Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 257 [256] Charge to the high ground

257 Chapter 256

The big dragon not only has a high output, but also reduces the magic resistance, so it is very comfortable for mages to receive groups in the big dragon pit.

After a few seconds, Liu Qingsong stepped forward again and put a real eye in. At this time, Dalong still had more than 3000 HP.

Qi Zhou commanded: "You can do it now!"

So Jin Gong gave TP to the real eye of Dalongkeng, and others approached from the front of Dalongkeng.

Qi Zhou's Swain's big move enters the field to absorb the damage first.

The blood volume of Dalong is quite embarrassing for VIT. They cannot retreat, and if they retreat, it is equivalent to sending Dalong to FPX.

If you continue to fight, now that FPX is coming to pick up the team, it is tantamount to picking up the team with the damage of Dalong, and it will be difficult to win.

Now there are only four people on FPX, and Urgot still has more than ten seconds to revive, so he must not be able to keep up with this wave of team battles.

Swain, the VIT swordsman, has already entered the arena. Bron directly uses the big move, and then uses the Q skill to be passive. He wants to cooperate with his teammates to give Swain a second.

Seeing this, Wa Wa explained: "Now VIT has to find a way to start a team, or defend more firmly, otherwise I guess I won't be able to keep the high ground tower in the middle."

GEN may also block the group stage. From this perspective, the LCK division should not be favored, but LCK fans are very good at playing. They directly expel GEN from the LCK. Whether GEN can break through or not has nothing to do with them. .

Just when Braum's passive was about to be triggered, "Ding!" With a crisp sound, Swain opened the golden body!

Qi Zhou can feel that everyone in VIT is not convinced, and he can also understand that no one is convinced that this kind of new team enters the World Championship for the first time.

Everyone in VIT knows how big the threat of this sword girl is. If Swain's threat is 10, then this sword girl is 100!

Wawa and Miller laughed out loud as they spoke, revealing the most intuitive thoughts in their hearts. They really wanted to see this happen.

So Bron immediately put the passive on Daomei, and the others chose to focus on fire.

"Awesome! Toothpaste, you knife girl, you have something." Xiao Tian admired.

Miller: "In this way, we would like to congratulate FPX. They have won three consecutive victories in the first round of the group stage, and now they have secured the first place in the group stage."

After hearing this, Qi Zhou turned his head to look at the others and asked, "Do you all think this way? It feels like it's hard to win the MVP with me."

Getting Dao Mei this time made him much more excited than before. He seldom got this kind of hero before.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "It's bombed! The team battle of VIT is bombed! They were attracted by Swain, and their positions were too concentrated. Daomei had a perfect opportunity to enter the field, and the team battle is over. !"

After taking down the first tower in the middle of VIT, everyone in FPX led the line to the second tower in the middle.

At the same time, Daomei has a greedy hydra, and she plays an explosive AOE during the process of her Q skill.

Qi Zhou stood at the front, and everyone from PFX lined up to shake hands with VIT.

Qi Zhou took off his earphones, and cheers came from the audience:

Toothpaste said and followed the staff member to the interview, and the others packed up their things and walked towards the lounge together.

This is not over yet, Daomei's big move was thrown in, and the small cannon was affected. He could only choose to jump back first and come to a safe position.

After this game, there were two irrelevant games. Everyone in FPX took out their phones and started playing.

"Highland, Kamikochi." Toothpaste said excitedly.

Miller: "I can only be too cruel. FPX is a lineup of five people rushing forward. Facing this lineup, VIT's four-guarantee-one tactic completely failed. Playing in a group is simply incomparable with Swain of Aquaman."

But in this way, his output can't keep up!
At this time, Urgot and Daomei entered the field and began to harvest the first residual blood, and Urgot gave a big move to complete the beheading!

On the field, after winning the team battle, FPX ended the game in a wave.

Xiaotian suggested: "How about we take the initiative to form a group? I have a big move to block the road."

Qi Zhou: "There are bold and unrestrained styles of play, and wretched and unrestrained styles of play, but in any case, it is already very strong to be able to play this way in a team."

Soon, the second game began, FNC against 100!
This FNC has now been listed by FPX as a team to watch, and FNC performed very well in the first two games.

Toothpaste smiled and said, "Let's play less, this hero is easy to overturn."

Everyone in FPX packed their things into their bags, and each of them found a chair to sit down, ready to watch the follow-up game.

