Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 262 [261] Water ghost Gtwo, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty

Take Syndra in the middle, another very aggressive hero.

And KT still used the same lineup and style of play in the previous game, and continued to play operations.

Seeing FNC's lineup, Xiaotian said: "What kind of medicine is FNC taking? Last game was extremely slow-paced, but this one is extremely fast-paced, right? There is no intermediate form?"

Qi Zhou: "I feel that FNC has a chance to win this game. In fact, teams like KT are more afraid of playing operations with them. If they play operations, they may lose, but if they play operations, they will win."

Toothpaste echoed: "I also agree with Neptune."

Xiaotian teased the toothpaste: "You are sure about Neptune, you just say what Neptune says."

Toothpaste giggled: "It won't go wrong."

The second game started, and this FNC's support was completely opposite to the previous game.

In the last game, he bound the spirit locally in the bottom lane, and he didn't take the roaming at all, mainly because the hero Morgana was not easy to roam.

And in this game, he went to the middle lane to get an assist after he was promoted to the third level, and then he stayed in every lane, constantly putting pressure on KT.

The effect came out quickly, and FNC's snowball got bigger and bigger.

Seeing that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to KT, Xiaotian exclaimed: "KT can't really lose, it's too bloody."

Toothpaste: "I feel very likely that their lineup needs to be dragged to the Czar, but it seems that there is no chance."

The result was as expected by everyone in FPX. FNC relied on Parker to keep snowballing. In the end, KT failed to parry and lost the game in 10 minutes.

In this way, the two sides will draw.

Toothpaste: "I really didn't expect KT to lose to FNC, and it was a disastrous defeat."

Brother Feng: "That's why I told you not to underestimate the enemy. There are no weak teams in the S game. No matter who underestimates the enemy, it may overturn."

Jin Gong asked in a low voice: "Sea King, do you think it is possible that FNC eliminated KT in the end?"

When Jin Gong said this, everyone in FPX murmured.

FNC won this game very quickly, and it feels that the strength gap between the two sides is not so big, and it is not impossible to have an upset under such circumstances.

While everyone in FPX was still thinking about it, Qi Zhou gave the answer: "Impossible, although KT is not as strong as them, but it is not comparable to FNC. KT was relatively conservative in the last game, and did not show all. Strength, it’s normal to lose, but it won’t happen later.”

The result is the same as what Qi Zhou said, KT has been very serious since the third game, and has gained a lot of advantages from BP. After entering the game, it suffocates the rhythm and does not give it a chance.

Although the last two games were played for more than 30 minutes, it seemed that the time was endless, but in the whole process, FNC actually had no chance to fight back, and was basically crushed.

In this way, the first team to advance to the semi-finals will come out, KT!

One day later, the match between G2 and RNG started!

The day before the start of the game, everyone from RNG found FPX and played a whole day of training games.

Let the emperor chat with Qi Zhou all the time, he asked everything about the top order, and Qi Zhou basically said everything he could say.

But he doesn't think there will be any effect. One is that Rangdi's ability is limited, and the other is that RNG doesn't care about winning or losing in the game.

Everyone in BO5FPX also got together to see that other people voted for RNG, on the one hand because they think RNG is good, and on the other hand because of friendship points.

Only Qi Zhou voted for G2.

Then something happened that everyone didn't expect, the two sides were evenly matched until the fifth game!
Then, something even more unexpected happened. After the start of the fifth game, UZ actually started to lose the chain!

Continuously being gank's non-handover flashes, and being caught dead when he shouldn't die, directly made everyone in FPX look stupid.

In the end, RNG lost 2:3 to G2 and was sent home directly!
Now the public opinion on the Internet is frying, and it is basically divided into two factions. One faction thinks that the rest of RNG is useless and can only rely on the bot lane, so if there is a problem with the bot lane, the game will be lost.

The other faction thinks that the resources are all tilted to the bottom lane, so they should let the bottom lane come to Kerry, but if there is no Kerry in the bottom lane, that is the problem of the bottom lane.

