Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 246 [245] Are you a master of chapters?

Chapter 246 [245] Are you a rhythm master

Qi Zhou is not in a hurry, GEN is a relatively average team, and his teammates should be able to cope with it. When the opportunity is right, Qi Zhou will support the rhythm and help his teammates build an advantage, and the game will basically be won.

But Qi Zhou is not in a hurry, Cuvee is. He knows Qi Zhou's ability, if he can't get enough advantage in the lane, it will be difficult to play later in this one.

The second wave of soldiers came, and Cuvee started to control the line. He wanted Qi Zhou to come out and give him a chance to consume.

Qi Zhou was still the same as before, he came out to make up his sword, and after being beaten, he went back to the grass and relied on Dolan's shield to recover his blood. As long as his blood volume was not continuously consumed, it was not a big problem.

While laning, Qi Zhou was also observing the situation in other lanes.

First of all, the mid laner. The situation in the middle lane is relatively clear. Toothpaste's enchantress has been putting pressure on Galio. The mid laner of this GEN is generally a bastard, and he feels very uncomfortable in front of Toothpaste.

Fortunately, this version of Galio is very resistant to stress, so it can be stabilized for the time being.

On the bottom side, the combination of the bottom lane is at a disadvantage, and Kai'Sa is definitely not Lucian's opponent online.

Therefore, the bottom line is advancing towards the first tower of FPX, which is a good opportunity for Qi Zhou!

So Qi Zhou commanded: "Give me an eye on the next road, put it in the grass on the opposite side, and put it when the other side is assisting to go out, so that the other side can't see it."

The Thresh on the opposite side is the shield of the holy object, so after being passive, he will definitely walk out of the grass and help make up the knife.

At this time, Liu Qingsong placed a field of vision on the grass on the opposite side, and he didn't know the other side at all.

"You want TP to support the bottom lane, right?" Liu Qingsong asked.

"Yes, you can go back to the control line for a while." Qi Zhou replied.

So Liu Qingsong began to look for opportunities. He is now in the grass, and occasionally goes out to help Bing A.

The next wave of minions is coming, and this is the minion line with artillery vehicles.

The result was just as Qi Zhou expected, Thresh walked out of the grass on the opposite side and helped Lucian replenish the cannon, so that both of them had money for the cannon.

However, what GEN didn't know was that the grass on their side now had FPX vision!

The director also specially gave this view a close-up.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan explained: "What's the purpose of this field of vision? Normally, you wouldn't look at it. The sight positions in the early stage are very precious, and it's impossible to let them go casually."

Remember: "I feel... this is a TP ward around the back. If the pawn line continues to advance towards FPX, or even pushes to the defense tower, when the top lane TP goes to this ward position, it will be too late for GEN to bot lane retreated."

Soon, things developed as everyone expected.

Because the laning combination is relatively strong, Chidi and corejj pushed the bottom lane all the way to the front of the first tower of FPX. The two made a vision in the river, and the vision was very deep. If Nightmare ganks, it will To be seen ahead of time.

Now the Nightmare does not have level [-], it cannot dash forward from a long distance, and at the same time, it has no displacement, and it cannot go through the wall directly to the grass in the river, so it is very safe for the GEN bot lane.

Of course, this is just their unilateral opinion.

On the top road, Urgot is still slowly controlling the lane. What he doesn't know is that Qi Zhou's mind is not on the lane at all.

Qi Zhou saw that the bottom lane was actually mature, so he gave the bottom lane signal: "I'm coming."

While speaking, Qi Zhou gave TP to the bottom lane.

On the next side of the road, seeing that Qi Zhou had already given TP, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong walked forward together, ready to cooperate with GANK.

On GEN's side, Chidi was still very vigilant. He saw that the two FPX's bottom laners were not in the right position, so he chose to retreat all the way.

Suddenly, he saw a red square TP in the grass behind him!

"The opposing TP is backing up!" Chidi shouted.

On the top lane, cuvve reacted quickly, and immediately switched the perspective to the bottom lane, trying to find a TP position.

At this time, he found an embarrassing thing, there is no eye position for TP on the line!
The nearest eye is in front of Xiaolongkeng, and that view is too far away, and the day lily will be cold by the time he walks over.

There is no way, cuvve can only choose to give TP to the bottom lane.

This position is actually very bad, just before FPX goes down the first tower, and because of hesitation, the time given by his TP is already very late.

On the bottom road, Chidi and corejj are planning to walk in the direction of the river to avoid being double-teamed.

Liu Qingsong's Titan chose to step forward, slowing Thresh with an E skill, and at the same time forced out Lucian's E skill.

