Chapter 249 [248] GEN is in danger!

At this time, Qi Zhou said: "However, the next match against GEN will be in the second round, and maybe they will all be eliminated by then."

Hearing this, everyone in FPX laughed, as if they thought Qi Zhou was joking.

Qi Zhou continued, "I'm serious, I'm not joking."

Seeing that Qi Zhou really didn't seem to be joking, Brother Feng commented: "However, judging from the performance of the first GEN, there is indeed such a possibility, but we should take it seriously anyway."

Feng Ge paused and continued: "The next game is IG vs. FNC. Now FNC is also very strong. We can focus on this game."

Everyone in FPX took out their mobile phones and started playing. Qi Zhou also took out his mobile phone. He wanted to see the current rhythm of the Internet.

After watching for a few minutes, Qi Zhou found that the current rhythm is not bad. After FPX slammed GEN, the confidence of LPL fans came back. If Han Za dared to jump, LPL fans would directly carry FPX, and Han Za would usually not be able to say anything.

Not only that, but now as long as FPX is brought out, many Hanzas will disperse by themselves. After all, FPX's strength and reputation are all here.

At this time, the second game, that is, the game between IG and FNC is about to start, and the two sides have entered the BP link.

Brother Feng agreed: "From the perspective of the lineup, it feels almost like this. Unless King Ning's Xin Zhao can defeat the opponent in the early stage, otherwise it is really difficult to fight."

Qi Zhou said: "I feel that IG is not easy to win this game. They are too hard on the lineup. The top laner is Daomei, the mid laner Lissandra, and the jungler Xin Zhao. These heroes all have to enter the field. I am very afraid of the big head, this kind of hero, if the big head has a golden body, as long as he uses his big move when fighting in a group, it will be very disgusting."

Seeing this, Xiaotian said: "Ning Wang is very tough, and he started to make trouble when he saw Zhongshang Xianquan."

As a result, IG's defensive pressure on the first tower in the middle lane is very high. Jackeylove and Baolan can't beat it in the bottom lane, and they still can't beat it in the middle lane.

Seeing this scene, Lin Weixiang said: "This FNC should have investigated. They know that the IG version is very strong in the middle and top, and they mainly play these offensive heroes."

Soon the match between C9 and VIT began. Both sides in the lineup were quite regular, and they got the version of the popular hero.

FNC took Xiaolong again, and then switched to the middle lane from the bottom duo to continue the match.

In a one-on-one fight, the male gun cannot beat Xin Zhao.

There is no way, IG can only start to target the middle lane, but FNC's defense is also in place, a team battle broke out between the two sides in the middle lane in 6 and [-] minutes, everyone in IG wanted to focus on the big inventor, but was shown by a stopwatch, IG defeated the middle lane one The tower was also taken by the opponent.

Qi Zhou: "FNC really can think about it. If other teams want to fight for it, they will let it go. But now they really can't beat it, so letting go is a good choice."

In this FNC game, the single belt is purification, mainly for online defense against GANK.

After hearing this, Lin Weixiang didn't seem to believe it: "Let's go down the road? That's not right, can this hero go down the road?"

On the middle lane, after Rookie reached level [-], he started to do things with King Ning. The two chose to go to the opposite red BUFF jungle area together. Originally, they wanted to fight the jungler with one hand, but they couldn't come with the jungler. , seems to have given up the first half of the field.

Just as Qi Zhou was talking, FNC directly revealed a great inventor, and then locked it!

On the top lane, the shy's Daomei has been looking for a top laner to exchange blood. FNC can't play singles in this top lane, and has already huddled under the defense tower.

The most torturous thing is that after gaining the advantage, FNC is not in a hurry, just take it slowly.

From Qi Zhou's point of view, the last wave of IG took the initiative to start a group, because they didn't want to be tortured at all, and forced to go up to fight a wave, and forget it if they couldn't beat it. This is very in line with IG's style of play.

King Ning countered the upper half of the wild with the male gun, and then came to the top road to look for opportunities.

At 9 minutes into the game, King Ning's Xin Zhao started to go down the lane. Now the middle and upper lanes are pushing the lane, but when the lane is pushed, King Ning seems to want to make trouble.

Hearing this question, everyone in FPX shook their heads. Although Qi Zhou has been saying that the European and American Lobby may rise, in fact, everyone has never taken them seriously, and they have not spent time studying their style of play and inquiring about them. news.

