Chapter 244 [243] The opening match

Everyone was chatting, suddenly Qi Zhou noticed that other teams around were all looking in one direction.

Qi Zhou looked over and found that three teams walked in. These three teams were none other than the three teams of LCK, KT, gen and AFS!

Soon, everyone in the LPL noticed the three teams in the LCK.

These dozen or so people all had a cold face, with their hands in their pockets, and they walked in a neat pace, which really looked like this.

I saw King Ning said: "Damn, are they here to make a movie? Everyone pretends to be so cool?"

Uzi complained: "The current LCK is not good enough to play games, so it will engage in these falsehoods."

Xiao Ming: "In terms of appearance, I feel that Neptune alone can crush all of them."

King Ning agreed: "It makes sense, and I think so too. Aquaman is definitely the only one in terms of appearance."

Soon, the LCK people approached, and they also noticed the three LPL teams, so a dozen or so people chose to go around, probably avoiding the LPL people.

Seeing this, Xiaotian smiled and said: "Haha, they are scared, probably because we scared them."

Lin Weixiang: "After all, he is a defeated player, so it's normal to be afraid."

So everyone in LPL smiled and watched everyone in LCK go away.

And the LCK side didn't even dare to take a look, because Qi Zhou was standing in front, and they would be scared when they saw it.

Soon, the sixteen teams participating in the main competition arrived, and the teams from the same competition area all stood together.

Several official staff came up and began to arrange the positions of the various teams.

The first to be found is FPX!

Everyone in FPX was brought to the middle of the stage, and Qi Zhou was placed in the middle of everyone in FPX.

Then RNG and IG were arranged to the left and right of FPX. In this way, the central position of the LPL division was determined.

King Ning smiled and said: "This treatment is okay, let us stand in the C position."

Xiao Tian turned around and said: "After all, it is the first competition area, so this kind of treatment must be given."

Qi Zhou: "Now I want to know how the people in LCK thought of it. In the previous S games, they seemed to be in the C position, and they also had the most shots."

Xiaotian: "It's sour, what else can I do?"

The two were talking, when suddenly there was a dispute not far behind them.

Qi Zhou looked over and found that the AFS people were having conflicts with the official staff, while the KT and gen people looked behind and seemed to be more supportive of AFS.

But LPL couldn't understand what they were saying, so Uzi looked at Jin Gong and asked, "What are they talking about? Can you translate it for me?"

Jin Gong said: "They seem to want to stand in the middle, and feel that standing next to us is an insult."

After hearing this, King Ning scolded: "So hypocritical? They think they are a joke?"

Qi Zhou said: "They may have forgotten how they were hanged and beaten by us in the Asian Games."

Xiao Ming: "Yeah, it's only been a few days, and they've healed and the scars have forgotten the pain?"

After some disputes, the staff seemed impatient and started threatening everyone in LCK.

After being warned, the three LCK teams could only choose to compromise, and then reluctantly stood beside everyone in the LPL.

Seeing this, King Ning smiled and said: "Look at their expressions, it's as uncomfortable as eating shit, cool!"

Uzi: "King Ning, don't let them hear you, these people have small minds."

King Ning: "If you hear it, you can hear it. What can they do?"

Under the arrangement of the staff, all sixteen teams found their positions.

Basically, it is arranged according to the results of the competition area, and the other competition areas have no opinions, so the LCK made a fuss.

After the positions were arranged, the official staff began to make fine adjustments to make the visual effect of the scene as perfect as possible.

After half an hour of tossing, the location was finally determined.

Then there is the rehearsal sequence, the path to the stage.

Same as before, still according to the results of the competition area, FPX was assigned to the first place. Everyone followed the staff from behind the scenes to the position just now, and then lined up to stand. This is a complete process.

The rehearsal lasted until noon. Everyone in FPX boarded the bus and returned to the hotel. Then they ate first. After eating, they rested for two hours, took a nap, and then began to make appointments for training matches.

One day has passed.

The next day, the first day of the group stage.

After lunch, everyone in FPX got on the bus and went all the way to the competition venue.

Unlike yesterday, Qi Zhou saw hundreds of spectators waiting to enter when passing by the entrance of the venue today.

Everyone held all kinds of support cards in their hands. The LCK division should have the most teams. After all, this is their home court, and then they are the supporters of the LPL division.

