Chapter 243 [242] Prepare, move forward
However, King Ning still refused to give up. He chose to hand over the E skill to pass through the wall, and then walked directly to the upper route, and followed the pawn line into the grass on the upper road.

Seeing this, Brother Feng said: "King Ning really has a strong desire to gank, you have to give it a try."

Qi Zhou: "After all, he is on a hunger strike. If Jin Gong can't think of this, then he will definitely have problems."

The result was the same as what Qi Zhou said, Jin Gong really didn't expect this, he just made up his sword and developed, and didn't deliberately keep a distance from the opponent's grass.

The Shy's sword demon began to adjust his position, and drove Jin Gong's Thain towards the grass.

So after the distance was enough, King Ning's wine barrel shot!

I saw the wine barrel flashing through the line of soldiers, an E skill hit Thain, and the shy's sword demon came forward to deal with it.

"It's gone, Jin Gong, you're too careless." Brother Feng murmured.

Seeing that he was doomed, Jin Gong didn't hand in his flash, and the head was given to Sword Demon in the end.

Xiaotian of GANK rushed to the middle lane, but did not catch Rookie's Akali. This hero is too flexible, and there is a Xia formation that can be invisible.

The laning in the bottom lane is still fierce, but there is no outbreak of kills yet.

When the time came to 6 minutes, the jungler and solo lanes reached level six one after another.

The situation on the field began to change. On the top lane, Sword Demon caught Sion's mistake and consumed a wave of Sion's HP, and then directly launched a big move.

Thain was not yet level six at this time, and was still killed after handing over the flash.

On the middle side, Rookie's Akali also used his ult to try a solo kill. This version of Akali is more supermodel.

After level six, as long as the damage can be dealt to the full, it can basically be killed alone.

However, this time the toothpaste was played by Swain, and Swain also used his big move, and even if Akali was in the Xia formation, Swain could still suck blood. In the end, Akali's damage was not enough to complete a solo kill .

Seeing this, Brother Feng commented: "It seems that Swain's idea of ​​fighting Akali is indeed feasible, at least he won't be killed alone."

Qi Zhou responded: "Line is more comfortable, and at the same time, you are not afraid of team fights. If you can't do it, you can get a golden body. After opening the golden body, Swain can still suck blood, and the survivability in team battles is very strong."

Brother Feng: "But it doesn't feel good to go on the road. I can't stand it anymore. After the sword demon has the advantage, Thain can't do anything wretched, let alone touch the defense tower."

Qi Zhou: "Jin Gong himself is not too careful, let's take another look."

The game time came to 9 minutes, and both of them had reached the sixth level in the bottom lane.

IG was already impatient, Baolan's Thresh flashed up to keep people, and a hook forced Xia's big move.

Lucian stepped forward to deal with the damage, but was charmed by Luo in the end, and then controlled by Xia's barb. In the end, the two sides exchanged a wave of big moves and HP, but still no kills.

Brother Feng: "IG's bot lane is growing very fast, this jackeylove is already on par with Lin Weixiang."

Qi Zhou: "This person still has talent, and he is also very daring to fight, but sometimes he will die suddenly, and his performance is not very stable."

When the game time came to twelve minutes, FPX's top tower was demolished first.

This is a bit embarrassing, and Sion's tower pushing rhythm can't get up at all.

Moreover, as long as Jin Gong leads the line of soldiers, he may be killed by the sword demon.

At the same time, the jungler can't come up to help, such a fat sword demon, even two against one is very risky.

Seeing this, Brother Feng suddenly said: "Can we end it, BP still needs to be adjusted, and try to ban Sword Demon?"

Generally, the training match will not be played to the end, as long as one side thinks that it is no longer necessary to fight, it can end.

Qi Zhou said, "Don't worry, let's have a look."

On the other side, the four in FPX's middle and lower fields started to fight Xiaolong together.

Four people from IG came to defend, and the two sides began to join the team!

FPX pulled Xiaolong out of the Xiaolong pit, and then fought in the direction close to the bottom lane.

On the other hand, IG came from the direction of the middle road, and the two sides began to pull around Xiaolong.

Seeing that Xiaolong's blood volume is getting less and less, the junglers of both sides are preparing to fight for punishment, while the others are looking for opportunities to start a team.

On the IG side, Sapphire's Thresh suddenly hooked, and the hook pointed directly at the rock sparrow.

Xiaotian's attention was on Xiaolong's blood volume, so he didn't pay much attention to his position, and was directly hit by Thresh's hook!

Thresh chose to fly in, but as soon as he entered the field, he was knocked into the air by Luo W's skill, and then he was charmed by the ultimate move.

King Ning's wine barrel threw out his ultimate move, which exploded in the middle of the FPX formation. Everyone in FPX's wine barrel's ultimate move was blown up, and Baolan's Thresh flashed back.

