253 Chapter 252

In the arena, everyone in FPX is under a little pressure. If it really drags the late stage, Kalista is definitely not as good as Lucian. Who is more useful, Enchantress or Galio, mainly depends on the performance of the team and individual.

Galio is a hero who fights for control, and his output needs to be played by his teammates. If the output of his teammates is not strong, then his role will be very small.

As for the enchantress, more emphasis is placed on individual performance, as long as she performs well, there is the possibility of creating miracles.

In the later stage, the barrel of team battles is also more effective than Nightmare, and it is better to play in a team. Nightmare relies on the moment of entering the field. If it does not succeed, there will be no follow-up.

The only advantage is the sword demon on the road. The team battle of the sword demon in the later stage is guaranteed, but it depends on the individual's operation.

The game time was 25 minutes, Xiaolong was about to refresh, and everyone in FPX gathered near Xiaolong Pit.

Qi Zhou's sword demon is developing on the road, ready to TP to come to support at any time.

At this time, Xiaotian commanded: "If the opponent comes over, I will directly start a team with a big move. Remember to follow Galio."

Toothpaste replied: "No problem."

Miller: "Whether this big dragon is worth taking down depends on how many people can be taken away. If more than two people can be taken away, it is still acceptable."

However, Nightmare and Galio forcefully start a team, and the opposite side has a way to evade it. Lucian has E skills and Thresh's lantern.

Galio's big move came down, and then he punched into the field with an E skill justice punch. After entering the field, he activated the W skill Duran's shield, taunting the barrel and Urgot who did not flash.

Just when the baby was surprised, the sword demon used the third Q skill to pick up the Thresh who did not flash, landed and followed up with a death-bending sword energy, and directly took Thresh's head!
At the same time, both Barrel and Urgot surrendered Blink!

Now with the Baron buff, the situation is different, the minion line is brought to the front of C9's high ground tower, and everyone in C9 finds that clearing the line has become a problem.

On the FPX side of the game, after winning the team battle, Xiaotian commanded: "One wave, one wave, brothers, one wave!"

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX took down the dragon! But how do we go now? C9 doesn't seem to want to let them go."

With just these two Q skills, he has already played an explosive AOE, which disabled everyone in C9!

Calista cooperated with the punishment, and instantly killed the dragon.

Everyone in FPX first controlled the field of vision near Xiaolongkeng, and then waited for the people from C9 to come over.

The sword demon's second Q skill was followed by E, and this time it hit the C9 four people except the enchantress!

The Sword Demon stepped forward to deal with the output, while Xiaotian's Nightmare flew over directly to drive the enchantress away. As long as the enchantress can't output, the remaining three people are unlikely to kill the Sword Demon. The armor on the Sword Demon Lots of gear.

So under the leadership of Yao Ji, everyone in C9 went to Dalongkeng to explore. There was a tower in the middle, and they rushed to Dalongkeng very quickly.

As soon as the enchantress sends out W, she goes forward all the way. If there is a sudden situation, she can or directly use the W skill to come back.

Soon the little dragon refreshed, this is already a fire dragon, logically the opposite side must come to pick up the group.

But who would have thought that Sword Demon changed everything by himself.

At this time, Qi Zhou was at the corner of the entrance of the blue Fanglan BUFF, where the opponent had no vision, so everyone in C9 didn't know that Qi Zhou had already turned his head!

Toothpaste had no choice but to hand over Flash to distance himself, but everyone in C9 was about to catch up. Thresh flashed his hook and hit Galio directly!

In this way, Qi Zhou has the opportunity to wait for the skill CD. At the same time, Xiaotian's Nightmare has activated his big move and is ready to enter the arena!

Everyone in C9 came to the top of the Dragon Pit. After the enchantress sent a W skill CD, she directly entered the Dragon Pit with W, and then gave all the QREs to Calista. Fortunately, Lin Weixiang moved well and avoided Enchantress' chain.

It can be said that there is no hero that can be opened casually, which poses a problem for Xiaotian.

Hearing this, Xiaotian's expression changed, and he said: "Good seduction, don't seduce next time."

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Win! Who would have thought that FPX would win this wave of team battles! With the ADC being instantly killed, FPX won the team battle thanks to the wonderful performance of Sword Demon! And it was zero. For five!"

Liu Qingsong: "It feels like we have to fight the big dragons, otherwise they definitely won't come out."

Almost at the same time, the opponent's wild wine barrel handed over his E skill and came down from the dragon pit, and then wanted to take the big dragon with a big move and punishment, but it was still a step too late, the big dragon was gone!

