Chapter 245 [244] Samsung?hehe……

In contrast, the KT jungler was not in such a rush to attack. He chose to play anti-squat. After one round of wild monsters, he returned to the city to supply, and then the second round of the second half of the jungle area, and then went straight to the bottom lane to counter-squat .

At this time, the bot line was controlled by Uzi, and they were controlled in front of the defensive tower. In this way, Mala Xiangguo had a good chance to attack the bot.

Uzi began to send signals to Mala Xiangguo, and then Mala Xiangguo started to go down the road.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou said: "Uzi's lifeblood was caught by KT. They knew that Uzi likes to be called a jungler, so they came directly to the bottom lane to fight back. If this wave really fights, RNG may have to play big question."

As a result, as Qi Zhou said, RNG really had a big problem, and the two in the bottom lane were sent away directly, allowing the pilot to get a double kill.

"Oh, send it." Seeing this scene, Xiaotian directly sentenced RNG to death.

Everyone knows the pilot's Kerry ability. Although he is a little older now, his strength is still there.

At the same time, the director also gave a close-up of Uzi's expression. At this time, Uzi's face was red, and it seemed that he was on the top.

Lin Weixiang joked: "Uzi is going to be red and warm, I feel that RNG has gone far."

Liu Qingsong: "If he hears your words, he will definitely hold grudges."

Lin Weixiang disagreed: "It's okay, I have a good relationship with him, he won't mind."

After KT gained the advantage, they started to play steadily.

Seeing this, Xiaotian commented: "The LCK's style of play is still so disgusting, but if you let them gain a little advantage, they will start to operate and grind you slowly. Anyway, they will not fight head-on unless they are sure of winning. .”

Qi Zhou: "For RNG, this style of play is quite uncomfortable, because RNG's lineup is not very capable of starting a team. If it is against IG, KT's style of play will not be so popular. It is easy to be smashed by a wave of IG."

"Sea King, I feel like you've always been optimistic about IG. Is IG really better than RNG?" Xiaotian asked.

"This version is like this. This version is too aggressive. It is difficult for ADCs to survive in team battles." Qi Zhou responded.

Everyone was talking about 15 minutes into the game, and Xiaohu's Syndra still didn't give any pressure in the middle, but Ryze had already used his ult and the jungler to go up the road and get an assist.

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for RNG. Although Malaxiangguo has been looking for opportunities, KT is too stable and has a very good vision. Every time Malaxiangguo wants to make a move, it will be discovered in advance.

When the game time came to 25 minutes, KT's snowball had already rolled, with a gold lead of [-], and they began to actively find RNG to take over the team, using the advantage of vision to make a surprise attack.

RNG began to retreat steadily. Although Uzi's Kai'Sa equipment is not bad, the team battle output is very explosive, even higher than the pilot's output, but there is no way. The teammates can't give much help. Xiaohu's Syndra The proficiency is not enough, and the skills are always misplaced.

The game time was 10 minutes. After KT won the team battle and got the Baron, the game basically had no suspense.

Seeing this, Brother Feng commented: "KT is still very strong. We can take it lightly. In the next knockout stage, we may meet KT."

Qi Zhou made some calculations and then said: "If KT is the No. [-] seed and we are also the No. [-] seed, we can only meet in the semi-finals at the earliest, and it is very likely that we will meet in the finals. There is plenty of time and we can study it slowly. KT."

Xiaotian: "The other two teams, how should I put it, gen and AFS."

Qi Zhou: "I think gen is a fully weakened version of KT. The style of play and style are similar. AFS is different. Their style of play is a little more aggressive. It belongs to the kind of punching the master to death."

Jin Gong: "It's comfortable to have Neptune here, and I have thoroughly studied the opposite side."

Xiaotian: "Otherwise, what do you think Neptune is doing when he is not training?"

Everyone was talking, the match between RNG and KT was over, and KT won.

The second game is AFS vs. G2 in Group A. It is also a focus match. Everyone in FPX will play with their mobile phones first, and then prepare to watch the second game together.

At this moment, the post-match interview after KT's victory began!

"Look, the pilot is being interviewed." Xiaotian said suddenly.

So everyone in FPX looked at the screen. On the screen, the pilot was being interviewed by Yu Shuang.

The previous questions were all irrelevant. When Yu Shuang asked the pilot what he thought of this S match, the pilot said directly: "I think the LCK is the strongest competition area, and we will belong to our glory, S8. The champion of the global finals must belong to our LCK."

