Chapter 264 [264] Pulling You Down!
Akali used the Q skill to fight back.

However, Jin Gong still earns in terms of blood volume.

At this moment, Jin Gong realized that something was wrong. He was about to pull away after finishing the fight, but Akali was still walking towards his face.

Suddenly, Lissandra appeared on Jin Gong's face without warning, Q followed by W skills, and Jin Gong was controlled.

Immediately afterwards, Nightmare came from the direction of the defense tower, and Jin Gong was circled back!
After approaching, Nightmare followed up with an E skill, and Jin Gong could only choose to hand over the flash in the direction of the river.

Fortunately, the nightmare did not flash, and this wave of Jin Gong ran away, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"The opposite Nakano ran up the road, and I disappeared in a flash." Jin Gong reminded.

"There is a routine on the other side. I thought they were going back to the city to replenish. This wave is my problem." Toothpaste took the initiative to take the blame.

Jin Gong: "Fortunately, I have a flash. The nightmare on the other side didn't flash. I must be gone."

Xiaotian: "It's better not to be too inflated. The other side is obviously prepared. If we roll over, the scene will be ugly."

Toothpaste: "Fortunately, Neptune still has the advantage, this time I will hand over the stage to Neptune."

Qi Zhou joked: "It's as if the stage is not handed over to me at any time."

Toothpaste smiled and said, "That's true."

Qi Zhou's advantage in the bottom lane has been completely determined, and he is already one level ahead of Kai'Sa in terms of level.

After Kai'Sa was resurrected and returned to the line again, he no longer had all the previous thoughts, and now he wants to make up the knife.

However, if he wanted to make up for the development of the knife, he had to ask Qi Zhoutong if he agreed.

Kai'Sa's damage is very low now, and she doesn't pose too much threat to Qi Zhou, so Qi Zhou comes up to harass her from time to time, hindering Kai'Sa's development, and the difference in the number of hits between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

The game time came to five and a half minutes, and the junglers and solo laners of both sides gradually rose to level six.

Entering this period of time, Qi Zhou began to be wretched. He pushed the bottom line of troops past, and then returned to the city with Liu Qingsong to replenish.

Qi Zhou directly took out the attack speed shoes, pursuing mobility. Of course, attack speed is also very important. The barbarian king's Q skill will increase attack power, and the anger generated passively can increase the chance of critical strikes.

So now there is only one attack speed difference, and the first attack speed shoe will benefit the most.

After returning to the line, because he has not yet reached level six, Qi Zhou played in a relatively insignificant way. He asked Kai'Sa to push the pawn line over, and then controlled the pawn line in front of the defensive tower. Now Qi Zhou has already sprinted , but Kai'Sa didn't flash, Qi Zhou made up his mind again: "You can find a chance to fight a wave. If you can knock him into the air, he will die."

Liu Qingsong responded: "Okay, I will look for opportunities and wait for the nightmare to appear on other roads."

Now you have to guard against nightmares. This hero's E skill is very disgusting. Once you are frightened, you can't output it for a long time.

And the AFS bot lane seems to have not realized that they are very dangerous. After all, Aiming is an ADC. It is understandable that he doesn't know how to line up with the barbarian king.

In the middle lane, Toothpaste is carefully making up the knife. The only good news now is that Lissandra has not flashed, so it is relatively safe as long as you keep enough distance.

This Kuro's Lissandra changed his style of play when he saw that there was no chance. He stopped entangled in the lane, and pushed the pawn line to start wandering.

However, in this wave, he just pretended to swim, pretended to go up the road, but actually hid in the grass in the river, and warded through the wall. If Syndra wanted to pass this way, he would definitely die!
Sprite's nightmare is not far away, and he can use his big move to fly over at any time.

"The middle lane is gone." Toothpaste reminded his teammates, he chose to take down the pawn line in front of the defensive tower first, and then tried to go up the road.

On the road side, Jin Gong's Poppy didn't flash, so he chose to retreat to the defense tower as soon as he saw the toothpaste signal. The line of soldiers was about to enter the tower.

So Toothpaste chose to rely on the road, and if he could catch up, he could save Jin Gong's life.

As a result, Syndra of Toothpaste just walked outside the wall of F6, when a crampon suddenly appeared and came towards him!

"Open the curtain!" Immediately after, Nightmare made a big move!
Lissandra uses crampons to get close to Syndra, and then W skills control Syndra.

Syndra's QE pushed Lissandra unconscious at the first time. Although Lissandra couldn't amplify her moves, Nightmare was already close, and the toothpaste had nowhere to go.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "It was a bit uncomfortable in the middle of FPX in this game. When there was no flash, I didn't dare to push the line. I saw the opposite side roaming and wanted to help, but I was squatted."