As soon as the Titans tied A, they first controlled Thresh and then started to output, and Lucian also started to output after pulling to a safe position.

Now Urgot has given TP, so Chidi intends to delay the time first.

Qi Zhou's Shen TP landed, and after landing, Shen went straight to Lucian and Thresh.

Thresh kept the E skill in his hand, which was used to interrupt Shen's E skill. He chose to flash and pull away first, and then he was ready to turn back and use the E skill to interrupt the skill at any time.

What Thresh didn't expect was that Qi Zhou didn't shoot directly, but waited for Titan's hook to hit first, then followed up with an E skill, and finally caught up with Flash, taunting Lucian!

Seeing that Lu Xi'an was being ridiculed, Titan flashed up and tied Lu Xi'an with a flat A. Lin Weixiang also kept his skills, waiting for a chance to touch Lu Xi'an.

Taking advantage of Lucian being charged, Kai'Sa flashed forward and dealt damage. After playing passively, she took Lucian's head.

Urgot also rushed over at this time, but Lucian was already dead, which made Urgot's situation a bit embarrassing.

Urgot could only choose to go to the wild area of ​​FPX, avoiding people first.

On the other side, Qi Zhou helped the duo kill the support, and Kai'Sa and Shen each got a head.

"Nice, this wave of support is very powerful." It was Xiaotian who spoke. Before he started gank, someone helped him with things first. There is no more comfortable rhythm than this.

"Where did that kid Urgot go?" Lin Weixiang wanted to take another head, but found that he couldn't see the person opposite him.

"I'm going back to the city first, you can look for it." Qi Zhou didn't intend to waste time.

FPX does not intend to waste time in the bottom lane, Urgot still has a flash, there is a high probability that he cannot be killed, so it is better to save time to make up the knife.

On the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan explained: "Aquaman has started, this wave of support is definitely unexpected on the opposite side, and GEN didn't expect to have a ward behind him when he went down the road."

Remember: "And the funniest thing is that Urgot asked for TP at the first time, but he didn't seem to be able to find a position. In the end, he had to TP to the lane. After leaving the lane, he didn't do anything. He ran to the jungle area of ​​FPX and returned to the city. It's a good thing that Sky isn't there, and if Sky had been, Urgot would have died in the end."

Guan Zeyuan: "Aquaman chose Shen in this match. In fact, he didn't intend to play against the opponent. He just compared the overall situation, consciousness, and support ability. Now we can see that Aquaman is far ahead in these aspects."

Qi Zhou returned to the top lane and continued to develop, but Urgot didn't show up for a long time, so Qi Zhou took the opportunity to make up a few more knives.

At the same time, Xiaotian's Nightmare was frantically spawning wild monsters. After the first round of wild monsters were all brushed, he returned to the city to replenish and then continued to farm.

On GEN's side, Ambison's Tonkatsu originally intended to gank, but unexpectedly, Shen led a wave of rhythm. Now the rhythm of the audience is chaotic, and Tonkeg missed the first wave of ganks.

After Urgot returned to the top lane, he continued to look for opportunities to consume Qi Zhou.

Qi Zhou's coping method is still the same, and because of the fleshy outfit, it is more resistant to fighting, and it is getting less and less difficult for Qi Zhou to resist pressure on the road.

Soon, five and a half minutes into the game, the junglers and solo lanes of both sides rose to level six one after another.

Qi Zhou's Shen also reached the sixth level, and he began to look for opportunities to use big moves to support him.

There is not much chance in the middle lane, and Galio on the opposite side is very wretched, and he will not give this kind of opportunity at all.

Qi Zhou looked at the down lane again. After suffering a loss in the down lane, GEN obviously had to restrain himself a lot, and now he dared not suppress it casually.

In this way, the pressure on FPX to get off the road will be very small, and Qi Zhou's goal will be achieved.

Now it only needs to look at Xiaotian's thoughts, wherever his nightmare flies, Qi Zhou will fly there.

After Xiaotian's Nightmare reached the sixth level, he chose to go directly to the bottom road. The opposite Thresh did not flash, and he wanted to attack Thresh.

But after approaching the bottom road, the factory manager was spotted by the opposite vision.

GEN and the two on the bottom road began to retreat, and the barrel was also going down the road at the same time.

The factory manager knew he had been spotted when he saw the movements of the two people on the opposite side of the road. He chose to turn on the scan to exclude the view of the river.

Then go all the way to the opposite side and get off the triangle grass, and drain the real eyes inside.

At this moment, the toothpaste in the middle lane reminded: "The opposite middle lane is gone. He has a big move. Be careful."

Xiaotian replied: "It's okay, he can't use the big move if I use the big move, unless he gives it in advance."

