Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 24 [24] Ya'er, what strange routine?Hu Burou is very uncomfortable!

Chapter 24 [24] Ya'er, what strange routine?Hu Burou is very uncomfortable!

Huni's troll is now standing in the grass closest to the red tower.

After escaping from birth, it was confirmed that several people from EDG had left.

Hu Burou started to think carefully, he wanted to wait for the red square pawns to pull out of the tower.

Let the pawn lines of both sides converge to generate a pushback line.

Unexpectedly, at this moment on the small map in the lower right corner, a red dog head icon appeared in the open space between the upper tower and the upper second tower.

"Axi! What is this man going to do?"

Hu Burou's voice was low and trembling slightly.

"I saw this dog's head just now, why did he run there in the blink of an eye?"

Faker heard the words and looked at the time.

1: 18.

"Xiao Hei didn't see him with his blue buff eyes, so he can only go around this way... But the time of this road is not right, the dog's head may have used sprinting."

Thorough analysis.

Teammates also agree.

"What is he going to do when he sprints over there?"

"Is it taking so much effort to disconnect?"

The strange operation of EDG's dog head made Hu Burou puzzled, so he got to the bottom of it.

You must know that the positions of the upper and lower pawn lines at 1:20 are just between the highland tower and the second tower.

At this moment, the dog's head standing there in a daze has already attracted the attention of the red Fang Xiaobing.

The melee soldiers leading the team changed direction and moved towards the dog's head.

In a few seconds, six soldiers surrounded the dog's head.

The dog's head danced in place, without hitting the soldiers.

"Does he keep the soldiers line?"

Hu Burou was puzzled, but soon figured it out again.

Reluctantly said: "This dog head is about to get stuck..."

It turns out that I control the line on the first floor.

However, the opening thought of the dog head on the opposite side has already flown to the fifth floor.

It was obvious at a glance that the next step was going to be difficult.


Many players like to judge the previous style of play with the eyes of the present.

In fact, this is very unfair.

Once things like routines are developed and spread through a well-developed network, everyone will soon know about them.

But before it appeared, almost everyone was dead thinking.

Otherwise, how can there be such a thing as a development routine?

Just like the line-blocking tricks when the pawn line comes out, Hu Burou's line-control tricks are going to be used at the beginning of the game.

A few years ago, [-]% of the players would never have imagined that they would be able to perform this kind of micro-management before laning to help them expand their online advantage.

Another example is Yasuo's silky crossing of the pawn line, and his chic EQ flash; Riven's light speed Qa in ancient times.

Before being exposed, they were all high-end operations.

But now, as long as they practice hard, players with relatively high hero proficiency can basically play it.

Qi Zhou encountered Yu Xiaocuo's operation of "beating and controlling the line" before, but at this time it was only spread in the Desert Death Bar.

Outside of the Desert Grim Reaper Bar, this is basically a secret that only professional players know.

Therefore, seeing the position of the dog's head, Hu Burou understood Qi Zhou's intention after a little thought.

But the two commentators and most of the audience couldn't understand Qi Zhou's operation.

I don't know what Qi Zhou thinks.

So I feel very strange and confused.


Betta TV.

"Ya, I seem to understand the move of sea, but I don't seem to understand it!"

"No, I have to observe and observe!"

Saozhu looked at the game screen, his brows were furrowed, and his fleshy face was also tensed.

As a former professional player, although the diamond game is often turned over now.

But Saozhu has a lot of knowledge reserves and game thinking.

He seemed to be vaguely aware of something, but he wasn't sure.

However, in front of the audience, he still swears, but half-transparently:

"EDG's first four players went to this wave, definitely to open up the situation for the dog head."

"They scare the pig girl away, so that the dog's head can safely enter the wild area without being noticed."

"As for why you did this, wait at most another minute, and the answer will be revealed."


Hu Burou observes the overall situation.

The middle pawn line will meet immediately.

In addition, Scout's enchantress learns E at the first level, this is a good opportunity for clockwork to suppress the enchantress' blood line and make up the knife.

It is impossible for Faker to go with himself to capture the dog's head.

And Xiao Hei's pig girl is far away in the red zone at the moment.

The bottom lane duo is even more accompanying, there is absolutely no reason to travel thousands of miles to help themselves.

Sea's hands are dirty!

Switching the viewing angle, Hu Burou saw that Goutou's health gradually decreased during the first wave of beatings by the soldiers.

But not fast.

Because the dog's head went out and chose the corruption potion, Qi Zhou used up all three layers of charge without any hesitation at the moment when the soldiers started beating it.

Restores damage taken in the offset section.


The first wave of soldiers from the blue side also came out of the defense tower.

The bearded troll could only walk out of the grass, waving the big ice mallet in his hand while pulling.

Because the soldiers on the blue side were attracted by the dog's head, they piled up in the rear.

If there is no intervention at all and the red square pawns are allowed to enter the tower, it will be very uncomfortable for the troll to replenish the ranged pawns.

So as a last resort, Hu Burou had to A the long-range soldiers.


Time goes by.

In the middle lane, as Miller expected, Faker showed a very strong offensive style after learning that the enchantress had a first-level blood E.

Scout was beaten very badly, and only got 4 pawns in the first wave.

As for the bottom lane, iBoy and Meiko followed the style of the first two rounds and were very aggressive.

When Zhumei was wearing a red buff and wanted to go to the Ueno area to play blue, the female voice of the system finally came.

The dog's head was beaten to death by the soldiers.

Hu Burou looked at the 12 soldiers gathered together, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

The sea on the opposite side is really disgusting!

The next scene can be expected.

When the second wave of soldiers from both sides comes into contact, the [-] soldiers on your side will focus their fire, and the [-] soldiers on the blue side will be destroyed like puppets.

At that time, the soldier line will be stuck in front of the tower by the dog's head, and there is nothing he can do.

Because it was forced out when it flashed at the first level.

"Ah! Xi! Let's go—Xiba! Xiba!"

Faker was immersed in the superiority of teaching his juniors, when he was suddenly awakened by the blatant yelling.

But he didn't say anything.Just touched his nose.

Scout on the opposite side is also crazy now, right?
"Ya'er, let me just say it! Wait a minute and you'll see it!"

"Mingkai is blue open, wait until the line of soldiers will be under the dog head tower, do you think there are no flashing trolls who dare to eat experience?"

Sao Zhu was triumphant, and changed his pessimistic start.

"EDG's glove road is very dirty!"

"I think Abu must have been unable to come up with it. Sea must have come up with it himself."

"I can't see that his understanding of the line of soldiers is so high!"

"Damn it, he actually learned W at the first level? Hu Burou is going to die of anger!"

At this moment, Hu Burou's face was extremely dark.

After the dog head on the opposite side was resurrected, it was teleported online.

There are 12 minions on my side, and 6 on the red side.

With 6 ranged minions with high attack power and attack speed, Hu Burou fills up the minions and concentrates on them.

I dare not relax at all.

I'm afraid that if I don't keep up with my attention, my own knife will be snatched away by my own soldiers.

The first melee soldier on the red side was perfectly captured by Hu Burou.

But just when he wanted to make up for the second soldier, the single noble dog standing in front raised its paw.

W [withered].

The troll's attack speed was slowed down, and the timing control of the normal attack, which could have been called perfect, was forcibly delayed.

Leaked knife.

The rhythm was disrupted, and the third melee soldier, Hu Burou, was not eaten.

Coupled with the gathering of minions, the position is blocked, the blood volume of the ranged soldiers is too thin, and the damage of the concentrated fire of the own minions is too high.

The three ranged soldier trolls still haven't made up any of them.

(End of this chapter)

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