Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 239 [238] Journey, add another crown

Chapter 239 [238] Journey, add another crown

Qi Zhou immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the kimchi team when he got to the high ground.

"Pike! Pike!" Faker hurriedly called his teammates, and now he would be scared when he saw Pike.

"He's still invisible. We can't catch him. If we chase him in the past, the high ground in the middle will definitely be gone." Shu Wang calmly analyzed.

Faker has also calmed down. This is indeed a problem. The first task now is to defend. If Parker attracts attention, it will be the way of the Chinese team.

So faker chose to continue to push the line, ignoring this Parker.

A strange scene appeared, Pike was surfing alone on the opposite high ground, but no one cared about him.

The audience at the scene were dumbfounded. It was the first time they had seen such a scene. Normally, they might suspect that this was a match-fixing match, but this is the Asian Games, and it is obviously impossible to fight a match-fixing match.

Qi Zhou waited until his E skill CD improved, and then began to harass the Kimchi team from the side.

I saw him charging up his Q skill and approaching the members of the Kimchi team under the defense tower.

In order to avoid Pike's Q skill, the five Kimchi team could only lean up.

"You click on the tower." Qi Zhou directed.

So, taking advantage of the other side's attention on Pike, Uzi's Xia stepped forward to tap the tower.

As long as there is no harassment from the clockwork, Uzi's point tower is not empty at all.

Seeing that the blood volume of the Highland Tower was consumed, everyone in the Kimchi team realized that this could not go on like this.

Faker commanded: "Look for an opportunity to start a team, let's fight a wave."

However, the only one who could start a group was Verus of the Mouse King. Verus walked forward and approached the Chinese team in front of the defense tower.

At this time, Xia was still pointing the tower, and directly ignored Verus.

Although he knew that Xia had a big move, Verus could only hand in the big move, thinking that it would be good to exchange big moves, it was better than doing nothing.

What the Shu King didn't expect was that Uzi didn't intend to make a big move at all, so he was arrested straight away.

Seeing that Xia was charged, everyone in the Kimchi team stepped forward to prepare for the output.

At this moment, Aoun made a big move!
Everyone in the kimchi team realized that the situation was wrong, and they all started to move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou's Pike enters the arena!

I saw Pike's E skill flashing one after another, and controlled Clockwork, Verus and Tam at the same time!
At the same time, the control effect on Uzi's body disappeared, and he chose to step forward and magnify his move, bringing everyone in the Kimchi team into the range of the big move!
After Xia's big move threw a fan-shaped feather, she immediately retracted her E skill and played an explosive AOE!

Aoun flew over with his big move and knocked everyone in the Kimchi team into the air again.

Qi Zhou's Pike sent a Q to receive the big move, and killed the faker's mainspring first!
Everyone in the Chinese team rushed to the high ground, Meikou's wine barrel took the lead, and the E skill stepped forward to take the big move, blowing up the formation of the Kimchi team, and Tamm and Verus were blown back.

Qi Zhou's Pike cooperated with his teammates to kill Tam with a big move, and then Verus!
At this point Pike has already scored a triple kill!

"Penta kill! Help Neptune get penta kill!" The factory manager shouted.

The factory director's pig girl Q took the big move and slowed down to the running captain. The captain was shot up by Aoun, and the others followed the output. Qi Zhou's Pike big move ended and won four kills!

On the other side, Peanut's Olaf has already returned to the spring with his ult and sprint.

"Where is Olaf, is this forced to run away?" The factory manager is still looking for Olaf.

"It's fine if this person's skills are poor, and it's meaningless if his quality is low." Xiye joked.

"It's okay, let's push the tower first, and we can kill him in the spring later!" Uzi suggested.

After hearing this, everyone took action one after another, first pushing down the high ground in the middle, and then the front tooth tower.

When the two front teeth towers were taken down, Qi Zhou's ultimate move was about to disappear.

So everyone in the Chinese team rushed straight to the opposite spring.

Peanut's Olaf was originally taunting that the Chinese team could not get a pentakill.

However, when he saw all the Chinese rushing over together, he suddenly realized that the situation was not good.

So Little Peanut chose to run into the spring, but it was too late. Qi Zhou's Pike E skill shortened the distance, and then charged up Q, Little Peanut started to move wildly.

Qi Zhou predicted that Little Peanut would be out of position, and used his Q skill to drag him back!

Zhumei and Aoun keep up with the control, and at the same time go in to take the damage, Uzi's Xia keeps up with the output, and finally Qi Zhou's Pike's big move ends!

