Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 263 [262] Play Q at the beginning, tell me how to lose?

As the two were talking, the match started. Qi Zhou chose Dolan Dun to go out this time, highlighting a resistance.

This version of the barbarian king has been strengthened. When you get the first big piece, the combat power will be very strong. The first piece can be given a green cross first, so that it will have an acceleration effect when outputting the opposite side, and you can always stick to the opposite side. The second piece is Release the blue sword and reduce the CD. The CD of the E skill is very critical, which is related to whether the barbarian king will be kited.

Qi Zhou's thinking in this game is very clear. The opposite bottom lane is Kai'Sa and Niutou. These two heroes' laning suppression ability is very average. Kai'Sa's hands are relatively short, and the Q skill will be shared by minions. As long as you don't Just let him output all the time.

In terms of talent, Qi Zhou brought the Conqueror and the Wind of Recovery, so he was able to mix.

After going out, Qi Zhou went straight to Blue BUFF to help the jungler open the field.

Liu Qingsong chose to stand guard at the river channel to avoid the invasion from the opposite level.

This time AFS Level [-] didn't make any troubles. Qi Zhou's only worry was that AFS Level [-] would exchange wild areas, and it would be more difficult to get off the road. Since he didn't come to this game, it would be easier to fight.

At this time, Xiaotian suddenly said; "Let's be wretched on the next road first, I'll see if the third level can come to the next road to help you, don't be beaten and disabled."

Seeing that Xiaotian was so worried, Qi Zhou comforted him; "Just follow your own pace, and you don't have to help the way out."

Xiaotian: "I'm mainly afraid that you will suffer online losses, but I'm not worried about other things."

Liu Qingsong: "You don't need to worry about this. With Sea King's ability, since he can defeat the Man King, it will definitely be fine."

After hearing this, Xiaotian didn't say anything more. Since he was so confident in the bottom lane, he couldn't deliberately undermine the confidence of his teammates.

Xiaotian also considered that the opposing jungler was a nightmare, and the hero's ability to do things before level [-] was very poor, so he wanted to use this time to do something.

Soon, the first wave was refreshed, and Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong helped Xiaotian win the first blue BUFF.

The two went straight to the bottom lane and prepared to start a normal matchup. When they came to the bottom lane, Qi Zhou suddenly found that the opposite duo hadn't appeared yet.

Generally speaking, this time should also come out.

"Be careful, the opposite side may be ambushing in the grass. If Niutou taps the Q skill, he can attack us first." Qi Zhou reminded.

"Then can we pretend to be fooled and give them a little surprise?" Liu Qingsong seemed to have some idea.

"Well, if the other side makes a mistake, we can do it." Qi Zhou understood what Liu Qingsong was thinking.

So the two pretended that they didn't know anything, and approached the pawn line, and Qi Zhou deliberately moved closer to the grass, so that the bull's head could directly knock him into the air.

The moment he was about to enter the grass, Qi Zhou suddenly turned his head.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingsong's Luo was knocked into the air!
Obviously there are people in the grass!
Liu Qingsong poked in without saying a word, Kai'Sa of Aiming in the AFS bot lane took the opportunity to output, and withdrew after leveling A and then Q skills.

Originally, he wanted to output the barbarian king, but he didn't expect the barbarian king to turn around. The bull's head didn't knock the barbarian king away, so he could only consume Luo's blood volume.

"Yes!" Qi Zhou started sprinting without saying a word, and then rushed to Kai'Sa's face with his E skill!
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Why do I feel something is wrong, AFS seems to have an accident in the bottom lane."

Miller: "What I'm more curious about is how they play like this. The first level is ambushing here. The consciousness of Neptune is not joking with you. It is impossible to fall into this trap."

On the screen, Qi Zhou's Barbarian is facing A close to Kai'Sa, and the difference in attack power between the two is not big, but as a fighter, the Barbarian has much more HP than Kai'Sa, and the Barbarian's passive is blessed with critical strikes. It felt like the two were about the same, but after Kai'Sa was hit critically, the gap immediately widened.

Aiming saw that he couldn't beat him, so he handed over the healer and wanted to run away. Liu Qingsong's Luo kept keeping his W skill, so he chose to give the weakness to Kai'Sa first.

And Qi Zhou started the sprint, this time Qi Zhou led the flash sprint, while Liu Qingsong led the flash weakness, which was specifically aimed at Kai'Sa.

On the AFS side, Ignite is used to assist the bullheads. Their idea is to directly defeat the barbarian king online, so they are much more aggressive in the selection of summoner skills.

At this time, the Barbarian King's Conqueror stack is full. Although Kai'Sa is also a Conqueror, the bonus of this talent is different for melee heroes and ranged heroes, and the bonus for melee heroes is much higher.