They saw a huge opportunity at the beginning. If they can complete the group wipeout against FPX, they will win if they say no. Attack round.

I saw Xiaotian said: "It's awesome, Neptune, I thought this wave would be impossible to get rid of, but you still dare to fight back."

Lin Weixiang's Kalista could no longer be removed, and Liu Qingsong's Luo directly smashed towards his home and sold Liu Weixiang.

Miller: "Liu Qingsong has stood up! If the enchantress continues to be consumed, it will definitely be detrimental to FPX, so he chose to break the group decisively, which is too decisive!"

"Retreat!" After taking down the big dragon, Xiaotian asked his teammates to retreat.

After winning the team battle, everyone in FPX returned to the city to supply supplies, and then gathered in the middle to advance.

I saw Qi Zhou's sword demon activated his big move, and then a Q skill followed by E came over the wall!

Wa Wa passionately explained: "Lu Xian is also down, and now there is no one in C9 who can threaten this sword demon. It is not a problem for the sword demon to hit three, he is a god!"

Xiaotian: "It's fine if you have this function. Isn't there a sword demon for damage? This is called a clear division of labor."

Lin Weixiang: "Yes, you say that you have a high EQ."

The first Q skill hit Thresh, Barrel and Urgot. The C9 people were originally focusing on Galio, but when they saw the sword demon coming out, they chose to focus on the sword demon.

So everyone in FPX continued to output the big dragon, and the blood volume of the big dragon soon reached about [-]. At this time, the enchantress entered the field again!
This time the Enchantress didn't have a big move, so he took W to QE.

Seeing everyone from FPX approaching, everyone from C9 had no choice but to get up and shake hands.

Seeing this, the Enchantress directly handed over Flash, but Luo also flashed!

Needless to say, Enchantress, he has a lot of displacement skills, and the wine barrel ult has E skills and flash.

Toothpaste: "I was going to let you guys sell me to kill me, and then I saw Neptune's sword demon come in, that's a mighty one."

After shaking hands with everyone in C9, Qi Zhou and his teammates went back to the waiting room.

At this moment, Liu Qingsong's Luo directly activated his ultimate move and crossed the wall to find the enchantress.

Under Xiaotian's call, the five FPX members began to form a group and set up a vision near the Dalong Pit.

Now that we have come to this point, there is no turning back for everyone in FPX.

However, they were respectful when they saw Qi Zhou, and then changed their expressions when facing other people.

But even if he was hit by QR, he lost half of his HP!
The pressure came to everyone in FPX, if it continues to be consumed, it will be difficult to bear.

After Qi Zhou's sword demon approached Yao Ji, QR started to give W skills, Yao Ji had no other skills in her hands, and could only wait to die.

As a result, when everyone in FPX was about to leave, Qi Zhou said: "You can fight, depending on my position!"

Calista has broken blood sucking, and the effect of consuming him is not very good, so the enchantress chooses to consume the blood volume of the sword demon.

At this time, the dragon has lost a lot of spears, and it seems that the blood volume of the dragon seems to be quite high, but Kalista's spear drawing and punishment cooperate, and the killing line is very high.

On C9's side, seeing everyone's movements in FPX, they were not in a hurry, but felt that the opportunity had come!

After approaching the big dragon pit, Yaoji threw a real eye over, and then W came back.

Everyone in FPX laughed out loud.

So after defending for a while, C9 chose to give up the first tower in the middle.

"Are these people in C9 so wretched?" Xiaotian complained.

At the same time, the output of the sword demon is enough. The wine barrel is killed by the two Q skills of the sword demon and Galio, and the third Q is directly reserved for Urgot. Lucian was left behind.

"Together!" Liu Weixiang commanded, while pulling out the spear, he activated his ultimate move to take Luo back, because he had already seen C9's people rushing over.

Xiaotian: "This is the only way, then we all come here, five of us together."

Lin Weixiang: "Is my seduction very powerful? If I don't die, the opponent will not dare to chase like this, then there will be no such good opportunities."

The hero Lucian's hands are relatively short, so it's not easy to clear the line, let alone the enchantress. Unless he wants a combo like WR, he won't be able to clear the line at all, but the R skill should be reserved for consumption.

After killing C9's Ueno and Ueno, Qi Zhou turned around and took Lu Xian's head. In the end, only Yao Ji escaped!

So FPX took Xiaolong easily, but you were not the target of FPX people, they came to pick up the group.

As soon as Yao Ji fired a QRE, the sword demon used the E skill to avoid Yao Ji's chain, but was still hit by Yao Ji's QR, losing more than a quarter of its HP.

