Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 25 [25] The whole line is blooming, and the audience's hands are red!The dog's hea

Chapter 25 [25] The entire line is blooming, and the audience's hands are clapping red!The dog head is fierce, the highlight moment! (4600 words)
Hurting others is not beneficial to oneself!

Hu Burou secretly gripped the mouse and stared at the dog's head.

Level 1 W, so many soldiers enter the tower, it depends on how you fill the tower with knives.

Even if I have 7 knives in two waves of soldiers, can you have 7 knives?
But the result was not bad.

Except for the melee soldiers who were killed by the tower as soon as they entered the tower, Qi Zhou made up for all the others.

The dog head leads the troll by 3 knives.

Big loss!
Although the dog head made a double move at the beginning.

But the sprint cooldown is only 180 seconds.

Qi Zhou clicked on the talent [Insight] in the Resolute column, which can also shorten the cooldown time of summoner skills by 15%.

Even CD long transfers can be resumed in about 6 minutes.

And 6 minutes ago, these two summoners were dispensable to the dog head.

This is equivalent to that Qi Zhou didn't lose anything, but instead dragged Hu Burou into a passive situation, and started to make up the lead.

"Sea's understanding of the lane is so deep!" Miller's eyes lit up, and he praised him generously: "Huni is quite uncomfortable. He pretends to be Dolan Sword when he goes out, and he obviously wants to suppress the lane."

"But now, he can only stare blankly, watching the dog's head grow contentedly."

Wawa also put forward his own opinion: "It is not so much that Sea's soldiers have a deep understanding of the line, it is better to say that he has a high degree of mastery of the hero dog head."

"After all, apart from Kotou, there is no hero who needs such cooperation from his teammates at the beginning to help him enter the jungle."

"Otherwise, it would seem a little fussy..."

The reason why Qi Zhou was treated like a king at the beginning was because he would not be able to enjoy other team resources for a long time to come.

EDG took out the combination of Xiaopao Lulu, obviously to play the early stage.

Even if the wine barrel is blue and the brush is all the way up, unless Qi Zhou can create opportunities for him, the point of care for Kelieer Lawu will still be in the bottom lane.

The small cannon that pushes the line fast online is for stabilizing the mouse.

The role of the wine barrel to focus on the bottom lane is to help them defend against SKT's pig girls.

Because the small cannon pushes the line and pushes the tower extremely fast in the early stage.

If you can grasp the progress of the two, then the team as a whole can take the lead in grasping the rhythm of the game in the early stage.

Use the economy and resources obtained by knocking down the defense towers to continuously expand your advantages.

Let the two double Cs of Yaoji and Xiaopao be able to output bursts in the early stage, constantly pull out the blue defense tower, and push SKT horizontally in the mid-term.

But for things like rhythm, the most feared thing is to be interrupted.

What's more, the little black pig girl is the hunter's broad blade.

In the current version, it is popular for pig girls to carry multiple attack speed runes.

Combined with the hunter's wide blade, the wild speed is extremely fast.

The true damage effect of the E skill can even allow the pig girl to instantly kill the river crab in the early stage, and gain more time to find gank opportunities after clearing the wild.

Therefore, in this round, even if Kreer Lawu had the idea of ​​taking the river crab, she still couldn't compare to the pig girl who followed the red buff-blue buff-magic marsh frog-up river crab-down river river crab in terms of speed.

At 3:06, the pig girl ate the swift crab in the lower river in front of the wine barrel.

"Damn, I specially reserved a hand for punishment!" Kreer Lawu exclaimed angrily.

Second put the rolling wine barrel to kill Bojun for Sejuani's pig butt.

"Ming Kai, don't eat his stone beetle, come over and squat down after brushing the magic marsh frog, I feel that the pig girl on the opposite side has some ideas."

Before the small cannon has reached level 3, the blue side's next tower has a small quarter of HP. If this momentum is maintained, it is very likely that the opponent's next tower will be pushed down before level 6.

At that time, the dog's head is replaced, and the duo goes up, and the whole team will be brought alive.

Even if the pig girl is likely to brush the raptor, iBoy is still cautious.

After playing wild, Kreer consciously went down a tower from her own side and touched the grass.

But after waiting for a while, the pig girl didn't show up. She had too much experience in avoiding sharing food and going down the road, so the factory manager also chose to return to the city.

