Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 269 [268] Give up the treatment, Kim~

After the hook controlled Tamm, Thresh chose to fly directly there, throwing the lantern to the barrel.

The wine barrel picked up the lantern and flew over, and then E flashed and pointed at the great inventor.

Just when everyone thought that the great inventor would be instantly killed, a giant turret appeared in front of the wine barrel, directly blocking the wine barrel!

The barrel's E flash hit the giant body firmly, and Galio gave the barrel his ultimate move, ready to cooperate with this wave of GANK.

Everyone was quite worried at first, but when they saw the E skill of Wine Barrel, they just thought it was a bit funny.

Although the E skill failed, the barrel still chose to throw out the big move, trying to kill the great inventor in seconds.

Chen Luo used the Q skill to put down a fort to replenish the destroyed fort, and at the same time moved forward, so the big move of the wine barrel was empty!

Originally, this ult could not be empty, the wine barrel could use the E flash to connect to the ult, so that the great inventor couldn't move, and the flash couldn't be called, but because the E flash didn't hit, everything was different.

Galio's big move landed, and then he came forward to find Qi Zhou with an E skill, but was controlled by Qi Zhou's E skill, and the last E skill hit Galio and the wine barrel at the same time, and the laser of the turret was activated. A wave of explosions, combined with the damage of the cannon, the wine barrel was dropped in seconds!

Seeing that the great inventor had handed over his E skill, Lucian of Aiming handed over his E skill and stepped forward, wanting to kill the great inventor.

However, as soon as he got close to the great inventor, Tam came over and ate the great inventor in one bite.

At the same time, Xin Zhao has already arrived, and everyone in AFS realizes that something is wrong, and they are the ones who are at a disadvantage.

"Retreat, I can't fight anymore." Sprite began to tell his teammates to retreat.

But this is not something they can withdraw if they want to. Now Galio has not flashed. After being stabbed by Xin Zhao, he was continuously attacked by the great inventor's turret, and then he was killed.

Galio was killed, and the rest of AFS had no choice but to run.

"Thresh didn't flash." Qi Zhou reminded, so Tam first backhanded the Q skill and hit Thresh, Qi Zhou's great inventor stepped forward to take damage, Thresh was controlled, and then he was also killed. This time, only Lucian survived by relying on the flash. Can he survive? It is entirely due to his standing at the back, otherwise he will die.

"Is this okay? In the beginning, I was able to fight two-on-four. Although Xin Zhao's coming is indeed very important, but in the situation just now, I feel that even if Xin Zhao can't come, he can't beat this wave of AFS." Miller analyzed. .

Wawa: "Great Invention's anti-attack ability is too strong. He has turrets on his body. Even if you destroy two, he can replace them. You can't keep staring at his turrets, and the big turrets are not so easy to destroy. , so if AFS wants to rush in and fight like this, I feel that the more you fight, the more you lose, the best way is to pull, if you pull, the hero of the great inventor will not be easy to play."

Miller: "That's true, but you have to consider a question, what if the great inventor chooses to push the middle lane instead of pulling with you?"

Wawa and Miller were talking, and Jin Gong asked for help again in the bottom lane: "I can't defend the bottom lane anymore, you guys hurry up and push the middle lane."

At this time, Jin Gong was already bleeding, unable to continue to defend the next tower, and the sword demon had already brought a line of troops to demolish the tower.

On the front side, Qi Zhou led Nosuke to take down the first tower in the middle of AFS.

"Defend first now, wait for my big CD, and then push in together." Qi Zhou commanded.

He can see now that AFS doesn't seem to have a big move in the middle to fight the team, just let you sword demon keep leading the line.

This is obviously a helpless move, because Sword Demon is not an excellent solo hero. He was obviously selected to fight in a group, but because he couldn't fight in a group, he was forced to start a solo hero.

In this case, the initiative is still in the hands of everyone in FPX.

At this time, Liu Qingsong suggested: "Why don't we drive down to catch the sword demon, and I can take people there."

What Liu Qingsong wants to bring the most is naturally Qi Zhou's great inventor, because the development of the great inventor is the best.

Qi Zhou had a different idea: "This is not good, my hero is very stupid in catching people, even if I catch up with people, I can't output."

Liu Qingsong thinks about it too. He can only choose to control the field of vision in the lower half of the jungle. As long as FPX does not push the lane in the middle, the sword demon will not dare to push the tower in the bottom lane.

So the two sides entered a period of peaceful development.

Soon, the second little dragon appeared. This is a fire dragon, which is very tempting to both sides.

Liu Qingsong Tam had already gone over to make a vision ahead of time, and said at the same time: "I feel that I can use this little dragon to beat them to fight."

