Chapter 242 [241] Do something new

Brother Feng nodded: "Confidence is a good thing, but we must also pay attention to the opponent and not underestimate the enemy."

"The bottom lane is over. What do you think of toothpaste in the middle lane?" Brother Feng said, looking at toothpaste.

Toothpaste replied: "Gen's middle laner Crown feels that he is relatively stable in the lane, mainly relying on team fights, and his damage output ability in team fights is not bad, but I always feel that there is nothing very Kerry, just the kind of player who messes up the situation. "

Brother Feng commented: "It seems that you are all quite confident, but you also need to understand your opponent a little bit more, and you can't be careless. The crown feels that his state has indeed declined compared to last year. It may not have anything to do with his age. His mentality has changed. However, the possibility of waking up after the S game cannot be ruled out."

Then, Brother Feng's eyes fell on Xiaotian: "Jungle is the focus of attention. Although AMBITION is old, but the sword is not old, the consciousness is still quite good, and he likes to play back squatting, which is a bit like the factory manager. Before you gank every time, you have to think it through."

Xiaotian replied: "I have studied his game, it is the standard LCK operation, it is quite effective against teams with weak early stage ability, but if you encounter a team with strong impact, such as us, I guess he will If you can’t handle it, you have to fight against a team like them, and you have to work hard.”

Brother Feng agreed: "What you said is very reasonable. It is definitely not okay to play operations with gen. This is not our team's style. Well, the basic situation is these. I made an appointment with IG to play a training game. You guys have a rest first. , let's start in half an hour."

Everyone in FPX dispersed and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

After Qi Zhou returned to his room, he sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to play. Now the Internet is full of news about the S game, and there are all kinds of predictions. Since the LCK made harsh words, there are voices on the Internet predicting that LCK will win the championship. It's getting bigger and bigger, completely overshadowing the LPL, and Qi Zhou just feels outrageous.

This is the power of the media. Obviously, FPX killed the LCK spring champion at MSI. It has only been more than three months. The LCK is healed and the scars are forgotten, and the memory of netizens is only seven seconds.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Qi Zhou came to the computer to log in and put on his earphones at the same time.

As soon as Qi Zhou got on the account, he received an invitation from Toothpaste. After accepting the invitation, he came to a custom room.

Everyone in FPX has arrived, and then a voice room is opened, and everyone enters the voice.

At this time, Brother Feng's voice came: "Will you fight Qi Zhou this time?"

Qi Zhou replied: "Let me see first, let them fight this one first."

Brother Feng: "Okay, then the two of us will cut off the microphone later and let them play."

Qi Zhou entered the game watching mode and gave up his seat.

At this time, IG started to send chat messages.

IG, NIng: "Brothers, play lightly, let us win a few games and regain our confidence."

FPX, Yagao: "I don't know what to say, I'm still worried that we won't be able to beat you."

IG, NIng: "How is it possible, you are the champions of the summer split."

FPX, LWX: "Okay, stop BB, can it be turned on or not?"

IG, Jackeylove: "Brother Xiang, how about giving someone a head when laning?"

FPX, LWX: "Forget it, I'm afraid I can't beat you."

Although everyone was very polite and kept bragging about each other, Qi Zhou knew that no one was convinced, and undercurrents surged under the seemingly peaceful chat.

After everyone arrived, homeowner toothpaste started the game.

Entering the BP screen, because it is a training match, there is not so much emphasis on the BAN people, basically all the heroes will be released.

The two sides randomly banned a few unpopular heroes, and then entered the selection process.

The selection for the training match is basically to take their own heroes, mainly for the training lineup.

IG is on the blue side, and chose to take out the top single Sword Demon directly on the first floor!
At this time, Brother Feng said: "How do you plan to play this game on the road? What hero will you take?"

"Let's think about it... get me an Ornn, I'll go on the road to resist the pressure." Jin Gong was a little ignorant after hearing this, and it was a test for him to line up with the shy.

Jin Gong's ability to resist pressure now allows him to be worthy of most of the top laners, but the shy is an exception. This person's pressure is too strong.

As soon as Jin Gong finished speaking, Qi Zhou said, "You can try Thain and send Sien to death."

After hearing this, Jin Gong expressed doubts: "Send Liu Saien to death? What do you mean, you won't really let me go to die, right?"

Qi Zhou explained: "It doesn't matter, as long as you grasp the rhythm of death, you can demolish the opposite house all the way without playing a group, which is much more comfortable than if you play a group."

