Chapter 256 [255] Dilemma
"I was careless, I didn't expect the other side to go straight up." Toothpaste said.

Xiaotian: "It's not a big problem, it's just a head."

Jin Gong: "The opponent Shen didn't have a big move."

Qi Zhou: "We can look for opportunities on the way down."

Liu Qingsong: "Wait for me to level six first, otherwise I won't be able to fight first."

After being killed once, Toothpaste became cautious and switched to the usual mode.

He was indeed a little too excited just now, and he only wanted to kill the opponent solo, so he gave the opponent this opportunity.

On the top lane, Jin Gong continued to suppress the opponent's top laner, but he was very careful with the top laner. Although he was suppressed for some last hits, he was still able to hold on.

The game time came to 8 minutes. On the FPX side, Liu Qingsong's Luo is about to be promoted to level [-]. He hasn't roamed yet in this game, so his level is similar to that of ADC.

Xiaotian's rock sparrow is close to the bottom lane, and wants to attack the bottom lane.

The opponent's middle field is all mana output, so the toothpaste has been building magic resistance. Now that Mercury Shoes are available, plus the damage reduction of the W skill, as long as the W skill is well timed, it will definitely not be instantly killed by the opponent.

However, Xiao Tainong really didn't do this. If he forced a kill, he needed to kill Galio directly, so that Shen's ultimate move could not be let down, but Daomei didn't explode enough, and this hero is playing continuous output.

However, they also quickly realized that it would be impossible to fight in the later stages if they continued like this.

At this time, Liu Qingsong reminded: "Wait a minute, the opponent's top lane and mid lane have big moves, and I feel that I can't do it."

In front of the defense tower, Xiao Cannon and Braum entered the tower. Braum's big move wanted to knock Swain into the air, but Swain dodged it with a dodge.

Then there was the signal to get on the road: "The top laner on the opposite side is also gone."

On the middle road, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong didn't care. If they came across the tower at this time, it would actually help them. Now that Qi Zhou's equipment is up, it's impossible for him to be in seconds. He is invincible under the defensive tower. of.

At the same time, all three of VIT were beaten and disabled!
"Almost, if I have better equipment, I can kill the three of them!" Toothpaste exclaimed.

Xiaotian's rock sparrow has a big move, he is not far behind the defensive tower now, he can use his big move to fly over at any time.

On the bottom lane, Galio of Toothpaste chose to make a big move, and then the E skill controlled three people!Move back and forth between the three on the opposite side.

But if you go to two people, you will lose money, which will lead to a road with no defense.

It is also a bold decision made by everyone in VIT!

Shen followed up with a taunt, and Galio also got rid of Shen, and stepped forward to follow the output. Everyone in VIT began to focus on Swain who was in the boat.

The two are helping VIT find a way to win the game. As commentators, they are generally biased towards weaker teams, which is interesting.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "VIT's wave of jumping towers is about to blow up. They probably didn't expect that the rock sparrow is also going down the road, and they didn't expect Swain to be so good at fighting."

The two were talking, and Kikis' barrel had already been handed over to E to control Swain, and wanted to cooperate with his teammates to complete the kill.

Toothpaste also immediately gave TP to the bottom lane.

Qi Zhou: "Let's keep dragging. It's meaningless for them to grab one head or two heads. When five people fight head-on, it will be difficult for them to fight."

Upon seeing this, Liu Qingsong suggested, "Let's release the first tower on the lower road first."

Wawa: "I think it's best for VIT to start the team first, but the barrel ult and the flash are handed in. This team battle is not very good."

In the commentary seat, Wawa explained: "Finally, after the silence in the points, VIT found a chance to kill Urgot, and then went to fight Baron non-stop, but FPX will definitely not let them take Baron so easily."

"Oh, you like jumping towers, don't you blow yourself up?" Xiaotian celebrated.

After hearing this, Xiao Tian muttered, "What are they going to do?"

Toothpaste already had a level advantage, but in order not to give the opponent a jungler a chance, he didn't suppress it too much.

On the opposite side of the road, he found that the opponent could not fight hard, so he began to push the line and push the tower.

Seeing this, Xiaotian could only dispel GANK's idea of ​​going down the road.

Seeing that Daomei is so strong in the bottom lane, Xiaotian chose to come to the lower half of the opposite field, first to do a vision, and then came to the bottom lane and Daomei forced the opponent to give up the first tower of the bottom lane.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "This wave is a coincidence. When VIT wanted to attack FPX in the bot lane, Twaja happened to be in the bot lane. Let him catch up, otherwise there will definitely be problems."

At this moment, Liu Qingsong's Luo started his big move, controlling the wine barrel, Galio and Shen who had just landed.

