Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 265 [263] The team battle that determines the direction of the game

Seeing that Bobby is charging up his big move, other people in AFS also started to attack. Lissandra handed over his E skill and stepped forward. Bullhead flashed WQ first!

The team battle is on the verge of breaking out, the bull head's flash WQ simultaneously controls the wine barrel and Luo, Lissandra flashes his big move into the field, and hits an explosive AOE!

Qi Zhou's barbarian king is relatively late. Although he is the barbarian king, his style of play is the same as that of ordinary ADCs. He is not incapable of taking control and damage from the first wave of opponents.

After the opponent finished using the first round of skills, Qi Zhou started sprinting and then went up to chop.

On the other side, a punishment fell from the sky to Xiaolong, and Xiaolong fell to the ground in response.

Wawa: "Xiaolong is gone! Whose is it! FPX got Xiaolong!"

Miller: "However, the ownership of Xiaolong is not critical. Now it depends on who wins the team battle."

Qi Zhou's barbarian king chose to output the front row first. At this time, Niutou has already activated his big move, which is more fleshy, but it is not completely unstoppable.

"Keep the formation, don't rush forward!" Qi Zhou commanded, his idea of ​​fighting a team was to wait for the opponent to enter the field.

Seeing that the effect of Lissandra's ultimate move was about to disappear, Syndra stunned Lissandra with a backhand QE, and Qi Zhou used E to get close to Lissandra and then slashed.

Lissandra's blood volume dropped very quickly, "Open the curtain!" Nightmare activated her big move, and went directly to Syndra, who didn't have the E skill, and Akali also flashed her big move, pointing directly at Syndra!
"I'm going to lose it!" Toothpaste handed over his ult to Akali. Although he knew that he would die if he handed in Blink, he still chose to hand in Blink. head!

On the FPX side, Qi Zhou's barbarian king had already hacked Lissandra to death, and then started chasing Nightmare to deal damage.

As for Kai'Sa, she is currently being stuck by Poppy. Kai'Sa eats a lot of equipment, and Kai'Sa is poorly developed, so it takes a long time to fight Poppy.

Soon, Meng Yan didn't hold back and was hacked to death by the barbarian king. Qi Zhou had already killed his red eyes. Now that the bull head's big move was over, Qi Zhou chose to come directly to find the bull head.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "No one can limit the Barbarian King. It is a failure that this AFS does not have the feeling of weakness. If there is weakness, the Barbarian King can't be so strong in the team."

Miller: "It can only be said that AFS's bot lane is too greedy. They used Ignite to pursue the advantage of the line, but the line was blown up. Now the team leader can't restrain the barbarian king."

The two were talking, Bobby's blood volume bottomed out and flashed, Kai'Sa followed up and took the head, but in this way, his own position became very dangerous. Time handed over the flash and retreated, but it had been slowed down.

Liu Qingsong's Luo catches up with a W skill and knocks him into the air, and Qi Zhou's barbarian king chooses to follow up and output. Kaisha sees that the barbarian king's HP is low, and wants to replace the barbarian king.

As a result, after defeating the barbarian king, the barbarian king directly activated his ultimate move.

"Why does he still have a big move?" Aiming said that he couldn't understand, the barbarian king had killed three times, and the big move was still in his hand.

In this way, the plan to replace the barbarian king also fell through, and Aiming was hacked to death by the barbarian king.

The two sides played one for four, and Qi Zhou's barbarian king won four kills!

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"What a ruthless barbarian king."

"Is this four kills? It feels so easy."

"No matter what hero it is, it feels different in the hands of Neptune."

"Is the hero Barbarian so powerful? Why didn't anyone use it before?"

On the field, on the FPX side, I saw Xiaotian praised: "Aquaman is awesome, we feel like we have already asked after this wave."

Liu Qingsong: "No one of them can take the damage of the barbarian king now. As long as we fight in a team, we can definitely win."

Toothpaste: "It's easy to target the opponent when fighting in a group, what's the use of flashing the big move, it's all on my face."

Xiaotian: "Get a golden body first, so you can buy a little more time."

Toothpaste: "Okay, but if you come out with the golden body first, the output will not be enough. I need to see your performance."

Xiaotian: "It's okay, I have a pure output from the wine barrel, and the magic damage is very high, so don't worry about the physical damage with the barbarian king."

While the two were talking, Qi Zhou suddenly interrupted: "I think it would be easier for you to fight without your golden body."

Toothpaste was taken aback when he heard this, and asked, "There are too many advances on the other side. If we don't get the golden body, we will die easily in a group fight."

Qi Zhou: "It's okay, you just need to play out all the skills, and then you can hand them over to us. If you get the golden body, the opponent will definitely target me. If I die, your output will not be enough."

