Chapter 248 [246] Kai'Sa from LPL

An Bixin went back to fight wild, and he had to wait for the next big move if he wanted to do something.

However, what he didn't know was that when he was clearing the jungle, Qi Zhou was also looking for opportunities to do something.

"You can do another wave on the bottom road, Xiaotian, you go down the road and jump over the tower, I have a big move." Qi Zhou directed.

Xiaotian's nightmare began to rush down the road.

After Liu Qingsong’s Titan was revived, he returned to the bottom lane. Taking advantage of the opposite side’s return to the city for supplies, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang began to push the line. lined up.

Xiaotian's nightmare followed closely behind, and the two stood in the grass in ambush.

Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa is on the upper and lower lanes. He has a big move, so once the direction of the triangle grass fights, he can fly directly there.

Soon, the two of GEN went back to the lane, and they pushed the pawn line first. After the pawn line went out, the two stood still under the defensive tower, as if they sensed danger.

Normally, Titan would definitely need to go to the triangle grass for vision at this time, but he didn't go.

"Play more and less? But now there is no way to play more and less. Can you let Liu Qingsong come back?" Toothpaste asked doubtfully.

Qi Zhou is playing Shen. This hero's one-on-one ability is very average. If he is close to Urgot, he will definitely not be able to beat him. This has nothing to do with the operation. Qi Zhou can only temporarily resist pressure.

Remember: "If there is a collision between the middle and the wild, it must be that GEN is stronger. Shen's own combat ability is not strong, mainly relying on his advantages. If he can't cause more fights, his role will be stronger than Urgot's. Much worse."

At the same time, the toothpaste enchantress is not far away from hitting the road.

Xiaotian: "Don't worry, the head is yours, we just need to assist."

I saw him say: "You can find a chance to fight a wave, the opponent can't beat us."

It's not that he didn't know that he would die, but he didn't want the opponent to push the defense tower, so he chose to stay under the defense tower, use his skills to clear the line of troops, and at the same time seduce the opponent.

Guan Zeyuan: "However, I have to say that GEN's top road development is quite good. Except for the inexplicable delay in the development time of the first wave of support, he is developing at other times. Now he has the most hits in the game, and FPX top road has a The tower's blood volume is low, if Neptune continues to support, the first tower on the road will definitely be pushed down."

Seeing that Qi Zhou had said that, Liu Qingsong no longer hesitated. After the next wave of troops came, Liu Qingsong stepped forward and directly raised his hands.

"The opposing jungler should be near the top lane." Qi Zhou reminded.

But the toothpaste in the middle lane is relatively fat. As long as he pushes the pawn line in the middle lane, he will disappear on the lane and put pressure on the opponent.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan explained: "GEN's bottom road is a bit miserable. It has been targeted all the time. Now it is impossible to match up normally. It is still inevitable to die when the consciousness is in place."

So the two of GEN went down the road to the direction of the second tower. Although they were very reluctant to send troops, Chidi had no other way now.

While the two were talking, the situation changed. When the line of troops was about to enter the tower, Lucian and Tai Tan took the initiative to step up and block the line of troops outside. Lucian quickly pushed the line.

Qi Zhou has been observing other roads, so he saw this opportunity immediately.

At this moment, Shen's big move landed!
Liu Qingsong's Titans saw the opportunity, flashed forward and made a tie-A shot.

Urgot led the line of troops to the direction of the second tower, and this time, it was useless for the enchantress to go up the road. Urgot kept looking for opportunities to fight and consume in front of the second tower.

Nightmare flew to Urgot with Shen, and Urgot chose to fight back on the spot. Both Nightmare and Shen's output was relatively limited, and they couldn't directly kill Urgot, and the two sides entered a state of dogfighting.

Galio's ult hit the ground, the wine barrel came out from the side, and an E flashed the ult, directly blasting Shen and Nightmare back, and Nightmare's blood volume bottomed out!

Lin Weixiang knew this very well, so he didn't stop, and used all his E skills, just to get to the road in time.

Not only that, Ambison's wine barrel came out from the nearby grass, he didn't flash, so he couldn't flash, so he had to come out first and rely on Kai'Sa.

Guan Zeyuan passionately explained: "I am so confident to take my place, this Kaisha has shown the wine barrel to be a fool!"

On the bottom side, the pawn lines of both sides have already encountered each other!
Seeing that Kai'Sa didn't show up, Chidi reacted very quickly, and he immediately sent a signal to Shanglu.

"Nice! It's taking off, Xiangxiang." Xiaotian celebrated.

So Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa was fully fired, the barrel and Galio didn't flash, and the enchantress helped to keep people, Kai'Sa defeated them one by one, and finally won the triple kill!