Qi Zhou: "That's fine. I've entered the arena with Blink, and Song Song also has Blink. The opponent shouldn't be able to run away."

Back in the waiting room, the coach Feng Ge greeted him: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone has worked hard. Today we will only have this game, but there will be IG games and FNC games later. You can take a look."

Liu Qingsong: "It's okay, it does seem to be well organized, and it's different from the previous two years."

Xiaotian: "But I feel that FNX still lacks something. If they play against a team whose strength is not as good as theirs, they will basically be able to win. But if they face a team with stronger strength than them, it will be difficult to win. .”

VIT is just a symbolic defense here, and retreats directly when the defense tower is running out of health.

Toothpaste saw an opportunity, and now the people on the opposite side were all concentrated, "Ionian is high-spirited and immortal!" Daomei's big move flashed into the arena!
After Daomei's ultimate move hit Bron, it unfolded into a diamond shape in the Dragon Pit.

If FNC can qualify first in the group, it proves that they are really capable, after all, IG is also in this group.

Soon, the pawn line was pushed over, and the five FPX formed in front of the defense tower.

However, now the most important output position, Xiaopao was hit by Daomei's big move, and he was disarmed and unable to output!

It is this mentality that gives them the opportunity to defeat teams that look strong but are actually strong outside, such as GEN.

After returning to the city for supplies, everyone in FPX gathered in the middle and advanced with the line of troops.

"You are too humble. You are just relatively stable in the lane. If you were more bold, you would have pierced the opponent already." Xiaotian continued.

"Kill Daomei first!"

The follow-up is to torture the time. FNC used the score after the game to pull 100 in various ways, and finally the game ended in the early 10 minutes.

"Sword Girl! Sword Girl!"

After the start of the game, FNC quickly gained an advantage, but they belonged to the type of steady and steady play. They had an advantage but were not in a hurry to expand, but went step by step.

Jin Gong spread his hands: "This is not what we think, this is reality."

Soon, the team battle was over. Although it was four against five, it ended up being a perfect team battle of zero for five!
After winning the team battle, FPX took over the bloody dragon.

The fire that led to this round of VIT did not play a role.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "It's over, the team battle is over! FPX has too many heroes in the field, so VIT's small cannon has no chance to output at all, and he didn't have a few A's during the entire team battle."

Bron made a big backhand move. Qi Zhou didn't use the golden body this time, but let Bron knock him into the air. Xiaopao didn't dare to step forward to output. push away.

"If you want to use Daomei, one is that the distance is relatively far, and the other is that if Daomei directly throws her big move to fight back, Xiaopao may be restricted by Daomei's big move."

Yanque looked for an opportunity to fight and consume, Qi Zhou stepped forward to tap the tower, now he is really not afraid that the opponent will shoot him.

Toothpaste: "As long as you enter the venue, I will follow right away."

After Jin Gong was revived, he saw that the overall situation was settled, so he chose to go directly to the bottom lane to withdraw troops, and his colleagues helped cheer:
"Nice! Ness! Keep killing!"

Soon, the toothpaste came back. After receiving the interview, the toothpaste was in high spirits and walked differently.

Xiaotian joked after hearing this: "Toothpaste, you see that you have chosen the sword girl, and the MVP and interviews are here. Can you consider playing this hero more in the future?"

At this moment, on the big screen above the head, the MVP selection for this round was over, and the toothpaste knife girl won the MVP for this round!

VIT's determination to defend is much stronger than before. Xiaopao and Galio are cleaning up the minion line. Now Xiaopao's equipment can only be regarded as average. It cannot keep up with FPX's equipment, and the speed of clearing minions is not fast.

Miller: "Yes, now GEN's 1-2 record has ranked No.3. If the situation in the second round does not improve, it is really possible to stop the group stage. If this is the case, it will be a fatal blow to LCK. "

Miller: "Is this the teamfighting ability of FPX? It's terrifying! VIT still has no experience in dealing with Baron. I think they should let the support go out to stop people. Others choose to kill Baron directly and then run A few is a few, judging from the current situation, there is no need for Jin Gong to TP over here."

Qi Zhou then said: "Then I'll play around a bit in the future so that you can easily win the MVP."

Hearing this, everyone in FPX became anxious, and Xiaotian quickly said: "Don't Aquaman, we are joking, why do you take it seriously, if you can lie down and win, who is like Kerry in the competition."

