Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 266 [265] Aborted, Neptune Knockout begins to reward yourself

Chapter 266 [265] Aborted, Neptune Knockout begins to reward yourself
In fact, Qi Zhou's bot lane barbarian king is just an experiment. If the effect is good now, he can keep it for the top lane in the future. Of course, he will only use it when he meets a stronger team.

On the middle side, a new wave of pawns came, this is a pawn line with artillery vehicles, three people in front of AFS carefully escorted the pawn line into the tower, Lissandra and Akali were in the wild area preparing to cut in.

This time, Bobby, who was changing the gold tribute, came up to stop him. Seeing that the pawn line was about to enter the tower, Bobby began to charge up his big move, and he wanted to smash the pawn line directly.

The barbarian king has time to push the front tooth tower directly.

Everyone in AFS also understood that FPX intends to continue to procrastinate, so Sprite's Nightmare chose to use the big move directly!

Lissandra handed over one E skill from the wild area, then flashed the second E skill, landed W to control everyone in FPX, and finally gave himself the big move.

Nightmare and Akali come into play at the same time, go directly to Syndra!

Not only that, Kai'Sa also used her big move to enter the field, cutting the back row with Akali and Nightmare.

On FPX's side, Toothpaste flashed to avoid Lissandra's entry, but he had no choice but to play as much output as possible after the next three people got close to each other.

Liu Qingsong's Luo activates his big move, charms the Nightmare, Kai'Sa and Akali who enter the field, and then follows up with a W, knocking three of them into the air at the same time!
Syndra took the opportunity to QW to pick up RE, gave Kaisha a big move and then pushed five balls, Abramovich and the three of them controlled it at the same time!
Seeing this, the baby exclaimed: "Syndra played an explosive AOE! This wave feels that AFS will have problems."

Wawa: "Okay, without further ado, let's welcome the contestants from both sides!"

At the beginning of the selection, Brother Feng asked: "The OP heroes are all outside now, does anyone need to help grab it?"

BP came to AFS, and AFS took out Sword Demon and Galio on the first and second floors.

Everyone in FPX can only praise Qi Zhou for his courage and talent. This kind of thing is completely unimaginable for ordinary players.

Kiin's words are already very euphemistic. In fact, in his eyes, allowing a barbarian king to play such a big advantage in the bottom lane can only be described as outrageous.

"But in the next game, I guess they will ban the Barbarian King."

Qi Zhou: "It doesn't matter, I didn't intend to continue to use it at first, I just took it out just to try it out, to see how this hero is."

Everyone in FPX found a chair and sat down. Brother Feng continued:

On the other side, everyone in FPX had already returned to the waiting room, and the coach, Brother Feng, greeted him and said, "Thanks for your hard work, everyone, I didn't expect the Barbarian King in the bottom lane to be able to play a single-band effect. Neptune, you are really a genius."

Xiaotian took the opportunity to go over and intervene, and the three of AFS could only change places.

So Jin Gong locked Urgot on the first floor.

Qi Zhou: "Give me the great inventor Heimerdinger."

In the end, AFS locked the wine barrel on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both sides were completely determined:

Toothpaste: "Play Ryze in the middle lane, get me Ryze."

On the playing field, everyone from FPX took the lead on the stage. Qi Zhou led everyone from FPX to the stage, and the FPX fans cheered: "FPX! FPX! FPX!"

The more anxious the other side is, the more favorable the situation will be for Qi Zhou.

Liu Qingsong: "Well, I understand what you mean."

Everyone in AFS was in a hurry. Lissandra and Niutou were revived one after another, but neither of them flashed. Qi Zhou's barbarian king's E skill was switched to CD again, and he handed over his E skill again to pull away, and then continued to output crystals from the opposite base.

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Wawa analyzed: "FPX's bot lane has been revived again this time. Although I have seen other teams use the Great Inventor before, I have always wanted to know how Neptune will play this hero. Now I finally have a chance.”

Brother Feng: "Okay, it's almost time now, ready to play."

Miller: "I feel like it's too late. With the damage of Akali and Kai'Sa, the Barbarian King's ultimate move can be used quickly. The time of the Barbarian King's ultimate move will definitely not be able to tear down the base. The only feasible way is to use Kai'Sa and Kai'Sa together. Akali killed!"

Now Kai'Sa is in a hurry, her E skill speeds up, and she flashes close to the output of the barbarian king.

AFS's first five players followed closely behind, and there were also people cheering for AFS, but it was far worse than when they played in the first game. The last AFS loss was too ugly, which made the fans lose confidence in an instant.

Liu Qingsong: "Get me a tam."

BP came to AFS again, and AFS took out Lucian and Thresh on the third and fourth floors.

In the end, everyone in AFS could only watch helplessly as the base crystal was hacked by the barbarian king!
"Win! FPX won the first game in a thrilling manner! Let us congratulate FPX!" Doll cheered.