The result was the same as what Qi Zhou said. After this wave, the situation on the court was different. In 13 minutes of the game, FNC took down the first tower from IG, while the shy and King Ning took down the first tower from FNC together. .

Seeing this, Brother Feng shook his head: "There is a problem. FNC's lineup originally lacked AD output points. Only the top laner and jungler have AD output. As long as the male gun is not fat, IG team battles are easy to fight, but now let the male It’s hard to say if the gun got two heads.”

After hearing this, everyone looked at Jin Gong, and Jin Gong touched his nose in embarrassment: "The last time you asked me to play Sion stealing towers, I was blown away by the shy's sword demon. These two heroes can't help it." For laning, I feel that it should be the same who should be replaced.”

Brother Feng said: "However, FNC hasn't made a bot lane AD yet. I think it might be too early for Draven. He should wait for the opponent to come out first."

Qi Zhou explained: "IG mainly lacks experience. They are familiar with the teams they met in LPL, so they know how to play. When they suddenly meet teams from other divisions, I feel that IG is a little uncomfortable, whether it is BP or style of play. It's been like that all over the world, and it might take a few games for them to adjust."

The game is still going on. After the first tower in the middle of IG is gone, it is difficult to move an inch. FPX continues to take advantage of the fierce neutral resources in the wild, and Xiaolong is controlled by FNC.

Seeing this, Xiaotian exclaimed: "Big head? Can big head still play in the competition? FNC is deliberately working hard, right?"

Something that no one expected happened. King Ning went directly to the back of the defense tower to poke a hole, and Rookie's Lissandra TP came over to cut off the back road!

Brother Feng: "Let's watch the rhythm less online today, don't be affected by the mentality, there is another game today, it is the fifth game, we are against C9, there are two games ahead, let's take a look first, see what other competition areas have Nothing innovative."

Ning Wang took advantage of the situation and reversed the first half of the field.

Toothpaste: "King Ning is a big man, if he is killed, he will be in trouble."

It's the beginning of the BAN people. FNC seems to have a better understanding of IG. As soon as it came up, it first gave the Sword Demon to BAN, and then Daomei and Syndra, aiming at the upper middle of IG.

At this time, the ten heroes of both sides have been determined, but because the heroes can still be exchanged, no one can say what the lineup of FNC is.

Seeing this scene, Xiaotian shook his head: "Both IG and RNG are not very strong. They lost a game when they first came up. It feels like the Koreans are about to climax again."

Qi Zhou: "This FNC jungler is a masculine gun, and his rhythm ability in the early stage is much worse than that of Xin Zhao. Now it depends on whether King Ning can continue the rhythm."

King Ning's Xin Zhao got first blood!

Xiaotian echoed, "I feel like they won't be able to hold on for long, the economic gap is already widening."

As everyone was talking, IG had already started to hit the bottom lane. Sapphire's Thresh flashed a hook and hit FNC's support. From the perspective of God, Qi Zhou could clearly feel that the support had hit the hook on purpose.

However, from God's perspective, everyone in FPX can see that the FNC jungler shot dead in the bottom lane and squatted back!
Seeing this scene, Qi Zhou didn't feel very good: "If King Ning really does something, he may suffer severely."

Qi Zhou shook his head: "I don't feel right, he should have gone down the road, specially to deal with Delevingne."

The great inventor activated his big move, and then put a big fort on the spot. He moved wildly, and flashed to distance himself, just to delay time. Staring fainted.

The two met in the red BUFF area. King Ning used punishment to grab the red BUFF and then began to go up and stab it.

Qi Zhou said, the match between the two sides started and entered the game screen.

So Ning Wang took the red BUFF, and then leaned on the road, but the FNC top laner retreated directly to the self-closing grass in front of the second tower, trembling.

Just when everyone was a little confused, suddenly, IG took out Draven in the bottom lane!

After Jin Gong finished speaking, he paused for a moment, then glanced at Qi Zhou, and then added: "If it is the King of the Sea, it may be different, but it is absolutely impossible to beat anyone else."

In this way, he has no way to support, he can only watch the top lane soldiers enter the tower, and then the top laner is killed by three people jumping over the tower.

Lin Weixiang: "FNC's bot lane combo is too strong. Draven is really hard to deal with, and the consumption power of the big head is also good. Originally, his skills are not easy to hit, but Draven wants to pick up the axe. If it is predicted by him."

As a coach, Brother Feng is writing and drawing with a notebook. Basically, he will record the BP of every game. If he encounters an interesting lineup or hero, he will write more, and then evaluate it in conjunction with the game. Can you learn something from it.