Qi Zhou: "If we can occupy the terrain and vision in advance, we can indeed fight. I will push the middle line first."

Qi Zhou first pushed the central pawn line over, and then walked in the direction of Xiaolongkeng.

The pressure has come to AFS, now it's their turn to decide whether to accept the group or not.

At this moment, Kiin's sword demon appeared on the top lane, and at the same time commanded his teammates: "Don't take the group, I will push the second tower on the opposite side."

"In this way, let's pretend that we are going to meet the group and attract the attention of the other side." Sprite suggested.

So everyone in AFS started to walk towards Xiaolong. At this time, the field of vision was controlled by everyone in FPX, so AFS could only be cautious.

Thresh stands behind, ready to give the lantern at any time, and the wine barrel uses Q skills to find the way in front.

In this way, AFS can find an opportunity to get close to Xiaolongkeng.

"They're coming." On the FPX side, Liu Qingsong noticed the movements of the people opposite.

"If we don't lure them over, don't rush to kill Xiaolong." Toothpaste suddenly had an idea.

Now that the modeling is not in the front, it is indeed an opportunity. Although Sword Demon has TP, if Sword Demon only has TP after the team battle starts, the team battle will probably be over by the time he comes down.

"They are here to delay time on purpose, don't be fooled, get rid of them quickly." Qi Zhou saw AFS's intention clearly.

After hearing this, everyone in FPX accelerated the speed of fighting Xiaolong, and Xiaolong's blood volume dropped rapidly.

The result was exactly as Qi Zhou thought, the wild wine barrel on the opposite side didn't even come up to fight for punishment, and withdrew when he saw Xiaolong was about to disappear.

"Now we continue to push the middle lane and force the sword demon back." Qi Zhou directed.

So the four people on the front of FPX began to gather, and led the pawn line in the middle to the second tower of AFS.

It's 8 minutes now, and it's not 10 minutes, so Qi Zhou can only use this method to put pressure on the opponent.

On the other hand, the four people in front of AFS are defending in the defense tower.

Soon, the line of soldiers entered the tower, and everyone in AFS stepped forward to prepare to jump over the tower. Qi Zhou found an angle and threw his W skill over.

Aiming felt that it was dangerous and chose to move, but the W skill just predicted his position, and the little half of his blood was gone!
Seeing this scene, he assisted Thresh to go up, trying to put some pressure on the great inventor.

At this moment, Qi Zhou's great inventor used his E skill to control Thresh, and then activated his ultimate move.

Thresh's hook hit Tamm, but Thresh dared not fly over, and he was already stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Da Invention threw out the enhanced W skill. The damage of this W skill was enough, and Thresh instantly lost blood.

Upon seeing this, Xin Zhao directly stabbed up and took Thresh's head off.

Seeing that Xin Zhao had already entered the tower, the wine barrel pushed him up, but Xin Zhao's big move interrupted his E skill!
This is not over yet, the barrel chooses to throw out the big move, trying to blow Xin Zhao back, but the big move just landed, Tam flashed up and ate Xin Zhao, and then the two were blown out together!
All the FPX fans in the audience started to get excited. FXP's Dafabet is too aggressive and the operation is very extreme. This is exactly the game that the audience wants to see the most.

In this way, the middle lane becomes four against three, and the barrel is not discounted.

"Let's demolish the tower." Qi Zhou only stood up, and after the next wave of soldiers came, Qi Zhou pushed the line of soldiers into the defensive tower, and the four FPX pressed forward strongly to put pressure on them.

In this way, AFS really didn't dare to come forward to defend, and the barrel could only throw a Q skill to clear the line.

Lucian stepped forward to clear the line of troops, but the skills of the great inventor were eyeing him.

And Xin Zhao, Zhao Xian gave two Q skills to the defense tower, and then started to walk forward, looking like he was going to stab him away by himself.

In the end, AFS could only give up the first tower in the middle to avoid being overtaken.

The game time is 9 and [-] minutes, FPX wins or AFS takes a tower in the middle.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "I feel that AFS will be flattened if it continues like this. Kiin's sword demon has completely given up hope for team fights. It can be seen from his choice."

Miller: "If there is Sword Demon in the front, I feel that I can fight a little bit. If Sword Demon is not in the front, AFS rushes up to give it away. They can only defend, but the dragon is about to refresh."

On the field of play, on the AFS side, the mentality of the front four has collapsed. Every time they try to drive this great inventor, they are immediately countered, and there is no flaw at all.

They have never seen such a disgusting bottom lane hero.

"We can't defend the middle lane anymore, or we will hit the middle lane five times five times once." Sprite suggested.

