Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 247 [247] Do you understand what is the LPL No. 1 seed!

Chapter 247 [247] Do you understand what is called the LPL No. [-] seed!

At the commentary seat, I remember excitedly saying: "Lin Weixiang! Lin Weixiang showed off, and used flexible positioning to hide 1 skills. Is this Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa? Is this LPL's Kai'Sa?"

Guan Zeyuan continued: "If you're looking for a hero to serve as the signature of LPLADC, it must be Kai'Sa. Our LPL Kai'Sa dares to operate and show off. As an ADC, he is the leader of the general in the army. It's like picking something out of a bag!"

On the field, on the FPX side, everyone is already celebrating.

Xiaotian: "I have this one, brother Xiang will take us to fly."

Liu Qingsong: "This wave of moves is okay."

Qi Zhou: "Looks like I can win by lying down."

Toothpaste: "Brother Xiang is awesome! The world's number one Kaisa."

Lin Weixiang was a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "Low-key, low-key, let's save character."

While talking and laughing, everyone in FPX took down the bottom tower, and then took Xiaolong.

Everyone in FPX began to change lanes, and the duo team switched to the middle lane. Now that the duo team has such a great advantage, they can play casually.

GEN's first tower in the middle was in danger, and both the jungler and the mid laner were pulled over to help defend.

In this way, the toothpaste enchantress can easily develop, and one person will lead the line in the bottom lane, and bring the pawn line to the front of the second tower on the opposite side.

There is no way, Galio can only return to the bottom lane to defend.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the toothpaste enchantress walked from the wild to the middle, ready to cooperate with her teammates to advance.

On the middle side, the pawn line was pushed by FPX. Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa already had two sets, while Chidi's Lucian only had one big piece. The gap in equipment was too big.

The first tower in the middle of GEN was continuously depleted of HP, and was still fighting wild wine barrels in the front. Under the cover of wine barrels, Lucian was able to step forward to clear the line of troops.

At the moment when Lucian cleared the line of troops, suddenly, the toothpaste enchantress appeared at the position of F6.

The toothpaste starts scanning and cleans up the two nearby eyes.

As a result, the wine barrel and Lucian under the tower panicked a little. Fortunately, the line of soldiers had been cleared, and the three of them retreated quickly.

"Wait for the next wave, Xiaotian, you also come to the middle lane, we will directly jump over the tower." Toothpaste directed.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Xiao Tian replied.

So Toothpaste went back to the bottom lane and continued to lead the line. After bringing two waves of pawn lines, Galio was dragged to the bottom lane. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Toothpaste started to lean towards the middle lane again.

This time, Xiaotian's nightmare was also nearby. Although GEN didn't know the exact location of the nightmare, they had to take the nightmare into consideration. The three people under the tower didn't even dare to clear the line of soldiers.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan explained: "GEN will disappear in the middle of the road like this. Are they sure they won't start a group? Just die slowly like this?"

Remember: "GEN has only one style of play now. Galio and Urgot take the initiative to form a team in the middle. They start the team first, so as to avoid the problem that after Nightmare's big move, Urgot and Galio can't support their teammates. But the point is that GEN is not this kind of team that dares to fight and fight, so it is more troublesome."

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"This is the second seed of the LCK? A vegetable dog."

"I have seen food, but I have never seen such food."

"Why don't you dare to start a group, what is GEN playing?"

"I reckon that when they saw Neptune's ID, they wouldn't be scared to pee their pants, let alone start a group."

As everyone was talking, the first tower in the middle road was dropped by FPX.

Just then, it was dark!

When FPX demolished the first tower in the middle lane, the GEN duo hesitated behind the defensive tower. The two of them looked very reluctant if they couldn't get up, and the three began to retreat after the defensive tower was pushed down.

But it was too late, Xiaotian threw a blue jewelry eye in front of the second tower, took a picture of the person's location, and then directly used his big move!

"Open the curtain!" Nightmare charged at Lucian with Shen's ultimate move.

At the same time, the toothpaste enchantress came around from the side, Lucian surrendered his E skill and retreated to the second tower, and the nightmare was brought in.

Nightmare's ultimate move landed, and Shen's ultimate move also landed. Lucian flashed to distance himself, trying to avoid being ridiculed by Shen.

As a result, Qi Zhou's Shen ignored him at all, Shen's ridicule went to the wine barrel and Thresh!

Seeing this, Chidi seemed to have a chance, so he turned around and started outputting.

