Chapter 251 [250] Dao Xinjian

On the road side, Qi Zhou glanced at the time, it was the time for the first wave of ganks in the jungle, so he chose to go to the river to place a ward, and then continued to match the lane.

A new wave of minions came, and Licorice's Urgot reappeared.

At this time, Qi Zhou felt a little abnormal, he found that Urgot's position was different from before!
In the process of laning against the opponent, Qi Zhou likes to observe the opponent's movement and some very detailed things.

At the first level, Urgot is more aggressive, first looking for opportunities to consume.

But after leveling up to two levels, you will start to be wretched, because if you are not wretched, you can easily be hit by the sword demon's W skill, and then you will be beaten severely, so you stand behind the minions.

But now, Urgot didn't do this anymore, and he was a little ready to move. Although he tried his best to conceal it, he could still see it.

So Qi Zhou said: "The jungler on the opposite side should be in the grass on the road."

Now that there is no one in the river, the wine barrel must be in the grass!

"I'm here." After receiving the news, Xiaotian's Nightmare started to go up the road, preparing for a two-on-two in the field.

Seeing the Nightmare appear, both Urgot and the barrel wanted to retreat. The key is that Urgot couldn't retreat now. After a short delay, Urgot was dragged back by the Hellfire Chain!

Hearing this, Licorice glanced at the bot lane, only to find that Lucian, who was in the bot lane Sneaky, had already been crushed by ten knives!

And Xiaotian's nightmare came from the river, and he chose to go around behind the two people on the opposite side from the side, cutting off the retreat of the two people.

After approaching Urgot, Qi Zhou made a gesture of going up to fight, and saw that he started with a Q skill, but because he didn't use the E skill, this Q skill was directly empty, and then he started with the second Q skill.

However, what everyone in C9 didn't expect was that the two Sword Demons, who were one level ahead in heads, didn't even have the slightest intention of fighting each other, which was a bit embarrassing.

The wine barrel must be level six now, and he must also find a place to do things.

After the blood volume bottomed out, Urgot's control also disappeared, and he chose to flash back.

However, after Qi Zhou returned to the line again, his style of play remained the same as before, and he still developed.

Seeing that Nightmare used his W skill, Wine Barrel bumped over without saying a word, trying to help Urgot out of the siege.

If you are too active, it is easy to give opportunities, and then you will not just develop and wait for the team.

Licorice only felt a pain in the flesh when he saw that the line of soldiers was consumed by the defensive towers. He didn't dare to look at the miserable situation under the defensive towers on the top road.

After Nightmare used his big move, the wine barrel can make a move without worrying about being supported by Nightmare.

After this resurrection, he chose to go up the road, ready to go online.

Such a long period of control is enough for Qi Zhou to catch up and take the head.

"Be careful in the middle lane, the opponent may gank the middle lane." Qi Zhou reminded.

As a result, as soon as he retreated, he found that the sword demon had come out from the entrance next to the first tower, cutting off his retreat!
So he decided to go to the bottom of the first tower, so that he could keep a distance from the sword demon, and logically this wave would not be killed.

"Is this the linkage of FPX? It's so scary."

Qi Zhou: "There is no need to perform or not to perform. This is a team game."

But Qi Zhou's sword demon didn't mean that at all, mainly because he felt that his sword demon's operation was average, and it was relatively difficult to kill the opponent solo.

"When you're in a group, you just need to look at the sword demon. It must be a god descending from the earth."

Urgot was seducing, walking back and forth, within the reach of Sword Demon QE.

Miller: "That's true, but you said that you made any mistakes in the game with Urgot. I don't think there were any mistakes, but it's the most uncomfortable thing if you can't beat it. If it's because of mistakes, you can resume after the game. Change, but now nothing is wrong, it collapsed, and you don’t even know how to change it.”

Toothpaste's Galio in the middle lane has consumed a lot of blood, which looks more dangerous, and the enchantress has the ability to keep people, so it is easier to cooperate with the jungler.

So Urgot's over-the-shoulder throw went straight to nothing!
This is not over yet, the wine barrel W walked out of the grass with his hands, and it seemed that Urgot could succeed by default, so he came out first to prepare and use skills.

Nightmare puts an E skill on Urgot, and then uses W to block Urgot's Q skill

Miller: "That's true. There was no fight on the road. Nightmare suddenly went up the road. It should have received a signal. It can only be said that Neptune's consciousness is still so good."

Urgot was ridiculed, and Nightmare came up to keep up with the E skill, so the embarrassing mockery ended, and Urgot was terrified again.