In the end, Kiin said "It's up to you." Then he got up and went back to the lounge.

At this time, Jin Gong said: "I directly took Urgot. After the last game, I felt that Kiin seemed to be like this. I want to try to fight against him."

"Keep them! Don't let them come back!" Qi Zhou commanded.

"Are you rewarding yourself?"

Xiao Tianting then reminded: "Don't overturn the car, this person still has strength."

Miller: "After the control effect on Akali disappeared, I chose the flashing big move to keep up. It seems that I must take Syndra's head. Syndra has no skills in his hand. Akali's damage is too high. In the end, it is still was killed, but it has been delayed for a long time."

Toothpaste: "Let me see the situation. If the opportunity is right, it's fine to choose a support hero."

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Jin Gong! Jin Gong found the wrong place, so that Kai'Sa and Akali can return to the city successfully. The barbarian king took down one front tooth tower, and then the second one. Is there still time?"

It's a little embarrassing now, kiin is the absolute core of the team, and his words carry more weight.

On the playing field, everyone in FPX who won the game got up one after another, talking and laughing and walking towards the lounge.

Qi Zhou was not surprised. This showed that the opponent's bot lane was indeed on top, and he really wanted to gain an advantage from the bot lane.

Qi Zhou: "Choose if you want."

"You guys go back first, I'll end the queen." Xuebi realized that if the three of them returned to the city together, they would not be able to go back, so he chose to stay and end the queen.

Xiaotian replied: "I have no problem, as long as the middle lane needs it, I can link up with him."

Xiaotian and Jin Gong came to their senses, and they approached the nightmare actively, and seeing that there was really only one person, they crossed the nightmare to find others.

Qi Zhou replied: "Well, they should be at the top of the bottom lane now, and I have already figured it out. We can break through from this point in the next round."

Finally, Brother Feng looked down the road: "What are you going to choose for the next game, Neptune? Why don't you tell us first, so that we can also have a mental preparation, so as not to be surprised."

Miller: "Under the defense tower, Lissandra was killed by Wine Barrel and Poppy, and then chased the bull head to fight. The other three AFS people came back to help. Is this still going on? But the bull head can't handle it anymore. .”

"But playing the Great Inventor in the bot lane, isn't it a bit..."

Jin Gong: "It's okay, Urgot is also very resistant to pressure, and maybe he is the one who has to resist pressure."

Everyone in FPX was taken aback, only to see Liu Qingsong asking: "Brother Zhou, your great inventor is indeed six."

Qi Zhou locked the great inventor on the fourth floor, and then Liu Qingsong helped Xiantian get Xin Zhao on the fifth floor.

Brother Feng: "They have a lot of experience with the tool hero in the middle lane. Be careful in the next game. If it doesn't work, you can also play a support hero and cooperate with Xiaotian. Didn't your previous cooperation be very good?"

"Congratulations to FPX, it's really not easy. During the laning period, FPX was about to collapse. Fortunately, it stabilized. It reversed the situation through the dragon team battle, and then used the barbarian king's order to drag AFS into numbness." Miller answered. road.

This time FPX came to the blue side, while AFS was on the red side.

Qi Zhou replied: "It's not that I like to pretend to be mysterious, but my hero selection needs to be adjusted at any time according to the BP situation, so I don't know now."

Seeing this, Toothpaste touched his nose in embarrassment and said, "My question, I gave the opponent two chances, otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult."

The remaining three members of AFS killed Luo, and wanted to continue fighting when they turned around. Seeing that Niutou had been killed, they felt that they could no longer continue and had to run away. At this time, the barbarian king was demolishing the front tooth tower. Gone.

Qi Zhou: "When we watched the game before, didn't we study what to use to deal with the great inventor? I think we still need to know more about this hero to broaden our thinking. Why don't we take it out and use it first, and then use it for its advantages? You know your shortcomings."

He couldn't control Bobby of Jin Gong, but Bobby found the wrong place by himself. He chose to walk in the direction of the river, not realizing that the two people on the opposite side had already gone to the red BUFF.

Qi Zhou said with a smile: "Planning to break through from the bottom lane and being able to break through from the bottom lane are two different concepts. I also plan to win five S championships."

Miller: "I think the most important thing for AFS now is mentality. After being dragged by the barbarian king in the last game, I can clearly feel that they are anxious. If they can't adjust their mentality, there will probably be problems in this game."

At this time, kiin said: "Ban the barbarian king in the next game, we don't seem to be familiar with this hero in the next lane."

Nightmare came up to stop the barrel and put the E skill on the barrel.

Blue side FPX: top laner Urgot, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Ryze, great inventor of ADC, support Tamm.

The two were talking, and the game officially started. Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong went straight to the second half of the field to help open the field. Qi Zhou said: "The opponent must really want to fight us in the bottom lane. Let's play softly and slowly. Fight consumption."