Xiaotian's rock sparrow also chose to flash back, and Xiaolong had already been punished by King Ning.

However, the moment the rock sparrow flashed back, Rookie's Akara had already attached the E skill to the rock sparrow.

Everyone in FPX didn't intend to let Thresh leave just like that. Swain's W skill fell in front of Thresh, and Thresh had to move, which gave everyone in FXP a chance to catch up.

Lin Weixiang's Xia chased Thresh for a while, and then retracted the barb to control Thresh.

The team battle was about to start, Rookie's Akali took the opportunity to use the second-stage E skill to enter the field, entered the middle of the FPX formation, and then opened the Xia formation to make FPX lose his vision.

Jackeylove's Lucian released big moves and damage from behind, forcing Xia's output.

On LGD's side, Toothpaste's Swain activated his ult, entered the arena to deal damage, and also dealt damage at the same time. Although the output does not seem to be high, if he continues to stand nearby, the damage will accumulate quickly.

At this moment, Xiaotian's rock sparrow had a whim, and directly released a big move in front of IG, and Akali and Thresh were separated!
The wine barrel and Lucian were on the other side of the wall. Lucian didn't dare to turn in the E skill casually, so he could only watch Thresh being beaten to death.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Akali ran away after flashing the second stage of her big move.

In this way, FPX easily won the team battle.

Seeing this, Brother Feng commented: "Xiaotian's game reading ability is very good, and his on-the-spot reaction is also very fast."

Qi Zhou: "Well, it can be seen from this wave of team battles that as long as the Sword Demon doesn't come, he still has an advantage. He didn't even magnify his moves. It's very difficult for Akali to kill Xia."

The game time was 15 minutes, Xiaotian came to the bottom lane to do something, used his ult to block the road, caught Thresh who hadn't flashed to death, and then helped the bottom lane push the tower.

Ning Wang's wine barrel appeared on the road, and cooperated with the sword demon to kill Thain under the second tower.

Fortunately, Sion cleared the line of troops by being passive, otherwise the second tower on the road would be in danger.

After taking down the first tower from IG, the FPX duo switched to the middle lane to push the tower, and the mid laner switched to the bottom lane.

The situation has become somewhat stalemate again, and now no one can touch the opponent's middle tower.

The game time is 10 minutes. As time goes by, Xia's advantage will become bigger and bigger. This hero's output ability in team battles is stronger than Lucian. If it is delayed until the late stage, Xia can be used as the absolute core.

IG seems to know this truth, so they started to form a group in the middle, trying to take down the first tower in the middle.

Four people from FPX came to the middle to defend, and the two sides began to pull.

After the line of soldiers entered the tower, Baolan's Thresh was looking for opportunities beside him, trying to start a team battle.

However, several attempts failed, and the situation in the middle continued to be deadlocked.

There is no way, IG can only choose to fight Xiaolong, intending to use Xiaolong to force FPX people out to interrupt.

FPX was right, pushed the middle line of soldiers, and then walked towards Xiaolongkeng.

Upon seeing this, Brother Feng said: "I feel like Thain might as well come to meet the group head-on, don't you think so?"

Qi Zhou: "No, the team battle can be fought now because Akali can't do anything to take Xia by herself, but it will be troublesome if Sion comes to the front, and it is difficult for the sword demon to survive in a team battle with Xia."

Just as Qi Zhou was talking, the front four of FPX and IG were already arguing around Xiaolong.

Immediately afterwards, the top laners on both sides gave TP to the front, and it became a 5V5 team battle.

Seeing that Xiaolong's blood volume was about to enter the slashing line of punishment, Thain, who had landed on the TP, rushed over with his big move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiaotian punished and took down Xiaolong.

However, Xiaolong has won, and the team battle is still going to be fought. Taking advantage of Thain's entry, Xia stepped forward to output.

However, Thain is too poorly developed to withstand the damage at all.

King Ning's wine barrel threw a big move over, separating the front and back rows of FPX, so Thain was dealt with first, Rookie's Akali flashed his big move and entered the field to keep people, and the shy's Sword Demon followed.

The team battle turned into a one-sided massacre, and FPX could only cover Xia while fighting and retreating.

But his teammates have limited abilities, so they can only restrain Akali, and the sword demon finds an opportunity to kill him.

Although Xia's development was not bad, but she couldn't stand the sword demon and developed better. In the end, Xia fell under the sword of the sword demon, and IG won a big victory.

After winning the team battle, IG went directly to fight Baron.

"Okay, it's over." Qi Zhou said suddenly.

So Feng asked everyone in FPX to vote, and then quit the game.

Brother Feng and Qi Zhou entered the chat room of the team again.

Everyone in FPX was chatting, and Xiaotian said:
"Jin Gong, you are too outrageous, let's raise a BOSS on the road."

