Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 241 [240] European and American fish than?

Chapter 241 [240] European and American fish than?

The League of Legends has already been downloaded on this computer, but it is the Korean version. Qi Zhou was about to try it out when there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Qi Zhou asked.

"Sea King, let's go eat together, Sea King, have you packed everything?" The sound of toothpaste came from outside the door.

Qi Zhou went to the door and opened it, only to find that everyone in FPX was waiting outside, including coaches, translators, logistics and others.

I saw Brother Feng said: "Let's go, everyone is here, let's go have a meal first and see how the food here is."

Toothpaste then shook his head: "I definitely don't feel very good, it must be something like kimchi or fried chicken."

Under the leadership of Brother Feng, everyone came to the restaurant all the way. Qi Zhou found that there were already a lot of people in the restaurant, but they basically didn't know each other. They should be the wild card team that entered the finals.

After the FPX people came in, they immediately attracted the attention of many people. Other teams around were talking quietly. Although they didn't know what they were talking about, Qi Zhou could feel the kind of admiration for the strong. From their eyes and You can feel it in your voice.

Everyone in FPX randomly found a table and sat down, and started ordering after sitting down.

Qi Zhou took out his mobile phone and started playing. At this moment, a group of people suddenly surrounded him.

Everyone in FPX immediately became nervous. Who knows what will happen to this foreign country?
Qi Zhou noticed that this group of people wore the same team uniforms, but he had never seen them before, so they should be a wild card team.

After this group of people came up, Brother Feng stepped forward to negotiate, and the translator helped translate.

"They said they were fans of our team and wanted to come over for a group photo," the interpreter explained.

"Oh, so that's the case." Everyone in FPX breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just a group photo, that's no problem." Jin Gong said that He had already stood up and tidied up his appearance a little.

What Jin Gong didn't expect was that after the group got the answer, they all surrounded Qi Zhou without saying a word.

"Damn, they said they are fans of our team, why do I feel like I am a personal fan of Neptune?" Jin Gong muttered.

There is no way, the rest of FPX just need to take the initiative to get up and take a photo together.

This is not over yet, after taking a photo together, the other party came one by one, scrambling to take a photo with Qi Zhou.

There were even those who asked Qi Zhou to sign it, and they signed it on their opposite arms, saying that they didn't plan to take a bath for a month.

After tossing about for ten minutes, Qi Zhou finally sent them away.

The waiter put all the dishes on the table, and everyone in FPX began to eat.

Just halfway through the meal, people from RNG and IG also came.

The two teams sat next to everyone in FPX, and it was very lively for a while.

Emperor He Rang found Qi Zhou: "Sea King, here I come to Sea King."

Let Emperor directly move a stool over, Qi Zhou asked: "What's the matter?"

Rang Di chose to sit beside Qi Zhou and said with a smile:

"Aren't I here to exchange ideas, Neptune, how do you play this version on the road, and which heroes are stronger?"

Before Qi Zhou could speak, Toothpaste said first, "Are you here to steal a lesson? Have you paid your tuition?"

Rang Di replied: "You said you were stealing, why do you still have to pay the tuition fee? Can it be considered stealing if you pay the tuition?"

After hearing this, Toothpaste smiled and said, "If you are half as skilled as your mouth, I think RNG will be firmly in the semi-finals."

Let Dibai take a look at the toothpaste: "You're right, let's not tear it apart."

Jin Gong's expression was a bit awkward. Speaking of which, he was the top laner, but in the end, Di asked Qi Zhou directly about the top laner, ignoring him as the top laner.

But Jin Gong couldn't say anything, because when Qi Zhou hit the road, his performance was indeed better than that of his real top laner.

Rangdi looked at Qi Zhou again, his expression immediately flattered, and he changed his face.

There is no other way, Qi Zhou had no choice but to say: "This version, the sword demon is very strong, after the revision, the sword demon beats five."

"Sword Demon... I don't know how to play. This hero is too complicated. Is there a simpler one?" Let the emperor show embarrassment.

"Easier? Urgot? This hero is also very powerful now, with high physical damage and killing effect." Qi Zhou continued.

"Uh... is there any... something simpler, no warrior heroes, are there any tanks?" Rang Di continued to ask.

"Shuangen, Sion and Aoun, this version is quite strong, Aoun has a high basic damage, can play some top laners in the lane, and has the ability to kill solo, Sion is very fleshy, and the ability to start a team is very good Strong, and able to mix in lanes." Qi Zhou introduced.

