In the commentary seat, Wawa and Miller breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw the baby explaining: "Sea King's consciousness is outrageous, the opposite Nakano has been so careful, and still can't escape the eyes of Sea King."

Miller L: "And this Urgot's performance is also very good. There is no meaning at all. It doesn't look like someone is squatting. Aquaman's wave is really outrageous. How did he know?"

Everyone was guessing how Qi Zhou knew that the opponent's middle field was squatting on the road.

However, what they didn't know was that Qi Zhou really didn't think so much this time, he just developed normally.

At this moment, the bottom lanes of the two sides fought!

On the bottom lane, Kalista Lin Weixiang took the lead in attacking, taking advantage of the women's AD's Lu Xi'an making up the knife, a Q skill followed by an E, slowed down Lu Xi'an, and then directly made a big move!

Kalista's ult took Luo back, and then threw it towards Lucian.

Lucian surrendered his E skill and retreated, and Luo activated his ultimate move to keep up.

Lucian could only be forced to hand over the flash, and Luo also flashed to keep up, and then a W shot completed the knock-up.

"They seem to be afraid of being beaten in the bottom lane, and they feel that they can go over the tower, but they don't have double moves." Liu Qingsong immediately started calling his teammates for support.

"I'm going to fight the canyon, Neptune will cover me." Xiaotian's voice suddenly came, Xiaotian came to the canyon vanguard and started to fight the canyon vanguard, Qi Zhou came to the river to cover.

Sword Demon's second-stage Q skill is followed by E to adjust the position, and hit the wine barrel and Thresh at the same time!

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "It seems that both sides of this wave want to fight to the end. FPX will not run away here, just wait for the opposing middle and Ueno to come over, but after all, the two are behind the opponent's first tower, which is very difficult for FPX. Not good."

On the middle side, Calista and Luo retreated one after another, keeping a distance from each other.

However, the opponent didn't intend to come over to fight for it, so Xiaotian got the Pioneer's Eye quite easily.

Seeing that the sword demon's blood volume is about to enter the killing line of Urgot's ultimate move, the sword demon's third Q skill shot, followed by E and flash, and instantly completed a double kill!At the same time, he sucked a lot of blood!
Upon seeing this, the baby explained passionately: "The sword demon is not dead yet, he is still outputting, what is going on with this blood sucking, it is too exaggerated."

Lucian didn't flash, so Liu Qingsong knew that he would definitely die, and now he just needs to make Thresh unable to help.

This is also good news for Qi Zhou. It is much easier for him to line up than before. He doesn't need to pull or fight. He just needs to push the pawn line over and see if there are opportunities in other lanes.

If the fighter hero is well developed, the output is high and at the same time very fleshy, the operation is poor, and it doesn't matter if he takes more damage.

"Brothers, I'm gone." Toothpaste reminded.

On C9's side, after this wave was over, they realized that Sword Demon couldn't stop it!
I saw jensen directing: "We'd better avoid this sword demon in our team fight. If he's on the field, we'd better not fight. The ADC's equipment is not enough. I don't have the means to continuously output points. I definitely can't beat this sword demon to death. "

The duo switched to the middle lane, and the mid laner came to the bottom lane.

Liu Qingsong's Luo also rushed over from under the defense tower, and the three joined up.

So after the C9 duo returned to the bottom lane, they took the initiative to take a retreating posture, and Sneaky was pushed in at the line of defense below the defense tower.

"They seem to really want to continue to delay. Now, should we directly attack the middle?" Xiaotian suggested.

Soon, Urgot's TP landed, and after landing, he came directly to find someone, and C9's middle field also came over, forming a double-team situation.

So everyone in FPX gathered in the middle to advance, the duo and the jungler were in the middle, and the middle and top led the line on the side. Qi Zhou had TP to support him, and Toothpaste had a big move, so he could fly over directly.

Everyone in C9 reached a consensus, seeing this sword demon, they wanted to make a detour.

Miller: "Now the enchantress has no skills, Urgot can't stand alone, facing the output of Sword Demon and Calista at the same time, he can't handle it, the most important thing is because Sword Demon sucked up the blood volume, causing Urgot Gat's big move can't complete the beheading!"

At this moment, Liu Qingsong made a move!
Liu Qingsong's Luo activates his big move, walks around the sword demon, controls all three people on the opposite side, and then gives W to Urgot who came forward.

Seeing that he couldn't leave anymore, Toothpaste chose to save Blink.

Liu Qingsong: "You can try to speed up. Now Kalista is at her peak, and if she continues to drag it down, she will go downhill."