Qi Zhou also said: "In fact, we don't need to worry, as long as we can develop."

On the road side, Jin Gong's Urgot pushed the line into the tower and began to push the tower.

The game time came to twelve minutes, and FPX's blood volume in the first tower of the next lane was running out.

This is an unsolvable problem for Qi Zhou. Even if he can control the small cannon, Luo can keep up with the follow-up control, and the damage is not enough to kill the small cannon. This small cannon obviously understands this, so pushing the tower When unscrupulous.

Liu Qingsong: "Young people are too impulsive. If they play slowly, they feel that they still have a chance, but if they start to worry now, they must have no chance."

Xiaotian's rock sparrow made a big move to block the road, supported to the front, and formed a front and rear double-teaming situation with Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong under the tower, sandwiching the opposing middle and Ueno in the middle.

The team battle was still going on, Rock Sparrow attacked from behind, fired W skills, and at the same time carried VIT's Naka Ueno back, and then kept up with the output.

Soon, the line of soldiers entered the tower, and the wine barrel on the opposite side came out from the side, approaching Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong under the tower.

"Galio is on the road!" Jin Gong immediately reminded his teammates.

"The three of them." Toothpaste is relatively calm, and it is not a loss to be caught to death in this situation.

In this way, the first tower in the middle of FPX will not be pushed down quickly.

On the bot lane, the two VIT bot laners speeded up the pace of pushing the line. Xiaopao directly gave the E skill to the minions, and then turned on the Q skill to output wildly.

Toothpaste's Daomei chose to go directly to the next road.

You don't need to worry about going up and down the road. It's very difficult to catch a person on the opposite side to death, and it may even be counter-killed.

The flexibility of Daomei is fully demonstrated by the toothpaste. Through the blood-sucking of Q skills, Daomei is like a god of war.

Toothpaste: "Don't worry, you guys go over to see if they will really fight, and then I will come over."

As long as it is not killed in seconds, there is room for manipulation.

Now toothpaste's Daomei is putting pressure on the opponent in the bottom lane. With the improvement of level and equipment, toothpaste has become more courageous.

This Galio is quite tough, it seems that he thinks that if he is careful, it is impossible for FPX to kill him by force.

What everyone didn't expect was that Galio of VIT didn't go to the middle lane. On the top lane, Jin Gong put pressure in front of the second tower on the opposite side, and the opposite wine barrel suddenly came out. Austrian big move to keep up!

In this way, Xiantian can only give up the opportunity to push down the road.

Xiaopao's W skill jumped face and wanted to follow the output, Qi Zhou immediately caught up with a shot of E skill and dragged Xiaopao down from midair!

Qi Zhou is different, he can only use his Q skill to slowly clear the line of troops, which is completely incomparable with Xiaopao.

Xiaotian could only hurry back to defend.

On the FPX side, Toothpaste pushed the pawn line into the defense tower as usual in the bottom lane. After the pawn line entered the tower, seeing no one under the tower, Toothpaste reminded: "There is no one under the opposite defense tower. Galio is gone, everyone be careful."

Wawa: "The cooperation between Galio and Shen is not in place, so the control chain is not connected. At the same time, because Luo has been promoted to level six, he has the control effect of the ultimate move, and he has controlled VIT for a long time. Otherwise, Wein will be caught in seconds at the first time, his ultimate move needs to slowly suck blood, so he can't be focused on, and he doesn't have the equipment foundation yet, so he can't handle the concentrated fire of so many people."

The game time came to 15 minutes, and both sides entered a relatively slow development stage.

So FPX took the initiative to give up the first tower, and the duo changed lanes to the middle.

Miller: "Now BT can only bite the bullet and continue to fight, otherwise all the big moves will be wasted."

If you come here now, the opponent may not fight directly. In this way, the big move is tantamount to giving it for nothing, so you have to wait until the opponent makes the first move.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "I feel that it is not easy for both sides to develop a rhythm in this game. VIT's support ability is too strong, and Xiao Tiandong is not easy to move. For VIT, FPX is just Swain. It’s still Daomei, the personal combat power is too fierce, if you don’t love three or four people, you can’t deal with it, so they are also difficult to fight and froze.”

Toothpaste's Daomei continued to push the pawn line in the bottom lane, stacking the pawn line to the second tower opposite.

Miller: "I feel that VIT is a little too anxious. After they come up with this lineup, they really need to play around the bot lane and help the bot lane build an advantage. But building an advantage is not this way of play. It's too risky."

Urgot's big move was triggered, he dragged the wine barrel, and then handed over the flash to the faces of Xiaopao and Bron, and the two were immediately terrified!

Xiaotian: "Don't be afraid, I can come to support with a big move, let's wait for the opponent to make a move first."

