Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 238 [237] Da Fei was almost scared to death

Chapter 238 [237] Da Fei was almost scared to death
Uzi: "Yes, Aquaman is still so strong."

After Tam's death, there was only one Verus left in the middle of the Kimchi team, and everyone in the Chinese team planned to directly win the first tower in the middle.

As a result, the captain's big move immediately fell down, clearing the pawn line, and did not give him a chance to touch the defensive tower at all.

"I'll go back to the bottom lane to grow first." Qi Zhou chose to go back to the bottom lane and continue to push the line to develop.

At this time, everyone in the Kimchi team realized that this could not continue.

This wave has the captain's big move, barely keeping the middle lane, what will happen in the next wave without the captain's big move?
Shu Wang said: "If we continue to fight like this, the first tower in the middle will be destroyed by them sooner or later, and the top laner on the opposite side has been wandering around and doing things."

Peanut: "It's true that we can't continue to be passive like this. Let's form a group. The hero Pike is not very good at fighting in groups."

After some thought, Faker made a decision: "Then let's form a group, we will take the initiative to put pressure on them."

Faker's clockwork began to lean towards the middle after pushing the line of soldiers on the top lane.

At this time, Xiaolong happened to be there, still a fire dragon, so Faker sent a few signals to Xiaolongkeng, intending to take his teammates to fight Xiaolong, which might trigger a team battle.

"They seem to be preparing to form a group." On the Chinese team side, Xiye caught Faker's movements.

Factory manager: "Maybe I want to come and fight Xiaolong, let's gather too."

Uzi: "Can we fight team battles? It doesn't feel like a good fight."

Qi Zhou: "It's okay, just wait for me to find a chance, you guys push it first."

Soon, the Chinese team gathered near Xiaolongkeng. Because the red side had the advantage in terrain, they could lay in ambush and wait for the pickle team to come.

"Come to my side, they will definitely come to do vision." Qi Zhou commanded.

Qi Zhou's Pike has already entered the grass below the middle lane, and several members of the pickle team are pushing the pawn line in the middle lane, and they will definitely come over after pushing.

"Give me a spot here." Qi Zhou commanded, and Meikou placed a spot on the partition wall, so that when the other party came over, he would definitely pass by here.

Sure enough, after clearing out the central pawn line, five members of the pickle team approached. Olaf from Peanut walked in front, and Tam followed behind him.

After the two approached the grass, they began to walk back and forth, as if they were worried about being ambushed.

But now Xiaolongkeng has no vision, and they don't know if the Chinese team has started to fight Xiaolong, so there is not much time left for them to test.

The moment Olaf and Tam approached the grass and were about to look out, Pike's Q skill suddenly flew over, brushed against Olaf, and then dragged Tam over.

Xiao Ming's wine barrel followed a Q skill, originally he just wanted to follow a little output.

What everyone didn't expect was that just after the Q skill was released, Tam handed in the flash!

"Flash? What is this person doing?" Xiao Ming said he didn't understand.

Qi Zhou guessed: "It's probably because you zoomed in on your moves, and you were worried about being bombed and then killed in seconds."

Xiao Ming laughed after hearing this: "This is too timid, is it because I was passed by in seconds before, so there is a psychological shadow?"

Qi Zhou: "It's very possible, let's retreat first and lay an ambush here."

Olaf took the opportunity to put his real eyes in, and Qi Zhou led his teammates to retreat one after another, retreating into the grass in the river.

Qi Zhou continued to ambush and was about to make a move. This time, the Kimchi team asked Olaf to explore the way alone.

After the previous experience, Olaf became more courageous. He seemed to think that everyone in the Chinese team must be intimidating. If he doesn't come back, he is a tank.

The moment Little Peanut approached the grass, Qi Zhou's Parker made another move!
This time, he hit Olaf accurately, but Olaf didn't make a big move, and was directly dragged over. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uzi's Xia began to output crazily, and the factory manager's pig girl also stepped up.

Uzi used the barb to control Olaf again, and then continued to output. Olaf's blood volume dropped a lot, and he quickly activated his ultimate move and retreated. As a result, Olaf's ultimate move was gone, and his state was also poor.

Upon seeing this, the factory manager said, "Nice, if this goes on like this, you won't be able to take over the team before the team fights."

Qi Zhou directed: "Let's fight the little dragons and see if they come."

Qi Zhou directed his teammates to fight Xiaolong, while he himself retreated to the grass behind to continue ambush.

The pressure was put on the Kimchi team. Faker's clockwork inserted an eye on the wall above Xiaolong Pit, and found that the Chinese team had already started to fight Xiaolong.