"Ming Kai, I feel like I have a chance!"

Qi Zhou's voice suddenly came out of the earphones.

"Huh?" Kreer Spicy Dance switched the perspective on the road, and found that the troll and the dog head were actually scuffling together.

Due to the defense tower, even though Qi Zhou had excellent control over the pawn line, the pawn line was slightly pushed back.

But still in front of the tower.

"Your Q skill hurts..."

The two top lane heroes AQ each other, the troll must be stronger than the dog head in the early stage.

But with the blessing of the corruption potion, the current bloodline of the dog's head is even a little higher than that of the troll.

"I know he can't help but want to touch me, the imprint and the great essence are all armor-piercing."

A level 4 troll plus runes has a total of 34 armor points.

The mark and the great essence can provide the dog head with 19.2 armor penetration.

Cooperate with the armor reduction of the E skill.

The general attack of the dog head's level 2 Q skill has an additional 48 points of damage. Counting the damage of 150 layers of soul-sucking blow + its own attack power, it can cause about [-] points of damage to trolls.

After Ming Kai upgraded his green jungler, he immediately headed for the top lane.

On the other side, Xiao Hei's pig sister was also running up the road.

It's just that his target is the stone beetle on the side of EDG.

"Chengxun (Huni), take control of the lane, and I'll help you with a group of wild monsters on the opposite side."

Xiao Hei was full of confidence, and his tone revealed pride.

When the river and the wine barrel met each other just now, he noticed that the wine barrel's last damage was 11 dollars, and he had 5 dollars.

Obviously, the wine barrel hit double buffs + six birds + 3 wolves, but did not hit the magic marsh frog.

And Claire Spicy Dance can also infer his own wild route from it.

Therefore, in Xiao Hei's guess, the wine barrel would most likely choose to eat his own group of stone beetles, and then go back to eat his magic marsh frogs.

under these circumstances.

The wine barrel went to the bottom of the previous tower, and the pig girl went to the stone beetle.

Neither of them saw each other.

Pig girl wields the pig whip and applies frost towards the front. Cooperating with the general attack, the frost is passively stacked.

In an instant, the real damage of E's permafrost domain and punishment fell, and the boulder beetle split.

"Hey..." Xiao Hei was secretly happy, but bad news came from Hu Burou's side.

"Why is the wine barrel here..."

Under the camera, the troll froze the dog with icicles, making it difficult to walk, and swung an ice hammer to start the violent beating mode.But suddenly a fat man with a bald head and a big belly popped out of the grass.

Chicken with meat, egg and green onion!

The troll was flying, and the dog's head was hung with a sheep's tail.

"The troll couldn't move, and was blown up by the almost fully charged Q skill of the wine barrel, and the two output crazy!"

"First blood! Take it!"


In an instant, applause like the slap of the tide sounded, and the audience cheered thunderously!

This game is a real battle of life and death.

You can only win, not lose!
From the canyon girl's voice, the nervousness of the EDG fans at the scene can be said to be no worse than that of the players who are playing the game.

At this moment, EDG got the first blood, which seemed to open the outlet for emotional catharsis.

Help fans to pour out their inner depression.

Compared to them who were carnivaling, the contestants were more calm and sober at the moment.

Although the dog head gets the human head, the troll will also reach 6 immediately.

Qi Zhou not only has to be wary of the deceleration that the E skill is similar to immobilizing.Be careful not to be caught by the sudden icicles.

Because Qi Zhou's Summoner's skill was sprinting, once he got stuck, he couldn't escape at all.

Only to be beaten.

The wine barrels of Claire La Wu are also running around, and the economy lags behind the pig girl.

And the enchantress in the middle of EDG is still suffering from the consequences of learning E at the first level, and her blood line is very low by Faker's aggressive clockwork.

Forced to do so, he returned to the city after handing over the last bit of mana.

At present, only the bottom lane is still on the offensive.

5: 30.
Both Bang and Wolf have a hard time in their hearts.

Fengnv's E skill can be applied to the defensive tower, but even so, the defensive tower's HP is only about 1/5 left.

And because the space is relatively tight, the mouse also needs to beware of the area damage and Lulu's consumption when the small cannon's E skill is fully stacked and exploded while replenishing soldiers.

"Xiaopao and Lulu's tower pushing speed is a bit fast!"

"At this speed, the push can be finished seven minutes ago."