The two sides played all night online. For RNG fans, the S game is over, so they don't care about other games.

At the same time, LCK fans began to rejoice. The strength shown by RNG this year made them quite afraid. As a result, they were sent away by G2 in the quarterfinals, which was tantamount to helping LCK get rid of a serious problem.

For LCK fans, G2 can win the championship, but it just cannot let the LPL team win the championship.

After RNG was eliminated, only IG could train with FPX. The two teams played a training match for a day, and then it was IG's turn to play!
IG's opponent is C9, which is also a very difficult opponent. After RNG lost to G2, many people also lost confidence in IG. It should be said that they lost confidence in all LPL teams, so C9's support rate has risen with the tide.

But the final result slapped everyone in the face. IG defeated C3 1:9, and the lost game was because the shy and King Ning fell ill and sent them away, otherwise it would have been 3:0.

This made LPL fans breathe a sigh of relief, at least FPX is not the only seedling fighting.

In this way, only the BO5 of FPX and AFS has not yet been played

One day before the start of the game, everyone in FXP quickly watched all the games in the AFS group stage and summer playoffs to understand the style of AFS.

One day passed quickly, and on the last day of the quarterfinals, everyone from FPX came to the competition venue.

At this time, there are already fans waiting outside the gate of the venue, and the game is about to begin!
In the lounge, everyone in FPX is making final preparations before going on stage.

I saw the coach Feng Ge said: "Come on, our opponent today is AFS. Although I said before, there is no need to regard the LCK as strong, but we must not be paralyzed. We should despise it strategically and pay attention to it tactically. "

Everyone in FPX, who was still smiling, became serious. Everyone moved into a chair and sat around Brother Feng.

Brother Feng continued: "You should all know the general situation of AFS. I won't repeat the details. By the way, Neptune, is your brother going up or down?"

Qi Zhou thought for a while, and then said: "Let's go down the road and try the effect first. I'll see if Jin Gong can hold on to Kiin."

Jin Gong is very confident: "If it's just steady, it will be fine. The shy can't do anything to me on the road, let alone a kiin."

Brother Feng nodded: "Okay, you can decide for yourself. If this is the case, then our focus in this game is the bottom road, and the top road is responsible for resisting pressure."

"AFS is ADCAiming, Neptune, you should already know it better."

Qi Zhou replied: "Well, I watched a lot of his games. This person is like I said before. He is fierce when he abuses food. He likes to perform in the downwind situation, but he needs to stand up in the headwind situation. At that time, he couldn't stand up."

"To put it simply, don't let him play out his confidence, and she won't be a threat."

Brother Feng: "Okay, I'm relieved when you say that, Toothpaste, Xiaotian, you should pay more attention to the bot lane in the early stage, and put pressure on the opponent's bot lane. I guess they will definitely target the bot lane after they know that Neptune is going to the bot lane. "

Toothpaste: "Well, I will try my best to support the bottom lane."

Xiaotian: "Then I will buy a house in the bottom lane, but it also depends on the qualifications of the bottom lane, whether I can cooperate well, if not, I can only squat back."

Qi Zhou: "BP is not in a hurry, we will wait to see their choices before making a decision."

At the game site, in the commentary booth, Doll and Miller are ready.

I saw the baby explaining: "Okay, the last BO5 of this S tournament's quarter-finals is about to begin. The No. [-] seed FPX from the LPL division will face the third seed AFS from the LCK division. I am the commentator. "

Miller: "I'm the commentator Miller. I think today's BO5 is a good opportunity for FPX. After RNG was eliminated by G2 a few days ago, there are all kinds of negative comments on LPL on the Internet, including FPX. That’s right, especially the LCK division is in a variety of rhythms, today is a head-on collision between the two divisions to see who is the paper tiger.”

Wawa: "That's true, but I feel that FPX is the No. [-] seed and AFS is the No. [-] seed. This comparison is too bullying. Otherwise, if AFS can win two games, then AFS has won!"

