Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 268 [267] A Different Heimerdinger!

Chapter 268 [267] A Different Heimerdinger!

"Xiba, I made a mistake, otherwise he would have died." Jin Gong regretted.

"It's okay, you stay steady, the bottom lane has a great advantage, as long as you don't send us off, you will definitely win." Xiaotian comforted.

"Okay, I'll get the cloth armor shoes first, this guy's Sword Demon really has something." Jin Gong muttered.

After all, many people now regard him as the strongest top laner in the LCK, even stronger than semb.

Jin Gong: "Semb is a bit older now, but it's hard to say who is stronger. KT's overall strength is stronger, and AFS mainly relies on the top lane, so it is easy to give you the illusion that Kiin is stronger."

Xiaotian: "It makes sense for you to say that. I won't be here for the time being on the road. You can develop it yourself."

Xiaotian considered that the sword demon on the opposite side also planned to release the cloth armor shoes first, so it would be more difficult to kill the sword demon when his own Ueno was suffering physical damage.

And there is Galio on the opposite side. If the sword demon can't be killed immediately, Galio will have a chance to support him.

For Xiaotian, the best way now is to squat back!

Miller: "I think that toothpaste is deliberately trying to make people mentality. Think about it, apart from the first wave, how many times has the barrel gank failed in the middle lane?"

Qi Zhou: "Okay, then be careful, I guess if the opponent can't get the result in the front, they will probably go down the road to get you."

Miller: "Xiaotian has always been very daring to fight. This is his advantage and also his disadvantage. Sometimes he can seize opportunities that others cannot, and sometimes he will give it away directly."

While the two were talking, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao walked towards the wild area, as if he felt that there was no chance, as soon as his front foot was back, the back foot of the wine barrel came to the middle.

The pawn line was also pushed over, and it seemed like a good opportunity to jump over the tower.

"When will the bottom road be promoted to level six?" Xiaotian asked.

At the same time, Thresh Barrel approached Xin Zhao, and the two wanted to cooperate with the defense tower to kill Xin Zhao.

Seeing Xin Zhao coming to the middle lane, Toothpaste became more courageous. In front of the defensive tower, taking advantage of Galio's last knife, he controlled Galio to take a set of damage, and then pulled away.

At this moment, the wine barrel on the opposite side took the lead!
I saw the wine barrel bumping towards me, trying to control Xin Zhao.

Seeing what Kiin said, Sprite had no choice but to start planning how to attack the middle lane.

On the field, Sprite's mentality was indeed very explosive on the AFS side. Flash is too crucial for the barrel. If there is no opponent to catch the wave with flash, it will be even more difficult when there is no flash.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Kiin interrupted; "Don't quarrel, I'll come to Kerry for this game, and you guys will develop and defend the tower, and the jungler and mid laner will take care of the mid laner, and I don't have to worry about it here."

"Be careful in the middle, you guys are too aggressive now." Xiaotian reminded.

On Shanglin's side, Xiaotian's Ryze continued to put pressure on Galio, as soon as the line of soldiers came over, he began to push.

"Is... the opposing jungler still there?" Kuro couldn't understand.

Wawa; "That's true. This kind of continuous GANK failure is a big blow to the jungler's confidence. If you add a bright mark, let alone."

Upon seeing this, the baby explained: "This wave of Xin Zhao is really courageous. Under such circumstances, he dared to make the first move, and it was R flash who made the first move."

At this time, Lucian and Thresh are hiding under the defense tower to develop.

If the line of soldiers is pressed in front of Galio's defensive tower, Galio will feel very uncomfortable.

After hearing this, Xiaotian smiled and said, "You were not quite confident before, but now you have finally returned to the real world, right? You're not floating anymore."

The smell of gunpowder between the two is already very strong. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the game field, especially when there are conflicts between the jungler and the line, it is too common.

Jin Gong: "Sea King, you are too positive, I am almost moved to tears."

Miller: "But now Sprite's wine barrels are also moving towards the middle, and I feel that there may be a fight between the two sides."

After waiting for about ten seconds, Galio stepped forward again, but Ryze was still the same as before, and he hit Galio as soon as he came up.

Toothpaste was still stepping forward to suppress Galio, just when everyone thought that the AFS Nakano would take this opportunity to catch Ryze, something they didn't expect happened, Galio and the barrel didn't dare to touch Ryze !
"The opposite jungler may be there, so don't worry." Sprite reminded, he felt that Ryze's position was too arrogant and abnormal.

On the other side, seeing that Jiu Keg handed in all his skills in the middle lane, Xiaotian had an idea about the bottom lane.

At this moment, bad news came from the road, and Jin Gong's Urgot was single-killed again.