Let Di nodded repeatedly, and even took out his mobile phone and started taking notes, just like a student.

Seeing Emperor Rang's serious look, Toothpaste said: "Emperor Rang, didn't you play a lot of training games with us? You just see what Aquaman chooses and you just follow suit?"

After hearing this, Emperor Rang retorted: "Are the heroes that Neptune plays can be touched by ordinary people?"

Everyone laughed after hearing this, and the emperor's admiration for Qi Zhou was almost overflowing.

In fact, not only Rangdi, most LPL players admire Qi Zhou, especially the top laner.

Of course, there are individual exceptions.

Qi Zhou turned his head to look at the shy, and found that the shy was also here, but when he found that Qi Zhou was looking at him, he immediately turned his head away and pretended nothing happened.

Qi Zhou knew that the shy was arrogant, so he would not come to ask for advice like Rang Di did.

But with the shy's ability, it's definitely no problem to understand this version. The hero of this version is quite suitable for him.

At this time, Emperor Rang asked again: "Apart from Shuang En, are there any other tank heroes that can be played?"

Qi Zhou: "Shen is okay. This hero is suitable for playing with teammates in the early stage. If not, Bobby can also play, but Bobby is more like a fighter. If he is simply beaten, he is definitely not as good as Shuangen."

"Okay, I've made a note of it, Neptune, I'll treat you to dinner when I have a chance." Rang Di said that and left, that was a joy.

Qi Zhou shook his head. The top laners in this version are so strong, it is definitely not enough to just think about playing with tank heroes. Once the opponent understands your style of play, it will be too difficult to win the game against your teammates.

So RNG is destined not to go too far, but there is no way to do it. Warrior heroes are not so easy to train. A top laner who has only played tanks before can't be mastered in a short time. RNG can only go all the way to the black.

In addition to Rangdi, other people from RNG and IG also came to ask for advice. After all, FPX is the No. [-] seed and has the strongest overall strength.

After eating a meal for more than an hour, everyone chatted most of the time.

After eating, Qi Zhou went back to his room and started training on the number one.

For the next three days, the three LPL teams are training with each other. FPX is the busiest. After playing with RNG in the morning, they will continue to play with IG in the afternoon.

Both RNG and IG replay for most of the day and half a day. FPX can only choose to play during the day and replay at night. The time is full. Apart from sleeping and eating, they are playing training games.

At the same time, the play-in competition started!

Because they are all wild card teams with average strength, everyone in FPX didn't pay much attention.

Of course, except for AFS, after all, it is the third seed of LCK, so it is natural to pay attention to it.

AFS chopped melons and vegetables in the play-in competition, and they could kill the Quartet just by relying on their personal ability, and even needed to prepare some tactics and routines.

As the qualifying round progressed, the wild card teams were eliminated one by one, while the teams participating in the main match rushed to the hotel one after another.

On this day, everyone in FPX dragged their exhausted bodies to the restaurant for dinner after finishing the training match.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the restaurant, Qi Zhou saw a familiar team, KT!

Everyone in KT is sitting at a table in the middle to eat. There are more than a dozen starting team members, substitutes and miscellaneous personnel.

In addition to KT, Qi Zhou also saw the European and American teams, C9, G2, FNC, etc., these are the regulars of the S game, although the top eight is basically their limit, but they will basically participate every time, and they will fight again and again. Defeated, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

Qi Zhou found that the relationship between European and American teams and KT seems to be pretty good. From time to time, people would go over to communicate, take photos or something.

In particular, semb is very popular. After all, it can be regarded as a powerful top laner, who can leave a name in the history of top laners.

"Let's sit here." Brother Feng led the FPX people to a table in the corner and sat down.

"Isn't that KT? What a coincidence?" Just as he sat down, Xiaotian pointed in the direction of everyone in KT.

"How about it, are you sure? If you want to win the championship, you must defeat KT." Jin Gong said suddenly.

"Not necessarily, what if KT is overthrown in advance? I feel that IG is the biggest threat." Talking toothpaste.

"IG? IG's mid-top is really strong, but they are not very good at the bottom lane, especially the support, hot eyes." Liu Qingsong commented.

"You mean Princess Lan? I feel pretty good. He's no good now. Of course, he can't compete with you." It was Lin Weixiang who spoke. As an ADC, he often deals with Baolan and knows Baolan well.