Miller: "Toothpaste has only two styles of play now. Either he learns from the opponent and directly integrates with the jungler. He will go wherever the jungler goes. Of course, this also requires the active cooperation of the jungler, or toothpaste develops in the middle. It doesn't matter, play your own game."

The two were talking, and the situation changed again. This Polissandra's ultimate move was not released, so AFS Nakano decided to go on the road to do something!

I'm going to catch Bobby who didn't flash to death. Now that Bobby can't get out from hiding under the defense tower, he can jump over the tower directly.

But this time, the toothpaste sensed Nakano's thoughts, after all, he had suffered a loss before.

"On the road, you'd better withdraw directly, the opposite Nakano should have passed, Lissandra still has a big move." Toothpaste reminded Jin Gong.

Jin Gong could only retreat all the way to the self-closing grass in front of the second tower. Fortunately, Xiaotian's wine barrel came to the road, covering Bobby and going up to the tower.

Seeing this scene, AFS Nakano gave up the tower jump on the road and chose to go back to the city to replenish.

At this moment, on the bottom lane, Liu Qingsong's Luo found an opportunity to knock Kai'Sa into the air!

Qi Zhou didn't say a word, just put his E skill on his face, and then started to chase.

Same as before, as soon as he handed over the E skill, Qi Zhou was knocked into the air, and then got the W skill and was pushed away.

But it doesn't matter, Qi Zhou started sprinting, and then fired a W to slow down Kai'Sa.

Liu Qingsong took the opportunity to give Kaisha the weakness.

Whether it's weak or sprinting, CD is faster than flash, and FPX's bottom lane is the time difference.

Soon, Kai'Sa was overtaken by the barbarian king, and Kai'Sa's small body couldn't bear it at all, and the unskilled bull head could only watch from the side.

In the end, Kai'Sa still didn't run away, and was taken down by the barbarian king.

"Nice! Awesome, Neptune." Xiaotian praised.

Toothpaste: "I'm sorry I didn't hit it well, it looks like I'm going to win."

Jin Gong: "I was a little bit collapsed on the road, but it's not a big problem."

Liu Qingsong: "Be careful, the Nakano on the opposite side will definitely make trouble together."

The game time has come to 8 minutes. On the bottom side, the FPX duo is about to be promoted to level six.

Now Kai'Sa and Niutou know how wretched they are, and their positions are very far behind.

"I'm not sprinting now, and I feel like I have no chance to reach level six." Qi Zhou analyzed.

"Why don't we go and beat Xiaolong, anyway, you can beat Xiaolong very quickly now." Liu Qingsong suggested.

So Qi Zhou pushed the bottom line of soldiers over, walked directly to Xiaolong Pit and began to rush Xiaolong.

Liu Qingsong first made a vision to prevent the opposite nightmare from harassing him.

Qi Zhou planted a real eye in the Xiaolong Pit to make sure no one noticed.

Soon, Xiaolong was killed by two people, and the two chose to return to the line to continue the line.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Now FPX's bot lane is very comfortable, you can do whatever you want, and no one dares to stop it."

Miller: "I feel that Luo can go swimming and help Xiaotian relieve a little pressure. Now Xiaotian doesn't dare to take a shot easily. The support from Nightmare and Lissandra on the opposite side is very fast, and it is easy to overturn if you take a light shot."

In the middle lane, after the flash, the toothpaste can finally push the pawn line a little bit, but the line is still in the hands of Lissandra, and now he has learned to be smart. If Lissandra wants to roam, he will be there Develop in the middle, push the line of troops into the defense tower, and give signals to teammates at the same time.

In this way, the toothpaste was barely stable.

On the road side, Jin Gong's Bobby was caught twice, and then because of the pressure from the opposing middle field, he took the initiative to retreat several times, lost a lot of soldiers, and the line changed from leading to lagging behind.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about being solo killed by Akali, and he can still be mixed online.

At nine and a half minutes into the game, FPX started to mess up again in the bottom lane.

I saw Liu Qingsong reminded: "The red BUFF on the opposite side should be swiped, Xiaotian will go to the opposite side to do something together?"

Xiaotian: "Yes, but pay attention to the support from the opposite middle lane."

Qi Zhou: "I already have a green fork, and the output is exploding. Just do it and it's over."

Xiaotian: "Okay, I'll come over right away, you guys clear the view of the opposite side first."

So after Qi Zhou pushed the line of soldiers over, he chose to take Liu Qingsong to the direction of the triangle grass on the lower blue road.

After entering the triangular grass, Liu Qingsong turned on the scan to clear the view inside. The two saw that it was still early, so they returned to the line again. A new wave of soldiers came, and the two chose to continue pushing the line.