So Toothpaste chose to control Galio, and then accelerated to retreat.

The game time is 13 minutes, and the blood volume of the first tower in the middle of AFS is running low.

Xiaotian; "I'll be right over."

Sprite is also hesitating. Logically, there is no need for Xin Zhao to squat in the middle all the time, but what does Ryze mean by being so arrogant?Pretending to be a jungler behind?
"Go! He should be acting!" Sprite couldn't help it, and let Galio go directly.

At 8 minutes into the game, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao came directly to the triangle grass in the red square after coming from the opposite wilderness.

But this is seen from the perspective of God, and everyone in FPX doesn't know it.

Seeing that the barrel gank got nothing in the top lane, Aiming urged; "Aren't you coming to the middle lane? When they were playing in the bottom lane, the jungler never came. Now they don't want a tower in the middle lane?"

Miller: "The AFS jungler is really hurting. I used all the flashes and ults, but I didn't get the head, and I was shown off. I think Sprite's mentality is going to collapse."

Xiaotian: "It's okay, as long as the great inventor has level [-], I'll gank once."

Lucian naturally chooses to make up the knife, so he can only be consumed.

If you come here first, it will definitely be too late, and now it can only be a moment.

In the middle lane, Qi Zhou continued to put pressure on the opposite tower. When the pawn line was reached, he pushed it directly, and then looked for opportunities to consume it under the defensive tower. The style of play was similar to that in the bottom lane.

This was noticed by Qi Zhou, and he said, "Didn't you notice that Lucian on the other side seems to have nothing to love?"

So at the moment Ryze stepped forward to output, Galio handed over the E skill and punched forward righteously, knocked Ryze into the air with an E skill, and then activated the W skill Duran shield.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come." Seeing that Xiaotian had an idea about the way out, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong began to prepare in advance.

The wine barrel came from the direction of the second tower, ready to cooperate with teammates against Xin Zhao's opponent!
Lu Xi'an and Hammer withdrew one after another, and the two were about to join the wine barrel. Seeing that Xiaotian was going to force him, Qi Zhou's great inventor started his big move and was ready to make a move at any time.

Liu Qingsong: "I want to be a little later."

Jin Gong said in a crying voice; "I'm already like this, and they still come to mess with me, can you give me a way out?"

At this moment, after the control effect on Ryze disappeared, he chose to activate the big move directly!
Kuro found himself embarrassed, he released his control skills, now there is no way to interrupt Ryze!
Seeing this, the barrel received the big move with the E skill, and tried to interrupt Ryze's big move directly.

Miller; "But this great inventor is too fat. He has been around for two and a half years. If he is to be arrested, I feel that AFS must be prepared, otherwise it is easy to overturn."

"It's okay, the jungler is here, we can fight, toothpaste, you can support us depending on the situation." Qi Zhou directed.

At this moment, Xiaotian suddenly discovered that there is a real eye in the triangle grass!

Before leaving, the toothpaste did not forget to highlight the label on the wine barrel. Now the baby laughed badly: "Toothpaste is a bit bad. If you say you show off others, it's fine. How can you highlight the label? Isn't this a mentality?"

After Aiming's Lucian returned to the bottom lane, although he didn't directly let go of the defensive tower, he started to play badly. He didn't care about the HP of the defensive tower, he only cared about how much damage he could make up.

"I don't see you on the other side, be careful in the middle." Toothpaste reminded.

On the field, AFS side, seeing that Xin Zhao was able to retreat unscathed, Aiming's mentality exploded; "Can this make them go away?"

At the commentary booth, the baby explained: "Is the toothpaste so beautiful? My God, he walks so confidently, I am your fan!"

Sprite: "Just let it go, it doesn't matter."

Jin Gong chose to take the initiative to take the blame: "My problem, this made my laning not good."

Jin Gong smiled awkwardly: "Hey, I was too young before and had some naive thoughts, but now I have suddenly matured a lot."

Toothpaste: "OK."

Before Xin Zhao came down the road, Qi Zhou needed to consume Lucian's HP first. After pushing the pawn line into the defensive tower, as before, let Lucian choose between not making up the knife or being consumed.

Jin Gong immediately began to produce meat, and said at the same time; "This game is up to you, I will try my best to hold down the opposite Sword Demon in the bottom lane."

In this way, the tower jump in the next lane was successful, and it was a 3V3 tower jump, and FPX could get away with a kill.

Qi Zhou: "There are still two waves of soldiers. I estimate that it can be upgraded to level six in 8 minutes."

As a result, Ryze avoided the big move. Ryze first moved out of the range of his big move, and then walked back when the big move was about to take effect, easily twisted the big move of the wine barrel, and used his big move to fly away up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou's great inventor catches up with the E skill, which is the enhanced E skill of the ultimate move, controls Lucian, and then catches up with a W skill to take Lucian's head.