So everyone put down their phones and looked at the screen. At this time, the players on both sides were ready, IG was on the blue side, and FNC was on the red side.

Jin Gong said: "Is this big head on the top road? Or the middle road? It feels like it's possible."

Seeing this, Toothpaste exclaimed: "What's wrong, is IG so weak? Why can't they even beat FNC?"

Qi Zhou agreed: "That's true. He may be too confident. He feels that he can play with anything the opponent has, but the opposite is FNC. The favorite of European and American teams is black technology. You never know what they will come up with. hero."

Qi Zhou added: "The big head got Xin Zhao's big move, and it's quite disgusting to play in a group."

Xiaotian celebrated: "First blood! I got the first blood! King Ning's rhythm is good, and he blows up FNC Ueno as soon as he comes up."

The result was that Jackeylove Delevingne was killed by the male gun flashing close up. Although King Ning also killed the great inventor, he was replaced in the end, and Baolan was finally killed by the male gun. The two sides fought one for three!

At the same time, the male gun came out!A smoke bomb was sent to Draven, and Draven was hit with a lot of blood by the fort, so he could only choose to flash away, and the two sides began to fight, and Baolan helped King Ning kill this great invention with residual blood.

Seeing this Delevingne, everyone in FPX became excited. Lin Weixiang said: "Draven from jackeylove has two brushes. If he takes them out, this IG should want to play Kerry."

Now IG's middle and top have the right to line, so Ning Wang first went to the wild area to find the opposite jungler.

King Ning was indeed very tough after getting Xin Zhao. He opened red on the blue side, brushed three sets of wild monsters and fast three, and then started to make troubles.

But IG didn't seem to know, they still went up, King Ning's Xin Zhao stabbed up, Jackeylove's Delevingne followed.

Lin Weixiang: "I haven't played against Datou, let alone used Draven to fight against him. I can't say whether it is good or not, but if jackeylove's Draven is not easy to fight, then it is really difficult to fight. .”

There are not many things to watch in these two games, just look at BP. If BP has something new, you can take a look at the game. If there is no new thing, then there is no need to watch it.

Jin Gong: "This big guy seems to be quite comfortable in the bottom lane, but his teammates are all blown up, and it's useless for him to get up alone."

Xiaotian said: "the shy's sword demon has two brushes, and his sword girl is not bad. We met IG in the training match, and the shy beat Jin Gong with two heroes."

Brother Feng agreed: "Yes, this is the difference between international competitions and domestic competitions. We also need to pay attention at that time, but we already have experience, so the problem should not be big."

The game time was 10 minutes, IG took the initiative to take over the team, and failed again, so Dalong also lost, and the game completely lost suspense.

In the final 33 minutes, IG lost the game.

Qi Zhou took a look at the arena. The next game is C9 vs. VIT, and the next one is 100 vs. GRX.

It wasn't until the countdown entered the last 20 seconds that the lineups of the two sides were determined, and this big guy was indeed on his way out!
Seeing this scene, Liu Qingsong murmured: "They really know how to work hard, use their big heads to walk down the road to face Draven, but Draven really doesn't have the ability to quickly deal with the fort, so they can only use A , and Delevingne has no movement, so it's not easy to hide skills."

Brother Feng said, "Everyone, let's watch the game first."

Toothpaste said: "Rookie's Syndra, needless to say, is a strong group, and this version of Syndra is also very popular. It makes sense for FNCBAN, but I don't know what lineup FNC will take."

Now no one is sure, so we can only see the end.

Qi Zhou spread his hands: "There is no way, the two teams are slow to get up, so we can only rely on us to carry it."

Jin Gong: "I can already imagine what rhythm will be brought online."

"FNC isn't very good either, the game should end pretty quickly if you keep playing like this." It was Jin Gong who spoke.

Soon, the game came to the sixth level. After FNC was killed once by jumping the tower on the road, he stabilized and was not solo killed by the shy, but the gap in making up the knife was slowly widening.

As a result, everyone in FPX did not have much interest in watching it.

In the end, C9 won the game relatively easily, and then 100 against GRX.

The overall strength of these two teams is relatively poor among the pomegranate juice teams, and BP has no special features. Everyone in FPX is too lazy to look at it. In the end, they just looked at the results, and GRX won.

After the end of these two games, the time is approaching the evening, and now it's FPX's turn to play against C9!

(End of this chapter)

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