Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 250 [249] There is a big guy in women's clothing on the opposite side!

Chapter 250 [249] There is a big guy in women's clothing on the opposite side!
Brother Feng greeted: "Come here, now we can't underestimate the European and American competition. Let's formulate tactics and BP."

So everyone in FPX sat around Brother Feng, without the hippie smile just now, they all became serious.

Brother Feng continued: "The C9 team is now mainly relying on the bottom lane Kerry, you should have heard of the women's AD."

Hearing the words "women's clothing AD", everyone in FPX suddenly felt thunderous.

This C9ADC, SNEAKY, is a master of women's clothing. He usually likes to cosplay all kinds of women's clothing. He even cosplays heroines in League of Legends. That's a hot eye.

Of course, hot eyes are just Qi Zhou's opinion, and maybe some people like it.

The most important thing is that this tycoon in women's clothing also has a very beautiful girlfriend, which makes people incomprehensible.

Qi Zhou could only sigh that he didn't understand but was greatly shocked.

Brother Feng also paused on purpose to let everyone adjust their mentality before continuing:
"Don't underestimate this SNEAKY. He basically has no opponents in their competition area, and his laning style is relatively stable. He mainly relies on late-game team fights and is very good at finding damage positions."

Brother Feng glanced at Lin Weixiang as he spoke, then looked at Qi Zhou, and asked, "Which of you plays AD?"

Lin Weixiang didn't say anything, Qi Zhou has always had the final say on this matter, he just needs to obey.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX is a bit fierce in Ueno, three heroes entering the field!"

Brother Feng: "Well, what you said is also reasonable. Anyway, work hard, I'll go first."

Miller: "The news from the front, Aquaman will be on the road this time, and Lin Weixiang will continue to play the ADC position!"

On the other side, at the game site, in the commentary booth, the commentator has been replaced, replaced by the Haier brothers, the baby Miller.

However, although they didn't fight directly, after Kalista reached two levels, her power consumption went up to another level.

At this time, Liu Qingsong said: "But I feel that C9's lineup is a bit idealized, because we don't have one or two team-starting skills, and they can't all avoid them."

Everyone knows that toothpaste is more modest. It can be said that in the entire LPL, there should be no people who are more modest than toothpaste and honest.

At the same time, it is actually not easy to fight Galio online, especially in the early stage, as the hero of Sword Demon increases in level, the improvement of laning ability will be very obvious, and it will take a while before it.

Wawa: "That's true. Among the four major regions, we generally believe that the overall strength of the North American LCS should be the weakest. This game should not have too many obstacles for FPX."

Lin Weixiang's Kalista stepped forward to make up the knife, jumping left and right while making up the knife, swaying, and at the same time looking for an opportunity to make a shot.

Just when he was about to make up the knife, Kalista's Q skill was thrown over again, and it hit accurately again, and because Kalista inserted a spear on the blood minion in advance.

Seeing Qi Zhou's certainty, everyone in FPX became serious. Qi Zhou's analysis of the game before was basically effective, so everyone still trusted his words.

After driving Lu Xi'an and Thresh back, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang had no chance to chase, but got stuck next to the pawn line, not giving the other side a chance to get close to the pawn line.

While Lucian was making up the knife, Kalista threw the Q skill over. Lucian wanted to move but it was too late. When he leveled the A to make up the knife, he was in a frozen state, and he couldn't move at this time.

Miller: "Judging from the performance of the first game today, FPX is in a relatively good state, and LPL fans don't need to worry. After easily winning GEN, it should only be easier to win C9."

Qi Zhou replied: "It can be considered that the C9 team played steadily and steadily in the previous games. If we use an aggressive lineup, they may not be able to stop them."

After hearing this, Toothpaste said quickly: "I'm not number one, there are many people who are better than me."

On the field, Qi Zhou brought everyone from FPX onto the stage!
"FPX! FPX! FPX!" The FPX fans at the scene began to cheer.

The first wave of pawns came out, Qi Zhou returned to the line and started laning normally, first entered the grass on the road to hide.

The toothpaste was halfway through and didn't go any further, it just got stuck.

The two were talking about C9 having taken out Lucian and Thresh on the third and fourth floors.

Lucian's advantage is that the burst is higher, and he can deal a wave of damage quickly.

Toothpaste smiled and said: "Your Kai'Sa in the first game was too scary. Seeing your performance, if the opponent doesn't ban Kai'Sa, the coach will definitely be fired when you go back."