Qi Zhou saw a lot of people holding signs for the FPX team newspaper, at least half of the LPL supporters.

After entering the competition venue, everyone in FPX went straight to the lounge.

In the lounge, everyone put down their luggage and began to prepare.

I saw Brother Feng said: "Wait will be the appearance part. You have rehearsed yesterday. The process should be more familiar, so I won't say more."

"Except for the opening ceremony, today is the match between Group A and Group C. We don't need to play in Group B and D for the time being, but we still have to watch the game. It is very important to see how each competition area understands the version."

Everyone in FXP nodded, at this time Xiaotian said: "There is an RNG game today, and the first game is RNG playing KT. I feel that this game is very important. We can see what KT is really capable of now."

Qi Zhou continued: "Before the real fight, all kinds of comparisons and judgments are relatively false. You will know after the fight, but I feel that it is more difficult for RNG to win against KT."

Brother Feng: "Most people probably think so. Now the winning percentage given by all major platforms is that KT is higher."

While everyone was talking, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and a staff member reminded everyone in FPX to get ready to go up.

Qi Zhou stood up, led the FPX people out of the lounge, and walked all the way to the backstage along the corridor.

At this time, many people have gathered here, and the people of the same team lined up.

People from RNG and IG also came over, and they chose to stand on the left and right sides of the FPX crowd.

Qi Zhou looked at everyone in RNG and asked, "The first game will be you against KT, are you sure?"

Upon hearing this, everyone in RNG turned serious, and they could even see the tension.

I saw Uzi said: "No pressure, okay, KT is like that, I can easily handle them in the bottom lane."

"It's not so easy, is it? When the pilot was in EDG before, I didn't see you handling him." It was King Ning who spoke, and Uzi's face became a little ugly when he said this.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming quickly said: "That's because of Ming Kai, Ming Kai is a guy who always focuses on the bottom lane every time he plays against us, and has different routines every time. It feels like he is deliberately targeting."

Uzi echoed: "If I don't have Mingkai, I can really handle the pilot, he is very average in lane."

Qi Zhou was noncommittal.

At this moment, music started to play outside, and the host's voice seemed to have started.

At the same time, Qi Zhou heard the cheers of the audience, which was very enthusiastic, and it seemed that the audience was impatient.

Soon, the host began to introduce the teams on stage, and the first one introduced was FPX. Everyone in FPX entered the stage under the hint of the staff!

Qi Zhou led the FPX people onto the stage, and as soon as he walked up, the FPX fans at the scene began to cheer up:

"Come on, little phoenix!"

Qi Zhou stood on the stage, tens of meters away from the auditorium, but the impact of the sound could still be felt.

Maybe because this is LCK's home stadium, LPL fans work extremely hard and don't want to lose to LCK fans in this regard.

Qi Zhou led everyone to the rehearsed positions, and then lined up.

Immediately afterwards, RNG debuted!
"RNG! RNG! RNG!" The RNG fans on the scene shouted. Although the momentum was a bit worse than that of FPX fans, it was already very good.

At this moment, Qi Zhou suddenly heard the sound of cheering mixed with other voices!

Sounds like a boo!It seemed someone was booing.

After the RNG people came on stage, they stood to the left of FPX and the group.

Then it was IG. The first five players of IG came up with the substitutes, and the fans of IG also started to cheer:
"IG! IG! IG1"

This time, the boos were even louder, almost half of the audience booed, no need to think about it, these were obviously LCK fans.

After all three LPL teams appeared on stage, they stood in the middle of the stage and became the most beautiful boys in the audience.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone saw this scene and posted on the barrage one after another:

"This is the noodles."

"Stand C! It's too face-saving."

"It must be in the middle of the first competition area, should we let the second competition area come?"

"With strength, you can be willful!"

It's the LCK's turn.

The first to appear on the LCK side was KT. The six members of KT had a cold face, each of them seemed to be cool, and walked towards the three LPL teams all the way.

At this moment, something that no one expected happened.

KT didn't come according to the results of the previous rehearsal. After coming up, they chose to keep a distance from the LPL people, and there was an empty space in the middle for no reason.

It's embarrassing now, and the staff can't say anything at this time, they can only make mistakes.

After all the LCK teams have played, it will be the turn of the European and American divisions.