For a moment, the LCK fans at the scene went into a frenzy. Everyone in FPX could hear the movement outside in the lounge, crying ghosts and howling wolves.

"Are the pilots so arrogant?" Lin Weixiang couldn't stand it anymore.

"He was very arrogant before, it's not like you haven't dealt with him before." Liu Qingsong said.

"That's true. It's just that I was relatively low-key in the LPL and didn't expose it. Now I don't pretend to be back in the LCK." Lin Weixiang continued.

"Brother Xiang, I support you, and kill him immediately." Jin Gong began to boo.

"It depends on the situation. If we can meet him, we must teach him a lesson." Lin Weixiang continued.

Brother Feng: "Okay, don't put your head on it, take a little rest, the second round will start later."

So everyone continued to take out their mobile phones to play. As a result, Xiaotian shouted: "I'll go, isn't it, Bangzi is so arrogant? Look at the rhythm on the Internet."

Everyone in FPX came together one after another, only to find that Han Za is now playing the rhythm everywhere on the Internet, "This year's LPL is hopeless", "This year's LPL will succeed if there is only one top eight", "This year will be the darkest year for LPL".

Seeing this, Qi Zhou smiled, and he said: "They are digging their own graves. I don't know if this year is the darkest year for LPL, but I can be sure that it will definitely be the worst year for LCK. .”

Hearing this, Xiao Tian was relieved: "I'm relieved if King Haiwang said that, and I'll make these Han bastards cry when the time comes!"

Everyone was talking, the game started, AFS played against G2.

Both are the No. [-] seeds in the division, and they are also playing from the play-in round.

Xiaotian suddenly asked: "Who do you think can win?"

Qi Zhou: "G2, AFS was not G2's opponent during the play-in match, and it is not now."

Jin Gong: "It seems that Europe and the United States have really risen, and they can win the LCK."

Everyone was talking, and the game started.

In this game, AFS chose a very aggressive lineup, and it seems that they intend to blow up G2 in the early stage.

And G2 chose a development lineup, with Ryze in the middle and Xialuo in the bottom.

After the start of the game, AFS was very reckless in the early stage and kept looking for G2 to fight.

However, G2 did a good job of avoiding the battle, and the two sides did not fight much.

As a result, AFS became more and more anxious. After entering the mid-term, G2 began to play single belt, and let Ruiz go to the side to lead the line.

As a result, the rhythm of the two sides slowed down, and it was difficult for AFS to organize an effective offense because it was pulled by Ryze.

In the middle and late stages, G2's lineup advantage became more and more obvious, and AFS began to be unable to beat it.

Upon seeing this, Brother Feng explained: "You can't underestimate G2. This year's G2 looks very strong, really strong."

Qi Zhou replied: "There is no doubt about this. G2 is not the same G2 as before. I feel that if the Korean team underestimates him, it will definitely overturn."

Finally, at 35 minutes, G2 won the teamfight and ended the game with a wave.

"The European and American Lobby has really risen, and this year's S competition is interesting." Xiaotian said expectantly.

"Let's go back first, there's no need to watch the follow-up games, it's better to use the time for training." Brother Feng suggested.

So under the leadership of Brother Feng, everyone in FPX left the competition venue and returned to the hotel to continue training.

A day passed quickly.

The second day of the group stage.

Everyone in FPX came to the competition venue again, this time everyone brought their mouse and keyboard, and they came to play the competition today.

In the lounge, coach Feng Ge is making the final preparations before the game: "Today's first match is against gen. We have studied their games before. You should understand the basic situation. I won't repeat the details. The point is With a calm mind and stable performance, it is more than enough to win them with our strength."

Everyone in FPX nodded.

On the other side, in the commentary booth at the game site, Guan Zeyuan and Ji Ji were ready.

I saw Guan Zeyuan explaining: "Okay, the second day of the upcoming group stage match, the first game is FPX from the LPL division against gen from the LCK division."

Remember: "I believe that LPL audiences have been looking forward to this game for a long time, especially after KT won RNG yesterday, they are looking forward to FPX's performance even more."

Guan Zeyuan: "After yesterday's game, all kinds of outrageous remarks appeared on the Internet. I feel that everyone should be disgusted, so I look forward to today's game so much."

Remember: "It's really outrageous. I even suspect that LPL is not the first division, and even think that LPL should be ranked third. Not to mention, isn't the champion of MSI and the Asian Games not LPL? How can someone use a group match? Sai tampered with history?"