Pike raised the knife and dropped it, and Olaf fell to the ground in response!

"Penta kill!" The sound effect of the penta kill sounded, and the whole audience cheered up, cheering and screaming.

"Oh! Five kills, Aquaman has five kills!" Uzi also began to celebrate excitedly on stage.

Factory Manager: "Neptune is amazing!"

Xiye: "Boom after wave, we won!"

Sister button: "We are the champions!"

As the base crystal of the Kimchi team exploded, everyone in the Chinese team took off their headphones to celebrate.

As soon as Qi Zhou stood up, the other four people surrounded him. They hugged each other, and Qi Zhou was surrounded and almost suffocated to death.

"We are the champions! Oh!" Uzi was still in a state of excitement. He had waited too long for a champion in an international competition.

The rehearsal fell over everyone's heads, and the spotlight hit everyone, and the Chinese team became the only focus on the scene.

Not only that, coach Abu and Meikou also caught up from the lounge and joined the team celebrating.

On the other side, five members of the Kimchi team collapsed on chairs, and one of them seemed to have lost his soul.

There is only one person who is still sitting upright, and that is Faker.

At this moment Faker bit his fingernails and kept moving the mouse. What was displayed on his screen was the final settlement panel. He was looking to see who was cheated in this game.

Judging from the damage calculation panel, Pike, as an assassin hero who entered the field to harvest, played the highest output, which can no longer be described as outrageous.

And the captain who is facing Pike, the output is not even much higher than the auxiliary barrel. There is no doubt that the gap is the biggest on the road.

Faker turned his head and glanced at Kiin, his eyes were full of anger, wishing he could tear his hands apart.

The Asian Games are very precious, only once every four years. This championship is even more precious than the S game. For every player, it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate.

Because you want to maintain such a high level four years later, it is almost impossible for the audience to choose you.

The local performance status of e-sports players is generally one or two years, and it remains at the peak for four years, which has never happened in history.

Just as Faker was thinking, everyone from the Chinese team came to shake hands.

Naturally, Qi Zhou, the top laner, walked in the front. He came to Kiin first and shook hands with Kiin.

Kiin's face was dark at this time, and his face was ugly, as if he hadn't recovered.

When Qi Zhou noticed that fakerz had been staring at this side, he knew what was going on, this kiin was frightened by faker, but it was normal, faker is now the person with the highest status in the LCK, he is thinking about him, kiin is sure panic.

After shaking hands with Kkin, Qi Zhou came behind Little Peanut.

Little Peanut turned around and gritted his teeth. Seeing him like this, he felt like he was going to bite someone.

But this is the Asian Games, Wrinkle doesn't think that Peanut has the guts to do something, he chooses to reach out and shake Peanut's hand.

Although he was reluctant, Little Peanut reached out and touched Qi Zhou.

After shaking hands with Little Peanut, it was the mid laner Faker, who was still sitting on the chair and did not move.

Qi Zhou was a little embarrassed standing behind Faker.

The audience at the scene saw this picture and started talking:

"I can't afford to lose, this is, I can't afford to lose at all."

"I don't even want to shake hands, the layout is too small."

"I thought she was something good, but this is it?"

"You don't understand, you usually set up a character, but now it's just exposed."

While everyone was talking, Qi Zhou was about to pass Faker and shake hands with the bottom duo first.

At this time, Shu Wang on the side began to remind Faker that it was time to get up and shake hands.

Faker then slowly stood up and turned around.

"Crying?" The factory manager exclaimed.

When he said this, everyone looked over, only to find that Faker was still crying, his eyes were red and tears were rolling.

"Damn it, Sea King has committed a heinous crime." Xi Ye teased.

Qi Zhou stretched out his hand, and Faker came up to me. Qi Zhou was about to move on, but he found out that Faker started to babble. It seemed that he was not convinced, and was speaking harshly.

It's a pity that Qi Zhou didn't understand at all, so he just laughed it off.

Qi Zhou's free and easy solution directly blew up Faker, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood and died suddenly.

After Qi Zhou hurriedly shook hands with the kimchi duo, he walked directly towards the podium.

At this time, on the podium side, No.3 is ready, just waiting for No.1 and No.2 to come over.

Everyone in the Chinese team followed and stood on the podium.

"Sea King, Sea King, come and stand in the middle." The factory manager pulled Qi Zhou over and let him stand in the middle.

The factory director and Uzi stood beside Qi Zhou on one left and one on the right, and everyone surrounded Qi Zhou like stars holding the moon.