Miller was surprised when he heard this: "Is it such a big game?"

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, after hearing the commentary, everyone discussed on the barrage:
"Don't say they can win one of the two AFS games, let's just count them as winners."

"AFS can push an incisor tower along the way, even if they win BO5."

"If the AFS can push all the way to high ground, they can win."

"AFS can break a second tower, even if they win."

The more people talked, the more exaggerated they became. In the end, the LPL fans found out that someone deliberately set the pace and set the LPL fans off.

And on the stage, players from both sides began to appear!

The first to appear is FPX's starting five players and coach Feng Ge.

Led by Brother Feng, FPX's first five players took to the stage.

The FPX fans at the scene began to cheer: "FPX! FPX! FPX!"

Behind everyone in FPX is the starting five players and the coach of AFS.

What Qi Zhou didn't expect was that there were quite a few people cheering for AFS at the scene, almost catching up with the intensity of cheering for everyone in FPX.

But soon Qi Zhou understood that, as the No. [-] seed of the LPL, they were not fighting against the AFS team, but the entire LCK division!

After a brief appearance, Qi Zhou came to his seat, put on the earphones, and started to adjust the equipment.

After both sides have debugged their equipment, the first BP will begin!

In this game, FPX is on the red side, and AFS is on the blue side.

Starting with BAN, this is the first game after all, and both sides are relatively conservative.

FPXBAN lost Sword Demon, Sword Girl and Galio.

Sword Demon and Sword Girl are used to target Kiin. If they both play tank Jin Gong, it will be more advantageous, because his proficiency is too high, and he knows these heroes too well.

And Galio is a hero that Kuro is good at. In the positioning of AFS, Kuro is considered a relatively marginal character. Kerry has limited abilities and often uses some functional heroes to assist his teammates.

On the AFS side, BAN lost Ornn, Thain and Enchantress!

Seeing this situation, Jin Gong said he couldn't understand: "Isn't it, I ban my two heroes, and Shuang En won't let me play?"

Brother Feng: "I guess they think you are more powerful in tanking in the top lane, so they ban the two tank heroes, but based on your hero pool, this shouldn't be a problem."

Jin Gong replied: "It's not a big problem, but there are still problems."

Entering the selection stage, the AFS on the blue side is selected first.

AFS locks Kai'Sa directly on the first floor.

Seeing that Kai'Sa was taken away, Brother Feng regretted: "Actually, I want to help the bottom lane get Kai'Sa, but the opposite side is the blue side, they can grab it first."

Liu Qingsong: "Ka'Sa is indeed a bit of a supermodel in this version. If she can play, she must be the first to grab it."

Qi Zhou didn't say anything, he has many ways to target Kai'Sa, so don't panic.

When BP came to FPX, Xiaotian said, "I went wild with a wine barrel."

Toothpaste: "Give me Syndra."

So FXP locked Syndra and the barrel on the first floor and her second floor.

BP came to AFS again. They chose to lock Akali on the second floor, and then took the auxiliary bull head on the third floor.

Seeing this scene, Toothpaste smiled and said, "Guess if Akali is going in the middle or top lane."

Jin Gong: "It seems that everyone can go, this hero is also a supermodel monster."

Qi Zhou: "It must be on the road, Kuro can't play with Akali."

Jin Gong: "It turns out that's the case. They were quite bluffing, but it turned out to be a paper tiger."

When BP came to FPX, Qi Zhou said: "You guys choose first, and the support first takes a Luo. I will stay on the fifth floor."

So FPX locked Bobby on the third floor, and got Luo's support on the fourth floor.

I saw Jin Gong said: "I don't care which way Akali goes, anyway, I will give him my firm demeanor when we are in a group, and he won't want to rush into the back row."

BP came to AFS again, and AFS got Lissandra and Nightmare on the fourth and fifth floors!
After these two heroes were locked, AFS became a lineup of five rushing heroes.

"Damn, the other side is so unrestrained?" Jin Gong exclaimed when he saw this.