"It seems quite reasonable, so I'll go out first." Toothpaste replied.

Everyone in FPX said, took the opportunity to take down the first tower in the middle of AFS to accommodate them, and then went back to the city to supply supplies. Qi Zhou took out the blue sword, not only that, but also a big storm sword!
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "The barbarian king's equipment is really terrifying. I feel that if it can be critically hit, three critical hits on Kai'Sa will be enough."

Miller: "Now the barbarian king has a very high chance of crit. It's not surprising that he gets three hits in a row. Moreover, the hero barbarian can not only fight in a team, but also solo. This is something that other ADCs can't do."

The game time was 6 minutes, and Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong took down the opposite bottom tower.

Liu Qingsong suggested: "Let's switch to the middle lane and let the toothpaste develop in the bottom lane."

Toothpaste started to go to the bottom lane, but Qi Zhou had a different idea: "No need, you go to the middle lane to assist him, I will lead the line in the bottom lane, and now I am invincible with the line."

After hearing this, Liu Qingsong understood that it was actually quite embarrassing for the Barbarian King to switch to the middle lane. He is a melee hero, even if he pushes the pawn line into the defensive tower, he has no chance to push the tower.

Qi Zhou pushed the bot lane to the opposite second tower, and then entered the opposite wild area to start clearing the jungle. Now if Nightmare dares to attack, Qi Zhou is confident that he can kill Nightmare before the fear effect of Nightmare's E skill is triggered.

AFS will not be able to be punished here. They saw Liu Qingsong's Luo appearing in the middle lane. They originally thought that FPX would switch the duo together, but it turned out that only Luo passed by, and the barbarian king was still in the bottom lane.

AFS must let the support go to the middle, but who will defend the bottom?Kaisha can only face the barbarian king alone, but if Lissandra comes over, Lissandra has nothing to do with the barbarian king.

In the end, AFS decided to switch Lissandra to the bottom lane, at least he doesn't need to worry about being overrun by the barbarian king.

At the same time, Nightmare is also heading down the road. With Lissandra's words, there is every chance to catch the barbarian king to death.

A new wave of pawns came, Qi Zhou pushed the pawn line into the defense tower, and seeing that Lissandra was alone under the tower, Qi Zhou stepped forward and began to point the tower, walking while pointing the tower.

Qi Zhou kept a distance from the pawn line, so that Lissandra could only choose one between pushing the pawn line or sending out the barbarian king.

Seeing this scene, the baby exclaimed: "Is this the start of pushing the tower with Lissandra's damage? This is too embarrassing."

Miller: "Don't tell me, Lissandra seems to have nothing to do."

"Open the curtain!" At this moment, Nightmare made a big move!
Qi Zhou thought that Nightmare was probably here to catch him, so he chose to retreat one after another.

Naturally, Kuro would not give him this chance. Kuro's Lissandra chose to make a big move first, leaving the barbarian king under the defensive tower, and then followed W.

Nightmare flew over, and followed up with an E skill after landing.

At this time, Sprite is ready. Once the barbarian king surrenders the E skill, he will flash to keep up, ensuring that the barbarian king can be terrified.

At this time, the barbarian king's blood volume is low, and he must increase his moves immediately, otherwise he will be killed in seconds.

However, Qi Zhou didn't run away in a hurry, but chose to stand up with Meng Nightmare.

It's just three strikes down the road and two strikes, and the nightmare can't hold it anymore. He is worried that there will be problems if he continues to chase, so the nightmare keeps a distance from the barbarian king, so that the barbarian king can't cut him, and it won't let the barbarian king out of the E skill. Control range.

Suddenly, the barbarian king surrendered his E skill!
At the moment of shooting with the E skill, Nightmare chose to flash back to avoid being hacked to death by the barbarian king.

What everyone didn't expect was that the barbarian king's E skill was not aimed at the nightmare, but he handed over his E skill and ran away!
An embarrassing scene appeared, Nightmare retreated, and the barbarian king also retreated, but the barbarian king only turned in the E skill, and Nightmare used the flash.

"I've been tricked!" Sprite realized that her IQ had been played with.

And Lissandra still had thoughts about the barbarian king, and he suddenly handed over the flash Q, wanting to kill the barbarian king directly when the barbarian king couldn't react.

This barbarian king is the head of a big man who is about to surpass God, and anyone who sees it wants to take it.

However, Qi Zhou's reaction was not slow. He surrendered his big move at the first time, and then turned around and flashed on Lissandra's face to start outputting. Lissandra chose to throw E skill behind him, wanting to rely on E Ji to retreat , the barbarian king gave him three knives, and all three hits were critical strikes!
The barbarian king's critical strike can reduce the CD of the E skill, so before the end of the ultimate move, the next E skill has been turned into a good CD, and the E skill catches up, and Lissandra is hacked to death with three swords!
At the same time, Nightmare came forward, now that Nightmare has an advantage in blood volume, and Nightmare's ultimate move is over, Nightmare plans to take this head.