Everyone in FPX quickly reached a consensus, and this time they chose to take the initiative to start a group!
So after taking down the second tower in the middle of VIT, everyone in FPX brought the pawn line to the high ground, and Xiaotian's rock sparrow began to walk sideways, looking for an angle to zoom in.

Urgot's ultimate move scared everyone in VIT, and the team battle instantly turned into a unilateral massacre.

Upon seeing this, Brother Feng commented: "This FNC looks like a strong team, have you noticed?"

Wawa: "Although the second round has not yet started, FPX is definitely no problem to advance. At the same time, I feel that they are unlikely to be kicked out of the first place. The suspense of this group, I think GEN may be eliminated Out."

Immediately, a staff member came over and said to let the toothpaste go for an interview.

Although Swain is a mage, but the mage pushing the tower has the bonus of ability power, and the speed of pushing the tower is not slow.

After shaking hands with everyone in VIT, Qi Zhou brought everyone in FPX back to his side and started packing.

Everyone was talking, the game has entered the mid-term, and FNC's advantage is getting bigger and bigger. After winning a wave of team battles and directly taking Baron, the game is actually over.

Qi Zhou is no exception. He saw on his mobile phone that the current public opinion situation is a little better, but it is just a little bit better. Now many people are still not optimistic about LPL. The reason is that RNG may stop the group stage.

Liu Qingsong: "It's like this with Neptune's first team. It's very difficult to win an MVP, let alone accept an interview."

Therefore, although the Bron passive on Daomei was hit, Daomei was not killed immediately. After the control on her body disappeared, Daomei began to show off, killing and killing in the middle of the VIT formation, constantly Use your Q skills to restore blood.

Brother Feng breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what everyone said. He took it seriously at first, but now he found that everyone in FPX was just joking.

In addition, the E skill of the cannon was given to Swain, and the duration of the Q skill was about to expire. In fact, he had already entered a weak period of output.

Xiaotian's rock bird kept up with the skills and directly killed Xiaopao in seconds!

Jin Gong echoed: "Yeah, what is MVP, won't it be more comfortable to lie down and win the championship, haha."

Miller: "When you start a team, you need to have a target. Who should you attack? If you start Swain, you will definitely not be able to kill him immediately. Swain still has a golden body, so it is absolutely impossible to be killed in seconds."

On VIT's side, after the wave just now, the momentum disappeared, and the five people gathered under the defense were a little at a loss.

"It's okay, actually I'm not very good at playing Daomei, if I knew how to play, I would have destroyed this Galio." Toothpaste became humble.

People who didn't know thought he was in front.

So Qi Zhou is more optimistic about this VIT, and GEN is likely to die in their hands in the end.

If it is the kind of team that has participated in many world championships, it may be frightened when it encounters a relatively weak but well-known team like GEN.

Liu Qingsong's Luo entered the arena. Taking advantage of the opponent's lack of skills, he controlled five people with one big move.

Wawa: "I think the small cannon's lane handling is good, mainly because Aquaman got Swain, who is not strong in the lane. This hero has no continuous output ability in the early stage. He can only fight and consume. It is almost impossible to kill the lane. Yes, it’s not surprising that VIT can hold on in the bottom lane.”

Qi Zhou echoed, "It's really difficult to create miracles with this style of play, but it can guarantee the bottom line. I think FNC has a chance to enter the semi-finals. It's a threat to us."

In addition, FPX also has two big dragon BUFF enhanced artillery vehicles to help, and the second tower in the VIT middle road will soon be overwhelmed.

Seeing this, Xiaotian smiled and said, "Toothpaste, how much you like to be interviewed, it feels like you are about to jump up."

While everyone in VIT was cleaning up the line of soldiers, Rock Sparrow released a big move!The angle of this ult is very tricky, it directly separates Galio from the others!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou's Swain's big move flashed into the arena, and his E skill hit the opposite Braum and the barrel at the same time!

Toothpaste gradually lost itself in the praise of everyone, and wanted to show off again.

The two were talking, and the second tower of VIT Middle Road was gone

After a period of time, today's more critical second game started, IG vs. GRX!

The current situation of IG is not very good. Their competition with FNC is very fierce, so every win is very critical.

For IG, they definitely didn't come here to advance to the group stage, but to get the top spot in the group, so that the quarterfinals will be much more comfortable.

If it is second in the group stage, it is possible to meet FPX, which will be very uncomfortable for IG.

(End of this chapter)

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