Therefore, when both conquerors are full, the barbarian king is obviously stronger.

Seeing that she was about to be hacked to death by the barbarian king, Kai'Sa chose to hand over Flash.

"There's no need to flash, my E skill is going to improve." Qi Zhou reminded, he knew that Liu Qingsong had the means of flashing W to keep people, but it's not necessary now, and the next wave of flashing can be used.

At the moment when the CD of the E skill turned good, Qi Zhou followed up with the E skill, hacked Kai'Sa with two knives and took a blood!

And the auxiliary bull head has already run away in despair, Qi Zhou also tried to chase him, and started to turn around to make up for the development.

"I'll go, I wonder what's going on with your bot lane? Is this a line kill?" Seeing that the bot lane completed the kill, Xiaotian expressed disbelief.

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Qi Zhou asked back.

"Awesome, all I can say is awesome." Xiaotian praised repeatedly.

"The ADC on the other side didn't flash, now you can come to the bottom lane to make trouble." It was Liu Qingsong who spoke.

"Okay, wait for me, I have a flash that they will die." Xiaotian had just finished beating the three wolves at this time, and originally planned to go to the upper half of the wild area, but he suddenly changed his mind and chose to kill the toad first, so that he could directly Upgrade to level three and go down the road to do things.

In the commentary seat, the baby explained: "Playing big, AFS is really playing big in the bottom lane. I was thinking how much they looked down on Aquaman, and they even wanted to ambush at the first level to make a little money. Aquaman is what you can ambush. ?"

Miller: "I feel that AFS is looking down on FPX a little bit, otherwise how can we play like this. Now it's good. Originally, the bot lane matchup was a huge advantage, and it directly became a disadvantage."

Although Qi Zhou also lost a lot of blood, but he has a blue shield, and after being promoted to two levels, he can still rely on his Q skill to recover his blood.

Soon, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong were the first to advance to the second level. Qi Zhou was already controlling the line, allowing the opponent to lose as much as possible.

When Aiming Kai'Sa returned to the bottom lane, he was still a first-level Kai'Sa, carefully approaching the pawn line for fear of problems.

But fortunately, Niutou has already reached two levels. If it really doesn't work, Niutou can directly drive the barbarian king away.

"Let's go up and do it first, so that they think it's safer." Qi Zhou commanded suddenly, Xiaotian hasn't come yet, so we can do something on the next road to let the opponent relax their vigilance.

So, taking advantage of the moment when Kai'Sa made up the knife, Liu Qingsong's Luo handed over his W and knocked Kai'Sa into the air.

Qi Zhou's barbarian king surrendered his E skill and came up, as if he wanted to keep up.

The bullhead on the opposite side has a lot of experience. When the barbarian king handed over his E skill and came up to fight halfway, the bullhead used the Q skill to knock the barbarian king into the air. Kaisha followed up with a round of A to connect with the Q skill, and then Bullhead shot the barbarian king away with his W skill. .

In this way, Qi Zhou had no choice but to touch Kai'Sa at all.

At the same time, Luo, who was in charge of the first move, was hit by Kai'Sa several times.

After going back and forth, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong lost a lot of blood.

But this is the effect Qi Zhou wanted, making Kai'Sa feel that he is very safe.

Just as Qi Zhou expected, Kai'Sa became more courageous after earning money from the blood exchange. When Qi Zhou stepped forward to make up the knife, Kai'Sa dared to fight and consume.

The bull head on the opposite side deliberately kept a distance from Kai'Sa, so that the two of them would not be knocked away by Luo at the same time. As long as they were not knocked away at the same time, they would have a way to counter Qi Zhou's barbarian king.

Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong started to act, and the two of them entered a wretched state, looking like they couldn't beat their opponents.

However, what AFS didn't know was that the wine barrel was approaching!

"I'm here, cooperate with a wave." Xiaotian commanded, he gave a signal to the bottom lane, and at this time he walked from the river to the blue square bottom lane triangle grass.

Seeing that the wine barrel was in place, Luo handed over his W skill to knock Kai'Sa away.

Just like before, when Niutou saw the barbarian king approaching, he chose to knock it into the air first, and then push it away.

And Kai'Sa didn't even retreat. Under the cover of the bull head, he chose to fight back, trying to consume the barbarian king's blood as much as possible.

But what's different this time is that at the moment when the bull's head was on top, Qi Zhou handed over his flash, causing the bull's head to be empty!

The Barbarian King's close Kai'Sa began to output, Kai'Sa was about to retreat, suddenly a fat man holding a wine barrel rushed out from the corner of the wall, the fat man pressed against Kai'Sa with his stomach, and then followed up with a Q skill to slow down!
Qi Zhou's barbarian king followed up, one knife, two swords, three swords, Kai'Sa was brought down directly!
As for the bull head, after finding out that something was wrong, he could only flash away and run back to the defense tower.