"Let the sea be replaced, and the dog's head can stack Q quickly." Miller looked at Qi Zhou's equipment column and said: "He still continued the combination of glory + ancient coins in the game against C9."

During the speech, the wine barrel walked around the wild area again, and stood in the triangular grass on the lower road.

Insert the real eye.

SKT did not place any trinket wards.

"Ming Kai, don't worry."

"They were so beaten that they didn't even dare to come out of the defense tower, and they had absolutely no vision!"

Upon hearing this, Claire Lawu licked her lips, and manipulated the wine barrel against the wall on the right side of the defense tower.

"Is there any chance? The factory manager's flash is also good!"

"The blood volume of the mouse is very weak, and the pig girl has only reached the second tower now!"

Soldiers enter the tower.

Bobby in the cannon form threw the electric spark bomb on the defense tower without any hesitation, and kept shooting.

And the wine barrel is also about to move, drinking the fine wine, and entering a state of rage.

"E flashed!"

"The mouse was hit, blood remains! Feng Nu handed over the treatment."

Under the scream of the baby, a small team battle broke out in the bottom lane.

Fengnv's E skill + treatment saved the mouse, but iBoy was unreasonable.

After the defense tower collapsed under the shells fired by Tristana, it immediately shot in the face.

Lulu also Q-connected two basic attacks and played Thunder.

Rats are crippled again.

"Mouse DF Second Company, help the barrier!"

"Will the factory manager still go up?"

"Hey! The pig girl is here, EDG gave up the attack."

"But this wave is already very good!"

With an E flash from the wine barrel, the duo won the next tower without worry, and played the mouse's double move and Fengnv's treatment.

No matter how you look at it, it's a huge profit.

At the same time, Xiaopao can also enter its own rhythm.

His go-out outfit is extraction, plus replenishment and a tower's economy, and he directly buys the Storm Sword, Straw Sandals, and Dagger when he returns home.

The ability to push towers and take rhythm has been improved to a higher level.

When Miller added that the time when SKT dropped a tower was 6:14, the audience once again burst into loud applause.

too fast!
And what EDG's lineup needs is the sooner the better!

The momentum is very good, keep it going and the chances of winning are super!
When the duo returned to the city, the director switched the big screen to the middle.

Coincidentally, the demon girl W stepped on Faker's face via teleportation from the primary school boy, and the E skill chained the clockwork, and the scene of knocking out most of Faker's blood with Q appeared.

The voices of EDG fans that had just slowed down burst out again.

The game lasted only a few minutes, and one after another, many spectators couldn't help but want to climax in place.

Applause with all your might.

Cheers, hysterical.

The protracted frenzy and restlessness ended, and before the audience recovered from their exhaustion, an even more incredible scene appeared.

Qi Zhou used teleportation.

The teleportation point is the fake eye left in the grass in front of the blue ashlar beetle after Kleil Spicy Dance consumed the layers of the green jungle knife.

Mouse and Fengnv had just returned to the city to make up their condition and walked out.

At the moment, he is still cleaning up the line of troops on the ruins of his first tower.

"What is sea doing?"

"Little Pao Lulu is going up the road, the enchantress is in the middle, and the wine barrel has just left!"

Brother Haier was extremely shocked, but his voice was very excited.

"Look at the dog's head's equipment bar!"

Shining Light + Ancient Coins + Serrated Dagger.

"Sea sold the corruption potion and directly bought the small armor piercer!"

"Is he trying to kill the mice?"

"It's impossible for a windy girl to protect her!"

Teleport to the ground.

Without the slightest hesitation, the dog head started sprinting.

Wolf and Bang had already noticed it too.

The mouse's Q skill has been activated, and walk back to the second tower with Fengnv.

Qi Zhou pressed the Q key and went straight to Fengnv.

Wolf's operation is relatively delicate, using W [Hefeng Guardian], the dog's head is slowed down.

However, because Qi Zhou was going straight to intercept, the mouse and Fengnv had to run back against the wall, so Fengnv was inevitably caught by the dog's head.

However, Wolf released the Q skill instantly, and the hurricane also blew the dog's head into the sky.

But before that, the mouse was already within detection range of the dog's head.

Therefore, Qi Zhou hung the sheep's tail on Bang while being blown up.

The knock-up time of Fengnv's Q skill is proportional to the charge, so the dog's head returns to the ground in just 0.5 seconds.