I saw Wawa explaining: "Okay, the first day of the group stage has entered the second half of the schedule, and Miller and I will explain the following games for everyone. Now the LPL No. 9 seed FPX and the North American LCS will be played soon. The game of the third seed C[-] in the division!"

BP came to FPX, and FPX locked Calista and Luo on the fourth and fifth floors.

After going out, Qi Zhou came to the river to stand guard to prevent the intrusion from the other side.

After everyone in FPX adjusted their talents, they entered the game screen.

Xiaotian then said: "Why don't we use that lineup? I'll play Nightmare in the jungle, take a harvester like Sword Demon in the top lane, Galio in the middle lane, and a small cannon or Kalista in the bottom lane."

Immediately afterwards, everyone from C9 also appeared on the stage!

As for FPX, BAN lost Ryze, Xia and Xiaopao.

Brother Feng then said: "Okay, let's grab the Nightmare in the middle lane first, and their junglers like to play Nightmare, otherwise he might take it directly, and after we take the Nightmare, they won't be able to take Galio in the middle lane, Gary Oh is ours."

Nightmare is very restrained in this version of Galio's existence. Once Nightmare uses his ultimate move, Galio's ultimate move cannot be released, and there is no way to fight back.

If you really fight hard, Lucian will definitely not be able to fight.

In this nightmare of Xiaotian, he chose the red field in the second half of the wild and then went up to the wild.

So Sneaky chose to take the initiative to keep a distance from Calista.

Lin Weixiang babbled and babbled, as if thinking of some not-so-good pictures, his face was not very good-looking, and the word dislike was written all over his face.

Qi Zhou: "You are too modest."

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "The top lane should be developed. From the perspective of the laning in this match, the laning of the bottom lane may be a little more intense, and the other lanes should be developed."

Seeing Toothpaste's embarrassment, Qi Zhou smiled and said: "Okay, don't force yourself if you can't find out the advantages of the other party. Their competitiveness in the competition area is so far behind us. He is only in the top three, and you are now the number one."

After everyone in FPX came on stage, they came to the right side of the stage and found their seats.

In this game, FPX is on the blue side and C9 is on the red side.

Qi Zhou nodded: "That's what it means."

Both of them were not in a hurry to push the line, but waited for the little soldiers to lose their blood.

Liu Qingsong saw it from the very beginning, so he didn't act in a hurry. If Thresh's counterattack ability is still quite strong, his E skill can interrupt Luo's W. If he is hit by Thresh's hook again, he will be hit by Lu Xian. Beat up.

Qi Zhou added: "Their wild wine barrel is also well chosen. Its ultimate move can help teammates to clear the siege. The last bottom lane support is Thresh. This hero can also save people. The C9 lineup is a bit restrained from our lineup. If we If the first wave of team battles cannot quickly cause attrition, there will definitely be problems."

Brother Feng concluded: "Basically, just focus on C9's mid lane and bottom lane, and the other lanes are just fine."

Thresh, who was assisting Zeyzal, also leaned over, ready to fight alongside Lucian.

Lucian is not wrong, he is going to turn back the first set of damage and then use the E skill to retreat.

Calista chose the E skill to pull out the spear, and the burst damage slowed down Lucian at the same time. The bloody soldier died, and Calista's E skill was refreshed!

Licorice's Urgot originally wanted to find a chance to consume it, but Qi Zhou didn't give it a chance at all.

Both sides of the stage are ready, and the first BP will begin!

C9 got Urgot and Enchantress on the first and second floors.

For him, as long as he can develop, this lineup is for team play.

Don't let go of the third part of Sword Demon's Q skill, the CD will be shorter, so Qi Zhou plays a part every time.

Nakano and Ueno are all selected!

It was FPX's turn to make a choice again, and FPX chose to take Galio and Sword Demon directly.

Miller introduced: "FPX starts with five players, top laner sea, our Aquaman, jungler Xiaotian, mid laner toothpaste, ADC Lin Weixiang, and support Liu Qingsong."

Baby: "Then there is the C9 team from the North American LCS, top laner Licorice, jungler Blaber, mid laner Jensen, ADCSneaky, and support Zeyzal."

Taking advantage of Lucian being slowed down, Calista began to jump forward, as if she wanted to fight.

"Then... and..." Toothpaste began to pick at her hair, even blushing, not knowing what to say.

On the FPX side, Liu Qingsong's Luo stepped forward to chase Thresh, and he knew that Lin Weixiang didn't actually intend to really fight this wave.