On the C9 side, everyone in C9 shut themselves up after this wave.

Miller: "Sea King's sword demon is too fierce. This is how the gods descended to the earth to fight five times, and directly knocked C9 into a daze. They thought it was a chasing battle, and they just had to chase all the way. Who would have thought that the sword demon was in How dare you fight back at a time like this!"

Everyone in FPX got up one after another, then stood behind Qi Zhou and lined up to walk towards C9 together.

If you walk out of the big dragon pit at this time, the opposite side will definitely take over the bloody dragon,

The coach, Brother Feng, was already waiting. After everyone entered the door, Brother Feng greeted: "Thank you, everyone, today's two games were very successful, continue to maintain this state, now we all clean up and we are ready to go back."

On the field, on the FPX side, everyone has already started to celebrate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Galio directly gave his ult to Sword Demon!
Originally, everyone in C9 saw that the sword demon had lost his skills, and planned to kill the sword demon first, but once Galio's ult was given, they had to pull away first, otherwise they would definitely be knocked away by Galio's ult.

The jungler Blaber said: "Let's go slowly and be careful not to be ambushed. If they really fight the dragon, that's our chance."

At the moment when the crystal exploded at the C9 base, Qi Zhou took off his earphones, and the FPX fans at the scene were already cheering: "FPX! FPX! FPX!"

At this moment, Yao Ji came out from the side, but this time he came to find Sword Demon.

However, C9 didn't have that intention at all. After they pushed the central pawn line over, they went directly to the Dalong Pit for vision instead of going in the direction of Xiaolong.

Jensen reminded: "They have Kalista, so we can't wait to fight for punishment. I will fight and consume first. After their health is exhausted, we will go to meet the group head-on."

At the same time, everyone in C9 also went around to pick up the group, and the two sides began to collide in the wild area at the partition wall of the second tower!
Jensend's Enchantress was killed first, and Xiaotian Mengmai entered the arena after fighting, and rushed into the back row with Galio!
The terrain in the wild area was very narrow, and C9 didn't have much room to move around. Galio's big move knocked three of them into the air!Only Lucian escaped with his E skill.

Lin Weixiang's Kalista originally planned to use the jump to avoid the chain, but he didn't expect to be predicted that the blood volume would bottom out!
There is no way, he can only hand over flash and healing to avoid being killed in seconds. In order to cooperate with Dalong, he can't flash out and stay in the Dalong Pit.

Miller: "C9's team battle has been completely defeated. It seems that we have to congratulate FPX. In the last wave of team battles, Liu Qingsong's Luo made a decisive attack. He cooperated with his teammates to kill the demon girl who had been harassing in seconds, and then helped Jian The devil took Lucian's head, let us congratulate FPX!"

I saw Xiaotian commanding: "Let's finish the fight first, and then withdraw directly. How many can be withdrawn?"

Jensen: "Let me go to explore the road first. If they fight Baron, let me fight consumption first. They won't be able to handle it."

Seeing this, Toothpaste had no choice but to say: "Sell me, you go first."

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Is it so decisive? FPX started the team directly, Luo taunted the enchantress, and then followed up with the W skill, and at the same time, the sword demon came over with his big move!"

Lin Weixiang: "I feel like this one is really messy. I only have the big move to start the team, and the damage is basically not hit."

Amidst the laughter, everyone in FPX took down the second tower first, then the high ground, and finally the front tooth tower and the base crystal.

After everyone in C9 took Calista's head, they chose to continue chasing. Urgot directly gave the ultimate move, which hit Galio, and Galio continued to slow down.

Everyone in C9 was sitting on the chairs at this time, all of them had serious faces, their faces were ugly.

The FPX people who took down the first tower in the middle pushed the line of troops to the second tower in the middle, and continued to grind the blood volume of the second tower in the middle.

Seeing this scene, the baby exclaimed: "What is the sword demon doing! He hurts so much! Is it going to hit five?"

But it was useless, Lin Weixiang's Kalista activated his big move, threw Luo directly and knocked Lucian into the air, and the sword demon stepped forward to catch up with the output and took Lucian's head!

"They're really playing Baron!" Blaber was delighted now.

So everyone in FPX started to pack their things. After packing, they left the competition venue with Brother Feng.

The remaining few games today don't have much to watch for FPX, so it's better to go back and review the game.

Although today is a two-game winning streak, the process is not very difficult, but a lot of problems have been exposed, so a replay is necessary.

But before the replay, everyone chose to put the things back in the room first, and then went to the restaurant for dinner together.

(End of this chapter)

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