Chapter 255 [254] VIT?Have not heard
Immediately afterwards, a Q skill was thrown towards the grass, and it really hit someone!
Seeing that they had been spotted, the two people on the bottom of the VIT began to retreat.

Upon seeing this, the baby explained: "Good sense, can you know that the other side is squatting? I feel that other people must have been ambushed. After hitting Bron's Q skill, they will definitely be shot passively by the small cannon. You will lose a lot of blood when you come up."

Miller: "I'm relieved that Neptune will go down the road. With his consciousness, it is unlikely to succeed in playing such a trick."

After a small episode, the two sides began to line up normally in the bottom lane.

Qi Zhou's Swain chose the Q skill at the first level, and took three minions with one Q skill.

The small cannon on the opposite side tied A with a shot, and took three small soldiers. He ordered the E skill in front.

This VIT's desire to attack in the bottom lane seems to be very strong. After the three melee soldiers got their hands, Bron and Xiaopao pressed forward together, as if they wanted to fight against FPX in the bottom lane.

It is understandable for Qi Zhou to have this kind of thinking. When he sees that the opponent is a mage in the next lane, he wants to take advantage of the fact that the mage has no skills. If it is against A, the mage is definitely not an ADC opponent.

Of course, if you count the pull, it's hard to say.

"It's okay, let's pull them." Qi Zhou directed.

The game time came to 6 minutes, and the solo laners and junglers of both sides reached level six.

At the same time, on the top lane, Jin Gong's Urgot was suppressing the opponent Shen. Jin Gong saw that the opponent had selected a hero like Shen, and immediately realized that the opportunity had come, and directly targeted Urgot.

Miller: "Whether it's Swain or Luo, the operation is perfect. The cooperation of VIT is actually very good, but there is no way, the support is Bron, and the ability to cooperate with the jungler is relatively limited."

"Looks like it's time to hand over the flash." Liu Qingsong said slowly.

Toothpaste nodded after hearing this. He was indeed afraid of being caught by the opposing jungler.

On the lower side, Qi Zhou has been playing with the pawn line all the time. Xiao Pao, the hero, can't push the line. Only Qi Zhou can push the line, so no matter what, the pawn line will not be pushed over.

The moment the wine barrel released the E skill, Xiao Cannon jumped directly with the W skill rocket to deal damage. He knew that even if Luo controlled him, Swain would not be able to kill him, and it would be good to hit half of his health.

Xiaopao put the E skill on Luo, and then started to output.

Xiaotian's Crag Sparrow was aiming, and soon, an opportunity arose, taking advantage of Shen stepped forward to make up the knife, and the moment he made a flat A shot, Crag Sparrow threw a W skill Crag!
Jin Gong followed up with an E skill immediately, wanting to perform an alley-oop.

Down the road, Kikis' barrel appeared!

And Swain's A-level distance is 550 yards. This 50-yard distance is a very big advantage in the hands of world-class players.

At the same time, in the middle lane, Toothpaste has been looking for trouble for Galio. Whenever there is a chance, he will go up and fight. The sword girl can rely on the Q skill to recover blood, but Galio can't. After a few rounds of fighting back and forth, Galio I couldn't stand it anymore.

"I don't believe I won't be able to catch him today." Xiao Tian was indeed a bit over the top.

"It can no longer be described as outrageous, it is simply outrageous."

Xiaotian: "Of course it doesn't mean that. The top order on the opposite side took me a lot of time. I knew I wouldn't be here."

At the same time, on the middle side, Toothpaste reminded: "Galio on the opposite side is level six, be careful."

Toothpaste: "The other side was careless, otherwise I would have no chance."

The wine barrel on the opposite side is also very experienced. He didn't make the first move, but chose to approach first, and then the Q skill slowed down.

In this way, VIT's plan fell through, and in the end, even a flash was not played!
Seeing this, Wawa exclaimed: "My God, what kind of coordination is FPX doing in this bot lane? They can escape this wave of GANK without handing in a flash!"

Realizing that he was being kited, Xiao Pao started to retreat without turning back, and Swain gave him another shot while taking advantage of it. In this way, Qi Zhou had a big advantage in terms of blood volume.

Xiaotian's rock sparrow chose to enter the grass directly from the pawn line, and then wanted to take a wave from the grass. As long as Shen can be carried back, Urgot can catch up with the E skill and fall over the shoulder, then Shen will undoubtedly die.

Attila's little cannon wanted to fight back, but just as he turned around, Swain turned around, and little cannon A couldn't come out!
In fact, the small gun has a range of only 500 yards at the first level, which is the shortest category among all ADCs.