Miller: "My opinion is similar. If C9 doesn't handle it well, there will be problems in this wave of Ueno."

After killing the toothpaste, C9 Nakano did not intend to give up. The two pushed the line first, disappeared from FPX's field of vision, and then went straight to the top road.

Xiaotian's nightmare swept wild from bottom to top, sending a signal to Qi Zhou: "Sea King, I'm going to go on the road to do something."

At this time, the line of troops was pushed by the Sword Demon to the defense tower, and it seemed that the Sword Demon should have returned to the city.

"Sea King got two heads, this game is over."

Xiaotian said: "I feel like I can watch Neptune perform this time, and the top laner on the opposite side has completely collapsed."

In fact, Toothpaste did not think about this problem, so he couldn't signal, and defaulted that the enchantress was returning to the city for supplies.

At this time, the pawn line on the road is in the middle position, Xiaotian can use his big move directly, and Urgot on the opposite side will definitely not be able to escape.

"No, he has never been close to this bush, how can he have vision?" Licorice denied this statement.

Of course, there is also Urgot's E flashman. Urgot's E skill will not be blocked by minions, so be very careful.

Soon, Urgot was frightened, Qi Zhou stepped forward to deal damage, and kept the W skill first, and when the fear effect was about to disappear, he followed up with a fire beam chain, so Urgot wanted to follow up Withdrew, but was dragged back, and finally Nightmare took the head.

But off, Licorice will soon find out that he still muttered about the difficulty of this match.

At this moment, Nightmare handed over the flash and came to Urgot.

The first blood broke out, and Qi Zhou's sword demon took the first blood!

In the commentary seat, Wawa saw this and explained: "FPX is a bit inappropriate. He was killed three times in 7 minutes. Who can stand up to this? Urgot used the top lane to gain an advantage in the lane, and now he is beaten. It’s basically useless.”

Qi Zhou chose to continue laning normally. At the same time, he also observed the small map. The wine barrel on the opposite side is still unknown.

Seeing that the mentality of the top lane was a little unstable, Blaber comforted him: "You develop the top lane first, and we can rely on the bottom lane to come to Kerry in this game."

"Nice, this wave of cooperation is okay." Xiaotian said suddenly.

At this moment, Qi Zhou walked up to him, and sent Urgot with a W-skill Hellfire Beam Chain!

Now the wine barrel has no flash and no big move, and the enchantress has no big move. Generally speaking, you shouldn't continue to make trouble.

At this time, Urgot's distance is relatively close, and the second-stage Q and E skills can be touched. Normally, Sword Demon must go up and fight a wave of consumption at this time.

At this moment, something even more desperate happened. Galio's ult appeared on Nightmare!
Galio's big move fell, and Urgot handed over his E skill to barely get out of this range, but Galio flashed.

This Urgot is also very smart, turn around and slow down a Q skill first, and then use the E skill to retreat, the defense tower is not far away!
However, Xiaotian reacted quickly, and immediately blocked Urgot's Q with the W skill, while Qi Zhou's sword demon activated his ultimate move, using the acceleration effect provided by the ultimate move to catch up.

But you can't send yourself away because of seduction, so you must grasp this speed well. Qi Zhou chooses to hide behind the soldiers. The hero of the wine barrel mainly relies on the E skill to keep people, but the E skill will be blocked by the soldiers.

C9's Nakano touched the top road, and the two chose to go to the top road grass from the red side, and came to the top road grass, so that they could avoid the view of the river.

As soon as he flashed, Urgot was suddenly a little embarrassed. If he didn't hand in the flash now, he would be frightened and beaten, but it was useless to hand in the flash forward, because the nightmare had already flashed and got stuck.

Generally speaking, you have two players with one assist, and your level is one level ahead. You should be more active in suppressing the opponent and looking for opportunities for solo kills.

However, when he just walked to the middle of the first tower and the second tower, suddenly, a nightmare burst out from the grass next to him!
Licorice's immediate reaction was to retreat. If the Sword Demon was there, he would be dead.

Qi Zhou pushed a wave of soldiers and then returned to the city to supply supplies. After returning to the line, he first inserted a real eye in the river. This matchup only needs to be developed. The most important thing is to play a team. Earned, as for the last wave, it was an extra surprise.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "This wave of Ueno collisions is unavoidable. Now we have to see who's operation is better. From the perspective of hero attributes, I feel that FPX is stronger."

After the enchantress and the wine barrel were in place, they began to wait for the opportunity. Now the sword demon needs to take the initiative to do things.

Now it's only 7 minutes and he's been pressured ten dollars. It's probably a little difficult to get him to come to Kerry.