Brother Feng: "There is a lot of pressure on the bottom lane now. I knew that if Neptune goes down the lane, the opponent will definitely target them. Their lineup just doesn't want the ADC to have any chance of output in team battles."

Toothpaste: "Sea King, what do you choose for this match, you have to be strong in self-protection, or Xia."

Brother Feng agreed: "Xia is a good hero and can protect herself."

Qi Zhou has a different opinion: "Xia can't, Xia's big move can be used to defend against one or two rushing heroes, but it can't defend against five people, so you have to choose another team."

Brother Feng said: "If Xia can't even guard against it, then the other heroes will be even more useless."

Qi Zhou began to think about it. He actually prepared a lot of routines, and now is the time to think about it!

After some thought, Qi Zhou made a choice: "Help me get a barbarian king!"

"Ah? Barbarian King? Are you sure?"

"What black technology is Neptune trying to play?"

"Isn't the barbarian king too unrestrained to go down the road?"

"Brother, don't make trouble."

Everyone in FPX was a little flustered. Qi Zhou would also show various black technology heroes before, but before it was a group stage, now it is a knockout stage, which is not a concept at all.

"Believe me, if you give me the barbarian king, the opponent will be blown up. They are all rushing heroes, and they are used to target the back row. After the slow play, they have no one to target." Qi Zhou explained.

After hearing this, Toothpaste exclaimed: "Isn't that still me? How do you feel that I am the one who will be targeted?"

Qi Zhou: "You're fine, you're a mage, you can cast a golden body, and throwing out all your skills can do a lot of damage, and it's okay for the opponent to forcibly cut you to death, but the ADC is different, if the ADC doesn't have A twice It's dead, basically useless."

Hearing this, everyone in FPX understood. Since Qi Zhou was so sure, it was difficult for others to say anything.

In the end, it was up to Brother Feng to decide. At this time, Liu Qingsong had already pointed out the barbarian king, but he hadn't locked it yet.

"Barbarian king? What kind of routine is this? It should be deliberately showing off people's mentality." In the commentary seat, the baby laughed.

Miller: "The hero on the last floor of FPX has hesitated for a while. It seems that it is not a good choice. It seems that no matter what ADC you choose, it will be difficult to survive against the opponent and the lineup. But the problem is not big, I believe..."

Just when Miller was halfway through speaking, he suddenly found that the barbarian king on the fifth floor of FPX was locked!

The audience was shocked!

I saw Miller suspiciously: "The barbarian king has been elected? I read it right, who is going down? Is Syndra going down? The barbarian king is the mid laner?"

Wawa: "But the barbarian king is not easy to fight Lissandra in the middle, right? Lissandra has too much control. Isn't the barbarian king sure to die when he comes to the wild?"

Miller: "That's Bobby... No, why does it feel like the barbarian king is going down? Only the barbarian king is going down!"

Not only the commentary, but the audience is also very confused now. In the official live broadcast room, everyone discussed on the barrage:

"FPX started working again?"

"This job is a bit big. If the car overturns, the scene will be ugly."

"I don't even know what this lineup will use to win the game against the wind."

"Then don't go against the wind, just blow up the opponent in the early stage."

"Don't overturn FPX, my salary at the end of this month has been bet on."

"I guess someone will go to the rooftop later."

Although the ten heroes of both sides have been determined, everyone still doesn't know how FPX plans to split the line, so the attention is on FPX.

Soon, the countdown counted down to the last 20 seconds. From now on, neither side can adjust the lineup, and the lineup is completely determined:
Red side FPX: top laner Bobby, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, ADC Barbarian, support Luo.

Blue side AFS: top laner Akali, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Lissandra, ADC Kai'Sa, support bullhead.

Seeing this lineup, Wawa explained: "It's really the barbarian king who went down the road. My God, is FPX planning to play something different this time, or is it doing it on purpose?"

Miller: "I think this is already a knockout round. It won't be a whole game. There may be some tricks. Let's keep watching and we'll find out."

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