Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 267 [266] AIming mentality collapsed...

Chapter 267 [266] AIming mentality collapsed...

When he came to the line, Qi Zhou suddenly found out that the opponent did not qualify, so he reminded: "The opponent may have an ambush at the first level, so you better be careful."

"I'll go up and sell my blood, they won't fight to the end if there is a line of soldiers." Liu Qingsong replied.

Qi Zhou walked forward with Liu Qingsong, and when Qi Zhou was about to approach the pawn line, he chose to turn his head suddenly, so Thresh's hook flew out of the grass, and passed by Qi Zhou's great inventor.

Thresh's hook is empty!
Lucian, who was ambushing in the grass, stepped forward to AQAA to deal a set of damage to Tam, and then pulled away directly. AFS didn't mean to fight to the end.

In this way, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong can return to the line and start developing.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX's awareness of the bottom lane is still good. I can see that the opponent is squatting, so I chose to let the support go up to take a wave of damage."

Smile: "It doesn't matter if a hero like Tahm loses a little blood at the first level. For FPX bottom lane, they only need to develop, and don't worry about other things."

After Qi Zhou went online, he began to set up the forts. This required skill, and each fort could cover each other, so as to prevent the opponent from finding a breakthrough.

At the same time, Lucian's Q skill can penetrate minions, so the turret cannot be behind the minions to avoid being killed with two birds with one stone.

This time Thresh couldn't bear it any longer. He threw a hook and pointed it at the great inventor. He knew that even if the hook hit, Tam could come up and eat the great inventor, but taking this opportunity, Lucian could go up and hit him. Damage, consumes the HP of the Great Inventor.

Lucian flashed and pulled away, and at the same time turned around to output Tamm and wanted to replace Tamm who was carrying the tower.

"Steady down the road, and go back to resupply if you don't have the condition." Sprite said with concern.

Of course, before consuming Lucian, you need to set up the fort first, so that you don't have to worry about being hit back.

Taking advantage of Aiming and Lu Xi'an making up the knife under the defensive tower, Qi Zhou stepped forward to find an opportunity to fight and consume.

"Can you come to the bottom lane to catch a wave? This hero is disgusting." Aiming began to ask his teammates for help.

At this time, Lucian of Aiming was making up the knife, his body was in a stiff state, and he couldn't move at that moment.

"Thresh's dog is impossible to win in this life, can he still play like this?"

"This hero is so rambunctious."

Soon, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao was in place, and Liu Qingsong's Tam walked into the defense tower, lighting it up until Lucian took the initiative to carry the tower.

Miller: "It's not only us who think so, but Lucian obviously thinks so too. That's why he handed over his E skill for the first time to try to output it. As a result, he didn't even get an A, and he was prostituted by the great inventor with half of his HP."

So Xiaotian's Xin Zhao stabbed up without saying a word, and Galio on the opposite side handed over the E skill to knock Zhao Xin into the air, and then followed the control of W Durang's shield, making Xin Zhao unable to move.

"It's okay, I can't overturn the car. I'm just pulling and hitting now. Later, I will directly output the third level directly to my face. Don't engage in such fancy things with him." Jin Gong seemed to be quite confident in himself.

And Galio ran away early when he saw that something was wrong.

Xiaotian's Xin Zhao came around from the triangle grass, and the opposite duo was always suppressed, and they didn't even have a chance to make a vision.

Xin Zhao followed up from behind the defense tower. As soon as he got close to Lucian, he was swept away by Thresh's E skill. Xin Zhao handed over his E skill, and Lucian used his QE skill to pull away.

Now that the wine barrel has already handed in the E skill, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao is not polite, and directly handed over the E skill and poked it up.

The wine barrel handed over the E skill and came to the red BUFF pit, and then started to play the red BUFF.

A false eye was inserted into the red BUFF grass, and the positions of Xin Zhao and Ryze were exposed.

"There seems to be something wrong with this sword demon." Jin Gong failed to exchange blood, feeling the pressure.

So Aiming chose to hand over his E skill to avoid the great inventor's E, but he regretted it after handing over his E skill!

At this time, the sword demon is only a small body, unable to withstand the output of Urgot and Ryze, and finally the sword demon's head is taken by Ryze.

Thresh came up and pulled out the hook again, but Qi Zhou chose to block it with a fort. There was nothing Thresh could do.

"Don't worry, wait for the jungler on the other side to appear." Sprite reassured.

On the playing field, on the FPX side, Xiaotian had already noticed that Lucian was out of health, so he gave a signal to the bottom lane: "I'm coming, just jump over the tower!"

"Nice! We won!" Xiaotian from FPX celebrated. Although he was killed by him, it is enough for his teammates to earn in the end.