Jin Gong said: "I don't think I can fight. The hero Sword Demon is too disgusting. I can't push the Sion line, let alone push the tower."

Toothpaste: "I remember it was Neptune who asked you to go to death and push the tower. It feels a bit difficult to play."

At this time, Qi Zhou said: "Jin Gong, you should be more careful when facing the lane in front of you, you can't be caught by the opponent so easily, King Ning likes to be caught on the road, you should know."

Jin Gong: "Well, this is indeed a bit of a mistake..."

Qi Zhou: "Then it's a mid-term decision. You shouldn't fight a group. If Sword Demon doesn't take the group head-on, you won't be able to fight on the opposite side. Akali can't kill Xia by herself, and others can't touch it. It's because you put The sword demon brought it over, so it can't be beaten."

Jin Gong: "Then what should I do? I've been on the road all the time, and I can't do it in the end."

Qi Zhou: "At this time, we need to be flexible. IG is obviously in a hurry. Most of them will take the initiative to let Sword Demon come to take the group head-on. At that time, they will pull away from the front and don't fight. Just let you push the tower on the road. IG's lineup will start a group. The ability is average, and the front can be opened."

"If you can fight well in the early stage, first consume the HP of the opposite defensive tower, or even push down a defensive tower first, according to the thinking I said, you should be able to win."

Jin Gong suddenly realized: "So it is like this."

Brother Feng also joined in: "What Qi Zhou said makes sense, why don't you try again?"

Jin Gong: "Okay, I'll try again."

So FPX and IG continued to play training matches, Jin Gong took out Thain again, and began to follow Qi Zhou's ideas.

However, the laning is still quite difficult to play. Jin Gongsan's proficiency is not very high, and theshy's sword demon is very good.

In the second game, through the pull of frontal teammates and the cooperation on the road, it dragged on for more than [-] minutes. Jin Gong also pushed IG all the way to the high ground.

However, Sword Demon was still too fat. IG chose to cross the tower with five people head-on, and won the victory in a thrilling manner. The last wave ended the game.

The training match lasted from late at night, and played five consecutive games. IG won four games, and FPX only won one game.

After the training match, everyone came to Brother Feng's room for a replay.

Basically, Qi Zhou is helping everyone to review the game. Although it seems that the winning rate is a bit low, this is the limit situation.

It would be much easier if it was Qi Zhou who played on his own, and the opponent's top laner was not the shy.

In the next few days, FPX began to experiment with different lineups to prepare for the knockout round.

In addition to training, everyone also found time to cooperate with the official filming.

The official will release some short videos for publicity, and they will also be played during the interval between games.

As the No. [-] seed of LPL, FPX is naturally the focus of attention.

As the No. [-] character in FPX, Qi Zhou will naturally have the most shots.

S8 Global Finals, the day before the start of the group stage.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, everyone in FPX boarded the bus and went to the competition venue.

Everyone got off the car in the parking lot, and then went straight to the gate of the venue. Today is not a match day, so there are no spectators. Besides FPX, other teams entered the venue one after another.

There is a simple opening ceremony on the first day of the group stage, all teams need to make an appearance, today is the rehearsal.

Entering the gate of the venue, under the leadership of Brother Feng, everyone went straight to the competition stage.

"Brother Feng! Neptune!" At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind everyone.

Qi Zhou turned his head and found that Uzi was walking quickly, and not far behind him, the whole RNG team and the coach were also rushing over.

After approaching, Uzi said: "Let's go together, we are all in the same competition area, shouldn't we be united at this time."

Coach RNG rushed over and greeted Brother Feng.

"Then let's go together." Under Brother Feng's call, the two couples walked inside together.

Entering the spectator stand, the seats on the stand are all empty, but the lights are on. There are many seats here, estimated to be tens of thousands. If the seats are full, the scene will be very spectator.

Qi Zhou found that there were already many teams standing on the competition stage, some he knew and some he didn't know.

"The guys from IG are so fast?" Uzi suddenly pointed to the stage.

Qi Zhou took advantage of the situation and looked over, and found that everyone in IG was standing in the corner.

At the same time, the arrival of FPX and RNG has attracted the attention of everyone in IG, not only IG, but also other teams nearby. After all, they are the No. [-] and No. [-] seeds of LPL, so they still have influence.

Qi Zhou and his group walked to the stage, and everyone from IG came over.

I saw King Ning said: "Okay, you guys still come to fight together, the relationship is so good, Uzi, did you come to FPX to steal something again?"

Uzi gave King Ning a blank look after hearing this: "What are you talking about? Do I need this?"

Uzi glanced at Lin Weixiang, and then added: "Don't provoke my relationship with Xiangxiang."

What did Lin Weixiang say, with an indifferent look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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