Entering the ban person link, C9 chose to ban Shen and Swain for the top lane, and then ban an ADC Kai'Sa.

So FPX locked in a nightmare on the first floor, and it was C9's turn to make a choice.

Red square C9: top laner Urgot, jungler Barrel, mid laner Enchantress, ADC Lucian, support Thresh.

Brother Feng looked at Toothpaste again, and said, "Jason also has something in their middle lane. At least they can rank among the top three in their competition area, so we need to pay attention."

Qi Zhou added: "Brother Feng said so-so, it should mean that their previous performance was so-so, it doesn't mean they won't improve, so don't take it lightly."

You don't know if he really wants to jump up and confront you, which makes Lucian a little flustered.

The one-day group match is divided into two rounds, and there are many games, so the commentary is also divided into two groups to relay. It seems to be just talking, but the commentary is actually quite tiring. It needs to analyze the situation in real time. Sometimes there is a problem. To be able to warm up, so also need to rest.

However, in terms of continuous damage, he is not Kalista's opponent. Everyone has no equipment in the early stage. Lucian can't kill people with a set of skills. Once a set of skills is not successful, he is chased and beaten. Lucian.

"Huh? Neptune, why do you seem to be a little afraid of this C9? You said before that GEN might stop in the group stage, and now you want us to beware of C9. Do you think C9 will eliminate GEN in the end?" Liu Qingsong asked suddenly.

Seeing this ban person, Brother Feng said: "It seems that they have really studied our performance and know that they want to ban Swain."

Entering the selection stage, the FPX of the blue team will be selected first.

After the blood of the melee soldiers in the first wave of troops was left, the sword demon stepped forward and took down the three melee soldiers with a Q skill, and then retreated into the grass again.

Qi Zhou thought about it first, and then said: "I'd better go on the road, and I will leave the women's clothing boss to Lin Weixiang."

On the bottom lane, just like what the baby said, from the first level, the two sides have been pulling and looking for opportunities to consume.

Miller: "It seems that the level of blood type in this game will be very high, and this lineup is also very consistent with FPX's consistent style of play, that is, there are many linkages, and they will not fight you alone. They must cooperate with each other."

Brother Feng went up to shake hands with C9's coach, and then went straight off the field.

Qi Zhou chose Dolan Dun to go out this time, preparing to resist the pressure on the road.

Wawa: "At this point, FPX and IG can be said to be two extremes. IG is extreme individual ability, while FPX is extreme teamwork."

I saw Calista jumping back and forth to put pressure on Lucian while making up the knife.

In the end, C9 got the wild wine barrel on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both sides were completely determined:
Blue side FPX: top laner Aatrox, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Galio, ADC Calista, support Luo.

Brother Feng asked: "Which one of you wants to grab the hero? Now you can take Syndra and Galio in the middle lane. These versions are still popular, and the jungler has Wine Barrel, Nightmare, and Xin Zhao."

After both players appeared on the stage, they began to debug their computers.

Wawa: "Not much to say, let us welcome the players from both sides!"

The second wave of pawns came, and the two sides entered the stage of grabbing the second, and the support joined in the action to help grab the second. FPX first rose to the second level, but before the opponent had time, C9 also reached the second level in the bottom lane.

Toothpaste nodded: "Well, no problem, I've watched his game, it's not bad, the basic skills are relatively solid...then..."

Lin Weixiang said: "I even gave my Kaisa to BAN, it's boring."

Soon, the pawn line came to the line, and Licorice, the top laner on the opposite C9, also appeared on the line.

Brother Feng saw this lineup and began to analyze: "They still understand our tactics. They take out the enchantress in the middle. This hero is not afraid of our force opening, so pay attention to this point, and don't be drawn too much energy by the enchantress. .”

When a long-range soldier was left with blood, Qi Zhou came out again, took the long-range soldier with a skill, and then hid again.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX's bot lane is really strong against the lane, so they won't make up for the opponent."

Miller: "Sneaky's laning performance has always been mediocre. He needs to grow up and play as a team. In fact, this has something to do with the style of the competition. Their bot lane in the entire competition is similar, unlike our LPL. , only the living can make up the knife."

Wawa: "That's true. The LPL has definitely the highest level of blood type in the botlane lane, so the oppressive power of the LPL botlane is generally much higher than that of other competition regions."

While the two were talking, both junglers and solo laners had reached level 9. C[-]'s jungler Blaber's barrel started to move up the lane, as if he was preparing to do something on the lane.

(End of this chapter)

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