However, the hero Great Inventor really doesn’t need any operations. It’s an exaggeration to say that playing this hero can be operated with one hand most of the time!

It is also necessary to consider that after the line of troops is pushed over, the previously placed fort will lose its effect, so it is necessary to move forward slowly and step by step.

Qi Zhou flashed to catch up with E and then W skills, and directly gave Lu Xian a second!
The tower-carrying Tamu's blood volume bottomed out, he pulled out the defensive tower in a flash, then turned on the shield, and survived.

Aiming wanted to say something after hearing this, but he didn't know where to start. It was indeed because he was at a disadvantage in the lane first, which made the jungler afraid to grab the bottom lane.

"It doesn't take a little operation to blow up the opponent. I am convinced of this idea."

Since the wine barrel handed in the flash, Xiaotian stopped chasing, and the flash would not kill.

Toothpaste: "I can come to support first, you just invade."

Toothpaste wanted to do something to the wine barrel, but because Galio was right next to him, he didn't dare to do it rashly.

"The wine barrel on the opposite side didn't flash." Xiaotian reminded.

Seeing that the jungler was coming, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong chose to continue to put pressure on them, pressing the opposing pawn line in front of the defensive tower.

Jin Gong said to L: "It's better to catch him twice more, and I can fight easily in the lane."

But the only problem is that I don't know where Xiaotian's Xin Zhao is now.

While everyone was talking, Qi Zhou seized a wave of opportunities and used his E skill.

"Don't overturn the car, brother, you said you have to work hard, don't fail." Xiaotian replied.

Lucian's hands are relatively short. When he fights long-range soldiers, he will definitely give Qi Zhou a chance to consume them.

After going online, FPX's middle and bottom roads are pushing forward, which makes Xiaotian's Xin Zhao very output.

It's only going to be harder for the Great Inventor to get a head-to-lane now.

Aiming, who was already in a hurry, immediately handed over his E skill and wanted to play output. It was too late when he found out that the great inventor had not been arrested!
Qi Zhou's great inventor shot Lu Xi'an with a backhand E skill, so the three surrounding forts fired lasers at the same time, and Qi Zhou followed up with a W skill.

"I'm coming, Galio is behind me." Ritz from Toothpaste began to walk towards the wild area.

If you are counter-squatting, judging from the current state, it seems that you can't beat three-on-three.

Everyone couldn't stand it anymore. The great inventor's way of cracking Thresh was too simple, which made everyone feel that their IQ was humiliated. Especially those ADCs who were usually afraid of hook assists, they were immediately inspired.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Rui from the toothpaste flashed forward, took control of the opposite wine barrel, and then killed him with a set of skills!
The moment the wine barrel was killed, Kiin's sword demon appeared!

So Ryze and Urgot set fire to Sword Demon together, and Galio on the side was a little embarrassed.

Miller: "However, letting this Sword Demon get a kill is a hidden danger. From the laning situation, it can be seen that Sword Demon has proficiency, and from the perspective of the lineup, he may be more important to AFS than Lucian. "

The wine barrel doesn't have a lot of health, so he can only choose to flash it away.

But Xin Zhao had a flash, and after the flash was pulled away, he used punishment to recover a little HP.

AFS doesn't have a very strong desire to attack in the bottom lane. No matter what hero is in the early stage, if you can't destroy the great inventor's turret first and then go up to be tough, it must be just fine.

Toothpaste: "It will come out later, I can grab the opposite side with you and hit the road."

Sprite explained: "I didn't even see the opposite position, and your condition is very bad. If the opposite jungler is also there, wouldn't we lose?"

Sprite took a look at the bottom lane, and there was a chance from the pawn line. The Great Inventor and Tahm were both in the front position.

After reaching the second level, Jin Gong still wanted to go up to fight and consume, but the sword demon saw the opportunity. He hit Urgot with a W evil fire chain, and then completed a Q skill to knock him into the air. The moment Urgot was pulled back Keeping up with the second Q skill, Urgot was beaten too hard to fight back.

"The sword demon on the other side has passed, I still need a little time." On the road, Jin Gong began to support the wild area, but Kiin's sword demon was in front of him and moved faster than him.

"It's okay, he can't beat me single-handedly, you just need to keep him under control." Xiaotian continued to chase forward, the third Q skill knocked the wine barrel into the air, and then followed the W skill to slow down.

There is no need to use the second-stage Q skill to fly over to beat yourself to death, and you will be beaten if you fly over.

This Kiin's sword demon proficiency is indeed quite high, Jin Gong was pulling with him at the first level, and originally wanted to use the Q skill to fight and consume, but his Q skill was empty, and instead he was hit by the sword demon's Q skill.

"Xiba! Didn't you replace this?" Aiming's mentality collapsed.