"You can try it. If you can't beat it, forget it. I have a big move. After you enter the field, I will keep up with the big move." It was kruo who spoke, and now she didn't want to drag on any longer, and wanted to end the game as soon as possible.

At this moment, Kiin suddenly said: "We can't report to the group. We are definitely not the opposite opponent in the group. The disadvantage of the bottom lane is too great. If we rush in to fight the group, we will all be accepted by the great inventor."

When kiin said this, although everyone in AFS was very uncomfortable, they could only endure it.

They can't fight without Sword Demon in front, so Kiin must agree to join the team.

Suddenly, Sprite realized that something was wrong, and Sprite said: "Wait a minute, the person on the other side is gone, maybe they will hit the dragon!"

"Let's go take a look."

kiin: "Give me a TP ward."

Kiin originally didn't want to play a team, but if FPX directly played Baron, the situation would be different.

The four people in front of FPX walked towards the Dalong Pit in a group. After approaching the Dalong Pit, they threw out a blue jewelry eye and found that FPX was really fighting Dalong, and the speed of beating Dalong was much faster than they imagined!
In the big dragon pit, there are forts in three directions around the big dragon. The great inventor even released the big forts, and the big dragon couldn't hold it at all.

Sprite's wine barrel went straight to Dalongkeng, planning to fight for punishment from the afternoon!
As a result, the wine barrel just approached the big dragon pit, and when he was about to flash down to fight for punishment, the partition wall Ruiz used EW to control the wine barrel, making it impossible for him to come down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone in FPX RUSHed the dragon!
A punishment fell from the sky, and the dragon fell to the ground in response!

"They're here, and they don't seem to want to let us go." Bad news came just after taking down Baron, and everyone in AFS didn't seem to want to miss this opportunity.

"Take the group and hold a group near me." Qi Zhou ordered.

Jin Gong also gave TP to the front, and Kiin's Sword Demon also came over.

The Sword Demon chooses to use his big move and enters the arena. The wine barrel throws his big move from above the dragon pit, trying to blow Qi Zhou out. Tom ate it in one gulp.

Everyone from AFS came forward to output, and their targets were all great inventors.

After the great inventor came out of Tam's stomach, he wanted to put two turrets, and then "Ding!" to open the golden body.

Toothpaste's Ryze was outputting crazily next to him, and no one on the other side cared about him, so he was too comfortable.

Seeing that the opponent was still guarding close, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao stabbed him with his E skill, and then activated his ultimate move, the formation of AFS was disrupted!
After the golden body was over, Qi Zhou backhanded his E skill, Abu was controlled by Lucian, and then he shot W to complete the instant kill!

Qi Zhou handed over his flash to avoid Galio's W taunt, and then continued to set up the fort.

With the death of Lucian, the output of the AFS lineup is not enough!

The team battle was reversed in an instant, and Qi Zhou's great inventor was throwing skills while running.

Upon seeing this, the baby explained passionately: "He is not dead yet, the great inventor is not dead yet, he is still exporting!"

Miller: "AFS invested too much resources in the great inventor, they are going to be defeated! Xiaotian's Xin Zhao is like a god of war, killing people in the AFS crowd."

Baby: "AFS wasted too much time and energy on the great inventor Shenzhen Airlines, but it made the output positions of other FPX players very comfortable."

The team battle turned into a one-sided situation. Xiaotian's Xin Zhao had already won a double kill, and the opponent had a lot of magic resistance and almost no armor, so they couldn't withstand Xin Zhao's damage.

Soon, FPX won the team battle and played a wave of zero for five. Kiin's sword demon had no chance to enter the field at all, and was stuck by Urgot all the time, so he couldn't play in the team battle.

"Resupply, and then advance in the middle." Qi Zhou commanded.

So everyone in FPX, who won the team battle, gathered in the middle lane and headed straight for the high ground in the middle lane of AFS with a line of troops.

Now AFS does not have the second tower in the middle lane, and the high ground in the middle lane is exposed in front of everyone in FPX.

At this moment, something that no one expected happened. Kiin's sword demon did not choose to defend with his teammates, but ran to the top lane alone to lead the line.

"The Sword Demon is on the top lane, we can go directly in the middle lane." Seeing the Sword Demon appearing in the middle lane, Jin Gong was about to move.

Qi Zhou: "Well, I'm here to start a group, you go directly."

Qi Zhou's ultimate move has been improved, and he can do it at any time.

So after the high ground on the pawn line, Qi Zhou's great inventor directly activated his big move, and then threw it at Thresh, Galio and Wine Barrel.

There is no need to target this Lucian now. Lucian's equipment is too poor and his output is not enough.

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