no longer play the bottom lane. They could only watch the bottom tower be pushed down.

The Bangzi team released Xiaolong again and chose to switch to a comprehensive defensive stance.

After taking down the first tower of the Bangzi team, Uzi and Meikou switched to the middle lane, and the two began to attack the first tower of the Bangzi team.

The Bangzi team can only change lanes accordingly, but they still can't beat the middle lane.

The importance of the first tower in the middle is much higher than that of the defensive towers on the side. Peanut can only choose to help defend in the middle.

In this way, Little Peanut was locked in the middle, and the side lanes were out of control for the time being.

The factory manager's nightmare came to the top road again. The style of top road is completely different from other roads.

"Push the line, let's jump over the tower directly." The factory manager directed.

"Okay, I'll try." Qi Zhou chose to activate the E skill, stepped forward and began to push the line.

However, Kiin seemed to be aware of the danger. Seeing Kenan pushing the line in such a hurry, he chose to push against the line of soldiers, not wanting the line of soldiers to enter the tower.

The factory manager was not polite, and the factory manager directly made big moves to show his face.

Like the first wave, Gnar still chose to connect E to flash and run away, while the factory manager still chose to flash to keep up with Fear Gnar.

Qi Zhou's Kenan stepped forward to deal damage and easily took the head.

"This person's awareness is quite good, but it's a pity that he met our Ueno combination." After killing Gnar, the factory manager said slowly.

After hearing this, Uzi said directly: "Ming Kai, who are you really, can you be the king of the sea?"

As soon as Uzi finished speaking, there was a problem in the middle lane!

First, Xi Ye sent a signal in the bottom lane: "The faker is gone."

Then Peanut's prince came out in the middle, not to mention EQ two connected with the big move to frame the ice, and Verus followed up with the big move.

Braum, who is the younger sister, blocked a considerable part of the damage with his shield, and Uzi used his backhand to control the prince.

Just when Uzi thought he had a chance to run, Ryze's ult appeared behind him.

Seeing Ryze's ultimate move, Uzi knew he was gone.

"Wan Defa! This is aimed at me, right?" Uzi roared angrily.

On the upper road side, the factory manager helped Qi Zhou take down the first tower, and the two brought the pawn line to the second tower, and then walked to the middle road to defend the first tower in the middle road.

"Jane is proud that you don't give it away. It would be ridiculous if you lose such a big advantage." Naturally, the factory manager would not let this opportunity go.

The game time came to 8 minutes, and the rhythm of both sides slowed down.

Now that the defense tower can be taken, it is very difficult to take the opponent's middle tower, no matter which side of the opponent is.

Xiaolong refreshed, and everyone in the Chinese team chose to arrange their vision in advance. The terrain of Xiaolong is more beneficial to the rear red side, so the Chinese team on the red side intends to seduce the Bangzi team to come to pick up the group.

"I'll go for a back ward position, Neptune, where do you think it would be better to put it." Meikou who spoke, now there is no bot lane tower on the opposite side, he can go deep into the opposite jungle area from the bot lane.

"Let's put it on the red BUFF side, but it might be discovered. If it's impossible to put it in front of the stone beetle, they probably won't go to this position." Qi Zhou replied.

So Meikou started to act. He chose to invade the opposite wild area from the bottom lane, all the way to the stone beetle's position, and then put a real eye on the partition wall, and then placed a fake eye on the stone beetle's position.

This artificial eye is placed in front of the stone beetle, which can prevent the eye from being found when scanning the opposite partition wall.

After the vision was set up, everyone in the Chinese team started to fight Xiaolong.

The Bangzi team has also completed their assembly, and after pushing the middle line of soldiers, they began to lean towards Xiaolongkeng.

"Be careful of the surrounding vision on the opposite side." Faker reminded.

After Kiin's Gnar cleared the bottom line, his anger was almost full, and he entered a state where he could take over the regiment.

He chose to walk in the direction of Xiaolongkeng. When he walked to the red BUFF grass and turned on the scan, and wanted to clear the view above Xiaolongkeng, he suddenly found a real eye in the red BUFF grass!

The point is, when he came to lead the way down the road, there was no such real eye in it!Obviously it was just released!

Now the teammate's attention is on the F6 area, no one comes here to scan and clear the field of view.

"Wait a minute! We definitely still have their vision in the wild, so we can't take this wave of team battles!" Kiin realized the seriousness of the problem.

With Kenan's current equipment, as long as he finds a position to go around the back in the team battle, the back row will be melted instantly!
Little Peanut was a little reconciled after hearing this, he had already lost a dragon, and he, the jungler, was responsible for continuing to lose dragons.

After a brief silence, Faker chose to adopt Kiin's suggestion: "Let the dragon go, let's develop first."

So everyone in the Bangzi team gathered and dispersed on the spot, and each line continued to develop.

As for the Chinese team, it was discovered that the Bangzi team did not come to pick up the team. Uzi joked: "Aren't you afraid to pick up this? It's a waste of my mood."

The factory manager: "It's not a big problem. The next one is the fire dragon. I don't believe they are still here."

(End of this chapter)

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