Sneaky said: "I still need to develop, and the development is too bad now, let's not do things for now."

After the Nightmare ult disappeared, C9 top laner Urgot gave TP to the bottom lane, and it seemed that he was going to continue playing.

Xiaotian: "I don't have a big move, maybe it will be more limited."

On the other hand, after seeing him, he seemed to lose his mind and insisted on killing him. If the other side wasn't so concentrated, Qi Zhou wouldn't be able to perform well.

At 6 and 9 minutes into the game, FPX took down C[-]'s bottom tower, and then began to change lanes.

For him, this game only needs development. When your development is good enough, operation is not so important, especially for warrior heroes.

So everyone in FPX chose to pretend to retreat first, to lure Thresh over and keep him away from the defensive tower.

When Nightmare entered the tower, Calista and Luo had already followed.

On C9's side, the bewitching girl took the lead!I saw the enchantress sent W up, and then the Q skill was given to Nightmare!
Nightmare used the W skill to block the Q, so that Nightmare has no W skill!

Qi Zhou took the top lane to the second tower on the opposite side, and then entered the wild area to start developing.

Seeing this, Thresh flashed up and sent an E skill to Calista, and then followed the hook.

"Damn, there's an ambush!" Suddenly, Toothpaste was taken aback. He was about to fly down with his big move, when suddenly a fat man flew out from the nearby bushes. trick.

Now Yao Ji doesn't dare to come up, he can't fight three, he can only watch everyone in FPX leave!

The two were talking, and Sword Demon's next set of skill CDs had already been transferred!
The sword demon cooperated with Calista to take Urgot's head, and the two sides played one for three!

Calista went straight to Lucian, while Luo went to Thresh.

On the road side, Qi Zhou's sword demon completely controls the line power, and it's not his control. In fact, he doesn't mean to control the line power at all. The thread is pushed through.

After everyone in C9 heard the news, they chose to make a decisive move. The wine barrel shot E and hit the sword demon of Nightmare and Qi Zhou at the same time, and then took away Nightmare with a set of skills.

At the same time, he gave a signal to the middle lane: "Be careful in the middle lane, the opposite side may come to make trouble."

Thresh came up to give the hook, Qi Zhou's sword demon was arrested again, and then the enchantress' chain.

Qi Zhou continued to lead the line on the road, and he had already noticed that the opponents were very afraid of him. If there were not three or four people coming over at the same time, they probably would not dare to make a move.

On the top lane, Canyon Pioneer was released, and C9's top laner had withdrawn ahead of schedule, so FPX easily took down the top lane tower.

At this moment, Luo used the E skill to return to Calista, and then took the initiative to help block the hook!
In this way, Kalista can continue to output!
The women's AD has no displacement skills in his hands, so he can only choose to turn around and fight back, start with a flat A, and then keep up with the Q skills. After finishing a set of AQAWA skills, Kalista lost half of his health, and Lucian began to enlarge his moves.

On the middle road, after the pawn line enters the tower, Lin Weixiang wants to go forward to point the tower, and then Lucian's line clearing speed is not slow. At the same time, Kalista's rear is relatively short. If you want to point the tower, you must be closer to the defensive tower. The opposite side and the auxiliary Thresh have been putting pressure under the tower, and a hook may be released at any time.

Toothpaste reminded: "Both the wine barrel and the enchantress have no big moves."

Thresh, who assisted Zeyzal, stepped forward to help make a rescue. He used his ultimate move to block Calista and chose to flash to bypass Thresh's ultimate move from the side, and then continued to output after getting close to Lucian.

At 21 minutes into the game, FPX controlled the second dragon. Originally, Xiaotian wanted to use the dragon to force the team, but C9 had no intention of coming out to accept the team at all, and kept developing online.

Miller: "This is the strength of Aquaman. He knows exactly which hero to use and what style of play to use. A player with such a rich and varied style of play will make the opponent feel very headache, and it is difficult to adapt to every change. "

In order to avoid being discovered by the opponent, Xiaotian chose to come from the pawn line, and after closing the distance, he was going to use his big move to jump over the tower.

At this time, both of them had lost more than half of their HP, and Lin Weixiang's Kalista had already started outputting.

Miller: "FPX probably doesn't care what's good or bad, just do it."

So Xiaotian inserted an eye at his feet, and Qi Zhou directly TPed on the eye.

After Qi Zhou's Sword Demon TP landed on the ground, he commanded: "Let's grab a second and then pull with the other side."

"Go directly." Xiaotian's heart was ruthless, and he directly activated the big move!
"Open the curtain!" Nightmare's big move went straight to Lucian and Thresh under the defensive tower.