After hearing this, Jin Gong replied: "Okay, let me try."

So FPX locked on Thain on the first floor, and went to Xiaotian on the second floor to make a choice. Qi Zhou continued: "The jungler can take a rock sparrow. This version of the rock sparrow is powerful. The most important support speed is fast, and it can be launched from a long distance. If the opponent goes to defend Thain, you can start a team from the front."

Xiaotian: "I happen to have practiced rock sparrow, so I'll just take it."

FPX locks the rock sparrow on the second floor.

IG got the wild wine barrel and mid laner Akali on the second and third floors.

Seeing Rookie's enchantress, the toothpaste became serious: "The enchantress is all out, it seems that it will be difficult to fight in the middle lane."

Qi Zhou suggested: "You can take the enchantress Kante Akali in the middle, and Syndra can also play, but I think the best choice is Swain."

"Swain? Are you talking about that crow?" Toothpaste asked.

"Yes, this hero is not bad. The sword demon and Akali on the opposite side enter the field. If you have to fight head-on, the crow will be more comfortable. You can easily be cut to death when you play other heroes, and if you can't fight head-on, the crow will still It can prevent the tower from being overrun with one hand.”

After hearing this, Toothpaste chose Crow, and Lin Weixiang chose Xia, and then locked in. Facing a double entry, he could only choose an ADC with self-protection ability.

BP came to IG, and IG locked Lucian and Thresh on the fourth and fifth floors.

In the end, FPX locked Luo in the five-way, and the lineups of both sides were determined:

Red side FPX: Top laner Sion, jungler Rock Sparrow, mid laner Swain, ADC Xia, support Luo.

Blue side IG: top laner Sword Demon, wild wine barrel, mid laner Akali, ADC Lucian, support Thresh.

After the lineup was confirmed, Qi Zhou said: "Sion can go to the opposite side to steal wild monsters at the first level, you should know."

Jin Gong: "I know, I went to steal their blue."

Qi Zhou: "Push the lane in this battle, and then find an opportunity to touch the defense tower on the opposite side. There are skills in giving away kills. Don't start giving away kills before you touch the defense tower."

Jin Gong: "Okay, I'll try."

After the countdown ends, the game begins.

Qi Zhou and Brother Feng withdrew from the chat, and they must not be able to participate in the command as coaches during the training match, otherwise they would be opening the full map and lose the meaning of the training match.

Qi Zhou and Brother Feng entered a chat room alone, and Brother Feng asked, "Did you come up with this lineup temporarily? Or did you want to try it a long time ago?"

Qi Zhou replied: "I didn't come up with it on the spur of the moment. I also want to try it. Now let's see the effect first. I can see if there will be any problems. If the problems can be solved, it can be used as a tactical reserve for later attacks." Knockout."

Brother Feng: "So that's the case, I understand."

The S game is a relatively complicated schedule. It is not simply to play the game, and then resume the game after the game, and it will start again.

The S competition is divided into several stages, and each stage will be different. After the first round of the group stage, all teams will adjust their tactics according to the situation to make their tactics more suitable for the version.

In the second round of the group stage, there will often be a completely different situation from the first round. Some teams that won all in the first round may lose all in the second round, and some teams that have lost all in the first round may lose in the second round. Possibly two wins.

This is caused by different learning abilities and different adaptability.

When it comes to the knockout rounds, the style of play will be relatively fixed. Everyone has basically found their own way to adapt to the version. It depends on the team's tactical reserves. , can come up with more things.

For FPX, there is not much pressure to advance to the group stage, and now they can prepare the tactics for the knockout stage in advance.

At this time, the game has already started, Jin Gong followed Qi Zhou's suggestion, and went directly to the opposite wild area after going out at the first level.

"He went early, there might be problems." Qi Zhou said suddenly.

On the screen, Jin Gong's Thain came to the opposite blue BUFF wild area, but directly bumped into the shy's Sword Demon!
The two had a face-to-face meeting. Like this, Jin Gong's strategy of stealing wild monsters at the first level failed.

Brother Feng commented: "It seems that he doesn't quite understand your thoughts."

Qi Zhou: "It's okay. Originally, the training match was used to find problems. If you find the problem, just solve it."

The first wave of soldiers came out, and the shy's Sword Demon stood on the river for a while, making sure that Thain would not go there to steal wild monsters, and then returned to the upper route.