Brother Feng: "Then what do you plan to choose as the next road?"

After the debut, everyone in FPX came to their respective positions. After both sides were ready, the second round of BP began!

The Barbarian King sprints and flashes together, outputting Kai'Sa close to him!
Kai'Sa retreated while fighting, but he was no match for the barbarian king, one, two, three, four, Kai'Sa was killed on the spot!
Akali doesn't have a big move, so she can only step up and use her Q skill to output.

Xiaotian: "Then I will continue to engage them in the bottom lane, and it will be easier to win the game if the mentality is broken."

Qi Zhou: "I didn't start practicing just now, but only when I use it in competitions can I see the real effect."

After hearing this, Xiaotian exclaimed: "Sea King, you are too outrageous, now it is the knockout round, and you actually use it to practice heroes?"

In the game commentary booth, Doll and Miller are ready.

Toothpaste: "666, Yigao people are bold."

Red side AFS: top laner Aatrox, jungler Barrel, mid laner Galio, ADC Lucian, support Thresh.

The moment this great inventor was selected, the FPX fans at the scene became excited. They were all expecting that Qi Zhou would come up with something different, and now he did it.

After killing Kai'Sa, Qi Zhou's barbarian king used sprint to fight and retreat, kiting Akali.

After the bull head's big move ended, he turned into a little squishy and was killed by the defense tower.

Xiaotian's Wine Barrel and Jin Gong's Bobby caught up. The first reaction of the two of them was to retreat when they saw the nightmare. Now they only need to hold people back.

So Jin Gong's Poppy and Xiaotian's Wine Barrel chose to take the initiative to find someone. The two followed the AFS people into the wild area. Wine Barrel used the Q skill to explore the grass of F6. The three of them were inside, and the return to the city was interrupted. .

Nightmare stayed at the end, Kai'Sa and Akali continued to move forward, and they walked back to the city in the red BUFF grass.

What everyone in AFS didn't expect was that Aiming said directly: "No need, the combination we got in the bot lane is too weak in this game. If I change to other heroes, I will beat them to the bot lane!"

"I'm here to help." Jin Gong's Bobby TP landed on the ground and began to help export the base crystals.

I saw the baby explaining: "Welcome back. After a short break, the second contest between the two sides will be held. In the last game, FPX played perfectly in the bottom lane and won the game without any risk. Let's watch now Can AFS adjust the status?"

But on the issue of bottom picks, Aiming, as an ADC, has more say.

Miller: "From past experience, any hero, no matter how weird you think it is, can often achieve unexpected results as long as it is in the hands of Neptune. I also want to know how this great inventor will play in the team."

"He only has one person, and the other two are going back to the city elsewhere!" Liu Qingsong reminded.

So FPX locked Ryze and Tamm on the second and third floors.

Not far from the opposite side, the five members of AFS sat on chairs in a daze. The loss of this game was a bit inexplicable, and they hadn't recovered yet.

Xiaotian smiled and said, "I just like your confident look."

Brother Feng: "Sea King, which way are you going to go next? Continue down the road?"

At the beginning of the ban, in this AFS, the barbarian king was banned, and then the great inventor and the great inventor were banned, and all the ban positions were given to Qi Zhou.

Seeing these two heroes, Brother Feng reminded: "It seems that the opponent still wants to play offense, we have to be careful."

Jin Gong searched for a long time but couldn't find it, so he had an idea, directly gave TP to the opposite base, and chose to help Qi Zhou!
On the other side, Kai'Sa and Akali have returned to the city. The barbarian king is demolishing the last front tooth tower. The blood volume of the front tooth tower is running low. Backing away, he was worried that the barbarian king would kill him. What he didn't expect was that after the barbarian king removed the front tooth tower, he chose to hand over the E skill to open the distance and continue to output crystals.

Wawa: "I think the most important thing is that the barbarian king hits two double kills in the bottom lane. That wave broke the confidence of AFS, so they are so anxious to push the middle lane, and then the barbarian king finds a wave of opportunities."

Jin Gong: "In the last game, my hero had an advantage, so there was no pressure. I could have suppressed him, but I was beaten by the opponent Nakano."

Brother Feng reminded: "The opposite side seems to really plan to break through from the bottom lane, Neptune, be careful."

Brother Feng: "Well, then on the top lane, Jin Gong, how does it feel to be in line with Kiin? Is there a lot of pressure? I think you seem to be carrying it in front of you."

Xiao Tian said: "Would you like to help you do it a few more times in the early stage, I always feel that you are not easy to fight."

Qi Zhou: "It's not necessary, they can't beat us in the bot lane and lane, you just follow your own rhythm."

Xiaotian: "With your words, I feel relieved."

Soon the first wave of buffs was refreshed. Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong helped the jungler get the red buff, and then they went straight to the bottom lane and started to match.

(End of this chapter)

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