The dog's head returned to the ground, with the acceleration of the storm knight rushing and sprinting, it caught up with the mouse in a moment.

E, A, Q!

Feng Nu's shield on the mouse was broken, and the mouse's blood volume dropped by one bar.

"The damage is so high?"

Bang felt bad.

He didn't dare to look back at A Goutou.

"Peerless ferocious dog! Sea looks like I'm not afraid of you at all when I'm big, going on a rampage, ignoring Fengnv, his target now is the mouse!"

"It's another Q skill, and the mouse is only half alive!"

"Fengnv doesn't have level six, so she can't do anything on the sidelines!"

"Rats don't flash. The damage of this dog head is too high. Bang can't hold it!"


Bang frantically clicked the right mouse button, but he couldn't walk at all when he was hung up with [wither].

It was hard to wait for the effect of the dog's head's W skill to disappear, but the dog's head had double acceleration, and the soles of its feet were windy, and it ran in front of the mouse.

A, Q, +6!

"The mouse is dead!"

"It used to make up 42 hits, but now it only has 46!"

"Bang will be crippled immediately after Sea's roundabout!"

"Sea didn't choose to continue beating the wind girl, but turned around and went back to eat soldiers..."

The passionate commentary was overwhelmed by the applause from the audience.

Qi Zhou's dog's head teleported around the back alone, killing the rat by force, and the blood pressure of the audience soared.

Too fierce!
Those who know him know that he is the desert god of death.

Those who didn't know it thought it was possessed by the barbarian king.

It turned out that Jiang Zi was chasing the hammer!

The dog's head that lasted more than 7 minutes, Rao was hit by Qi Zhou as the dog's head of the laning angel and Q stacked for 20 minutes.

Even Abu has doubts.

Is this the mature and stable Qi Zhou in my impression?

"Fuck, Brother Zhou, what kind of harm are you doing?"

Primary school students flexibly use exclamation sentences of the quintessence of Chinese culture.

"It's only 120 floors so fierce?"

As soon as the words fell, Ming Kai sent a signal.

"Lao Zhou, come and get blue!"

Surprise flashed across Qi Zhou's eyes, and he soon felt relieved.

The big move, the E skill and the W skill are fully handed in. Even if the dazzling light is released, only 1/3 of the blue bar of the dog's head is left at this time.

In order to buy the sawtooth dagger, he also sold the corruption potion for battery life.

In order to develop, it is impossible to return to the city.

Claire's spicy dance gave herself blue, not because of her performance this wave, but because of the needs of the team.

With a hum, Qi Zhou Q dropped the last ranged minion, walked towards the blue buff, and explained to Scout at the same time:

"I said before that I was wearing armor-piercing runes!"

"I just bought a small armor piercer, and there are about 30 armor piercing points in total."

"The mouse's armor is only 39 points, and it is reduced by my E skill. The physical damage I hit him is basically equal to the real damage."

"With Yaoguang, it's normal for me to hit him with more than 300 blood points with one Q."

"A level four little mouse has no blood points at 900..."

Penetration attributes in League of Legends are divided into four categories: armor penetration, armor penetration, armor reduction, and additional armor penetration.

The priority is: armor weakening > armor penetration > armor penetration
Take the Rat with 39 points of armor at Bang IV as an example.

"If it weren't for the 7.15 version of the dog head E skill, the fixed armor reduction has become a percentage reduction, and the mouse's armor has become a negative number. The damage of my Q combined with the basic attack and the flare can still be higher than the board value."

"It's okay to kill a mouse with two Qs."

Qi Zhou's statement that he killed the mouse with two Qs was too exaggerated, but it also revealed his confidence.

This is derived from the two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head bar, fully understanding the hero of the desert death, and the confidence to reach the highest level of proficiency.

Amid the bragging, at this time EDG's top lane also bloomed again.

When the troll ate the pawn line and returned to the defense tower, he was hit by the small cannon E skill that jumped directly from the river to the W and jumped over the wall.

In an instant, only 40% of the blood volume remained.

Coupled with the sight of the wine barrel coming from the middle of his blue zone, Hu Burou chose to return to the city.

Soldiers enter the tower.

At 7:52, the EDG duo broke another tower.

The economy is ahead of SKT2500.

 Thanks to [Que Shu] for the reward and other book friends for their monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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