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage was boiling:

However, Qi Zhou didn't treat Thresh as a dish, and continued to put pressure on the front, while Liu Qingsong's Tam licked Thresh with his tongue, slowing Thresh down.

A new wave of pawns came, and Tam even used his body to hold the pawns.

On the bottom lane, Qi Zhou's great inventor has already pushed the pawn line into the defense tower. The junglers on both sides of the line appeared in the upper half of the field and switched. They will definitely not come to the bottom lane to make troubles in a short time.

At the commentary table, Wawa explained: "FPX is very active in this game, and it started to put pressure on the jungle area when it came up. Although the junglers were all killed, Xiaotian couldn't continue to fight against the jungle, but the first blood belongs to FPX, and they And took one more head."

Xiaotian's Xin Zhao came to the red Fanghong BUFF bushes, but just as he came in, Sprite's wine barrel appeared!

The sword demon QE followed up with a W evil fire chain, and he wanted to accept the bloody Xin Zhao.

Xiaotian: "You watch people, I'm going to enter the opposite wilderness."

Ryze's line clearing speed is not slow, and he can consume the opponent's HP while clearing the line, which makes Kuro very uncomfortable.

However, with the red BUFF in Xiaotian's hand, the wine barrel is not so easy to escape.

Xiaotian chose to take the red BUFF from the wine barrel, and pulled the red BUFF into the grass.

Aiming is not happy now: "You come to the bot lane earlier, the one who dies is the opponent, why don't you come?"

With just this small set of skills, half of Lucian's blood disappeared!
Seeing this, the baby explained: "Can you still play like this? The great inventor actually used the turret to block Thresh's hook! And the timing of his skill release is very tricky. I once thought Thresh's hook would hit."

Xiaotian chose the fast three, and then went directly to the upper half of the wild area on the opposite side, and at the same time commanded: "Seeing my position, I am going to go to the wild."

This wine barrel has no skills in his hand, so he can only run away first.

And when the toothpaste is operated, the details are full, and the level A will be added between each output of Galio's skills.

"I'm coming too." Jin Gong's Urgot followed up, trying to stop the sword demon, but the sword demon Q flashed and took Xin Zhao's head off!
"He has no skills." Jin Gong gave the sword demon a kill signal.

On the field, on the AFS side, after this wave of games, Aiming's mentality changed a little.

Just when Thresh thought that his hook could definitely hit, Qi Zhou's great inventor didn't take his position, and directly placed a fort in front of him, and at the last moment, the fort blocked Thresh's hook!
Not only that, because Qi Zhou was stuck at the last moment, from the naked eye he thought Thresh's hook had hit.

At the same time, on the middle side, the toothpaste Ryze continued to put pressure on the opponent Galio, and Galio would use his skills to consume HP when he stepped forward to make up the knife.

At four and a half minutes into the game, Qi Zhou once again pushed the pawn line into the tower. As before, he chose to look for an opportunity in front of the defensive tower. While Lucian was making up the knife, he stepped forward and gave Lucian a tie A to test Lucian. position.

The two were talking, and the camera shot down.

Seeing this, the baby exclaimed: "Prediction! The great inventor's wonderful prediction, Abu Luxian is so numb."

Inside the red buff grass, Xiaotian's Ryze and Zhao Xin met. At this moment, Galio and the wine barrel approached together, as if he still didn't want to give up the red buff.

Xiao Tian looked up the road, where Jin Gong and Kiin were tugging.

Aiming was very careful under the defense tower and chose to hide from Qi Zhou's great inventor, but Qi Zhou was not in a hurry, anyway, it was Lu Xian who couldn't make up the knife.

"They didn't flash in the wild, so be careful." Toothpaste reminded.

Seeing that the great inventor is in a more aggressive position, he assists Thresh to step up to put pressure on him. He wants to scare Qi Zhou away and create space for Lucian to make up the knife.

I saw that the great inventor's E skill hit Lucian, who was half-shifted, and the turret fired a volley. The great inventor followed up with a W skill, and Lucian's blood volume reached one-third.

Galio doesn't have the W skill to play control, his damage is not enough, the skills are still on CD, and now he can only watch the sword demon get beaten.

However, Aiming still reminded: "The two people in the bottom lane on the opposite side did not flash."

The purpose of what he said is very obvious. Since the bot lane did not flash as a jungler and mid laner, he should find an opportunity to roam. If the bot lane is defeated in the end, it is not a problem for the two bot laners.

Naturally, Sprite knew what Aiming thought, so he was also thinking about when to go to the bottom lane to do something.

Soon, the game time came to 6 minutes, and solo laners and junglers reached level six one after another.

At this moment, bad news came from the road, Jin Gong's Urgot was single-handedly killed by Kiin's Sword Demon!
(End of this chapter)

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