As the game time approached 10 minutes, the Chinese team began to arrange the vision around Dalong, preparing to make a fuss around Dalong.

It is a pity for Qi Zhou that the last wave of small dragons did not fight. If the formation is delayed to the late stage, the lineup of the Bangzi team will be more solid, so every opportunity to force the Bangzi team to take over the team must be firmly established. hold firmly.

Soon, the field of vision around Dalong was set up, and the three-way pawn line was pushed past. The Chinese team began to try to squat in Dalong Pit.

At this time, the upper field of the Bangzi team has been lit up, and these eye positions can be used to TP around the back.

Qi Zhou's Kenan was waiting for a chance for TP to go around in his wild area, and the other four were waiting for someone to come over in front of the Dalongkeng.

And the stick team here.

"They might want to fight Dalong." Little Peanut had already noticed that the Chinese team could not be seen on the three pawn lines on the mini-map.

"Their speed of fighting the dragon is very slow, we don't need to worry." It was Faker who spoke, and he had changed the jewelry into a blue one, so he could spy on the situation inside the dragon pit from a long distance.

Kiin said: "Then I will continue to lead the line in the bottom lane, I have TP."

faker: "Control your anger and be ready to TP over at any time."

So everyone in the Bangzi team split up and acted separately. The four people except the top laner first led the middle lane to the river, threatening the first tower in the middle of the Chinese team.

"They don't seem to plan to come over, they are ready to push the tower." Qi Zhou reminded.

"They should also know that we are very slow in fighting big dragons, so let's go back and defend the tower." The factory manager said and walked out of the grass in the river.

Seeing the nightmare at the field station, everyone in the Bangzi team in the middle chose to withdraw directly to the lower half field.

On the bottom lane, Kiin's Gnar was still leading the line forward, so Qi Zhou could only choose to return to the city and then go to the bottom lane to defend.

Qi Zhou said: "They have a good sense of awareness, we can't move the big dragon for the time being, or wait for the next set of small dragons."

Factory manager: "That's the only way."

So the Chinese team temporarily gave up the idea of ​​the big dragon to decide the outcome, and they can try again when everyone is better equipped, but it is obviously not good now.

So the two sides entered a relatively slow pace of development, the game time came to 22 minutes, and the third dragon was about to be refreshed!
This is a fire dragon, and the Chinese team already has one in their hands. If they get another one, the attributes will be superimposed, and it will be a big blow to the Bangzi team.

Most importantly, the terrain of Xiaolongkeng has an advantage for the Chinese team.

They can control the vision first, and then let the bats come over at the risk of being ambushed. In this case, there is too much room for maneuvering.

"I'm going to go around the field of vision. This time I'll find a tricky position so that they won't find out." It was Meikou who spoke, and he had already started to act.

Factory Manager: "We'll watch Aquaman's performance later, we'll help you attract fire from the front, and you'll enter the arena behind, and then destroy the world!"

Uzi: "Ming Kai, you want to lie down and win again, right?"

Factory manager: "It's like you're not lying down to win."

At this moment, Qi Zhou said suddenly: "It's not that simple, be careful, the opponent may pretend to fight for the little dragon and directly fight the big dragon. They Gnar didn't go to lead the line, there is a problem!"

Everyone in the Chinese team was taken aback after hearing this, but the factory manager quickly reacted:
"Don't mention it, although Bangzi is a disadvantage, but their lineup is very fast against dragons, Gnar has a percentage damage, Ryze's continuous output ability is not bad, Verus also has a percentage damage, and he can also eat The prince's attack speed bonus."

Qi Zhou added: "The most important thing is that Ryze can directly use his big move to bring his teammates over, and it will be very sudden."

Sister Kou: "Then what should we do? Shall we not fight Xiaolong first?"

Qi Zhou: "There is no need to go around the rear view, they will definitely not fight us here, so we will let the factory manager fight the little dragon alone, and the others will go first, and the stick will definitely fight the big dragon. The factory manager can fly over."

Uzi: "Aquaman is awesome, that's a good idea!"

Factory manager: "Then let's pretend that we want to fight Xiaolong together?"

Qi Zhou: "Well, let them feel that we have been fooled first, so that they will drive the dragon by themselves!"

In Qi Zhou's view, this wave is actually a good opportunity, Zhengchou can't find a chance to confront the Bangzi team head-on.

However, in the first half of the field, there was no good evasion position. Qi Zhou chose to break away from his teammates, and then walked towards the second tower of the middle road alone.

Soon, the third dragon appeared, and the Chinese team first grabbed the pawn line in the middle, and then pretended to walk into the dragon pit.