Little Peanut: "I don't have a big move, should I continue fighting?"

faker: "You can go there and fight for punishment. If the fire dragon is directly handed over to them, it would be too bad. Let the assistant protect you and go grab it. If you don't grab it, let the assistant lead you to run away."

"Okay." Little Peanut could only choose to bite the bullet, after all the big brothers in the team said so.

So everyone in the Kimchi team approached Xiaolong in a group, with Olaf and Tam in front, and Tam was ready to protect Olaf.

Just when the five of them approached Xiaolong together, Pike's Q skill flew out from the nearby bushes, hit Faker's spring, and pulled the spring over.

Faker reacted quite quickly, and immediately chose a QW to hit Pike, causing Pike to lose a lot of blood.

Qi Zhou stepped back, and his blood volume almost came back up, but everyone in the Kimchi team was scared to death. If Faker was killed, they would not be able to fight this team battle.

After the blood volume recovered, Qi Zhou approached from the side again.

At this time, the front was already pulling, and Olaf approached the little dragon to fight for punishment.

Qi Zhou charged up his Q skill again, and then hit the opponent's Olaf with a Q skill, pulling Olaf back!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the factory manager's pig sister punished Xiaolong and took him down.

Little Peanut didn't even have the chance to fight for punishment, because the distance was not enough!
"Xiba, this Parker is so annoying." Little Peanut's mentality exploded!
Faker ordered his teammates to retreat: "We withdraw, this position is not good for us to receive the group."

At this moment, the Chinese team chose to take the initiative to start a team!
The Q skill of the pig girl of the factory manager is on the top, and W slows down Olaf

Seeing this, Tam ate Olaf directly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ming made a move!
He'd been waiting for Tamm to eat, and now it finally came.

I saw Xiao Ming's wine barrel handed over his E skill and stepped forward, and made a big backhand move to blow Tamm back directly!
In this way, Olaf was bombed back.

Tam's flash has been forced out by Pike, so when he sees the barrel's ultimate move, he has nothing to do.

Everyone in the Chinese team started to focus on Tamm, and Tamm turned on the shield after the remaining blood, but Pike's ultimate move has been cut off.

Pike's ultimate move ignores all shields. Tamm was instantly killed, and the bloody Olaf was also exposed. Pike made another big move.

"You have a share too." Everyone in the Chinese team frantically jumped for gold coins, and the economic gap between the two sides quickly widened.

"Big dragon? Can we be big dragon?" Xiao Ming asked suddenly, at this time the remaining three members of the kimchi team had already run away.

"We can fight the big dragons in the past and force them to come over. I'll find a chance to form a group." Qi Zhou replied.

Uzi: "If I am the only one outputting, the speed of fighting Baron will be slower."

Qi Zhou: "It's okay, let's fight slowly, originally to lure them to come to pick up the group."

Everyone in the Chinese team went straight to Dalong.

The four teammates started to fight the dragon, and Qi Zhou was looking for opportunities outside. As a Pike, whether he fights the dragon or not has little effect on his speed.

The pressure came to the Kimchi team. Xiaolong is gone now, but no one from the Chinese team can be seen. The Dalongkeng is now pitch-black. You don’t need to have a vision, and you know that the Chinese team must be fighting Dalong.

Now that Nosuke is dead, faker has to make a choice.

Both Kiin and the Rat King followed around him, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Let's go over and see. They are relatively slow to fight Baron. Just one output point, try to harass them as much as possible to buy time for Nosuke." After Faker analyzed it, he thought it was possible to harass them.

So the three of them walked towards Dalongkeng in a group, but as soon as they entered the wild area, Faker's clockwork was hit by Parker's Q skill, scaring his flash!

He thought that there would be a lot of people in the grass, but he found that Pike slipped away after Q, which proved that there were no other people at all.

It's a bit embarrassing now, people all over the world are watching, but in the end, Faker felt his face turn red when he was so frightened.

Faker took two teammates and continued to move forward. The three of them are all crispy, so they can only be very careful.

This time Kiin's captain took the initiative to go forward, after all, Faker's flash was gone.

As soon as the three of them approached the river grass, Pike's Q skill flew over again, this time hitting the captain, who was so frightened that he directly gave the gunpowder barrel on the spot.

It turned out that there was no follow-up, so the captain continued to move forward. After approaching the bushes, he poked his eyes and found that there was no one there.

The three continued to move forward, preparing to go to the front of the Dalong Pit to find out.

As it turned out, he hadn't gotten close to the Dragon Pit, and was within the distance where he could insert eyes. Suddenly, the factory director's pig girl sent a Q robbery and took the big move, pointing directly at the faker's clockwork!
Faker didn't flash. He wanted to move when he saw Zhumei's big move, but it was too late.