Seeing that the top road was solo killed, Qi Zhou said: "We need to speed up the rhythm of pushing the tower, otherwise the top road will become a BOSS."

Xiaotian's Xin Zhao didn't say anything else, he chose to directly zoom in on the flash, and a R flash came in front of Lu Xi'an, and directly swept Lu Xi'an back!
It happened so suddenly that Aiming didn't have any time to react.

A new wave of soldiers came, and the toothpaste pushed the soldiers over as usual, but this time the soldiers had just entered the defense tower, and Galio on the opposite side suddenly handed over his E skill and approached!
Toothpaste glanced at the small map, just as he thought, the opposite wine barrel is coming!

After hearing this, Xuebi became a little irritable, and he said patiently; "What should I do if the bottom lane is too disadvantaged? How do you play in the lane? Do you have no points?"

"I've tried my best. What can I do?" Sprite was also very anxious. When both junglers didn't come to the bot lane, the bot lane was at a disadvantage. In his opinion, the bot lane had the biggest problem. How could he still have the courage? complain?
Aiming: "I let go of the bottom lane tower, and now I can't match up with the opposite bottom lane at all."

But seeing that Lucian's blood volume is not much, this wave is determined to kill!
Xiaotian's Xin Zhao came out from the triangle grass and came behind Lucian and Thresh. As he guessed, the wine barrel was also on the way!

This is not over yet. When the wine barrel gank is on the road, Qi Zhou's great inventor quickly pushes the line in the middle.

The wine barrel appeared in the triangle grass, and was about to go around to the top road. With Galio's control in his position, the toothpaste had no chance to go.

"It's okay, just keep an eye on Lu Galio." Qi Zhou replied.

Ryze used purification, released the control, and then handed over the flash when the barrel E flashed over, and finally turned around to avoid the big move of the barrel, all in one go!
All the FPX fans cheered, the operation of the toothpaste is too smooth!Especially when he turned around to hide from the wine barrel at the end, his whole body exuded confidence!

Inside the triangle grass on the red square top road, there is a vision of putting toothpaste in advance. If the opposite side has an idea about the top road, he can retreat immediately.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained; "The great inventor's tower pushing speed is too fast. If AFS doesn't come to defend in the middle, it feels like the middle will disappear soon, and the wild area will fall by then."

Now Kiin is very confident in himself. In his opinion, one-on-two is no problem now, and it can help his teammates attract a lot of firepower.

However, now pay attention to Galio’s support and jungle ganks. It is relatively easy to defend against ganks in the bottom lane, but there are too many directions to defend in the middle lane.

It meant that his position was discovered, but the AFS bot laners did not retreat immediately!
This is obviously a problem, indicating that the other party is likely to support.

The two began to change lanes, switching to the middle lane to push a tower in the middle lane, and the top laners of both sides came to the bottom lane to match up.

Galio W then flashed up, controlled Ritz of the toothpaste, and then waited for the pass to output.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "The rhythm of FPX feels pretty good now, and the middle and bottom are both advantages. As long as the toothpaste holds Galio down and doesn't give him a chance to do things, he should be able to get through the early and mid-term smoothly."

Liu Qingsong: "I can tell, I guess he wants to hang up, but he can't hang up during the game."

Kuro can only endure it first, and use the Q skill to make up the knife remotely.

At 1 minutes into the game, Qi Zhou and Liu Qingsong got the bottom tower.

Xiao Tianxia came to the middle lane to counter-squat, and now the toothpaste has been pushing the line, using the pawn line to put pressure on Galio, making it difficult for him to support.

From the perspective of the jungler, the online players did not play well, and from the perspective of the online players, the jungler did not help in time.

Hearing this, everyone in FPX laughed, but Qi Zhou had a different opinion: "I think it's a good thing to be confident. I haven't fought this time, so I just need to work harder next time."

As a result, Liu Qingsong's Tam walked up, ate Xin Zhao in one bite, and then ran away with Xin Zhao.

The two were talking, the AFS side had already started to move, and the wine barrels were moving towards the middle lane. On the top lane, Galio didn't even want to use the pawn line, but also went to the middle lane.

Everyone in FPX is also ready.

A new wave of pawns came, just like before, Qi Zhou pushed the pawns into the defense tower without saying a word.

Just then, the wine barrel appeared!

Thresh flashed up from the opposite side, swept Qi Zhou's great inventor with an E skill, and then threw the hook towards Tam.

This Thresh knew very well that if the hook hit Da Ming's family, then Tam could eat the great inventor directly, so it would be useful to control Tam!
(End of this chapter)

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