Xiaotian was about to leave after clearing his view of the opposite bottom lane.

At this moment, Qi Zhou commanded: "You can find the middle lane on the opposite side. The two of you double-team in front and back, and Galio will have nowhere to go!"

Xiaotian: "Why didn't I think of that! I'm here!"

Xiaotian's nightmare walked to the opposite wild area, and on the middle side, the toothpaste enchantress surrounded him from the middle.

Although I didn't see the specific location of Galio, but the toothpaste can be calculated, it should be near the grass outside the red BUFF.

Toothpaste handed over his W skill to cross the wall, and immediately saw Galio walking in the direction of F6!
So the toothpaste didn't say anything, handed over the big move to get close, and then followed a chain.

As soon as Galio saw the enchantress, he threw the E skill justice punch, but the justice punch was blocked by the enchantress with his body!

Galio charged up his W skill, trying to control the Enchantress.

At this moment, the wine barrel rushed over from the partition wall, trying to cooperate with Galio to kill the enchantress!

At this moment, the shield of Shen's big move appeared on Yaoji's body!
Although Enchantress was arrested and suffered a set of output from the barrel and Galio, he was not instantly killed, but was passively beaten out.

At the same time as the opponent was attacking, Xiaotian's nightmare activated his big move, flew directly to find the wine barrel, and followed up with an E skill after landing.

Seeing that the situation is wrong, the wine barrel chooses to flash and pull it out to enter the red BUFF pit.

Xiaotian reacted quickly, flashing to catch up at the first time, the fear effect of Nightmare's W skill was triggered, and Shen's big move landed at the same time, and E skill taunted the wine barrel on the wall.

On the other side, Galio had already flashed and ran away without looking back.

So the wine barrel was killed, and the head was given to the enchantress.

"Nice! Oh! It's taking off!" Toothpaste began to celebrate.

Xiao Tian said, "Sea King still has a trick. If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have known I would come here to catch the mid laner."

Qi Zhou: "I'll go back first, wait for my TP and ult to come down and do something."

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan explained: "The first two waves of rhythm in this game are related to Shen. It seems that Aquaman is going to play with Kerry. In contrast, cuvve has no effect whether it is laning or supporting. "

Remember: "Before the game, we actually analyzed that there is a gap between the top laners of the two sides, but I didn't expect the gap to be so big. Cuvve has always been a very good top laner in my memory, but it was not good when I met Neptune. "

In the official live broadcast room, LPL fans are already mocking:

"Is this the LCK's top order? It's delicious."

"Didn't you talk about the LCK before, how will it be this year? What is it like now?"

"This is the LCK, hahaha."

"A group of dish dogs, the tone is too loud."

"I suggest relegating the LCK to the third division."

"The game has just started, why are you in a hurry?"

There were also unconvinced LCK fans, so the two sides began to scold each other, which was no less intense than the competition.

The game time came to 9 minutes, Qi Zhou now has a big move and a TP.

However, Urgot now has TP. If he TPs to the front at the same time, regardless of the position, Urgot can play a greater role.

So Qi Zhou was more cautious and didn't make casual moves.

At the same time, Xiaotian's nightmare is also looking for opportunities.

Now there is no flash in the middle lane on the opposite side, and the HP has been consumed by the demon girl all the time.

So Xiaotian came to the middle and gave Galio a kill mark.

Immediately afterwards, Nightmare used his big move to fly in the middle!

While Nightmare was using her big move, Toothpaste's Enchantress also handed over her W skill to get close to Galio, and then sent her E skill to Galio.

Galio was about to retreat when the nightmare flew into his face.

Nightmare gave him the last W skill, and Galio had nowhere to hide, so he could only activate the W skill to reduce the damage he received. If Nightmare and the Enchantress can be controlled, there might be a glimmer of life left.

But the moment the W was released, the shield of Nightmare's W skill was chopped off.

In the end, Galio was terrified and his head was taken by Nightmare.

"Nice, this rhythm is very good, brothers, come on." Toothpaste began to cheer everyone up.

On the next side of the road, the wine barrel suddenly appeared!

Thresh's hook hit Liu Qingsong's Titan, and the wine barrel picked up the lantern, and then blasted the Titan back early in the morning.

In the end, the Titan was killed and the head was given to Lucian.

Seeing this, Liu Qingsong took the initiative to take the blame: "My question has been hooked."

Qi Zhou comforted, "It's nothing, it's just a head."

This wave of Qi Zhou can indeed give Tai Tan his big move, but judging from the situation just now, Tai Tan should not be able to persist in his big move, so Qi Zhou chose not to let it go to avoid waste.

Although GEN won a head, but still can't regain the disadvantage, Ambison can only continue to look for opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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