At this moment, the host and staff came to the stage.

The host is none other than Yu Shuang!
Yu Shuang stepped onto the stage and said, "Let's congratulate the Chinese team. They won the Asian Games and the League of Legends exhibition championship! Congratulations to them!"

The audience at the scene was very strong, and everyone cheered: "Team China! Team China! We are the champions!"

Everyone cheered and waved the national flag in their hands, as well as various support signs.

At the same time, many spectators were leaving the field, trotting away. They seemed to be stimulated. Seeing that the Chinese team won the championship was more uncomfortable than killing them.

On the podium, the staff came over to award medals, first the gold medal to the champion Chinese team!
Qi Zhou was the first to receive the award. He lowered his head slightly so that the other party could hang up the medal.

Then came Uzi, Chanzhang, Xiye and others.

After Qi Zhou put on the medal, he put it in his mouth and bit it lightly, and found that the medal was indeed soft and heavy, it should be real gold!

Then Qi Zhou looked at the Kimchi team on the lower right. The podium of the Kimchi team was a bit shorter than that of the Chinese team. Several people stood on it, feeling very depressed.

Especially Faker, who kept his head down and did not dare to raise his head, while his teammates continued to comfort him.

Soon, all three teams accepted the awards, then the national flag was raised and the national anthem was played.

The familiar accompaniment sounded at the scene, and everyone in the Chinese team stood up straight and looked at the national flag.

Many audience members also stood up and began to sing along with the accompaniment.

And the kimchi team below was sitting on pins and needles, they couldn't stay for a second.

No.2 is the biggest loser, which is unacceptable to the arrogant Kimchi team.

Within tens of seconds, everyone in the Kimchi team felt that a century had passed.

After the flag raising ceremony, the award ceremony is over.

Everyone in the Kimchi team ran away as if they were fleeing, while everyone in the Chinese team kept their formation and prepared to pack their things and go back to the lounge.

At this moment, the staff came to the door and asked Qi Zhou to go for an interview.

Qi Zhou followed the staff all the way to the interview booth.

At the interview booth, Qi Zhou met Yu Shuang who was in charge of the interview.

"Sea King, Sea King, here." Yu Shuang seemed very excited after seeing Qi Zhou, and quickly waved her hand in greeting.

Qi Zhou strode forward, not forgetting to praise Yu Shuang: "Aunt Yu Shuang is very beautiful today."

Now Yu Shuang's expression became complicated, she didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

Yu Shuang said angrily, "Can't you call me sister? I'm really happy that I have to call her auntie."

Qi Zhou chuckled, and then stood beside Yu Shuang.

Yu Shuang congratulated: "Congratulations to Neptune, you won the Asian Games championship, this is the only one."

"Thank you." Qi Zhou thanked

After the two were ready, the director indicated that the interview had begun.

Yu Shuang said: "Congratulations again to the Chinese team for winning the championship with a score of 3:0 over the Kimchi team. We have invited the Chinese team's starting top laner sea to accept our interview."

Qi Zhou took a microphone and said hello, "Hello everyone, I am sea, the top laner of the Chinese team."

Yu Shuang: "The first question, now that you have won the Asian Games Exhibition Championship, and it is the first Asian Games in the history of the league, how do you feel?"

Qi Zhou replied: "It feels very good, even more comfortable than winning the S championship. There are not many opportunities like this. A player may only have one chance in his entire career. I am very happy that I seized it."

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "We saw that in the third match, you took out Pike, a non-mainstream top laner hero. Did the coach ask you to take it? Is it the tactics you prepared in advance, just to deal with the final?"

Qi Zhou said truthfully: "In fact, this is not a specially prepared tactic, but I thought it could be used at the time, so I took it out and tried it, and it turned out that the effect is quite good."

After hearing this, Yu Shuang expressed disbelief: "You mean, this is not a special tactic, it's just your whim? You are really a player with a big heart."

Seeing Yu Shuang's surprised look, Qi Zhou explained: "It's okay, I'm quite confident personally, and we were leading by a big score at the time, even if something goes wrong, we can call back later, there is nothing to worry about."

Yu Shuang exclaimed: "As expected of Aquaman, my confidence is almost overflowing the screen."

On the other side, in the hotel room, maple, who had just watched the game, was already blown up, but when he heard the post-match interview, his mentality exploded.

"What the hell is Team Kimchi doing? Why did they lose!" I saw Maple punching the screen and was directly pierced by the screen!
"Grass! My hand!" Maple knelt down on the ground in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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