After the comparison, everyone discovered the problem, and discussed it on the bullet screen:
"Why is it so asymmetrical? Why do I feel that someone is in the wrong position?"

"Look at the LCK, deliberately keeping a distance."

"So that's the case, this is too stingy."

"No way, if you can't fight on the field, then you can only use this method to save face on the field."

"Bangzi really can't afford to play."

Soon, all sixteen teams arrived, and the promotional video began to play.

As soon as the promotional video came out, there was a picture of Qi Zhou.

Now the entire LPL audience is boiling, this is the noodles!
On the competition stage, except for RNG and KT who were going to play the competition, the other teams went down one after another, leaving these two teams behind.

Everyone in FPX went all the way back to the lounge.

As soon as he entered the door, Xiaotian said: "It's interesting to see how angry they are."

Liu Qingsong: "It seems that they are very dissatisfied with us. I hope to meet them later so that they can see the reality clearly."

Qi Zhou: "Let's watch the match between RNG and KT first. If KT wins, they will definitely create a wave of hype, and we will definitely be ridiculed by then."

Xiaotian: "Yeah, I hope RNG can support it."

Everyone is talking, the game has entered the B stage.

In this game, RNG is on the blue side and KT is on the red side.

Brother Feng took out his notebook and started to record. The BP of each game is very important and can be used for reference.

RNG chose a lineup that wasn't quite RNG in this game, and actually helped Xiaohu get Syndra. This hero wants to pursue online suppression, but Xiaohu is obviously not the type of online suppression.

It's normal to go down the road, but when it comes to Kai'Sa and Titan, it seems that they intend to let Uzi repair it.

And KT's lineup should be more balanced, with Daomei in the top lane, Ryze in the mid lane, and Xia in the bottom lane, supporting Luo.

All three lines are C bits.

"From the perspective of the lineup, I feel that RNG has gone far. This version of the multi-core lineup is very strong. Although RNG tries to play Syndra in the middle, I am not optimistic about Xiaohu's Syndra." Qi Zhou commented.

Toothpaste also echoed: "I feel the same way. Xiaohu is not suitable for a hero like Syndra. I feel that RNG forcibly selected him, and the effect will not be very good."

At the beginning of the game, the camera was directly shown in the middle. It seemed that the director also wanted to know how Xiaohu's Syndra suppressed.

As a result, I found that Xiaohu was developing peacefully with Ryze, just pushing the line, and didn't have much idea of ​​attacking.

Seeing this, Xiaotian complained: "If you just want to develop, it's not much more comfortable to choose a czar, why choose Syndra?"

Qi Zhou analyzed: "It may also be to forcibly increase the strength of the lineup in the mid-term. The mid-term of this version is quite critical, and there is no way to delay the late game without thinking."

Seeing that the middle lane could not be played, the director gave the camera to the bottom lane.

The bottom lane is very lively, and the pilots play more aggressively. After all, their lineup has an advantage in the early stage of the lineup, and the advantage is not small.

Uzi chose to resist the pressure first. Now that Kai'Sa has been taken out, there is no rush to play an advantage.

Every shot is a test for Uzi, the pilot will definitely come up to him,

However, the basic skills and operation of Uzi are here, and it is not realistic for the pilot to penetrate him.

In the end, it was on the road. In this game, the emperor took out Ornn and rushed to fight a group.

Naturally, Smeb's Daomei wouldn't let him be so easy. She came up to fight at the second level, and if the emperor couldn't beat him, she could only retreat steadily and wait for the pawn line under the defensive tower.

Seeing this, Brother Feng muttered: "The middle lane is a balance of power, and the top and bottom lanes are disadvantaged. I feel that it is difficult for RNG to survive the early and mid-term. I can only look at the spicy pot."

Qi Zhou: "The personal ability of Mala Xiangguo is still guaranteed. He is very aggressive in the early stage, and RNG should not fall into a big disadvantage."

The result was the same as Qi Zhou thought, Mala Xiangguo came to the middle lane to make troubles at the third level, but because he didn't consume it in advance, after Syndra stunned Ryze, the two of them didn't succeed in killing, they just played a flash .

After finishing the middle lane, Mala Xiangguo went straight to the top lane, preparing for a serial GANK.

However, Semb was vigilant and did not give Mala Xiangguo this chance.

(End of this chapter)

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