Qi Zhou's Sword Demon uses his ultimate move!Although Yao Ji's chain held him and he couldn't move, he could still use his skills. Qi Zhou sent the evil fire chain to the wine barrel, and then a Q skill hit the wine barrel.

Liu Qingsong: "My ult CD has been converted, and I can control one first."

After the nightmare landed, he gave the last E skill, and Lucian handed over the E skill toward the rear. However, in close proximity, Lucian's E skill could not break the Nightmare's E skill.

On the playing field, FPX's players are still very calm. In their opinion, it is enough to have an advantage in operation, and it doesn't matter if the situation is inferior.

On the other side, Urgot flashed a close-up sword demon, then made a big move, and then threw an over-the-shoulder throw!

Seeing that the first tower on the opposite road has only half of its health, Xiaotian came to the top road to release the canyon pioneer.

Toothpaste flew towards the middle of the road, Jensen's bewitching girl had already approached, and after getting close to Galio, he chose QR to follow up with an E skill.

"They dare to go up like that?" C9 was a little surprised in the bottom lane. They originally thought that Galio was sniped halfway, and logically this wave of tower jumping should be over.

Miller: "Now the advantages of FPX in the top and bottom lanes are very certain, but the middle lane is a bit disadvantaged, but it is not a big problem, because the toothpaste is playing Galio, this hero is not in the lane, and can enter the field with a big move in the team Just give it control."

Everyone in C9 is very clear that the biggest threat at this time is this sword demon. As long as they can kill the sword demon in seconds, the follow-up will be easy to fight.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou commanded, "Give me a TP spot."

So Lucian was feared, and Nightmare and Calista kept up with the damage and easily completed the kill.

Qi Zhou: "Normal operation is normal operation."

Qi Zhou is not being modest, in fact he also feels that his operation is very ordinary, and there is nothing special about it.

Xiaotian's Nightmare began to lean towards the bottom lane. At the same time, Toothpaste actively pushed the line in the middle, preparing to cooperate with Nightmare's tower jump.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Aquaman's style of play this time is completely different from before. In the first game, his Shen was a master of rhythm, and he exploded the audience. This game has been developing, except for a wave of TP support. None of them have acted with teammates.”

On the bottom side, the pawn line has already entered the tower, and all conditions are met, but Galio's big move is missing.

"Nice! Neptune's sword demon is so fierce, the gods have descended to earth, I say you can lie down this time." Xiaotian celebrated.

Lin Weixiang: "I'm still a bit short of the CD of my ultimate move, so I'll delay it a little bit."

However, Nightmare has already carried the tower to the residual blood, and the situation is not very favorable when the opposing middle field comes over.

Seeing that Lucian has entered the protection range of the defense tower, Calista followed up with the last shot to tie A, and then drew the spear with E skill to take the head!
Seeing this, the baby explained: "Line kill! After completing a wave of line kills in the bottom lane, Lin Weixiang is still strong. Sneaky's strength should not be weak, but he met Lin Weixiang!"

Qi Zhou: "Let's kill Thresh who hasn't flashed first."

After going back to the city for supplies in the bottom lane, he returned to the line to continue to develop. Now Kalista has taken out the first big piece, and Lucian is still a bunch of loose pieces, so the gap is big.

Taking advantage of the bottom lane to complete the line kill, Xiaotian came to Xiaolongkeng and took down the first dragon.

"They should have passed by Nakano." On the middle lane, Toothpaste gave a signal to the bottom lane, telling the bottom lane to leave quickly.

On the middle road side, after the toothpaste pushes the line, start to walk down to the river, and lean a little in the direction of the down road, the distance of the big move is basically enough.

Thresh's EQ combo is still very difficult to avoid, because the E skill has a deceleration effect. After being hooked to decelerate, it is more difficult to avoid the hook.

Kalista chose to jump sideways and continue to output Lucian, while preventing Lucian's ultimate from targeting him.

As a result, Lin Weixiang had to be careful, and the speed of pushing the tower was quite busy and slow.

It is impossible for Xiaotian to stay in the middle lane all the time, he also needs to develop, so Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong still have anti-gank, so the speed of pushing towers will be even slower!

After trying three waves of pawn lines, only a little HP was worn out.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Now FPX's advancement in the middle lane seems to be blocked. C9's current strategy is very simple. It is to avoid fighting FPX head-on, and keep dragging down. Their tactics are quite successful so far."

Miller: "I feel that we need to change our tactics. We can try to make a fuss around Baron and force C9's players out. But now that C9 still has the first tower in the middle, this tactic is not easy to succeed."

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