This time, Xiaotian's wine barrel was already rushing to this side, and the three of them met at the river and then walked towards the opposite red BUFF.

"The opposite bottom lane is gone." AFS Riverside, assistant Tusin reminded his teammates.

Now the second half of the wild area was pitch black, he and Aiming didn't dare to wander around, they could only stay in the defense tower, and they dared not do it until Barbarian King and Luo returned to the lane to see the triangle grass.

On the FPX side, the three of Shimono have already touched the red BUFF grass of AFS, and the three of them are lying in ambush in the grass.

Within a few seconds, the nightmare appeared!
However, Hemengma seemed to realize that he might be squatted back, so he chose to throw a Q skill into the red BUFF grass.

At this moment, the three of FPX made a move!
I saw Qi Zhou's barbarian king hand over his E skill to approach the nightmare, and then W called the chicken.

Nightmare subconsciously pressed the W skill, blocking the barbarian king's chicken.

However, Liu Qingsong's Luo has already caught up. He uses the barbarian king as a pedal to get close to Nightmare, and then uses his ultimate move to rush over quickly.

Nightmare chose to hand over Flash, and Luo followed up with a W, which knocked Nightmare into the air.

The wine barrel followed up with a Q skill to slow down, and the barbarian king didn't even need to sprint, but went straight up to chop the nightmare.

"The mid laner on the opposite side has passed." Toothpaste reminded.

"The bottom lane is also coming." Liu Qingsong kept staring at the bottom lane, and the other two were no longer online.

"It's too late." Qi Zhou hacked the wine barrel until it ran out of blood, but he himself was also frightened by Nightmare's E skill, and finally Xiaotian followed up with the big move to take the head.

Seeing that Nightmare was dead, Lissandra chose to return to the top lane to continue her development.

At the same time, the two bottom laners of AFS did not plan to come over.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "The disadvantage of the AFS bot lane has already started to affect other players. The first one to suffer is the jungler."

Miller: "This is actually a matter of time. You have a bull head in the bottom lane. You can control a lot to avoid being overtaken. You can fight back, but your teammates can't. They need to develop. Barbarian King and Luo now have A lot of support opportunities will continue to put pressure on everyone in AFS."

Wawa: "The original rhythm of Nightmare was actually quite good, but after this wave is over, I feel that Nightmare's rhythm will be dragged down. This is not good news for AFS."

The game time comes to 13 minutes, and the second dragon is about to be refreshed. This is a wind dragon that can increase the movement speed.

On the FPX side, relying on the advantage of the bottom lane, they have arranged the vision near Xiaolong in advance.

Moreover, the terrain of Xiaolongkeng is more favorable for the red side.

"If they come to grab it first, we can take the initiative to start a regiment." Xiaotian commanded.

Qi Zhou: "I don't think there is any need to worry. We have longer hands in the middle. We can kite and let the opponent start a team. We just fight back."

Liu Qingsong: "Well, I think counterattack is more appropriate."

Xiaotian: "I'll just hit the backhand, let's hit the dragon first."

Everyone in FPX gathered in advance, and when Xiaolong was about to refresh, they pushed the middle lane first, and then walked towards Xiaolong Pit together.

After Xiaolong refreshed, everyone in FPX chose to fight directly, intending to lure people from AFS over.

Of course, the top laners on both sides have not yet come to lead the line. They all have TP, and they can come to pick up the team with TP at any time.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "The first wave of team battles between the two sides may break out because of this little dragon. I feel that this wave of team battles is likely to determine the direction of the follow-up games. There is no such thing as a lineup of both sides that can be safely separated after receiving the team. , no head burst."

Miller: "That's true. There are too many melee heroes. Once you start contacting them, you will definitely be immortal. If there are more heads, the follow-up heroes will be bigger."

At the match scene, the fans of both sides began to get nervous. The first ten minutes were basically [-]-[-], and no one could tell the outcome, but the situation was different after this round of team battles.

Everyone in FPX actively activated Xiaolong, dragged Xiaolong outside, and dragged outside to fight. Lissandra and Niutou on the opposite side would fight very fiercely in this relatively narrow terrain, so they needed to spread out and not get together.

Xiaolong's blood volume dropped rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, he only had more than 1000 blood volume, and he was about to be RUSHed.

The AFS people approached, and Nightmare and Niutou took the lead, and the two planned to enter the field.

On the other hand, Akali gave TP to the side, ready to contain it from the side.

Jin Gong's Bobby directly TP'd into Xiaolong Pit, his position can also get stuck on the side of AFS people.

When Xiaolong's blood volume reached [-], "Open the curtain!" Nightmare made a big move first, but he didn't rush to fly, mainly to play a deterrent effect.

At this moment, Bobby swung his hammer, intending to use his big move to send away a few first.

(End of this chapter)

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