Of course, his E skill is not aimed at the wine barrel, but at the small cannon and Braum behind him.

Jin Gong didn't move forward, if he got close to Shen at this time, it might reveal the information that Xiaotian was still on the road.

At the same time, Liu Qingsong said: "The jungler on the other side is coming down the road."

This has not been played yet, Bron surrendered his E skill and jumped on the barrel, and then shot his Q skill, trying to hang the passive on Swain.

Xiaotian continued to play wild in the upper half of the field, and now he is on the same line with this Shen.

"Can this person really know how to play ADC? He was even tied by a mage card."

Cabochard's Shen was very timid, and after he waited until the CD of the E skill improved, he stepped forward and continued to make up the knife.

On the FPX side of the game, seeing the solo kill in the middle, Xiaotian celebrated: "Yes, toothpaste, a solo kill is a solo kill."

However, before the cannon hit A three times, Luo retreated and pulled away. Only Swain was still leveling the A output.

And it's the same for Qi Zhou, he just wants to develop, and he doesn't need to play much advantage in the line.

Upon seeing this, Wawa exclaimed in surprise: "Did Neptune predict the opponent's operation? Otherwise, it must not be possible."

Miller: "I also think it's outrageous. Aquaman is really abnormal. It feels different when a hero is in his hands."

However, there is another problem to consider, that is Shen on the road, if Shen gives a big move, he will definitely not be able to kill him.

Now that Qi Zhou said that, the toothpaste felt relieved.

Upon seeing this, the baby explained: "Is this okay? A small ADC cannon was actually kited by a mage card with a distance of A. Oh my god, did I read it wrong?"

With a big belly, Jiu Ke went straight down the road and blocked Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong's retreat from the river.

Miller: "Then Xiaotian's gank failed and wasted a little time. Fortunately, he played all the wild monsters, so it's okay."

"You're a bit over the top, it's a waste of time." Jin Gong said suddenly.

After the control effect on his body disappeared, Galio chose to activate the W skill Duran's shield, and after taunting the sword girl, he took the opportunity to surrender the flash and retreat.

Xiaotian: "You're still too modest, Jin Gong, I'm coming up, let's cooperate,"

Qi Zhou: "It's hard to say, but it can be operated."

Both sides reached the third level. At this time, Galio is still about half of his health, and Daomei is almost full of health.

After a wave of consumption, Toothpaste wanted to kill solo. Now that he has an ultimate move, Galio has not flashed. At the same time, his Ignition CD has also turned better, so the damage must be enough.

However, Liu Qingsong's Luo suddenly moved and took the initiative to help block the Q skill, and then handed over W to distance himself.

So every time Shen can't come up, Jin Gong has to go up to put pressure, either using Q skills to consume, or using flat A output.

After completing the solo kill, Daomei began to walk outside the defense tower, looking as if she was about to be killed by the defense tower. However, when the defense tower came out with the last A, Daomei turned on the W skill to reduce damage, and there was still a little bit left Blood is not dead!
Upon seeing this, Wawa exclaimed: "Solo kill! Completed a solo tower jump in the middle lane! And it hasn't been replaced yet!"

However, his W skill directly hit Swain's E skill and was intercepted from midair!

Miller: "There is no second explanation other than prejudgment. I think the speed of human reaction may not be possible."

I saw that Toothpaste first used the minions to stack his passives, fully stacked his own passives, pretended that he was just making up the knife, and when Galio relaxed his vigilance and came up to use skills, Qi Zhou made a move!

"How can you be so confident with such food?"

Wawa: "Wait a minute, Xiaotian doesn't seem to be reconciled. Is he planning to continue doing it? He went directly to the bushes on the line."

Xiao Pao wanted to confront Qi Zhou, but Qi Zhou also chose to pull away, and retreated immediately after a QA round.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, Swain immediately turned around and gave him a shot.

Qi Zhou moved while outputting, dodging Braum's Q skill.

On the field, on FPX's side, Xiaotian suddenly said: "I never thought that toothpaste would get a kill in the middle of the fight until now."

In his opinion, Galio on the opposite side should not continue to be online with this amount of health, he should go back to resupply, but Galio on the other side did not go back to resupply, which is a bit seductive.

Xiaotian looked towards the middle, and then said: "I'm still here to help you catch him. You can kill him solo with this amount of blood. The ignition you bring is not a decoration."

In the middle lane, toothpaste was ready to move after level [-]. He chose to go up to consume the first wave, use the E skill to control Galio, and then use the Q skill to get close. After two hits of A, he used the Q skill to pull away. Galio had no chance to fight back. .