"Nice! This wave of cooperation is good." Qi Zhou praised.

Xiaotian said, "I feel like they can't beat you if I don't come."

Qi Zhou: "But it's too close to the defense tower on the opposite side. If you don't come, we might not be able to catch up to you."

Xiaotian; "That's true, now that Neptune is taking off, can I win by lying down?"

Qi Zhou: "It's too early to say we'll win, don't be too inflated."

On the AFS side, seeing the bot lane being continuously killed, kiin reminded; "It's enough for the bot lane to develop, don't give it a chance."

Aiming: "The main reason is that the first level was not handled well. I feel that the opponent guessed the position. They deliberately seduced us to do it. If it wasn't for the guessed position, it would be their collapse now, a game of luck."

What makes Aiming uncomfortable is that he can't accept that the location of the first level is analyzed by Qi Zhou, so it can only be counted as a guess. After all, the ambush at the first level is his attention. If Qi Zhou didn't guess it, but analyzed it, then it is Aiming cannot accept the crushing of consciousness.

In the middle lane, Syndra of Toothpaste has been putting pressure on Lissandra on the opposite side. When Lissandra and Nightmare are both at level [-], Toothpaste will be more uncomfortable. If you stand a little bit forward, you may be killed.

So he had to take advantage of the fact that the opposing middle field was not yet level six, and try to maximize his advantage in the middle.

While Lissandra stepped forward to make up the knife, Syndra of the toothpaste approached actively, and might make a move at any time.

Kuro's Lissandra is also very proficient. He has been pretending to make up the knife, but every time he actively interrupts the flat A to keep moving, trying to trick Syndra's Q skill first.

Too much experience in toothpaste, he could tell at a glance that Syndra was still cheating on skills, so he kept holding skills in his hands but didn't show them.

Seeing that the minion was about to be consumed, Lissandra threw a Q skill to make up the knife.

At the moment when Lissandra made up the knife, Qi Zhou's Syndra hit with a backhand Q skill, then picked up the dark magic ball with W skill and smashed it to slow down, and the last E skill caught Lissandra!
This is not over yet, Toothpaste stepped forward to flatten the last round of A, followed by the second round of Q skills to deal all the damage!

After this set, half of Lissandra's blood was gone.

Toothpaste was about to retreat after completing a set of skills, but Lissandra handed over her E skill and came straight to him!

Toothpaste is not bad, he thought that Lissandra might be angry, and found that too much HP was knocked out, and wanted to get the place back.

As a result, Lissandra's second-stage skill was close, and the toothpaste was controlled by a W, and Sprite's nightmare appeared!
With double buffs, Nightmare approached from the river above the middle road. Taking advantage of Syndra being controlled, Nightmare followed up with a Q skill, and then accelerated to approach.

After getting close, Nightmare chooses the E skill to start.

Seeing this, Toothpaste handed in Blink and wanted to distance himself. Sprite was very experienced. He handed in Blink almost at the same time as Syndra, so that Syndra had no chance to pull off the E skill. Immediately after the fear effect was triggered, Lissandra stepped forward Come with the damage and finally take the head.

"Damn it, why did the opposing jungler come directly to the middle lane? I thought he had to be promoted to level [-] before he could do anything." Toothpaste exclaimed. If it wasn't for the nightmare, after he disabled Lissandra Lissandra is unplayable in lane.

"Stay calm, the middle and wild combination on the opposite side will definitely keep messing with you. If you are careless, you will die so many times in this match." Xiao Tian reminded.

"Well, I'll be sure, don't worry." Toothpaste replied.

He himself prefers a steady style of play, but he didn't expect to be caught by the opponent's jungler after a little wave.

However, when Xiaotian was chatting with Toothpaste, AFS Nakano started to mess up!
After Lissandra pushed the line of troops into the defense tower, she didn't go back to the city directly to replenish, but chose to go up the road!
On the top lane, Jin Gong's Poppy has been playing against Kiin's Akali. Although Jin Gong is slightly inferior to Kiin in terms of personal ability, he has a hero advantage.

I saw Jin Gong took advantage of Akali to make up the knife, threw the soap in his hand and smashed it on Akali, then picked up the soap to get a shield, then handed over his E skill to push Akali away, and finally followed up with a Q Skill.

With a set of skills, Akali was a bit overwhelmed, and he could only wait until the shield disappeared, and then used the Q skill to keep up with the E skill, and the E skill was attached to Poppy.

But Jin Gong is not in a hurry, his W skill has not yet been used, and this skill can interrupt Akali's E.

Kiin also knew this, so he didn't go up immediately, but pulled back and pulled twice.

In the end, Akali handed over her E skill and flew over, but was blocked by Poppy's W skill, and Poppy followed up with a Q.

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