After the Bangzi team pushed the central pawn line, it disappeared from the sight of everyone in the Chinese team. Now both sides can't see the opponent's personnel.

In fact, on the Bangzi team, five people gathered together, and then Ruiz made a big move and went straight to the Dragon Pit!

As for the Chinese team, the factory manager went to fight Xiaolong alone, and the other three were already heading towards the Dalongkeng!
Especially Qi Zhou, he didn't stay with his teammates at the beginning, but chose to go around the wild area in advance. At this time, he had already arrived at the position of the red ashlar beetle, and walked towards the position of the triangle grass on the road.

Inside the Dalong Pit, the members of the Bangzi team are focusing on the Dalong. Although they are at a disadvantage, they are very fast at fighting the Dalong.

"Hahaha, they must think we still want to fight for dragons, a bunch of idiots!" Little Peanut laughed wantonly.

Shu Wang: "Brother Xianghe's idea is really amazing. It perfectly resolved the crisis of Xiaolong's team battle. We have no vision over there. In the past, there must be problems in team fights."

Kiin: "Let's just withdraw after the fight? I'll control my anger a little bit. If they insist on starting a team, we can withdraw and fight at the same time. If it doesn't work, we can sell me."

Everyone in the Bangzi team is already planning what will happen after the Dalong fight.

However, at this moment, a icy E skill flew over, lighting up the situation inside the Great Dragon Pit.

At this time, the dragon still has about half of his blood volume.

"Responding now? It's too late." Little Peanut panicked. If the Chinese team started from Xiaolongkeng now, it would definitely be too late to stop them from fighting Dalong.

However, Faker was a little uneasy, and he muttered: "If the five people on the opposite side fight Xiaolong together, logically they should have finished fighting."

Little Peanut: "These idiots must be ambushing us, thinking that we will go over. Now that we find out that we are fighting the big dragon, I guess the little dragon will not dare to fight. He wanted to come over to stop him and finally found that the big dragon was also lost."

Little Peanut is already imagining how the Chinese team will look distraught.

Soon, the blood volume of the big dragon reached about one-third, until then, the news that the little dragon was killed came.

But everyone in the Bangzi team didn't care anymore. Taking Dalong they could not only recover the economic difference of several thousand, but also gain a few minutes of development time, and maybe they could reverse the defense tower of the Chinese team.

In short, as long as the big dragon is won, it is worth it.

Suddenly, a real eye fell into the Great Dragon Pit. Judging from the position of the real eye, someone definitely lowered it from above the Great Dragon Pit.

This made everyone in the Bangzi team feel that something was wrong, and everyone in the Chinese team shouldn't be so fast!

The Bangzi team used Ryze's big move to fly over to fight Dalong, so they didn't have time to do vision. There was no vision at all above the Dalong Pit, only the position of the river had vision.

"Kenan! He may have TPed!" Faker thought of a possibility.

"It doesn't matter if he's alone." Little Peanut shouted.

However, at this time, the fans of the Bangzi team in the auditorium were already very anxious.

The situation they see from God's perspective is pretty bad!

At the moment when everyone in the Bangzi team dropped their real eyes, they suddenly saw Han Bing, Bron, and Lulu approaching from the river!
"Come here, they're here!" Mouse King reminded.

"How is it possible? It can't be so fast, right?" Little Peanut was startled.

In terms of time, the Chinese team shouldn't be here right now!

At this time, Dalong still had more than 3000 HP, so the Bangzi team naturally couldn't retreat, and they chose to continue fighting.

"Open the curtain!" The sound effect of Nightmare's ultimate move sounded!

Uzi's ice also shot a big move, pointing directly at Verus, but was blocked by Luo.

"You guys take the big dragon, I'll stop them!" GorillA's Luo Zai, after the control effect on his body disappeared, chose the big move to flash the big dragon pit, trying to buy time for his teammates.

In the big dragon pit, the remaining four members of the Bangzi team leaned upward together. They thought that Kenan would definitely find an opportunity to enter the field from below.

However, the moment GorillA flashed out, he noticed something approaching from the direction of the top road, and then went straight into the Dragon Pit!
GorillA couldn't see clearly because the vision was blocked by the nightmare.

Immediately afterwards, teammates wailed from the earphones:
"Kenan! Why did Kenan come in?"

"I was seconded! I was seconded!"

"Second him! Second him!"

"I can't take it anymore, Dalong, look at Dalong!"

In the Dragon Pit, the remaining four members of the Bangzi team were in a mess. Verus was instantly killed by Kenan. He wanted to get close to the wall and flash, but before he got close to the wall, he was gone.