In the end, before he hit two A's, the toothpaste enchantress came out from the side, and with a W flash followed by a QRE, Lucian was instantly knocked out!
Kai'Sa entered the arena with her ult move and began to harvest wine barrels and Thresh. Liu Qingsong's Titan followed up and hit the wine barrel with her ult.

FPX's five players surpassed three of them, and their skills flew wildly, directly killing Wine Barrel and Thresh in an instant.

After winning the team battle, everyone in FPX began to push the second tower in the middle.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan explained: "If this goes on like this, it feels like the second tower in the middle of GEN is gone. FPX's style of play is too aggressive. It feels like GEN has been beaten."

Remember: "GEN should be in a state of confusion now. They should have never seen such a fierce attack in the LCK, so they were in a hurry when they suddenly encountered it."

Guan Zeyuan: "I can only say that this is the demeanor of the LPL team. No matter how much slander and rumors are spread on the Internet, when it really comes to the arena, everyone can tell whether it is a mule or a horse at a glance. "

Remember: "This FPX game is very morale-boosting for LPL. I also hope that the other two LPL teams can regain their confidence after seeing this FPX game."

As the two were talking, everyone in FPX not only took down the second tower in the middle road, but also took down the highland tower.

After taking down the Highland Tower, the Highland Crystal was not demolished, and everyone in FPX retreated together.

When the game time came to 10 minutes, everyone in FPX beat Xiaolong first. Originally, they wanted to use Xiaolong to force GEN to come out to pick up the team, but GEN shrank back and didn't mean to come out to pick up the team.

Seeing this, Xiaotian complained: "It's too wretched, I dare not come out, it's boring."

Toothpaste continued: "It's still interesting to play against the LPL team, and I don't hesitate to play if I say so."

Liu Qingsong: "LCK's cancerous style of play should also be eliminated, affecting the viewing experience."

Lin Weixiang: "Not to mention the viewing experience, as their opponent, I feel disgusted to death."

After taking down Xiaolong, Xiaotian asked: "What should we do now, if they don't come out, shall we go directly to fight Dalong?"

Toothpaste agreed: "You can fight, we will fight Dalong and they will definitely come out."

Just when everyone was about to go to Dalong, Qi Zhou said: "It is indeed possible to fight, but it is a bit risky. It is difficult to rush directly at this time. Our speed of fighting Dalong is not fast. I have a safer way."

"Let's go through the middle now, first remove the crystals of their base, and then go to the Dalong Pit, leaving a few eye positions on the line. They should bring the line of troops here, and they may go to the Dalong side, regardless of them Where to go, as long as we come out, we can start a group directly!"

After hearing this, Xiaotian suddenly realized: "It makes sense, why didn't I expect to be able to play like this before."

Liu Qingsong: "I'll go back to make up my eyes first, and you guys handle the pawn line well."

So everyone in FPX started to split up, push the line to push the line, and go back to supply the supply.

After getting ready, Liu Qingsong first made a little vision around the big dragon, and then everyone came to the middle to gather and advance.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan explained: "There is no defensive tower in the mid-lane highland of GEN now. It seems that FPX is going to take down the crystal of the mid-lane highland, and GEN will release it with a high probability."

Remember: "If you are reluctant to let go, you may be forced to open. At that time, it will not be a problem with the highland crystal, and the game may end directly."

Soon, the line of soldiers was brought to the high ground. Although the five people on the GEN side came back to defend, their defense was only symbolic. The five people had no intention of going forward at all, and just watched from behind.

So FPX took advantage of the opportunity to take down the highland crystal in the middle, and then retreated together. What GEN didn't know was that FPX had left a lot of eye positions on the way.

While retreating, everyone in FPX placed two eye positions on the high ground, and then walked towards the Dalongkeng together.

On the GEN side, after the FPX people left, the duo pushed the pawn line out in the middle, and Ambison's wine barrel was on the side to cover, and at the same time turned on the scan to remove the ward on the high ground.

At this time, Emperor Chi reminded: "The opposite side may have fought a big dragon in the past, should we not go and have a look?"

After hearing this, An Bixin replied: "Don't go directly into the wild area, they may be ambushing."

But as soon as An Bixin finished speaking, it was getting dark!
"Open the curtain!" Xiaotian's nightmare made a big move, pointing directly at Lucian with caution!

At this time, Lucian was on the high ground, still quite far from the front tooth tower, more than one screen.

An Bixin didn't say anything about the erhu, and threw a big move over, trying to stop the nightmare.

In the end, it was blocked by Nightmare's W skill, and at the same time, Shen's big move landed. Although Nightmare was hit by Thresh's hook, it was not in the way.