In this way, the output of Daomei is difficult to hit. Not only that, but Shen's physical damage is not low, so the magic resistance of Daomei has little effect on him, and Daomei is killed in the end.

Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong just switched to the middle lane, and VIT's duo also came to the middle lane, but the middle lane is much more complicated than the bottom lane, and the vision is not so easy to control. The two of VIT also began to be cautious.

Miller said with a smile: "You are right to say that he has no foundation for preparation, but now that this wave of equipment is finished, won't he have a foundation for equipment?"

Now Toothpaste is no longer afraid of being gank by the opponent, he is eager for the opponent to gank him in the bottom lane, so that he has a chance to complete the counter kill.

At this moment, Galio's ultimate move appeared on the top of the barrel, followed by Shen's ultimate move!
Qi Zhou has already activated his big move under the defense tower, ready to dodge and hide his skills at any time.

Qi Zhou: "Okay, let's let it go, let's change lanes and go to the middle lane to develop."

While the two were talking, a change occurred on the scene!
As soon as Xiaotian's rock sparrow returned to the middle lane, the wine barrel on the opposite side came to the bottom lane!

VIT also understood this truth, so they began to slow down the pace of arresting people.

Xiaotian was brushing wild monsters, at this moment, the toothpaste in the middle lane gave a signal: "The opposite middle lane is gone."

But it's a pity that this wave is cautious, this hero's W can block and tie the output of A, and it can not only help himself to block, but also help his teammates to fight.

After Xiaotian came to the bottom lane to do something, the VIT duo on the mid lane accelerated the line push rhythm, wanting to take the opportunity to push FPX's mid lane tower.

Xiaotian: "Let's gather first, you TP the toothpaste, the four of us go over to see the situation."

"It's ready. After so long, the top tower on the opposite side is gone." Jin Gong reassured, and took down the top tower of VIT.

The game was still going on, and Xiaotian, who was a little out of rhythm, was revitalized in an instant.

The game time has come to [-] minutes, and now FPX's style of play is more clear. The jungler is covering near the middle, and does not give the opponent a chance to push the tower.

In this way, Qi Zhou can avoid being killed in seconds.

Qi Zhou: "After pushing the line of troops, go back to supply, and I will make some equipment."

Miller: "Actually, I don't think there is any need to worry about FPX. Judging from the lineup, their late stage advantage is quite obvious. If it drags on, it will be beneficial to them and you."

Miller: "Although Urgot was killed, FPX still has Daomei and Swain. These two heroes are the big brothers in the Dragon Pit. If VIT is kicked out, this team battle will definitely be lost."

Relying on the blood-sucking of the ultimate move, Qi Zhou has already sucked up his blood volume, and the output of VIT just now is equivalent to no hit.

Liu Qingsong: "It should be about the same. Their duo has already pushed the line of troops to the Dalongkeng. It should be to fight Dalong."

Liu Qingsong's Luo stepped forward, tied A and took down two minions to advance to level six.

Qi Zhou: "They should be planning to go down the road, and they are already pushing the line."

"They really want to jump over the tower." Liu Qingsong said.

Jiizuke's Galio returned to the top lane after being resurrected. Facing the toothpaste sword girl, he can only continue to develop wretchedly.

On the middle side, Daomei took advantage of Galio to roam, took two more waves of soldiers, and dragged the opposite F6.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou stepped forward to output small cannons, and Luo sent his W skill to knock them into the air.

Jin Gong's Urgot TP landed, and directly gave his ultimate move to the wine barrel with low blood volume. He was carrying the tower just now, and now his blood volume is low.

After hearing this, Qi Zhou laughed and said: "They probably couldn't hold on any longer, and they were anxious to fight us, so they chose to do this. Now the wine barrel doesn't have a big move, and Galio doesn't have a big move. They fight Dalong to give We have a chance."

Xiaotian calculated: "It's not right, they should be planning to arrest someone to fight Dalong, otherwise it would be impossible to go up the road to arrest someone."

Galio chose to keep the sword girl first, and then the wine barrel came out from the side with Shen's big move.

On VIT's side, Shen escaped alone, and the other three brothers died in battle.

On the FPX side of the game, Qi Zhou's Swain took the lead. When he was close to the big dragon pit, he chose to use his W skill to take a look.

This hero's W skill is on the whole map and can be placed at will.

As soon as the W was released, I saw that the five people from VIT were indeed fighting the dragon, so everyone in FPX continued to step forward, and put a real eye into the dragon pit through the wall to see the blood volume of the dragon first.

Seeing that the dragon's blood volume was still about half, Qi Zhou commanded: "Don't worry, let's let them fight more first, and it will be easier when they take over the group."

(End of this chapter)

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