"If IG wants to win against KT, it will be very difficult for Naka Ueno to blow up Kerry." Liu Qingsong continued.

At this time, Brother Feng said: "It's hard to say, you can't simply use the way of fighting beast chess to draw a conclusion. It is possible that IG can beat KT, but KT can beat RNG, and RNG can beat IG. This situation exists. of."

Qi Zhou agreed: "There is a problem of style restraint between teams. As long as the strength is not very different, the influence of style will be great, no one can say for sure."

"They seem to have noticed us." Xiaotian said suddenly.

Qi Zhou looked over and found that everyone in KT was indeed pointing at this side. Although he didn't know what they were talking about, judging from their expressions, it was definitely not saying anything good.

"This group of sticks! What are Chi Chi Wai Wai talking about?" Xiaotian said angrily.

"Forget it, let's finish eating and go back to resume the game, or we won't sleep at night." Liu Qingsong didn't think so.

A week passed quickly, and the finalists came to an end. AFS easily swept the opponents in the semi-finals and reached the finals.

On the other side, G2, the third seed in the LCS division, also reached the finals of the play-in competition.

Just when everyone thought that AFS would easily sweep G2 and become themselves, AFS lost to G1 with a score of 3:2!

Although this did not affect their advancement to the finals, it surprised everyone.

After all, everyone believed that Europe and the United States are the competition areas for fishing, and there is a big gap with LCK and LPL.

Also the third seed, AFS should be able to handle G2 easily.

After the play-in finals, the results of the main group stage will be announced.

Group A: FW, AFS, PVB, G2
Group B: FPX, GEN, VIT, C9
Group C: KT, MAD, TL, RNG
Group D: FNC, 100, IG, GRX
After the group came out, Qi Zhou received a text message, Brother Feng asked everyone to go to his room

Qi Zhou left his room and came to Brother Feng's door. The door was open, and Qi Zhou went straight in.

Except for Qi Zhou, everyone else from FPX came in one after another.

Qi Zhou took advantage of the situation and sat down on the sofa. After everyone arrived, Brother Feng said:

"Now the grouping situation has been determined. We are in Group B. The teams in the same group include GEN, VIT and C9. This VIT doesn't need to be too concerned. Their strength is a little weaker. If GEN and C9, GEN should be stronger. After all C9 came from the play-in round, and GEN is the second seed in the LCK."

At this time, Qi Zhou said: "It's hard to say, I think GEN may not be able to beat C9, C9's performance in the play-in competition is not bad, they were defeated by G2, G2 is in a very hot state now, and AFS has been overthrown, C9 Being able to fight G2 to the fifth game shows that the gap between them is not that big."

Qi Zhou's words caught everyone's mind.

I saw Toothpaste said: "The second seed in the LCK division should be better than Euro-American Lobby."

Jin Gong echoed: "Although this year's LCK is a bit faulty, I don't think I can't beat C9."

Qi Zhou insisted: "It's really hard to say. Look at what this year's LCK is all about. They are all old, weak, sick and disabled, and there is no fresh blood."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words "old, weak, sick and disabled". In fact, it is similar. KT is known as a galaxy battleship, but the players are not young, and they are actually strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Brother Feng said after some thought: "I think what you said is quite reasonable. C9's performance in the finals is indeed very strong. This question needs to be cautious. Let's spend a little time studying C9. Anyway, the Korean team We are all familiar with their style of play, and they are all played by old people, so there is actually nothing to study.”

Everyone in FPX nodded.

Brother Feng continued: "Let's start with GEN first. Now GEN mainly relies on the up and down lanes to compete with Kairui. The top laner Cuvee has a lot of experience and good awareness. He focuses on stability in the lane. I feel that Jin Gong is right It might be more comfortable with him."

Jin Gong nodded after hearing this: "I can play what he can play, and he can't overwhelm me. Anyway, he is facing development, and we will see who is more Kai Rui in the team."

Brother Feng looked down the road, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong, and said: "Chidi and corejj, you should be very familiar with them. I won't talk about Chidi. A standard LCK-style ADC with solid basic skills and a team output position They are very good at finding, and what needs to be paid special attention to is that they support corejj, this person has a lot of ideas, and the hero pool is also very deep.”

Liu Qingsong was very calm: "It feels good. I should know all the heroes he can play. He prefers to roam. It's enough to watch him when the time comes. He will definitely not be able to overwhelm us in the lane."

(End of this chapter)

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