At the same time, the VIT duo approached from the front, ready to cooperate with a wave.

Qi Zhou could probably guess what the two opposite people were thinking.

However, Qi Zhou's E skill has already been used!

Jin Gong: "I think the most outrageous thing is that you actually have to squat him twice. I thought you wouldn't go up when you saw him retreat."

Wawa: "I haven't seen Toothpaste playing Daomei before. I thought he was not good at Daomei. Now it seems that he is too humble. If it is really played, at least the average mid laner should not be able to beat him."

So Liu Qingsong's Luo took the initiative to meet him, leveling A and then Q skills, consuming Xiaopao's HP.

The opponent probably wanted to give it a try at the beginning. After all, Qi Zhou got the mage and went down the road. After the duel, he found that he couldn't get any benefits, so he used the most conventional style of play and just developed.

The moment Galio used Duran's shield to control Daomei, the wine barrel walked over from the side, and at the same time Shen gave Galio his ultimate move!

Back to the game, after losing the first wave of confrontation, the two in the bottom lane of VIT began to develop, don't engage in those messy things.

"Can you be more outrageous?"

Taking advantage of the knife girl using the Q skill to make up the knife, Galio directly handed over an E skill to get close to the knife girl, and then turned on the W skill Duran shield.

Xiaotian's rock sparrow has come to Shanglu, ready to take action against Shanglu.

He thought to himself that this should be safe, but Toothpaste also decisively handed over the flash Q skill to keep up. The damage of the two towers and A's combined to ignite, and directly took Galio's head.

Toothpaste came to the grass in the bottom road and inserted a hole, but this hole was difficult to prevent Galio from wandering. He could approach the bottom road from his own wild area, or go up the road, and then flew over with his big move.

What Xiaotian didn't expect was that after his rock protruded his hand, Shen once again surrendered his E skill and retreated, just in time to dodge!
"This man has something, does he react so quickly?" Xiaotian realized that he underestimated the enemy, and the opponent was manipulative.

Qi Zhou's Daomei handed over her Q skill and stepped forward, closing the distance with Galio, and then shot with her E skill!
"So fast!" This wave of Jiizuke didn't have time to react at all, he just felt a blur before his eyes, and then he was charged!
Daomei uses a Q skill to get close, and then equalizes A and damage. At this time, Daomei's attack speed is very fast, and the attack adds extra magic damage, Galio can't stand it at all.

The wine barrel is already close to the body, and the E skill is handed over directly without giving any reaction time.

Miller: "The hand speed of this wave of toothpaste is so fast. I didn't even see when his E skill was shot. It feels like this Galio didn't react."

This version of Urgot is very strong. Although he is a fighter, he is very fleshy. You say he is a tank, but his output is explosive.

However, when Toothpaste was thinking about what kind of opportunity to find to kill Galio solo, Galio suddenly made a move!

Qi Zhou: "What you're saying is as if toothpaste shouldn't take blood."

Xiaotian: "It's okay, I'll wait for my sixth level, and after the sixth level, I will let him know what social danger is."

Qi Zhou: "No way, toothpaste is so cautious, I guess he is afraid of being squatted by the opponent's jungler, but don't worry, if your operation is in place, you can fight even if the opponent's jungler comes."

at this time.In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:

I saw Toothpaste said: "The opponent's mid laner is running out of blood, so we can find a chance to catch him."

Jin Gong was ready to cooperate with Xiaotian's gank. When Shen approached, he directly shot forward with E skill, ready to back Shen back.

At this time, Xiaopao couldn't chase the next wave of soldiers, so Xiaopao began to retreat.

What he didn't expect was that, as soon as he used this E skill, Shen handed over the taunt later, causing Urgot's E skill to be empty!
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "What a quick response, don't even mention that VIT is a top orderer."

"Three people!" Toothpaste was desperate, he reacted very quickly, and immediately used the E skill to control Galio, but he was still taunted by Galio.

Realizing that he couldn't get away, Toothpaste chose the big move to pick up Q and started to fight back!
After Daomei got close to Galio, she began to level A output, and then the moment the wine barrel handed over the E skill, she handed over Q to the minion to avoid the E skill of the wine barrel, but the wine barrel caught up with the flash, and the E Flash interrupted Daomei's Q!

Immediately afterwards, the wine barrel made a big shot, blasted Daomei back, flew towards Galio, carefully used the big move to land, and then followed up with an E skill to taunt.

Toothpaste's Daomei was accused of being unable to move, and was finally shot and killed by three people.

(End of this chapter)

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