Qi Zhou chose to fight A with Nightmare first, and his blood volume hit the bottom, and then he used his Q skill to restore blood, forcing him to hold on to the last bit of blood.

Then one slash, two slashes, and the second slash happened to be a critical strike, chopping Nightmare to the ground!

At this time, Qi Zhou was already empty of blood, but if Meng Nightmare was given a little more A, he would die!
But there was no if in the game, Qi Zhou completed a wave of double kills in the bottom lane!

Seeing this, the baby explained: "This barbarian king is too reckless. This is a one-on-two, and there are many heroes like Lissandra on the opposite side who control so many heroes, and the king of the sea even won."

Miller: "I feel that this wave of morale blows to AFS must be very big. In the future, it is estimated that no one will dare to touch this barbarian king."

On the field, on the AFS side, after being counter-killed, Sprite grabbed her hair and rubbed it a few times, regretting: "It was almost, I almost counter-killed."

Kuro: "My problem, I gave my ult too early, I should wait for you to come over first."

Sprite: "This is not your problem. If you don't give the big move immediately, the barbarian king will use the E skill to run away. We can only blame him for being too fat. Neither of us can beat it."

After Qi Zhou returned to the city for supplies, he took out a pickaxe and a crit cloak, only one synthesis fee away from Endless.

After going out, Qi Zhou pushed the pawn line over first, and then went to the wild area to clear the wild. If there is no big move, don't do anything now.

Of course, the opponent Nakano didn't make any big moves. As long as Qi Zhou doesn't go too far, there is no danger.

The pressure came to AFS. Now they have no choice but to open a breakthrough from other places. Otherwise, the barbarian king will take the bottom highland sooner or later.

"Or let's play the middle lane. Syndra is easy to kill without displacement." Kruo suggested.

Although this is very risky, they have no other way.

So everyone from AFS started to gather in the middle. The Barbarian King has no TP, and he is the fattest one in FPX. If the Barbarian King is not in the front, the pressure on AFS will be much less.

"They seem to be doing something first, and they are coming to the middle row for vision." Xiaotian reminded.

Liu Qingsong: "The defensive towers in the middle need to help defend, I guess they want to attack the defensive towers in the middle."

Toothpaste: "There's TP across from Lissandra, be careful."

Xiaotian: "I'll cover in the middle."

Everyone in FPX also began to gather in the middle, but because they are not as good as AFS in terms of support ability, they must form a group in advance.

And AFS's support ability is much stronger. They can let Kai'Sa push the line in the middle, and the jungler and support can clear the field of vision first. No matter which side fights, the other side can quickly support.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "I feel that the first tower in the middle of FPX is a bit difficult to defend. They can clear the line with Syndra alone, but if Syndra stands too far ahead, he may be forcibly opened."

Miller: "However, AFS's grouping like this gives the Barbarian King a chance to push the tower. Lissandra can't defend the Barbarian King alone in the bottom lane."

AFS is in a hurry in the bottom lane, Kuro urged: "The second tower in the bottom lane is about to fall, so hurry up."

In the middle lane, after clearing FPX's field of vision, everyone in AFS cast an eye on the red square F6, Lissandra gave up the second tower and chose to TP directly!

"TP! They're coming from the middle!" Xiaotian reminded.

Toothpaste began to retreat, he was worried that Lissandra would directly enter the field from the side and take the lead.

But after he retreated, no one could clear the pawn line, and the wine barrel was blown up with the Q skill, and the effect was very mediocre.

Aiming's Kai'Sa has already stepped forward to point towers, and the speed of pushing towers is very fast.

"I'll use my ult to clear the pawn line!" Xiaotian's wine barrel chose to throw his ult over, the pawn line was cleared, and everyone in AFS could only retreat temporarily.

On the next side of the road, Qi Zhou's barbarian king has already gone up to the high ground, and he is madly outputting towards the high ground tower.

In the official live broadcast room, LCK fans are anxious:

"Is there no one in the lower road highland? Just let it go?"

"What the hell is AFS doing? Why don't you start a group directly?"

"It's outrageous, you guys just started fighting."

"I'm most afraid of this kind of person who dare not fight. It's really disgusting."

Originally, LCK fans still expected AFS to perform miracles. If they could overthrow FPX, other Korean teams would have no pressure.

This game looked smooth at the beginning, which made many LCK fans see hope, but since Barbarian King started to play solo, they felt something was wrong.

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