Although the sword demon is very fat, but the sword demon produces output equipment, and the three of them can complete the kill by focusing on fire.

On the bottom lane side, the opponent's two bottom laners are in poor condition. Although the bottom lane pawn line has been pushed in front of the opposite defensive tower, but in terms of the state of the two bottom laners on the opposite side, the wine barrel should not dare to go over and make a move. If not, it will kill teammates.

At 9 minutes into the game, Toothpaste's Galio was caught and killed in the middle. Because there was no flash, so facing the barrel's E flash big move, Toothpaste had no room to maneuver.

"C9 can consider the next BP."

Xiaotian's nightmare is close to Urgot, and the Q skill is used to put the passive Q skill on Urgot, so that it is easier to chase
Qi Zhou waited for the CD of his next Q skill. He didn't use the third stage of the last Q skill, so the CD of this one will be relatively short.

"Faker, the opponent has been targeting the top lane all the time, I can't play top lane anymore." Licorice's mentality was a little bit broken. He was killed in the last wave and he had TP back to the line. This time, he will not be treated so well.

But the two of them want to play a surprise game, just when you both feel safe, they will suddenly do this for you.

At this time, Blaber's wine barrel was in the middle lane. He originally wanted to attack the middle lane, but who knew that Galio suddenly withdrew back to the city, causing him to miss.

Licorice obviously thought so, so the moment Qi Zhou released the second stage of Q, he handed over his E skill and stepped forward, preparing to give Qi Zhou an over-the-shoulder throw.

Qi Zhou's sword demon followed up, one QE dealt damage, and then two Q skills.

It's a pity that Qi Zhou came up to seduce him, so he didn't really want to fight.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed up on the barrage:

The game time came to 6 minutes, and the junglers and solo laners of both sides reached level six.

"Nice! Well played." Toothpaste celebrated.

When Galio retreated to go back to resupply, on the road side, Nightmare had activated his ultimate move and flew directly into Urgot's face!
As before, Nightmare chose to hang the E skill on Urgot, and then began to chase Urgot.

If Qi Zhou really stepped forward and used the E skill, then the over-the-shoulder fall must be palpable.

And the wine barrel on the side can only watch, he has no skills in his hand, this is the embarrassment of the mage, after finishing one set, he can only wait for the next set, and the damage of level A is almost negligible.

As a result, as soon as Flash landed, Sword Demon's QE Flash followed up, hitting the center of the sword, and Sword Demon finally leveled A and took the head!

Well now, Urgot missed, both of them were a bit embarrassed, and the barrel could only help push the line, ready to leave.

In fact, Qi Zhou used very basic operations, mainly because Nightmare's combat effectiveness in the early stage was relatively strong, and the opponent's skills were all empty, otherwise this wave might not be so easy.

In the end, Urgot still handed over the flash, and the moment the flash landed, he was terrified.

Toothpaste chooses to flash and then the E skill to knock Urgot into the air, and then charge the W skill Duran's shield.

In the eyes of most viewers, if the FPX game gives Qi Zhou a big advantage in the early stage, then the opponent will basically be unable to fight, and this game will become a one-sided massacre.

"There's no vision here, right?" Jensen couldn't sit still anymore, he couldn't keep squatting on the top lane because the pawn line in the middle was coming.

Nightmare is also crazy output, this hero's continuous damage is relatively high, especially after the opponent is feared, he will have an attack speed bonus, combined with the red BUFF's deceleration, the damage of Nightmare alone is a bit overwhelming for Urgot.

"Okay, then I'll go back to replenish." Toothpaste thought that he had TP, so there was no need to continue spending it with the enchantress.

Seeing that Qi Zhou got the first blood, Wawa explained: "If I'm not mistaken, the sword demon in front is deliberately seducing him. He should know that the wine barrel is on the road. You can also see the clue from Xiaotian's path. Originally Xiaotian was ready to go back after clearing the jungle, and then suddenly went up the road."

However, the wine barrel looked wrong and had already run away from the direction of the river.

On the side of the road, seeing that Xiaotian was coming, Qi Zhou stepped forward to seduce him. If he didn't give him a chance, Jiu Tong might return to the city with him.

"That's weird. Why doesn't he have any desire to attack? Isn't he an advantage?" Jensen said he didn't understand.

Licorice shook his head: "I don't know either."

"I'm going back." Jensen went back to the city directly, and the wild wine barrel followed him.

Until the end of the countdown when the two returned to the city, the sword demon didn't intend to come up to fight, so the two did not interrupt their return to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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