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, the game has not yet started, but the barrage is already very lively:
"If Han Za wins a game, he is no longer who he is."

"RNG is just the No. [-] seed, KT is the No. [-] seed, isn't it normal that the No. [-] seed can't beat the No. [-] seed?"

"I'm starting to make excuses. If you can't beat the LPL, you can't beat it. What excuses are you looking for?"

"The LCK is number one in the world, and we don't accept any objections."

"You guys know shitty games, and they are not KT's opponents in FPX."

Everyone is parrying. On the field, Qi Zhou and everyone from FPX appear on the stage!
The LPL fans at the scene began to cheer: "FPX! FPX! FPX!"

Now not only FPX fans are working hard, but even RNG fans and IG fans are also working hard.

After yesterday's game, everyone realized that all the LPL is a whole, and whoever can't play well will be hacked by the entire division, so now everyone is united as never before.

After everyone in FPX made their debut, they came to their respective positions and started debugging the equipment.

Coach Feng Ge stood behind the five people and said: "Cheer up, this game is not a simple question of winning or losing, but to let other regions see the demeanor of the LPL No. [-] seed. You should understand what I mean."

"Understood!" Everyone in FPX spoke in unison.

Soon, the equipment was debugged and entered the BP link.

In this game, FPX is on the red side and GEN is on the blue side.

At the beginning, the BAN people, GEN aimed at the top lane, BAN dropped the Sword Demon and Sword Girl, and then BAN dropped the mid laner Syndra.

As for FPX, this is for the bot lane BAN Shuo Xia and EZ, and then the auxiliary Tau Tau
Entering the selection stage, the first floor of the GEN on the blue side is selected first.

GEN locks on the top single dreadnought Urgot on the first floor.

"This hero version is very strong. We can choose slowly on the road and think clearly." Feng Ge said.

So FPX got Kai'Sa and Titan on the first and second floors.

BP came to GEN again, and GEN locked the wine barrel and Galio on the second and third floors.

"Galio? The mid laner on the opposite side is a mess. I banned my Syndra just to get Galio." Toothpaste muttered.

So FPX locked the Enchantress on the third floor, and then got the jungler Nightmare on the fourth floor.

Conte was left for top lane.

BP came to GEN again, and GEN got Lucian and Thresh on the fourth and fifth floors.

In this way, only Qi Zhou's top order has not been confirmed.

Brother Feng came behind Qi Zhou and asked, "Have you thought about what to take on the road?"

Qi Zhou made a choice: "Shen, show me Shen."

FPX locked Shen on the fifth floor.

The lineups of the two sides are fully determined:
Red side FPX: top laner Shen, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Enchantress, ADC Kai'Sa, support Titan.

Blue side GEN: top laner Urgot, jungler Barrel, mid laner Galio, ADC Lucian, support Thresh.

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Guan Zeyuan analyzed:

"This game is interesting. FPX took out Nightmare to face Conte against Galio. In this BP game, I feel that FPX won a lot. They already have a lot of advantages before they start playing."

Remember: "This is indeed the case. This is due to the hero pool of FPX players. They can use any hero, as long as the tactics require it, and other teams will be more or less limited by the hero pool."

Guan Zeyuan: "Okay, let's start voting. I personally think that FPX can win this game, so I vote for FPX."

Remember: "I also have the same idea, and my votes are also for FPX. In this way, both votes are for FPX. I hope they can give us a surprise."

The two were talking, and the game started.

Qi Zhou chose Dolan Dun to go out. Don't think too much about Shen, a hero in the top lane. The laning is about resisting pressure. It mainly depends on the cooperation of support and team play.

When he came to the upper river to stand guard, Qi Zhou saw that the other side had no intention of invading, so he returned to the upper route.

At this moment, the line of troops had already arrived, and Qi Zhou was waiting in the grass, not rushing forward to push the line.

GEN's top laner cuvve played Urgot in this game. This hero is relatively strong in lane, and he will be beaten severely after being thrown over his shoulder. Moreover, this is a long-range hero, which is a bit troublesome for Qi Zhou.

Soon, the three melee soldiers were left with blood, Urgot stepped forward to make up the knife, and Qi Zhou also went up to make up the knife.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Urgot used Ping A to consume Qi Zhou's HP, Qi Zhou retreated immediately after making up the knife, and turned back to the bushes to use Dolan's shield to recover blood.

(End of this chapter)

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