But in the process of E, Shen handed over the flash and taunted Lucian!

Guan Zeyuan explained enthusiastically: "FPX suddenly launched an attack. Taking advantage of the fact that GEN's personnel were relatively scattered, they directly started a group. Shen E flashed and taunted Lu Xian, and Kai'Sa entered the field! Lucian had no one to protect him, and Kai'Sa's set of damage directly killed Lu Xi'an. He's gone!"

Remember: "The toothpaste witch W took the big move, crossed two walls and came to the grass to participate in the battle. The barrel and Thresh couldn't escape. GEN felt like it was going to be a wave!"

The sudden start of the team caught everyone in GEN off guard. At this time, the mid laner Galio had already reached the second tower retreat line, while the top laner Urgot was in the second tower of the top lane. The two noticed something was wrong and started to rush back.

The two couldn't see the situation of their teammates, so they could only judge by language.

"I'm gone, I'm gone." Chidi's voice came.

Then Ambison: "I'm dead too."

Finally, corejj: "I can't escape either."

So after the nightmare ult was over, GEN Zhongshang found that all his teammates were gone, only the two of them were left.

On the FPX side, five people advance.

Although they knew they couldn't defend, the two still had to come forward to defend.

On the FPX side, everyone has already prepared a wave with their troops.

Xiaotian began to flatter: "Sea King has a way, just attack the opponent directly. If he fights Dalong, he may be robbed."

Liu Qingsong: "So when playing a game, the mind should be open and not rigid."

Lin Weixiang: "I'm so happy with this one, ten heads are super gods."

Toothpaste: "The world's number one Kaisa, well-deserved reputation."

Lin Weixiang: "Brother, don't be like this, help me save some character."

Everyone was talking and laughing, the middle line was pushed into the defense tower, and the five of them stepped forward to point him.

On GEN's side, Urgot and Galio can only be anxious.

The two of them didn't dare to go up, knowing that it would be for nothing, so it's better to make their record look better.

So GEN was flattened by a wave, and until the end, Urgot and Galio didn't play either.

Guan Zeyuan: "Let's congratulate FPX for easily winning the first game and showing the world the demeanor of our No. [-] seed in the LPL."

Remember: "Now LPL fans can be proud and elated. After sweeping away the previous haze, RNG's loss once made LPL fans very worried. The county no longer has to worry about it. Our LPL can still afford the name of the first division now, unless Someone can challenge FPX, otherwise the title will be ours."

Guan Zeyuan: "That's true. A division is called the first division, not because of the second or third strongest team, but because the first strongest team is the strongest in the world! Now FPX is our division. Confidence!"

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage exploded:

"Who else! I'll ask who else!"

"This is the LCK? Is this?"

"I thought it was awesome, but it turned out to be CJB."

"The LCK doesn't work either, why did it blow up?"

"It's as if you can beat KT, and KT is the No. [-] seed."

In the barrage, there are many unconvinced LCK fans who are still clamoring. In their view, as long as the No. [-] seed KT does not lose, then the LCK has not lost, and other teams don't care.

On the playing field, everyone in FPX who won the game got up and walked towards the lounge amidst rolling cheers.

Back in the waiting room, the coach Feng Ge came up and said: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone has worked hard this time."

Everyone found a chair to sit down, and Xiaotian said: "I guess they will change the BP in the next game. Heroes like Nightmare and Shen, they will definitely not let us."

Qi Zhou agreed: "I probably won't let it go. If they let it go again, their brains are not clear. Although Cuvee is relatively comprehensive, he has a shortcoming, that is, single belt. He is not like smeb who can play sword girl single." belt, so meeting a hero like Shen would be a headache.”

Brother Feng agreed: "That's true. If it's a semb, he must have used Jian Ji to lead him through the top lane. Since GEN will definitely target us in the next game, what do you think about BP?"

Qi Zhou said: "How about this, let's give them a surprise, I will go to play the bottom lane in the next game, Lin Weixiang will rest first, let Jin Gong go on the top lane, so as to disrupt their plans, do you think they should be banned by then? ?”

Jin Gong laughed after hearing this: "Sea King, you are really bad. GEN probably has to guess whether I can play Shen, and the hero BP that is aimed at you in the bottom lane, I guess they will feel numb."

Brother Feng nodded after hearing this: "This is a good way, let's do it like this in the next game, Jin Gong will play, and Lin Weixiang will rest."

Lin Weixiang replied: "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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