At this moment, Qi Zhou's Shen released his E skill. He has been waiting for Kai'Sa to take his place!
Just when everyone thought FPX might be defeated, Kai'Sa flew over!

A wave of soldiers was quickly pushed away, and everyone in FPX failed to catch the opportunity.

Under the influence of the Enchantress, Urgot had to be a little more wretched.

On the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan explained; "This wave of FPX has made a lot of money. It's not just a matter of three heads. The most important thing is that these three heads were given to Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa. He is the leader of this team. The output core of FPX in the field, let him get three kills, GEN will be very uncomfortable."

While he was using his big move, Qi Zhou's big move was also in place!
Nightmare flew towards Lucian, turned on the W skill after getting close to offset Thresh's E skill, but Thresh still had a hook and hit Nightmare.

"It's okay, I'm about to drop the next tower." Lin Weixiang replied.

Remember: "FPX's forced opening method is too perverted. Emperor Chi has already gone to the second tower, and he was forcibly killed. Who can stand it? If I were Emperor Chi, I would definitely start cursing people."

"It's risky, it's not necessary. Let's give full play to the advantages of the lineup and play more and less." Qi Zhou said slowly.

On GEN's side, Thresh covered Lucian's retreat, opened his big move next to Lucian, and at the same time stood in front of Lucian to avoid being hit by the Titan's hook.

However, Kai'Sa dodged the wine barrel's kill in a flash, so Lucian was not killed in seconds, and there was still a trace of blood left.

"They know we're here, so forget about this wave." Liu Qingsong suggested.

While speaking, Lin Weixiang has already pushed the line of soldiers and returned to the city to replenish!

On the bottom lane, the revived Titan returned to the bottom lane, and the bottom lane began to match up normally.

On the bottom side, Liu Qingsong's Titan was forcibly killed.

Lin Weixiang joked: "If I come up to support and don't give me a kill, I will turn my face, and I will lose my line when I go down."

On GEN's side, Galio and Wine Barrel are going up the road, and will soon support Urgot.

But this cuvee started to push his nose to his face, relying on his higher level, he looked for various opportunities online to consume Qi Zhou's blood volume.

"Toothpaste, you go to the bottom lane, Xiaotian, you also go there, we will directly jump over the tower, the jungler on the opposite side may be there, but it doesn't matter." Qi Zhou directed.

Seeing the failure of gank in the bottom lane, Qi Zhou began to look for new opportunities.

Guan Zeyuan: "If the Titans support, this wave will be too late. Maybe FPX will not be able to beat the top lane, but Kai'Sa can enter the field from a long distance and change the battlefield situation instantly. FPX is a complete victory tactically."

The GEN bottom lane duo saw Kai'Sa on the top lane, so naturally they would not show mercy. The two killed the Titan together, but the defense tower couldn't be pushed, and there were not many minions.

After hearing this, Xiaotian also felt that it made sense, so he left directly.

Qi Zhou said another method: "It's not necessary. In this way, push the lane down and let Kai'Sa come back. We will start a team head-on. Kai'Sa will use her big move to follow, and this crisis will be resolved."

This time, Qi Zhou chose TP to return to the line to defend the tower. Now the other lanes will definitely not be able to fight for the time being, so he can develop for a while with peace of mind.

So Xiaotian and Toothpaste went straight to the bottom lane one after another. On the bottom lane, perhaps seeing that the middle lane disappeared, Chidi and corejj chose to retreat to the defense tower.

"Is it okay for us to hit the road three times?" Xiaotian asked.

Urgot retreated one after another, trying to wait for Kai'Sa to appear in the bottom lane.

The wine barrel wanted to use the big move to bring Kai'Sa back, Kai'Sa turned around and moved away, and easily turned the wine barrel's big move.

Now Kai'Sa's equipment is much better than Lucian's. After the big move CD improved, Lin Weixiang was ready to move.

After this wave, GEN's overall momentum was gone, especially Ambison as a jungler. Now he just feels like his head is blank, and he doesn't know what to do to lead the team to victory.

Although Lucian handed over his E skill in time, he was still controlled by Titan's Ping A. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou's Shen E flashed to control Lucian, and then followed up with the damage to take Lucian's head!
On the other side, Urgot's TP landed, and Urgot chose to go to Kai'Sa. Kai'Sa moved while outputting, very agile.

Although GEN has good consciousness, it is impossible to maintain absolute concentration all the time, and it will definitely show flaws.

Liu Qingsong said: "If I go back and walk to the second tower on the upper road, it will take a lot of time, and the other side may notice it."

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan explained, "The awareness of the two bottom laners of GEN is a bit good. They probably knew that others were squatting, so they didn't go out under the defensive tower. Now the bottom lane is full of dangers. If they are not careful, they will die. .”