Jin Gong is not stupid, since he has been seen, he didn't steal it anymore, if he still passes at this time, then he is really giving it away.

On the road and started to line up, Jin Gong squatted in the grass. After waiting for the blood of the soldiers, he chose to charge up the Q skill and wanted to use the Q skill to clear the line.

However, the shy's sword demon had already used the first Q skill to take down the pawn line in advance, then walked up, and used the second Q skill on the grass, directly interrupting Thain's Q skill!

Qi Zhou then said: "Level [-] should require the W skill. There is a problem with the hero's understanding."

As a result, Thain failed to make up for the three melee soldiers, and was chased all the way by the sword demon.

Jin Gong could only wait until the CD of Sword Demon's Q skill passed, and then turned around to face Sword Demon A. After Sword Demon A sent a death-giving sword energy, he chose to stand with Thain.

At this time, the sword demon's conquerors had already been stacked, and it was true. Although they were attacked by long-range soldiers, relying on the conqueror, the sword demon's exchange of blood was profitable.

Qi Zhou commented again: "I should pull it away first to clear the Conqueror layer of the Sword Demon. I'm still a little anxious."

Fortunately, the second wave of soldiers came, and Sword Demon naturally couldn't fight Thain against a wave of soldiers, so he chose to retreat one after another.

In this way, Thain can finally touch the pawn line.

However, after the sword demon rose to two levels, he took the initiative to come up again to find numbness, and Thain could only continue to retreat.

Brother Feng said at this time: "Isn't Thain too difficult to fight against the sword demon? If you want to use this routine, it feels better to ban the sword demon."

After hearing this, Qi Zhou explained: "It is indeed more difficult to face the sword demon, and it is the shy sword demon. This is the limit test. If you face the shy sword demon, this routine can still be played, then basically You can fight anyone, if you find that you can't continue to fight in the end, you can try to ban Sword Demon next time."

Brother Feng replied: "Extreme test? This is a good idea, but Jin Gong's mentality may go wrong, haha."

"It's okay, mentality training is also very important. If you don't have the mentality to play Sain, you will definitely not be able to control it." Qi Zhou said slowly.

Qi Zhou moved the screen to the middle lane. The laning in the middle lane is relatively peaceful. Swain's laning ability in the early stage is relatively average, and he can only rely on his Q skill to slowly consume it. As long as the opponent can grasp the distance of the Q skill, or simply hide After the soldier was behind, Swain didn't have much to do.

However, Akali has nothing to do with Swain, Akali's E skill will be interrupted by Swain's E, so as long as Swain keeps the E skill in his hand, Akali can only develop.

Toothpaste itself does not pursue extreme suppression in laning, saying that this laning mode is very comfortable for him, just develop.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou commented: "The current situation in the middle lane is not bad, this kind of laning combination should work."

Brother Feng: "Swain's damage is a bit low, but if the jungler is a rock sparrow, it will be fine. The AP damage must be enough. Your lineup is quite reasonable."

Qi Zhou moved the screen to the bottom lane, and the laning on the bottom lane became more intense. Both supporters were looking for opportunities to play the opposing ADC.

Lin Weixiang's Xia adjusted her position differently, using her feathers to rub against Lucian's blood.

Lucian also used the Q skill to wear minions and consume Xia's blood.

At this moment, the sapphire blue Thresh suddenly hooked and hit Luo who was in the grass.

He didn't choose to fly over, but used the E skill to swing Luo back. Lucian stepped forward to keep up with AQA, and Luo still had the W skill in his hand, so Lucian didn't dare to hand in the E.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo backhanded Thresh into the air, letting Xia Neng step forward to output, and Luo used the E skill to fly back. The two sides exchanged blood, basically [-]-[-].

Seeing this, Qi Zhou commented: "IG's bot lane and laning abilities are quite good, especially jackeylove, and Baolan has also improved a lot this season."

Brother Feng: "Baolan has been training a lot recently, it seems that IG is working hard and really wants to win this S championship."

Qi Zhou: "Yes, it's a pity that they met us, otherwise they might really have a chance."

Brother Feng: "You are too confident."

While the two were talking, the junglers on both sides moved!

King Ning's wine barrel is heading up the road after getting double buffs, while Xiaotian's rock sparrow is heading to the middle road.

When King Ning was about to reach the road, Jin Gong seemed to be aware of the danger. He chose to retreat one after another, put a vision on the triangle grass, and then returned to the line to continue developing.

(End of this chapter)

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