Faker's Ryze blood bar also bottomed out instantly, and was sprayed to death by the dragon.

Kiin's Gnar was also electrocuted. Although he was not killed directly, he had already lost his combat effectiveness.

The prince himself had only half blood left when he carried the big dragon. In order to avoid being killed in seconds, he used punishment to recover his blood, but in this way, no one would care about the big dragon.

After the dragon had the last more than 100 blood left, Kenan shot the Q skill and directly accepted the dragon!
"Dalong! Dalong!" Little Peanut tightened his chrysanthemum, seeing that Dalong was accepted by Kenan like this, his mentality exploded.

On the other side, GorillA's Luo has been killed, and he has held the three players of the Chinese team for a few seconds, which has actually done a great job.

But when he looked back at the situation of his teammates, he was completely dumbfounded.

The double C was killed in seconds, Ueno was left with blood, and Dalong was robbed.

The point is that there was only one Kenan entering the field, and the rest of the Chinese team hadn't even caught up.

Soon, after the rest of the Chinese team followed up, they completed the group destruction of the Bangzi team.

"It's awesome, Neptune, it's really ruined the world, and the dragon is still in hand." Uzi exclaimed.

Factory manager: "Scared me, my ult didn't have enough distance, I thought the big dragon must be gone."

Qi Zhou: "If they take the big dragon, it means they didn't take it, but if there is no big dragon, it will have an impact on our advancement."

Meikou: "Let's supply a wave first, and then push forward in a group in the middle."

So everyone in the Chinese team returned to the city in place, and then gathered in preparation to advance.

As for the Bangzi team, after this wave, the confidence of the five players was completely blown away.

"Why did they rush over so quickly? They shouldn't." Little Peanut still didn't understand.

Kiin: "Could it be that our calculations were wrong? They don't have the ability to accelerate in groups, right?"

Shu Wang: "No, only one Lulu speeds up alone, it is impossible for three people to come here together."

At this moment, Faker thought of a possibility: "We were fooled. It is very likely that Nightmare was singled out against Xiaolong from the beginning, and the others are already ready to come."

"When we first started fighting Baron, the remaining four came together."

When Faker said this, Little Peanut exclaimed: "It seems that this is the case, and there will be such an explanation."

Kiin: "That's not right, why did Kenan come from the direction of the road? He doesn't have TP, otherwise we can see it."

When Kiin asked such a question, everyone in the Bangzi team fell silent. This was a question that none of them could understand.

Mouse King: "Maybe... he TPed to a location we didn't notice? Then came over?"

Everyone in the Bangzi team has not yet figured out how the last wave was output, and the five members of the Chinese team have already pushed the central line of troops.

The five members of the Bangzi team are waiting in full force on the high ground, and they can't care about anything else now. If they can't defend this wave, it will be over.

After the pawn line entered the tower, Uzi's Ashe stepped forward to point him.

Now for the Chinese team, apart from the advantages of the economic lead and the dragon buff, their biggest advantage is the four flashes. Except for Qi Zhou's Kenan, everyone else has flashes.

On the Bangzi team, only Verus had a flash, and everyone else had passed.

So Uzi dared to go up to the tower alone, if the other side wanted to drive him, he would show him instead.

On the Bangzi team, faker's Ryze cleared the pawn line behind. He didn't flash or have a golden body. He didn't dare to go too far, and he might be directly kicked off by the ice ult.

But in this way, the pawn line could not be cleared. Seeing that the blood volume of the high ground tower in the middle road was getting less and less, everyone in the Bangzi team could only retreat one after another.

So everyone in the Chinese team swarmed up and won the high ground in the middle.

After taking the high ground, everyone was not satisfied and continued to advance towards the front tooth tower.

I saw Qi Zhou directing: "Don't give them a chance to breathe, let's go directly."

So the line of soldiers was brought to the front of the front tooth tower. Now the Bangzi team has no way to retreat, and if they retreat again, they will lose their home.

Uzi's Ice continued to step forward to tap the tower, which made Peanut very anxious:
"Assist to force the Ice Flash out, and I will cover him with a big move."

After hearing this, GorillA had no choice but to follow suit, and he didn't have any better ideas.

So GorillA's Luo approached the ice of Uzi, and then directly activated his ultimate move to rush over.

However, Luo, who didn't flash, took the initiative to start a group, leaving a relatively long reaction time for the opponent. Han Bing's backhand big move controlled Luo, Bron followed up with the big move and completed the kill, Han Bing continued to output, and Luo was about to be killed. Spike.

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