At the same time, Shen's ultimate move was given to Kai'Sa, and the moment Lucian was killed, Kai'Sa entered the field!
Kai'Sa used her ult to fly to Lucian's face. Suddenly, a TP was sent to the bottom lane. This is the TP from the blue side. Don't look, it's obviously Urgot's!

At this moment, Nightmare made a big move!
Xiaotian didn't want the opponent to just leave, so he chose to make a big move to keep him.

Suddenly, Guan Zeyuan realized that something was wrong, and he said: "Hey! Something is wrong, Kai'Sa has returned to the city, and he is now walking on the top road, and GEN seems to have no idea about this on the bottom road. If Kai'Sa supports the past , GEN Naka Ueno will definitely suffer!"

The game time is 13 minutes. On the middle side, the toothpaste disabled Galio, and Galio had to go back to the city to replenish.

Toothpaste; "Then this problem is not solved now, why not try three-on-three, let's pull it off, let me play two sets of skills, and I should be able to win."

At the same time, the toothpaste enchantress also rushed to the front, and without a word, W entered the field to deal damage.

On the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan explained: "GEN seems to have found a way to deal with the support flow of FPX. They chose the middle and upper field to push the road together, and Galio went to the wild area after pushing the pawn line, and joined the jungler first. Even if Galio can't amplify the move after the Nightmare ult is activated, their support on the road will be very fast."

Urgot's arrogance on the opposite side must have something to rely on. In addition to Galio's ult support in the middle, there must be support from the jungler, otherwise he would not be so arrogant.

Shen's big move landed at the same time, and before Lucian handed over his E skill and flash, he taunted Lucian first.

Galio flashed forward to take the head, but it didn't matter anymore, now that Kai'Sa was present, everyone in FPX only needed to protect Kai'Sa.

Immediately afterwards, the toothpaste enchantress handed over her W skill from the side and crossed the wall to approach Lucian. The enchantress chose a QRE combo and directly gave Lucian a second!

Seeing this opportunity, Xiaotian decisively launched his big move.

Qi Zhou gave the big move to Xiaotian, and prepared to fly there with Xiaotian.

Qi Zhou then said, "I have a big move, I can fight this wave."

At this moment, An Bixin reminded: "It's not safe to go under the defensive tower, they may cooperate with the road to jump over the tower and continue to retreat!"

Kai'Sa ult entered the arena, and after entering the arena, Urgot, who harvested the remaining blood, put the ult on Nightmare before Urgot died, but was dodged by Nightmare's flash.

After the FPX bot line entered the tower, Xiaotian found that there was no one under the tower, so he chose to throw a blue jewelry eye, which was thrown between the first and second bot towers. As expected, Lucian and Thresh Going in the direction of the second tower!

After the nightmare ult disappeared, Galio ult appeared on Urgot!

Remember: "That's true. In fact, GEN's approach itself is not a problem. After discovering the danger, Nakano and Ueno also retreated in time. The main reason is that FPX's handling is better. Generally speaking, the bottom lane is for support, and the ADC stays. They wanted to eat soldiers, but FPX did the opposite, which must have been unexpected by EDG."

When the game time came to 6 minutes, FPX broke down a tower on the road.

He was waiting for the titan to appear, and if the titan didn't appear, he would have been standing under the tower.

On the screen, the next wave of pawns has already arrived and is about to come to the line. If the pawn line comes to the line and GEN finds that Kai'Sa is not there in the bottom lane, it must be a signal for Nakano and Ueno to withdraw.

Xiaotian exclaimed after hearing this; "You can still play like this, why didn't I expect that Brother Luo can still play."

Mengmai and Shen turned around and began to output Thresh. Seeing that he couldn't escape, Thresh saved Blink, and finally Qi Zhou's Shen took the head.

Remember; "In terms of awareness, the LCK teams are pretty good. After all, they rely on this to win the game. Now Kai'Sa has started to push the lane. If the lane enters the tower, Lucian and Thresh will be very dangerous."

Liu Qingsong: "Okay, but I don't know the position of the jungler on the opposite side."

Thresh turned back with a hook, but was dodged by Kai'Sa using the acceleration of her E skill.

Urgot's skills Q and E skills are all empty, but in the end he had no choice but to throw his big move, but it was still empty!

Kai'Sa is like a swimming snake, with flexible footwork, swaying left and right, Liu Qingsong's source of titan comes up, and a hook catches the wine barrel.

Qi Zhou's Shen also turned around to help. Although the number of threes and threes was the same, but FPX had a fat ADC whose output exploded, and the advantage was too obvious.

In the end, both Thresh and Urgot found a kill. Ambison's wine barrel was not in the right situation, so he used the E skill to retreat in advance and survived.

(End of this chapter)

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