Zhumei's big move hit, Qi Zhou's Pike appeared, a Q skill pulled Faker's spring back, and then followed up with a round of A.

After Clockwork Mountain's control effect disappeared, the backhand Q skill took the big move, trying to pull Pike away.

Pike handed over an E skill, not only dodged the clockwork big move, but also controlled the clockwork, and finally kept up with two rounds of A, and the big move took the head.

The remaining captain and Verus were driven away by the factory manager's pig sister.

After killing the clockwork, the pig girl went back to fight the dragon.

As for the Kimchi team, the remaining top laner and ADC could only spin around in a hurry. In the end, they dragged until the dragon was killed, and the two of them withdrew directly. The dragon is gone, so there is no need passed.

"The other side is really funny. What are they thinking? They want to fight but dare not." Uzi laughed.

Factory manager: "The Kimchi team is like this. They are all cowards and softies. As long as they are not sure of winning, they will come back and hesitate like this, and then they will be wiped out by the opponent."

Uzi: "Fortunately, we have Neptune, and we didn't learn the style of the Kimchi team, otherwise we would definitely not be their opponents now."

Factory Manager: "Yes, we used to learn from the Kimchi team. Aquaman has changed everything, otherwise we will be the same as they are now, hesitant."

After taking down the big dragon, everyone in the Chinese team went back to the city to supply supplies, and then reported to the team in the middle.

For the Kimchi team, seeing that Dalong was gone, the morale of the team fell to the bottom.

Faker now has an expression of lovelessness, and was numb by Qi Zhouxiu just now.

The key is that it is not a complicated operation, it can be done by one person, the hero Clockwork is too bulky, and it will be very weak in such a sudden situation.

"How do we fight now? Defense?" Shuwang was stunned and didn't know what to do.

faker; "Defend, what else can you do if you don't defend?"

It is also the five members of the Kimchi team who gather in the middle and defend the first tower in the middle.

Soon, the middle lane was brought over, and Qi Zhou's Pike went directly into the opposite wild area, groped through the wild area, and put pressure on the people under the first tower.

After the pawn line enters the tower, faker's clockwork is still pushing the pawn line with skills in front.

Suddenly, a shot of Pike's Q skill flew over the partition wall, and directly pulled the clockwork over!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uzi's Xiashan Qianping A followed by Q skills followed by a barb, hit a wave of explosions, and immediately retreated after the fight, and the clockwork lost half of its health.

Faker was so frightened that he retreated all the way, and he didn't care about the line of soldiers. His life was the most important thing.

In this way, no one on the pickle team can clear the line, and the first tower in the middle road can no longer be defended, so they can only choose to retreat together and give up the first tower in the middle road.

Everyone in the Chinese team stepped forward to take down the first tower, and then went straight to the second tower with the line of troops.

On the pickle team side, after retreating to the second tower, Qi Zhou's Pike came out from the side again.

Pike charged up his Q skill, making everyone in the Kimchi team tremble.

If you are hit by Pike's Q skill, you will be dragged back and slowed down at the same time. No one can guarantee what will happen during this period.

So the best way to deal with it is not to get the Q skill, but the pawn line needs to be cleaned up.

"High ground, we just need to defend the high ground." Faker couldn't bear the pressure anymore, he chose to take his teammates back to the high ground.

High ground is relatively easy to defend, at least you don't need to worry about being attacked from the side and behind.

So everyone in the Chinese team easily took the second tower in the middle, and went straight to the high ground in the middle of the Kimchi team.

After the pawn line entered the tower, Uzi's Xia stepped forward to find a chance to hit the tower
Faker's clockwork takes advantage of the length of his hands to put pressure on Uzi's Xia.

Uzi can only step back first to avoid taking damage from the clockwork
"What's the matter now, the high ground is a bit difficult to get to?" Uzi asked.

"Don't worry, let's find opportunities slowly." Qi Zhou is very calm, and everything is under his control now.

The next wave of pawns came, and after the pawns entered the tower, Faker immediately came to push the pawns.

At this moment, Qi Zhou made a bold decision. He handed over his E skill from the side and came to the high ground of the Kimchi team!
"Hey, what are you doing? Why did you go up?" Uzi was frightened, it was too bold.

The factory manager also expressed his incomprehension: "Isn't Parker's E a life-saving skill? Wouldn't it be too good for you to use it like this."

Qi Zhou was relatively calm: "It's okay, if they want to chase me, you will tear down the high ground."

(End of this chapter)

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